Re: Possible draft non-free firmware option with SC change

2022-09-12 Thread Richard Laager
In reading your messages, I think I have the same position as you, but 
I'm confused by our different tentative rankings.

On 9/12/22 15:13, Russ Allbery wrote:

For full disclosure, my vote is likely E>B>C>A>NOTA>D.)

I agree insofar as: E > B > C > NOTA > D

I put A in a different spot: A > B > C. You have B > C > A.

E is A plus the SC modification. With E as your first choice, why 
wouldn't you put A > B?


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Re: Possible draft non-free firmware option with SC change

2022-09-11 Thread Richard Laager

On 9/11/22 19:41, Steve McIntyre wrote:

As far as many vendors are concerned, the firmware blobs are
basically part of the hardware. They're just provided in a cheaper,
more flexible way - loading things at runtime.
To me, this is an important part of the situation we find ourselves in. 
It seems that there is a trend where "firmware" is moving away from 
"ROM" (generally writable flash) into RAM. That is, in years past, the 
firmware came preloaded on the device, but now the driver pushes it at boot.

This has certainly drawn our attention to the non-free bits. But 
shipping the non-free blobs and loading them at run-time results in 
exactly the same free and non-free bits being executed as the old model.

While I would very much prefer free firmware (and I applaud those making 
free replacements), my view is that moving non-free bits from "ROM" to 
installer media (and installed system) does not make the problem worse. 
In contrast, NOT putting the blobs on the installer media has the 
obvious downside of hardware not working.


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Re: Possible draft non-free firmware option with SC change

2022-09-08 Thread Richard Laager

On 9/8/22 00:14, Russ Allbery wrote:

With Steve's change and a few other tweaks to try to make this a bit more

  5. Works that do not meet our free software standards

  We acknowledge that some of our users require the use of works that
  do not conform to the Debian Free Software Guidelines. We have
  created areas in our archive for these works. The packages in these
  areas are not part of the Debian system, although they have been
  configured for use with Debian. We encourage distributors of Debian
  to read the licenses of the packages in these areas and determine if
  they can distribute the packages on their media. Thus, although
  non-free works are not a part of Debian, we support their use and
  provide infrastructure for non-free packages (such as our bug
  tracking system and mailing lists). The Debian official media may
  include firmware that is otherwise not part of the Debian system to
  enable use of Debian with hardware tha requires such firmware.

nit: typo "tha" should be "that"

I do think this sounds more up-to-date, and getting rid of "CDs" does feel
like an overdue edit.


This drops the "we support their use" statement which I think is a bit
confusing; I believe the intention is that we, Debian Developers, support
the non-free packages in the sense that we upload them and answer bug
reports, but it could also be read as "we endorse their use," which we do
not and don't really want to be saying.


Either sounds good to me. I slightly prefer the latter, for the reason 
you said.


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Re: Possible draft non-free firmware option with SC change

2022-09-07 Thread Richard Laager

I like the existence of such an option.


The Project Leader has extended the discussion period (at least the 
maximum, maybe it's ambiguous on an extension of the minimum, but that 
is likely moot) by 7 days. By my reading of the constitution, this only 
extends the possible maximum. To actually get that time, I believe we 
need a new option or an amendment of an existing one. And that needs to 
happen today.

On 9/7/22 12:48, Russ Allbery wrote:

Between one thing and another I've not been tracking the timeline of this
vote and I'm worried we may be out of time for new ballot options and
possibly extensions.

(As promised in the previous vote for changing the timing of GRs, I've
been watching the timing closely and the last couple have felt rushed.
When there's a quiet period, I'm considering proposing a small
constitutional amendment to relax the timelines a bit based on that
experience.  But we can discuss that separately.)

If there is time left, though, I'm considering proposing the following
option based on my earlier message, just so that there's something on the
ballot that explicitly modifies the Social Contract to allow for non-free
firmware, in case people want that for clarity.

I should stress that I'm not involved in this part of Debian directly and
am not a great choice for a proponent, so I'd be happy if someone else
took that over, but it does feel to me like it would be good to have this
explicitly on the ballot.

