Title: Re: XF86Config Hakkinda...
İlk önce Option    /dev/mouse dosyasının haklarına bakarmısınız, eğer kullanıcınız için haklar mevcut değis ise root olarak bunu düzeltin veya bir de root olarak X i deneyin.
Olmazsa mouse device /dev/mouse değil demektir.  Bir de
Option      "Device" "/dev/mouse" 
Option      "Device" "/dev/psaux"   olarak değiştirin ve tekrar deneyin. Büyük ihtimalle ps mouse unuz /dev/psaux olarak ayarlanmıştır.
Kolay gelsin....
Mehmet Türker

Kimden: Hakan OZAY [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gönderilmiş: Per 05.08.2004 23:05
Kime: debian-user-turkish@lists.debian.org
Konu: Re: XF86Config Hakkinda...

Oncelikle dosya yollayan tum arkadaslara tesekkur
ederim.(Toplam 3 dosya aldim)

Ben sizden gelen ayar dosyalariyla birkac deneme
yaptim fakat maalesef olmadi henuz, ugrasiyorum daha.
Benim Config dosyami gondermem istenmis, asagiya
ekliyorum dosyayi. Asagidaki XF86Config-4 dosyasi,
Knoppix'den Debian'a aldigim, ve X systemi acmami
saglayan, fakat mouse'i calistirmayan dosya oluyor. :)

Ilginizden oturu tekrar tesekkur ederim.
Kolay Gelsin...

----- Dosya Baslangici -----

Section "ServerLayout"
        Identifier     "XFree86 Configured"
        Screen      0  "Screen0" 0 0
        InputDevice    "Keyboard0" "CoreKeyboard"
        InputDevice    "PS/2 Mouse" "CorePointer"
# Serial Mouse not detected
# USB Mouse not detected

Section "ServerFlags"
        Option "AllowMouseOpenFail"  "true"

Section "Files"
        RgbPath      "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/rgb"
        ModulePath   "/usr/X11R6/lib/modules"
        FontPath     "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc:unscaled"
        FontPath     "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc"
        FontPath     "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi"
        FontPath     "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi"
        FontPath     "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Speedo"
        FontPath     "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/PEX"
# Additional fonts: Locale, Gimp, TTF...
        FontPath     "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/cyrillic"
#       FontPath     "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/latin2/75dpi"
#       FontPath   
# True type and type1 fonts are also handled via
xftlib, see /etc/X11/XftConfig!
        FontPath     "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Type1"
        FontPath     "/usr/share/fonts/ttf/western"
        FontPath     "/usr/share/fonts/ttf/decoratives"
        FontPath     "/usr/share/fonts/truetype"
        FontPath     "/usr/share/fonts/truetype/openoffice"
        FontPath     "/usr/share/fonts/latex-ttf-fonts"
        FontPath     "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/defoma/CID"

Section "Module"
        Load  "ddc"  # ddc probing of monitor
        Load  "GLcore"
        Load  "dbe"
        Load  "dri"
        Load  "extmod"
        Load  "glx"
        Load  "bitmap" # bitmap-fonts
        Load  "speedo"
        Load  "type1"
        Load  "freetype"
        Load  "record"

Section "InputDevice"
        Identifier  "Keyboard0"
        Driver      "keyboard"
        Option      "CoreKeyboard"
        Option "XkbRules" "xfree86"
        Option "XkbModel" "pc105"
        Option "XkbLayout" "us"


Section "InputDevice"
        Identifier  "Serial Mouse"
        Driver      "mouse"
        Option      "Protocol" "Microsoft"
        Option      "Device" "/dev/mouse"
        Option      "Emulate3Buttons" "true"
        Option      "Emulate3Timeout" "70"
        Option      "SendCoreEvents"  "true"

Section "InputDevice"
        Identifier  "PS/2 Mouse"
        Driver      "mouse"
        Option      "Protocol" "auto"
Option          "ZAxisMapping"          "4 5"
        Option      "Device" "/dev/mouse"
        Option      "Emulate3Buttons" "true"
        Option      "Emulate3Timeout" "70"
        Option      "SendCoreEvents"  "true"

