Re: Plan B for kfreebsd

2014-11-09 Thread Andrew McGlashan
Hash: SHA256

Hi Steven,

On 10/11/2014 10:15 AM, Steven Chamberlain wrote:
> Jonathan Wiltshire wrote:
>> We discussed kfreebsd at length, but are not satisfied that a
>> release with Jessie will be of sufficient quality. We are dropping
>> it as an official release architecture,

Thank you for all your enthusiasm and support of kFreeBSD.

However, it looks like Linux as we know it is at a crossroad -- it will
be "Lennart Poettering Linux" or something else that something else
looks like it will have to be FreeBSD direct now.

Debian kFreeBSD looks dead in the water and that won't change whilst so
many DDs are so pro systemd -- I think that systemd was the final nail
in the coffin.

So sad that Debian is no longer going to be the universal Linux and that
kFreeBSD is to suffer the consequences of the ... at best,
controversial, systemd decision by the TC ...  :(


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"Lennart Poettering Linux" -- some real eye openers here ... don't be blindsided!

2014-11-09 Thread Andrew McGlashan
Forwarding a message "as is" from another mailing list ... very relevant
to Linux and the systemd dilemma.

begin forward...

On Fri, 30.05.14 04:32, Michael Biebl (mbiebl at wrote:

> 2014-05-30 4:26 GMT+02:00 Greg KH :
> > You update systemd but you don't update the kernel?  How does that make
> > any sense?
> There might be very valid reasons why you need to stick with the old
> kernel. As said, one example could be that the new one simply doesn't
> boot. Requiring lock-step upgrades makes the system less
> fault-tolerant.
> So where possible this should be avoided.

To make this clear, we expect that systemd and kernels are updated in
lockstep. We explicitly do not support really old kernels with really
new systemd. So far we had the focus to support up to 2y old kernels
(which means 3.4 right now), but even that should be taken with a grain
of salt, as we already made clear that soon after kdbus is merged into
the kernel we'll probably make a hard requirement on it from the systemd

I am tempted to say that we should merge the firmware loader removal
patch at the same time as the kdbus requirement is made. As that would
be a clean cut anyway...

Also note that at that point we intend to move udev onto kdbus as
transport, and get rid of the userspace-to-userspace netlink-based
tranport udev used so far. Unless the systemd-haters prepare another
kdbus userspace until then this will effectively also mean that we will
not support non-systemd systems with udev anymore starting at that
point. Gentoo folks, this is your wakeup call.

Lennart Poettering, Red Hat

According to that logic, Linux is Linux+udev+kdbus+systemd ..

In tone it is pure bullying. "I have taken udev and it will not work
without systemd and I don't care about anything else".

I don't think it fits in a GNU/Linux community project like Debian. It is
not collaborative at all.

It is good for a company like Red Hat to have "our ecosystem everywhere"
but not for the rest.

Lock-step is good for attackers. If I update X I better update Y and
update Z too. oh, I don't know. Maybe don't update. And I do not need Z's
functionality but I better do it all..

It is not good for embedded systems if the dependencies are many, become
circular and hard to understand.

The NSA will love it.

Linux will work as long as you use it the way Poettering and Red Hat wants
you to use it.

Well, I have as much interest in it as using Windows or Mac OS X;-)

BTW: People are mangling init(8) and sysV init in the discussion. You can
run init and then comes inittab, rc.conf, /etc/rc to change between run
levels and than /etc/init.d/*.

You can change all that and it does not hurt a bit;-)


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Re: Can you all please stop?

2014-10-31 Thread Andrew McGlashan
Hash: SHA256

On 1/11/2014 4:20 AM, Russ Allbery wrote:
> I find this "giving in" language mystifying.  Have you bought into this
> idea that there's some sort of marketing campaign?  Because as near as I
> can tell that's a conspiracy theory for which I see little support.  As
> one of the people who debated this originally on the TC, I can tell you
> that I got precisely *zero* marketing, or even contact, from systemd
> developers except where I explicitly reached out and asked questions about
> things I was curious about.  I also have absolutely no affiliation with
> any of these shadowy corporations that people think are running some sort
> of long con on the free software community.

Well if systemd was JUST an init system then it wouldn't be as
significant, but it is much more than that today and endeavours to be
much more again.

I don't agree that systemd solves problems with sysvinit -- rather it
tries to solve all other problems that sysvinit had nothing to do with.
 There's nothing hard or complicated about a well defined startup
procedure via sysvinit, it's very standard and very easy to understand.

The /easy/ way is to go with the flow of Linux communities in general,
despite the fact that systemd is far over reaching already.  Ubuntu was
dead against systemd, but they have since relented due to the TC
decision ... they are going with the flow, hence the /easy/ way forward.

I don't see the need for upstart, systemd or any other /modern/ system
to replace sysvinit.  I do see the need to fix areas of Linux usability
OUTSIDE the init system, but not with systemd.


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Re: Can you all please stop?

2014-10-30 Thread Andrew McGlashan
Hash: SHA256

On 31/10/2014 4:20 PM, Russ Allbery wrote:
> I believe that the core, beautiful, exciting thing that we do inside
> Debian, and that any other excellent Linux distribution does, is exactly
> accepting what upstream does.  Not accepting in the sense of passive
> apathy, but in the sense of wholehearted embrace of upstream's ideas,
> expertise, passion, and hard work, and finding a way to incorporate that
> into our distribution.  Acceptance in the sense of reaching out with both
> hands and taking hold of the gift we are given with a firm grasp and a
> grateful heart.

Thanks for your response, it is very well considered and written.

The trouble is that the "hedgehogs" seem to be going for the /easy/
option of giving in to systemd, rather that thinking about what is
actually best in the interests for their works ... perhaps systemd is
the best for them because it is becoming the "tyranny of the default"
[1], the last paragraph is gold.  If that is the case though, it is
going to be hard to revert later -- best to more properly consider the
consequences as early as possible, rather than go the /easy/ way and
succumb to systemd.



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Re: Can you all please stop?

2014-10-30 Thread Andrew McGlashan
Hash: SHA256

On 31/10/2014 3:48 AM, Andrey Rahmatullin wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 30, 2014 at 04:12:04PM +0100, Svante Signell wrote:
>> Of course RHEL and Fedora dropped sysvinit support, they are Redhat
>> derived. Can anybody guess where systemd is devloped?
>> The more important that Debian does not drop support for sysvinit then,
>> until alternatives have stabilized :) (and systemd/uselessd is deferred
>> to PID 2). PID 1 should be as small as possible, see a proposed
>> implementation in:
> I must note that this is a list of "Voting announcements and discussion"
> and not yet another place where people, many of them non-DD and thus not
> entitled to vote or take part in the pre-vote procedures, could endlessly
> repeat their opinions, many of them FUD, about things somehow related to
> the vote.

It is not FUD and that is a major problem in itself, the
misrepresentation or understanding of the real problems people have with

If upstream is the problem, then they need lobbying; just accepting what
upstream does is a very serious problem -- of course, us mere mortal
users *have* to accept DDs as our only "upstream" with a real voice.
Users have pushed back, with very good reasons, so too must DDs ...
unless they don't understand the problems being expressed.

Take your blinkers off, this is NOT FUD -- these issues are very REAL!

This is a very real issue that will drive many away from Linux and
looking to alternatives, myself, that may end up being kFreeBSD, but if
that doesn't get the blessing of the Jessie release team ... then I've
got to consider going directly to FreeBSD as a real alternative.


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