he comprado una barra de sonido Bluetooth, y estoy intentando hacerla
funcionar desde mi portátil (Debian 12 bookworm).
He comprobado que desde otra máquina la barra funciona correctamente.

En principio el dispositivo está conectado:

quique@boulder:~$ bluetoothctl
Agent registered
[[AV] Samsung Soundbar C4-Series]# info
Device 54:15:89:9F:C8:7C (public)
Name: [AV] Samsung Soundbar C4-Series
Alias: [AV] Samsung Soundbar C4-Series
Class: 0x00240404
Icon: audio-headset
Paired: yes
Bonded: yes
Trusted: yes
Blocked: no
Connected: yes
LegacyPairing: no
UUID: Serial Port               (00001101-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb)
UUID: Audio Sink                (0000110b-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb)
UUID: A/V Remote Control        (0000110e-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb)

En principio el plugin de ALSA (pipewire-alsa) está activado:

quique@boulder:~$ LANG=C aplay -L | grep -A 1 default
    Default Audio Device
    Default ALSA Output (currently PipeWire Media Server)
    USB Audio, USB Audio

En alsamixer aparece Pipewire, pero el sonido sale por los altavoces
internos del portátil.

[image: image.png]

Y en wpctl no identifico la barra de sonido:

quique@boulder:~$ wpctl status
PipeWire 'pipewire-0' [0.3.65, quique@boulder, cookie:1370529156]
 └─ Clients:
        31. pipewire                            [0.3.65, quique@boulder,
        32. WirePlumber                         [0.3.65, quique@boulder,
        33. WirePlumber [export]                [0.3.65, quique@boulder,
        40. xdg-desktop-portal                  [0.3.65, quique@boulder,
        41. Cinnamon Volume Control Media Keys  [0.3.65, quique@boulder,
        83. Cinnamon Volume Control             [0.3.65, quique@boulder,
        84. Firefox                             [0.3.65, quique@boulder,
        85. speech-dispatcher-dummy             [0.3.65, quique@boulder,
        97. wpctl                               [0.3.65, quique@boulder,
       128. pipewire                            [0.3.65, quique@boulder,

 ├─ Devices:
 │      44. USB Audio                           [alsa]
 │      45. Comet Lake PCH-LP cAVS              [alsa]
 ├─ Sinks:
 │      35. Comet Lake PCH-LP cAVS HDMI / DisplayPort 3 Output [vol: 1.00]
 │      49. USB Audio Estéreo analógico       [vol: 0.83]
 │      50. Comet Lake PCH-LP cAVS HDMI / DisplayPort 2 Output [vol: 1.00]
 │      51. Comet Lake PCH-LP cAVS HDMI / DisplayPort 1 Output [vol: 0.63]
 │  *   52. Comet Lake PCH-LP cAVS Speaker + Headphones [vol: 0.95]
 ├─ Sink endpoints:
 ├─ Sources:
 │      53. Comet Lake PCH-LP cAVS Headphones Stereo Microphone [vol: 1.00]
 │  *   54. Comet Lake PCH-LP cAVS Digital Microphone [vol: 1.00]
 │      60. USB Audio Estéreo analógico       [vol: 0.56]
 ├─ Source endpoints:
 └─ Streams:
       103. speech-dispatcher-dummy
            130. output_FR       > Speaker + Headphones:playback_FR [init]
            136. output_FL       > Speaker + Headphones:playback_FL [init]

 ├─ Devices:
 │      42. HP HD Camera                        [v4l2]
 │      43. HP HD Camera                        [v4l2]
 ├─ Sinks:
 ├─ Sink endpoints:
 ├─ Sources:
 │  *   46. HP HD Camera (V4L2)
 ├─ Source endpoints:
 └─ Streams:

 └─ Default Configured Node Names:
         0. Audio/Sink
         1. Audio/Source

Imagino que será una tontería fácil de solucionar, pero estoy un poco
perdido :-(
¿Supongo que tengo que configurar Pipewire de alguna manera para que
utilice por omisión los altavoces Bluetooth?


Estos son los paquetes relativos a Bluetooth que tengo instalados:

quique@boulder:~$ dpkg -l | grep -i bluetooth
ii  blueman                                                     2.3.5-2+b1
                               amd64        Graphical bluetooth manager
ii  bluetooth                                                   5.66-1
                               all          Bluetooth support (metapackage)
ii  bluez                                                       5.66-1
                               amd64        Bluetooth tools and daemons
ii  bluez-alsa-utils                                            4.0.0-2
                              amd64        Bluetooth Audio ALSA Backend
ii  bluez-cups                                                  5.66-1
                               amd64        Bluetooth printer driver for
ii  bluez-tools
2.0~20170911.0.7cb788c-4                  amd64        Set of tools to
manage Bluetooth devices for linux
ii  broadcom-bt-firmware                              
                              all          Firmware of Broadcom WIDCOMM®
Bluetooth devices (including BCM20702, BCM20703, BCM43142 chipsets and
other) for Linux kernel.
ii  btscanner                                                   2.1-9
                              amd64        ncurses-based scanner for
Bluetooth devices
ii  gir1.2-gnomebluetooth-3.0:amd64                             42.5-3
                               amd64        Introspection data for
ii  gnome-bluetooth
42~3.34.5-10                              all          GNOME Bluetooth Send
To app - transitional package
ii  gnome-bluetooth-3-common                                    42.5-3
                               all          GNOME Bluetooth 3 common files
ii  gnome-bluetooth-sendto                                      42.5-3
                               amd64        GNOME Bluetooth Send To app
ii  libasound2-plugin-bluez:amd64                               4.0.0-2
                              amd64        Bluetooth Audio ALSA Backend
ii  libbluetooth3:amd64                                         5.66-1
                               amd64        Library to use the BlueZ Linux
Bluetooth stack
ii  libgnome-bluetooth-3.0-13:amd64                             42.5-3
                               amd64        GNOME Bluetooth 3 support
ii  libgnome-bluetooth-ui-3.0-13:amd64                          42.5-3
                               amd64        GNOME Bluetooth 3 UI support
ii  libldacbt-abr2:amd64             amd64        LDAC Bluetooth ABR
library (shared library)
ii  libldacbt-enc2:amd64             amd64        LDAC Bluetooth
encoder library (shared library)
ii  libspa-0.2-bluetooth:amd64                                  0.3.65-3
                               amd64        libraries for the PipeWire
multimedia server - bluetooth plugins

Y estos son los paquetes relativos a pipewire que tengo instalados:

quique@boulder:~$ dpkg -l | grep -i pipewire
ii  gnome-remote-desktop                                        43.3-1
                               amd64        Remote desktop daemon for GNOME
using PipeWire
ii  libpipewire-0.3-0:amd64                                     0.3.65-3
                               amd64        libraries for the PipeWire
multimedia server
ii  libpipewire-0.3-common                                      0.3.65-3
                               all          libraries for the PipeWire
multimedia server - common files
ii  libpipewire-0.3-modules:amd64                               0.3.65-3
                               amd64        libraries for the PipeWire
multimedia server - modules
ii  libspa-0.2-bluetooth:amd64                                  0.3.65-3
                               amd64        libraries for the PipeWire
multimedia server - bluetooth plugins
ii  libspa-0.2-modules:amd64                                    0.3.65-3
                               amd64        libraries for the PipeWire
multimedia server Simple Plugin API - modules
ii  pipewire:amd64                                              0.3.65-3
                               amd64        audio and video processing
engine multimedia server
ii  pipewire-alsa:amd64                                         0.3.65-3
                               amd64        PipeWire ALSA plugin
ii  pipewire-audio                                              0.3.65-3
                               all          recommended set of PipeWire
packages for a standard audio desktop use
ii  pipewire-bin                                                0.3.65-3
                               amd64        PipeWire multimedia server -
ii  pipewire-pulse                                              0.3.65-3
                               amd64        PipeWire PulseAudio daemon
ii  qpwgraph                                                    0.3.9-1
                              amd64        User interface for controlling
the PipeWire Graph
ii  wireplumber                                                 0.4.13-1
                               amd64        modular session / policy
manager for PipeWire

Y a pulseaudio:

quique@boulder:~$ dpkg -l | grep -i pulseaudio
ii  gir1.2-cvc-1.0:amd64                                        5.6.1-1
                              amd64        Introspection data for Cinnamon
pulseaudio abstraction
ii  libcvc0:amd64                                               5.6.1-1
                              amd64        Cinnamon pulseaudio abstraction
ii  libkf5pulseaudioqt3:amd64                                   1.3-2+b1
                               amd64        Pulseaudio bindings library for
ii  libpulse-mainloop-glib0:amd64
16.1+dfsg1-2+b1                           amd64        PulseAudio client
libraries (glib support)
ii  libpulse0:amd64
16.1+dfsg1-2+b1                           amd64        PulseAudio client
ii  libpulsedsp:amd64
16.1+dfsg1-2+b1                           amd64        PulseAudio OSS
pre-load library
ii  pavucontrol                                                 5.0-2
                              amd64        PulseAudio Volume Control
ii  pipewire-pulse                                              0.3.65-3
                               amd64        PipeWire PulseAudio daemon
ii  pulseaudio-utils
 16.1+dfsg1-2+b1                           amd64        Command line tools
for the PulseAudio sound server

Nothing is enough for the man to whom enough is too little.
 - Ἐπίκουρος

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