Section "InputDevice"
        Identifier      "USB Mouse"
        Driver          "mouse"
        Option          "Device"              
        Option          "SendCoreEvents"        "true"
        Option          "Protocol"            
        Option          "ZAxisMapping"          "4 5"
        Option          "Buttons"               "5"

# Auto-generated by KNOPPIX mkxf86config

Section "Monitor"
        Identifier      "Monitor0"
        Option  "DPMS"  "true"
        VendorName      "LTN"
        ModelName       "LTNa443"
        HorizSync 30 - 54 # DDC-probed
        VertRefresh 50 - 100 # DDC-probed
        # These are the DDC-probed settings reported by your
        # 1280x1024, 75.0Hz; hfreq=79.98, vfreq=75.03
        ModeLine "1280x1024"    135.00 1280 1296 1440 1688 1024
1025 1028 1066 +hsync +vsync
        # 1024x768, 75.0Hz; hfreq=60.02, vfreq=75.03
        ModeLine "1024x768"      78.75 1024 1040 1136 1312  768
769  772  800 +hsync +vsync
        # 1024x768, 70.0Hz; hfreq=56.48, vfreq=70.07
        ModeLine "1024x768"      75.00 1024 1048 1184 1328  768
771  777  806 -hsync -vsync
        # 1024x768, 60.0Hz; hfreq=48.36, vfreq=60.00
        ModeLine "1024x768"      65.00 1024 1048 1184 1344  768
771  777  806 -hsync -vsync
        # 800x600, 85.0Hz; hfreq=53.67, vfreq=85.06
        ModeLine "800x600"       56.25  800  832  896 1048  600
601  604  631 +hsync +vsync
        # 800x600, 60.0Hz; hfreq=37.88, vfreq=60.32
        ModeLine "800x600"       40.00  800  840  968 1056  600
601  605  628 +hsync +vsync
        # 800x600, 56.0Hz; hfreq=35.16, vfreq=56.25
        ModeLine "800x600"       36.00  800  824  896 1024  600
601  603  625 +hsync +vsync
        # 640x480, 85.0Hz; hfreq=43.27, vfreq=85.01
        ModeLine "640x480"       36.00  640  696  752  832  480
481  484  509 -hsync -vsync
        # 640x480, 75.0Hz; hfreq=37.50, vfreq=75.00
        ModeLine "640x480"       31.50  640  656  720  840  480
481  484  500 -hsync -vsync
        # 640x480, 72.0Hz; hfreq=37.86, vfreq=72.81
        ModeLine "640x480"       31.50  640  656  696  816  480
481  484  504 -hsync -vsync
        # 640x480, 60.0Hz; hfreq=31.47, vfreq=59.94
        ModeLine "640x480"       25.17  640  648  744  784  480
482  484  509 -hsync -vsync
        # Extended modelines with GTF timings
        # 640x480 @ 100.00 Hz (GTF) hsync: 50.90 kHz; pclk:
43.16 MHz
        ModeLine "640x480"  43.16  640 680 744 848  480 481
484 509  -HSync +Vsync
        # 768x576 @ 60.00 Hz (GTF) hsync: 35.82 kHz; pclk:
34.96 MHz
        ModeLine "768x576"  34.96  768 792 872 976  576 577
580 597  -HSync +Vsync
        # 768x576 @ 72.00 Hz (GTF) hsync: 43.27 kHz; pclk:
42.93 MHz
        ModeLine "768x576"  42.93  768 800 880 992  576 577
580 601  -HSync +Vsync
        # 768x576 @ 75.00 Hz (GTF) hsync: 45.15 kHz; pclk:
45.51 MHz
