Re: More women in key positions ?

2015-03-28 Thread Don Armstrong
On Sun, 29 Mar 2015, Charles Plessy wrote:
> Given the role of the Project leader in appointing members of the
> technical committee, one possibillity would be to delay appointments
> of new members until the technical committee recommends at least one
> woman.

In order for the TC to recommend someone, they must first be nominated
and accept, or nominate themselves.

Claiming that the lack of women on the TC can be resolved simply by
forcing the TC to do so is simplistic. It also seems to me to be
insulting to the many highly skilled women in Debian with whom I would
be happy to serve on the TC with, had they been interested in serving.

Don Armstrong

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Rico: "Yes, Sir. In my case, an accident of birth. But you, Sir,
you're a self-made man."
 -- Henry "Rico" Fardan in "The Professionals"

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Re: More women in key positions ?

2015-03-28 Thread Charles Plessy
Thanks Mehdi and Gregely for your answers.

Indeed, given the low number of women involved in Debian it is unsurprising to
not see any of them in the list of past and present Project leaders and
Technical comittee members.

This said, I was thinking that being proactive may send a strong message on
Debian's openness to women.

Given the role of the Project leader in appointing members of the technical
committee, one possibillity would be to delay appointments of new members
until the technical committee recommends at least one woman.

For the Project leader position, there less possibility of direct action, but
one of them would be to not seek for re-appointment if there are women running
for the election with a good platform.

Have a nice week-end.

Charles Plessy
Tsurumi, Kanagawa, Japan

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