mysql derleme

2006-01-30 Başlik NOVA Debian


vhcs kullaniyorum. suan serverda asiri bir yuk var. vhcs forumunda buna 
benzer bir sorun yasayan mysqli yeniden kaynaktan makine icin optimize 
ederk cozdugunu yazmis.

mysql i nasil derlerim? yuklu olan mysql kaldirmak icin apt-get komutu 
olarak apt-get remove mysql-server yeterli mi? daha hangi paketleride 

herkese kolay gele.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: UMTS in Turkey?

2006-01-30 Başlik Mehmet Turker
No. There is no UMTS in Turkey now. Turkcell and Telsim (GSM Operators)
tests UMTS but they dont have licence yet. 


-Original Message-
From: Michelle Konzack [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, January 26, 2006 6:30 PM
To: debian-user-tr
Subject: UMTS in Turkey?

Merhaba *,

Sorry that I write in english, but my turkish sucks...
It will be better if I come to Turkey.

OK, I have a very big Motorcaravan/Mobilhome (88 tons) and currently using a
Motorola RDX2000 via Satelit and a 120cm parabol.  Quiet expensive for 80

I need a mobil Internet connection less expensive for arround
2-5 GByte Traffic per month (60% up-stream and 40% down-stream).

Now UMTS is runing around the world, it will be an interesting solution.

OK, currenly quiet expensive, because the german GSM-Provider O2
with sell the Data-Pack Volume 500 (500 hours or 500MB inclusive) for
104,50 Euro and 0,81 Euro/MByte or 0,81 Euro/10min plus.
OK, need an additional Mobilcontract for 15 Euro again.

I think, I will use the Merlin U630 (HW REV [0:55]), Revision 12.0
which is an UMTS-Modem with connections for 2 Telephons, 1 Fax, WLAN
1 LAN. Also it has a USB-Connector for a printer.

But what about Turkey?

If I use roaming then I will pay horribel, exactly much more as InmarSat or

Does anyone have Informations about it?

GSM/UMTS-Provider, Prices?

Oh yes, I have Bank-Accounts in Istanbul and Denizli.

Thanks and Greetings
Michelle Konzack
Tamay Dogan Network
Debian GNU/Linux Consultant

Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter,
# Debian GNU/Linux Consultant #
Michelle Konzack   Apt. 917  ICQ #328449886
   50, rue de Soultz MSM LinuxMichi
0033/3/8845235667100 Strasbourg/France   IRC #Debian (

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Bu e-posta mesaji gizli, hassas bilgi ve/ya da ekler icerebilir. Bu mesaj, 
mesajin alici kisminda belirtilen kullanici/kullanicilara gonderilmistir. Eger 
mesaji yanlislikla almissaniz lutfen gondereni acilen bilgilendiriniz, mesaji 
ve tum kopyalarini siliniz.
Bu mesaj bilinen tum viruslere karsi Symantec Antivirus ile taranmistir. 
This email may contain confidential information and/or attachments. This email 
is intended for the use of the addressee only. If you receive this email by 
mistake, please advise the sender immediately and delete the email and any 
copies of it.
This e-mail has been scanned by Symantec Antivirus for all known viruses. 

RE: UMTS in Turkey?

2006-01-30 Başlik Mehmet Turker
Bu Turkcell  has TurkcellConnect Mobile Modem Cards.It uses GPRS/EDGE.,1028,300405,00.html


-Original Message-
From: Mehmet Turker [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, January 30, 2006 6:08 PM
To: 'Michelle Konzack'; debian-user-tr
Subject: RE: UMTS in Turkey?

No. There is no UMTS in Turkey now. Turkcell and Telsim (GSM Operators)
tests UMTS but they dont have licence yet. 


-Original Message-
From: Michelle Konzack [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, January 26, 2006 6:30 PM
To: debian-user-tr
Subject: UMTS in Turkey?

Merhaba *,

Sorry that I write in english, but my turkish sucks...
It will be better if I come to Turkey.

OK, I have a very big Motorcaravan/Mobilhome (88 tons) and currently using a
Motorola RDX2000 via Satelit and a 120cm parabol.  Quiet expensive for 80

I need a mobil Internet connection less expensive for arround
2-5 GByte Traffic per month (60% up-stream and 40% down-stream).

Now UMTS is runing around the world, it will be an interesting solution.

OK, currenly quiet expensive, because the german GSM-Provider O2
with sell the Data-Pack Volume 500 (500 hours or 500MB inclusive) for
104,50 Euro and 0,81 Euro/MByte or 0,81 Euro/10min plus.
OK, need an additional Mobilcontract for 15 Euro again.