        ModeLine "768x576"  45.51  768 808 888 1008  576 577
580 602  -HSync +Vsync
        # 768x576 @ 85.00 Hz (GTF) hsync: 51.42 kHz; pclk:
51.84 MHz
        ModeLine "768x576"  51.84  768 808 888 1008  576 577
580 605  -HSync +Vsync
        # 768x576 @ 100.00 Hz (GTF) hsync: 61.10 kHz; pclk:
62.57 MHz
        ModeLine "768x576"  62.57  768 816 896 1024  576 577
580 611  -HSync +Vsync
        # 800x600 @ 100.00 Hz (GTF) hsync: 63.60 kHz; pclk:
68.18 MHz
        ModeLine "800x600"  68.18  800 848 936 1072  600 601
604 636  -HSync +Vsync
        # 1024x768 @ 100.00 Hz (GTF) hsync: 81.40 kHz; pclk:
113.31 MHz
        ModeLine "1024x768"  113.31  1024 1096 1208 1392  768
769 772 814  -HSync +Vsync
        # 1152x864 @ 60.00 Hz (GTF) hsync: 53.70 kHz; pclk:
81.62 MHz
        ModeLine "1152x864"  81.62  1152 1216 1336 1520  864
865 868 895  -HSync +Vsync
        # 1152x864 @ 85.00 Hz (GTF) hsync: 77.10 kHz; pclk:
119.65 MHz
        ModeLine "1152x864"  119.65  1152 1224 1352 1552  864
865 868 907  -HSync +Vsync
        # 1152x864 @ 100.00 Hz (GTF) hsync: 91.50 kHz; pclk:
143.47 MHz
        ModeLine "1152x864"  143.47  1152 1232 1360 1568  864
865 868 915  -HSync +Vsync
        # 1280x960 @ 72.00 Hz (GTF) hsync: 72.07 kHz; pclk:
124.54 MHz
        ModeLine "1280x960"  124.54  1280 1368 1504 1728  960
961 964 1001  -HSync +Vsync
        # 1280x960 @ 75.00 Hz (GTF) hsync: 75.15 kHz; pclk:
129.86 MHz
        ModeLine "1280x960"  129.86  1280 1368 1504 1728  960
961 964 1002  -HSync +Vsync
        # 1280x960 @ 100.00 Hz (GTF) hsync: 101.70 kHz; pclk:
178.99 MHz
        ModeLine "1280x960"  178.99  1280 1376 1520 1760  960
961 964 1017  -HSync +Vsync
        # 1280x1024 @ 100.00 Hz (GTF) hsync: 108.50 kHz;
pclk: 190.96 MHz
        ModeLine "1280x1024"  190.96  1280 1376 1520 1760
1024 1025 1028 1085  -HSync +Vsync
        # 1400x1050 @ 60.00 Hz (GTF) hsync: 65.22 kHz; pclk:
122.61 MHz
        ModeLine "1400x1050"  122.61  1400 1488 1640 1880
1050 1051 1054 1087  -HSync +Vsync
        # 1400x1050 @ 72.00 Hz (GTF) hsync: 78.77 kHz; pclk:
149.34 MHz
        ModeLine "1400x1050"  149.34  1400 1496 1648 1896
1050 1051 1054 1094  -HSync +Vsync
        # 1400x1050 @ 75.00 Hz (GTF) hsync: 82.20 kHz; pclk:
155.85 MHz
        ModeLine "1400x1050"  155.85  1400 1496 1648 1896
1050 1051 1054 1096  -HSync +Vsync
        # 1400x1050 @ 85.00 Hz (GTF) hsync: 93.76 kHz; pclk:
179.26 MHz
        ModeLine "1400x1050"  179.26  1400 1504 1656 1912
1050 1051 1054 1103  -HSync +Vsync
        # 1400x1050 @ 100.00 Hz (GTF) hsync: 111.20 kHz;
pclk: 214.39 MHz
        ModeLine "1400x1050"  214.39  1400 1512 1664 1928
1050 1051 1054 1112  -HSync +Vsync
        # 1600x1200 @ 100.00 Hz (GTF) hsync: 127.10 kHz;
pclk: 280.64 MHz
        ModeLine "1600x1200"  280.64  1600 1728 1904 2208
1200 1201 1204 1271  -HSync +Vsync