Possible wording, which includes the existing option A verbatim:


This ballot option supersedes the Debian Social Contract (a foundation
document) under point 4.1.5 of the constitution and thus requires a 3:1

The Debian Social Contract is replaced with a new version that is
identical to the current version in all respects except that it adds the
following sentence to the end of point 5:

 The Debian official media may include firmware that is otherwise not
 part of the Debian system to enable use of Debian with hardware that
 requires such firmware.

The Debian Project also makes the following statement on an issue of the

We will include non-free firmware packages from the "non-free-firmware"
section of the Debian archive on our official media (installer images and
live images). The included firmware binaries will normally be enabled by
default where the system determines that they are required, but where
possible we will include ways for users to disable this at boot (boot menu
option, kernel command line etc.).

When the installer/live system is running we will provide information to
the user about what firmware has been loaded (both free and non-free), and
we will also store that information on the target system such that users
will be able to find it later. Where non-free firmware is found to be
necessary, the target system will also be configured to use the
non-free-firmware component by default in the apt sources.list file. Our
users should receive security updates and important fixes to firmware
binaries just like any other installed software.

We will publish these images as official Debian media, replacing the
current media sets that do not include non-free firmware packages.


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Re: supermajority requirements and their inheritance (was: Re: Changing how we handle non-free firmware)

2022-09-06 Thread Richard Laager

On 9/6/22 01:09, Ansgar wrote:

You can argue that the developers making the installer and live images,
and those maintaining the website can make those decisions. You can even
say that they have made decisions. So those options could be seen as
overriding a Developer, using the power of the Technical Committee.

Assuming we actually went that way, 6.1.4 requires a 3:1 majority, but
4.1.4 only a 2:1 majority. I think we take the highest majority
requirement in that case, so 3:1.

I also disagree with the idea that a GR would require 3:1 to exercise a 
TC power. I'll try to illustrate that two different ways...

Imagine that 6.1.4 said the TC was required to be unanimous to overrule 
a Developer. It would not make sense to say that the Developers 
collectively had to be unanimous to exercise that power. 4.1.4 is the 
one relevant for a GR.

I think it is bad to transfer supermajority requirements among one
group of voters (tech-ctte) to a very different group of voters (all


Though I agree the constitution is not clear on this.

I personally think it's clear. Here's how I would look at it:

Overriding a Developer is a power of the TC. (6.1.4)

The TC exercises that power by committee vote 3:1. (6.1.4)

The Developers exercise that power by GR vote 2:1. (4.1.4)

It might be better to just get rid of both supermajority requirements:
if 50% of all DDs agree on some implementation detail, it's probably
fine to do it that way.

I happen to agree (at least in the case of removing the 2:1 from 4.1.4, 
less sure about the other), but that'd be a separate GR to change.


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Re: Changing how we handle non-free firmware

2022-09-04 Thread Richard Laager

On 9/4/22 14:38, Kurt Roeckx wrote:

I'm not sure that a GR should say what the interpretation of a document
should be. I really prefer that the document is changed instead so that
it's more clear on what it says.

I agree with "prefer", but I can't bring myself to say "require 
[amendment]" or "prohibit interpretative GRs".

I think it's reasonable, at least in some cases, for a GR to make an 
interpretation. While amending the Foundation Document to make it more 
clear is ideal in many situations, I'm not willing to say that _all_ 
situations require that.

Let's say that we have an non-hypothetical question, "Is X allowed by 
Foundation Document Y?". By non-hypothetical, I mean this is a live 
issue for some people; the question needs an answer one way or another 
_and_ there is disagreement on the answer.

I think we can safely assume these sort of interpretive questions do 
come up in real life. For example, ftpmaster interpreting the DFSG seems 
like a common case. (Of course, most of the time those would not lead to 

Thus, a possible precursor to an interpretive GR is that some 
person/group (e.g. ftpmaster, Project Leader, TC, Secretary[1]) makes 
the interpretive decision.

