
Por favor, ¿podéisatender la siguiente consulta?. Gracias.

Debian GNU/Linux 10Buster. Intel 64 bits. 

Debian, al pretenderejecutar testdisk_static, dice buscar para un ejecutable, 
unaaplicación fuente que soporte el tipo MIME y no la encuentra:

Software de Debianindica que El codificador de archivo formato…….. que 
estababuscando no se ha podido encontrar. Envía a debian.org que dice:

Missing Font

Unfortunately, the font you were searching for is not available inDebian. There 
are a few common reasons why a font might not be inDebian's repositories: 
Debian does not include proprietary fonts, it only uses fonts with an 
acceptable font license. 
It is possible that no one has packaged that font yet. You might consider 
submitting an RFP, or even packaging it yourself! 

See Fontsfor additional information. 

Missing MIME Support

Unfortunately, there is nothing in the repositories that claims tosupport the 
MIME type you were searching for. There are a few commonreasons why Debian may 
not have support for a MIME type: 
Many MIME types are Windows-only. You may be able to use Wine to run a Windows 
program under GNU/Linux that supports your MIME type. 
Some MIME types are only supported by proprietary or patent encumbered 
It is possible that acceptable software to support your MIME type exists, but 
that no one has packaged it yet. You might consider submitting an RFP, or even 
packaging it yourself! 
¿Que posibilidadestengo de ejecutar en este Debian, sin máquinas virtuales, 
testdiskdirectamente para Unix/Linux? 

Muchas gracias porvuestra atención. Un cordial saludo. Ramón.

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