Section "Device"
        ### Available Driver options are:-
# sw_cursor is needed for some ati and radeon cards
Option "sw_cursor"
        #Option     "hw_cursor"
        #Option     "NoAccel"
        #Option     "ShowCache"
        #Option     "ShadowFB"
        #Option     "UseFBDev"
        #Option     "Rotate"
        Identifier  "Card0"
# The following line is auto-generated by KNOPPIX
        Driver      "nv"
        VendorName  "All"
        BoardName   "All"
#       BusID       "PCI:1:0:0"

Section "Screen"
        Identifier "Screen0"
        Device     "Card0"
        Monitor    "Monitor0"
        DefaultColorDepth 16
        SubSection "Display"
                Depth     1
                Modes "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"
        SubSection "Display"
                Depth     4
                Modes "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"
        SubSection "Display"
                Depth     8
                Modes "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"
        SubSection "Display"
                Depth     15
                Modes "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"
        SubSection "Display"
                Depth     16
                Modes "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"
        SubSection "Display"
                Depth     24
                Modes "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"
        SubSection "Display"
                Depth     32
                Modes "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"

Section "DRI"
        Mode 0666

----- Dosya Sonu -----

> On Thu, Aug 05, 2004 at 07:33:45AM -0500, Hakan OZAY
> wrote:
> > Merhabalar;
> > Listeye yeni katildim, herkese selam eder bir soru
> > sormak isterim.
> >
> > Base Debian kurdum(woody). Akabinde #apt-get
> install
> > xserver-xfree86 diyerek X Sunucuyu kurdum ve
> > sonrasinda #apt-get install x-window-sytem diyerek
> > bunu da kurdum. Sonra da Kde ve Wmaker kurdum(KDE
> > deneme amacliydi her neyse). Fakat sonrasinda
> > ayarlamalar bittigi halde startx dedigimde
> fontlarda
> > hata verdi. #dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86
> diyerek
> > yeniden yaptim defalarca ama olmadi. Ben de
> sistemi
> > knoppix ile actim ve onun XF86Config-4 dosyasini
> > debian'a aldim. Boylelikle sorun hallolmus oldu,
> su
> > anda da ikisini karsilastirarak hatalarimi gormeye
> > calisiyorum. Her neyse, halloldu dedigim aslinda
> tam
> > olarak degil maalesef. Su anda X sistemde mouse
> > aygitim calismiyor. Google ile bir arama seansina
> > girdim, birsuru ornek Input bolugu denedim mouse
> icin
> > fakat olmadi, elle de kendim girecek yetiye sahip
> > degilim su asamada. Sizden ricam, bana
> kullandiginiz
> > XF86Config-4 dosyasini yollamaniz, her ne kadar
> > mantikli bir cozum olmasa da karsilastirip hatami
> > gormemde etkili olacagini dusunuyorum. Mouse
> aygitim
> > PS/2. Buna uygun config dosyasini
> yollayabilirseniz
> > cok memnun olurum.
> >
> > Tesekkurler
> > Kolay Gelsin...
> >
> >
> >            
> > __________________________________
> > Do you Yahoo!?
> > New and Improved Yahoo! Mail - Send 10MB messages!
> > http://promotions.yahoo.com/new_mail
> >
> >
> > --
> > To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
> > with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact
> > # XF86Config-4 (XFree86 X Window System server
> configuration file)
> #
> # This file was generated by dexconf, the Debian X
> Configuration tool, using
> # values from the debconf database.
> #
> # Edit this file with caution, and see the
> XF86Config-4 manual page.
> # (Type "man XF86Config-4" at the shell prompt.)
> #
> # This file is automatically updated on
> xserver-xfree86 package upgrades *only*
> # if it has not been modified since the last upgrade
> of the xserver-xfree86
> # package.
> #
> # If you have edited this file but would like it to
> be automatically updated
> # again, run the following commands as root:
> #
> #   cp /etc/X11/XF86Config-4