If someone can make the decision, then they can be overruled[2][3] by 
the Developers through a GR. I don't think a blanket prohibition on 
Foundation Document-interpreting GRs makes sense in that context. It 
doesn't seem correct that Developers somehow lose their power to 
overrule if the issue involves interpretation of a Foundation Document.

One might argue that the Developers retain that power through an 
amending GR. But I argue that those are separate powers (from the 
explicit text of the constitution), with separate majority requirements, 
and for good reason. Amending a Foundation Document requires 3:1. It is 
thus possible for an amending GR to fail, even if it has ballot options 
to resolve the question each way. That is, if the issue is split and 
neither side is >= 3:1, "None of the Above" wins. This leaves the 
question undecided. The ambiguity still exists and the live issue still 
needs an answer. However, if we have an interpreting GR, then it can 
produce an answer (assuming it's a yes/no question and people on each 
side rank their answer above NOTA).

The Developers' powers to overrule also come with the power to make the 
decision in the first instance. So while overruling is one scenario, it 
is not the only scenario.

[1] I understand that your (the Secretary's) current position is that 
you do not have the power to interpret Foundation Documents. I contend 
that you implicitly do, at least insofar as such an interpretation is 
required to fulfill one of your explicit duties. If you do not, then it 
seems the Project Leader would, through a combination of 5.1.3 (requires 
urgent action) and/or 5.1.4 (noone else has responsibility).

But, at least in the U.S., there is a general rule of constitution 
interpretation: if there is a (I'd say _reasonable_) way to interpret 
something that does not make it unconstitutional, then those 
interpretations should be preferred over interpretations that make it 

This is why, while I would prefer that "where possible" be explicitly 
amended out by its Proposer, if that does not happen, I think it is 
better to interpret to implicitly strike that phrase rather than 
declaring the whole ballot option void.

Though, to be clear, if there is _no_ reasonable interpretation that 
makes a ballot option constitutional, then I still contend that the 
Secretary has the power _and duty_ to declare it unconstitutionally void.

[2] Overruling TC requires 2:1.

[3] Things get more complicated if the Secretary is doing the 
interpreting. We can game out how that plays out if the Developers 
collectively disagree with the Secretary, but fundamentally, if the 
Developers collectively disagree enough, they have the power to enforce 
their will (and technically only need 1:1, though politically it is more 


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Re: Changing how we handle non-free firmware

2022-09-04 Thread Richard Laager

On 9/4/22 14:38, Kurt Roeckx wrote:

Please note that the current discussion period ends the 7th, the maximum
discussion period is the 8th, which probably means I'll start the vote
the 9th or the 10th, and I think we're not actually going to be ready to
have all options like we want them by then.

Under §A.1.1, the Project Leader can increase the maximum discussion 
period by 1 week. That would extend the 8th to the 15th. It sounds like 
that might be a good idea here.

If an option is amended or a new option added, that would extend the 7th 
to one week past the amendment (or the 15th, whichever was earlier).


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Re: Changing how we handle non-free firmware

2022-08-30 Thread Richard Laager

On 8/30/22 12:00, Kurt Roeckx wrote:

On Tue, Aug 30, 2022 at 03:27:46AM -0500, Richard Laager wrote:

Regardless of that, and probably more importantly, I object to the idea that
a GR option winning could result in the whole GR being voided. Our voting
system is explicitly designed to take into account supermajority
requirements. A GR option failing a supermajority requirement should fail by
itself, not take down the whole GR with it.

I'm not sure it's a good idea to reinterpret the results with that
option removed.

I agree with that statement 100%.

If we find ourselves in that position, I agree we should not try to 
reinterpret a GR.

But my point was to avoid getting into that situation in the first 
place, by either declaring options invalid or requiring 3:1 (whichever 
is appropriate). Then the result of the GR, whatever it is, is valid.

I think if an option wins and is later determine not
to be valid, the GR should just be done again.


I'm not sure how fast I will be to make such determinations.