I think, I will use the Merlin U630 (HW REV [0:55]), Revision 12.0
which is an UMTS-Modem with connections for 2 Telephons, 1 Fax, WLAN
1 LAN. Also it has a USB-Connector for a printer.

But what about Turkey?

If I use roaming then I will pay horribel, exactly much more as InmarSat or

Does anyone have Informations about it?

GSM/UMTS-Provider, Prices?

Oh yes, I have Bank-Accounts in Istanbul and Denizli.

Thanks and Greetings
Michelle Konzack
Tamay Dogan Network
Debian GNU/Linux Consultant

Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter,
# Debian GNU/Linux Consultant #
Michelle Konzack   Apt. 917  ICQ #328449886
   50, rue de Soultz MSM LinuxMichi
0033/3/8845235667100 Strasbourg/France   IRC #Debian (

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Bu e-posta mesaji gizli, hassas bilgi ve/ya da ekler icerebilir. Bu mesaj,
mesajin alici kisminda belirtilen kullanici/kullanicilara gonderilmistir.
Eger mesaji yanlislikla almissaniz lutfen gondereni acilen bilgilendiriniz,
mesaji ve tum kopyalarini siliniz.
Bu mesaj bilinen tum viruslere karsi Symantec Antivirus ile taranmistir. 
This email may contain confidential information and/or attachments. This
email is intended for the use of the addressee only. If you receive this
email by mistake, please advise the sender immediately and delete the email
and any copies of it.
This e-mail has been scanned by Symantec Antivirus for all known viruses. 

Bu e-posta mesaji gizli, hassas bilgi ve/ya da ekler icerebilir. Bu mesaj, 
mesajin alici kisminda belirtilen kullanici/kullanicilara gonderilmistir. Eger 
mesaji yanlislikla almissaniz lutfen gondereni acilen bilgilendiriniz, mesaji 
ve tum kopyalarini siliniz.
Bu mesaj bilinen tum viruslere karsi Symantec Antivirus ile taranmistir. 
This email may contain confidential information and/or attachments. This email 
is intended for the use of the addressee only. If you receive this email by 
mistake, please advise the sender immediately and delete the email and any 
copies of it.
This e-mail has been scanned by Symantec Antivirus for all known viruses. 

LaTeX ve Xdvi : Ters arastirma

2006-01-30 Başlik ahmet nurlu

TeX dokumanlarimi yazmak icin gvim ve latex-suite
kullaniyorum. Daha baslangýc
sahfasinda olmama ragmen oldukca memnunum. Fakat bir
türlü xdvi'den gvim'e
ters arastirma(inverse search)'yi basaramadim. Daha
dogrusu istedigim hale 

Ilk once asagiya nasýl bir yol izledigimi aciklayým:

Ters araþtýrma için:
1) latex-suite dosyalýrýný .vim dizini içine açtým. Bu
dizin içinde (.vim/ftpplugin/tex/) texrc.vim adlý
dosya oluþturdum. Bu dosyanýn içine

let g:Tex_CompileRule_dvi = 'latex --src-specials
-interaction=nonstopmode $*'

satýrýný yazdým. Bundan sonra gvim içinde yazdigim
dosyalar --src-specials ozelligi ile LaTeX'lenecek. 

2) Ev dizii içinde .Xdefaults adlý dosya oluþturdum.
Bunun içine 

xdvi.editor : gvim --remote-silent +%l %f

yazdým. Daha sonra konsoldan

xrdb -merge .Xdefaults
komutunu verdim. Gvim içinde \ll komutu ile dosyamý
LaTeX'leyip, xdvi dosyasýný \lv komutuyla cagiriyorum.
Ýmleci herhangi bir kelime uzerine getirip, CTRL-Sol
fare tuþuna bastigimda gvim icinde o kelimenin
satira gidecegine, o cümlenin bulundugu paragrafýn
basina gidiyor. Diger kelimeler içinde ayný: eðer
kelime farlý bir paragrafta ise o paragrafýn 
basina gidiyor. Ayný dosyayý MikTeX'in YAP
göstericesi(MS Windows'da)   kullanarak ters arastirma
yaptim. YAP böyle bir sorun göstermiyor. En fazla o
kelimenin bulunduðu satýrýn bir üst veya bir alt
satýrýna isaret ediyor.  Kullandigim xdvi'nin
versiyonu 22.40. 

Aranýzda LaTeX kullananlardan bu sorunu yasayan var

Listeye gönderdigim mesajlarýn bazi turkce
karakterleri listeye gittikten sonra, mesaj içinde
anlamsýz karakterler olarak çýkýyor. Bu sorun
yahoo-mail'den mi kaynaklanýyor yoksa benim yerel dil
ayarlarýndan mi?
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