> /etc/X11/XF86Config-4.custom
> #   md5sum /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 >
> /var/lib/xfree86/XF86Config-4.md5sum
> #   dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86
> Section "Files"
>       FontPath        "unix/:7100"                    # local font server
>       # if the local font server has problems, we can
> fall back on these
>       FontPath        "/usr/lib/X11/fonts/misc"
>       FontPath        "/usr/lib/X11/fonts/cyrillic"
>       FontPath        "/usr/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi/:unscaled"
>       FontPath        "/usr/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi/:unscaled"
>       FontPath        "/usr/lib/X11/fonts/Type1"
>       FontPath        "/usr/lib/X11/fonts/CID"
>       FontPath        "/usr/lib/X11/fonts/Speedo"
>       FontPath        "/usr/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi"
>       FontPath        "/usr/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi"
> EndSection
> Section "Module"
>       Load    "GLcore"
>       Load    "bitmap"
>       Load    "dbe"
>       Load    "ddc"
>       Load    "dri"
>       Load    "extmod"
>       Load    "freetype"
>       Load    "glx"
>       Load    "int10"
>       Load    "record"
>       Load    "speedo"
>       Load    "type1"
>       Load    "vbe"
> EndSection
> Section "InputDevice"
>       Identifier      "Generic Keyboard"
>       Driver          "keyboard"
>       Option          "CoreKeyboard"
>       Option          "XkbRules"      "xfree86"
>       Option          "XkbModel"      "pc104"
>       Option          "XkbLayout"     "us"
> EndSection
> Section "InputDevice"
>       Identifier      "Configured Mouse"
>       Driver          "mouse"
>       Option          "CorePointer"
>       Option          "Device"                "/dev/psaux"
>       Option          "Protocol"              "PS/2"
>       Option          "Emulate3Buttons"       "true"
>       Option          "ZAxisMapping"          "4 5"
> EndSection
> Section "InputDevice"
>       Identifier      "Generic Mouse"
>       Driver          "mouse"
>       Option          "SendCoreEvents"        "true"
>       Option          "Device"                "/dev/input/mice"
>       Option          "Protocol"              "ImPS/2"
>       Option          "Emulate3Buttons"       "true"
>       Option          "ZAxisMapping"          "4 5"
> EndSection
> Section "Device"
>       Identifier      "Generic Video Card"
>       Driver          "nv"
> EndSection
> Section "Monitor"
>       Identifier      "Generic Monitor"
>       HorizSync       30-107
>       VertRefresh     50-85
>       Option          "DPMS"
> EndSection
> Section "Screen"
>       Identifier      "Default Screen"
>       Device          "Generic Video Card"
>       Monitor         "Generic Monitor"
>       DefaultDepth    24
>       SubSection "Display"
>               Depth           1
>               Modes           "1280x1024" "1024x768"
>       EndSubSection
>       SubSection "Display"
>               Depth           4
>               Modes           "1280x1024" "1024x768"
>       EndSubSection
>       SubSection "Display"
>               Depth           8
>               Modes           "1280x1024" "1024x768"
>       EndSubSection
>       SubSection "Display"
>               Depth           15
>               Modes           "1280x1024" "1024x768"
>       EndSubSection
>       SubSection "Display"
>               Depth           16
>               Modes           "1280x1024" "1024x768"
>       EndSubSection
>       SubSection "Display"
>               Depth           24
>               Modes           "1280x1024" "1024x768"
>       EndSubSection
> EndSection
> Section "ServerLayout"
>       Identifier      "Default Layout"
>       Screen          "Default Screen"
>       InputDevice     "Generic Keyboard"
>       InputDevice     "Configured Mouse"
>       InputDevice     "Generic Mouse"
> EndSection
> Section "DRI"
>       Mode    0666
> EndSection

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