Fair enough. But there does come a point where additional time will not 
add additional clarity and a decision has to be made.

I like to discussion about anything related to this, so that I can at
least get an idea what the consensus is.

DSC 1 and DSC 5 have some implications about "the Debian system" 
vis-a-vis non-free, but the plan here is to keep the firmware in a 
separate non-free-firmware analogous to non-free. That seems fine to me.

DSC 1 says we will never "require the use of a non-free component". To 
me, this is the major relevant issue.

Proposals B and C offer users the explicit choice of media. That feels 
clearly compatible with the DSC, as users are not required to use 
non-free bits.

Proposal A will use non-free-firmware by default, but "where 
possible...will include ways for users to disable this". Without the 
"where possible", I think this opt-out is compatible with the DSC. 
However, if it is not possible to disable the non-free-firmware, then it 
feels like the system is, in fact, requiring it. Thus this option, as 
worded, feels potentially incompatible with the DSC.

Note that Proposal B, while sharing the same wording for this portion, 
does NOT have the same DSC conflict. This is because Proposal B retains 
the free images as an option.

Possible remedies (ordered from best to worst, in my view):

a. The proposer amends it to explicitly remove the words "where
   possible" (and no sponsors object).
b. We take the position that, if Proposal A wins, implementors are bound
   by it and the DSC. The only ways to fulfill both are:
   b1) provide options to disable the non-free-firmware; in other words,
  "where possible" is rendered inoperative, or
   b2) retain free images (as in Proposal B).
c. The Secretary declares the option is amending the DSC by implication
   and requires 3:1.
d. The Secretary declares the option invalid and strikes it from the GR.
   This feels heavy handed given that other remedies are available,
   most notably (b), which is available even after (and if) A wins.
e. If Proposal A wins, the entire GR is declared invalid. This is the
   thing I'm objecting to.

Under (b2), Proposal A becomes equal to Proposal B and Proposal A should 
just be withdrawn. The fact that both A & B already exists suggests 
Proposal B and thus (b2) is objectionable to Proposal A's Proposer & 

If the consensus among Proposal A's Proposer and Sponsors is (b1), then 
they should just make it explicit with (a).

If they object to (a), then I'd be very curious for their rationale; if 
they are trying to amend the DSC by implication, then (c) seems like the 
right answer.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Changing how we handle non-free firmware

2022-08-30 Thread Richard Laager

On 8/29/22 16:02, Kurt Roeckx wrote:

It's my current interpretation that all voting options, even if they
might conflict with the DSC, will be on the ballot, and might not
require a 3:1 majority. That is, I don't think the Secretary can decide
not to include an option that might conflict, or put a 3:1 majority
requirement on it because they think it conflicts.

However, if an option that might conflict wins, the Secretary might
have to decide if it conflicts or not, and if it conflicts void the
I'm having trouble reconciling the two positions of "[not] put a 3:1 
majority requirement on it conflicts" and "it conflicts 
void the GR".

The only way I can see to reconcile your positions is if a GR is not 
allowed to supersede a Foundation Document by implication, but must do 
so explicitly. Is that your rationale?

I think it's reasonable to take the position that GRs can only amend the 
constitution explicitly. The constitution is written in legalistic 
language and there is obvious value in having the rules written in one 

For the Foundation Documents, it seems less cut-and-dried. This is 
especially true if, for example, a GR could purport to override a 
Foundation Document temporarily (still by 3:1 majority).

Whether permanently superseding part of the DSC by implication is 
constitutionally permissible is different from whether it is a good 
idea. The former is a question for the Secretary. The latter is a 
question for the Developers through the GR.

Regardless of that, and probably more importantly, I object to the idea 
that a GR option winning could result in the whole GR being voided. Our 
voting system is explicitly designed to take into account supermajority 
requirements. A GR option failing a supermajority requirement should 
fail by itself, not take down the whole GR with it.

Since there's a good chance you have to make the determination either 
way, I think it's far better to make that determination before the vote 
than after. Making the determination now gives people the option to 
amend their GR options before we go through a vote. That saves time and 

It also just doesn't look good for the Secretary to void the GR based on 
which option won. That makes it look like you're doing so because you 
disagree with the result. I'm not saying that is the case here. I'm 
saying the optics are worse with deciding after, so I think you should 
decide before.

In my view, if the Secretary determines that a GR option is 
constitutionally defective (for whatever reason), it should not be on 
the ballot. I think you should (in this and all GRs) rule each GR option 
one of:

- requires 1:1
- requires 2:1
- requires 3:1
- invalid is precedent for:
  - a GR option could supersede a Foundation Document implicitly,
  - a GR option could supersede a Foundation Document temporarily (not
relevant here, but I made the point above), and
  - that such options require 3:1. is precedent for:
  - a GR option could supersede a Foundation Document permanently and
explicitly but without amending its text, and
  - that such an option requires 3:1. is precedent for:
  - a GR option could supersede a Foundation Document permanently and
implicitly (though curiously the vote statement says "DFSG article 3
would need to be changed, or at least clarified.")
  - that interpreting a Foundation Document needs only 1:1. is precedent for:
  - a GR option could supersede a Foundation Document temporarily
(though this took a very different approach than 2008-003 did


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Re: Question to all candidates: Ongoing/future legal projects

2022-03-27 Thread Richard Laager

On 3/27/22 11:14, Jonathan Carter wrote:
The only cases of waste I know of happens when people ask for 
sponsorship for DebConf and then hotel space is made for them (and 
possibly other expenses) and then they just don't show up without any 
heads-up. Even those are rare, but it's the only instances of really 
wasting any money that I can think of.

Reimbursing people after the fact would avoid that. (If they didn't show 
up, they wouldn't get a reimbursement.) But I suppose in some/many/all 
cases where Debian is paying, it is because the person can't afford the 
cost. So they might not be able to float it even temporarily. If so, 
then I guess that might just be a risk we have to accept. Thankfully 
you're saying these things are rare.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Question to all candidates: Ongoing/future legal projects

2022-03-24 Thread Richard Laager

On 3/24/22 19:18, Felix Lechner wrote:

For example, I requested $217 for a one-time SSD & RAM upgrade to help
operate lintian.d.o in November of 2021. My request was not granted. I
didn't even receive a response from Jonathan (other than a request for
more information, with which I complied) even though I followed up on
my request.

I would be interested to hear why that was not approved. On its face, 
that seems reasonable.

As for your question about "huge wasteful spending," yes, I do worry
about Debian's expenditures in light of Jonathan's comment that he is
happy to "give a lawyer a lot of money." [3]

I think you're taking that completely out of context.

The comment was "I [w]as hoping we could just [pay] a lawyer...and they 
could deal with it." This follows "it turned out that the legal work 
around it was much hairier and involved than I had previously 
anticipated". So he was hoping this could be delegated to a lawyer, but 
it turned out that it still took a bunch of work from our side (him).

You're focusing on the "..." bit of "a lot of money", which is just a 
reference to how lawyers are expensive.



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Re: Question to all candidates: registering Debian as an organization

2022-03-24 Thread Richard Laager

On 3/24/22 15:45, Sam Hartman wrote:

"Richard" == Richard Laager  writes:

 Richard> On 3/20/22 07:10, Felix Lechner wrote:
 >> If we accidentally formed a General Partnership, as has been
 >> suggested elsewhere

 Richard> Yes, that would be really dumb for a number of reasons.

The problem is that at least in the US, you can accidentally default to
a general partnership.
Effectively, if you are doing things together, and it cannot be shown
what you have instead, and mumble mumble I'm not a lawyer, a court may
conclude you are a general partnership.

So, it's more what steps have you taken to avoid being considered a
general partnership?
Unfortunately I cannot point to a lot of these steps for Debian.

If that's true, and I cannot say intelligently either way as IANAL, then 
that feels like a very strong reason that we _need_ to incorporate.

I have done a tax-exempt filing with the IRS. I'd be happy to discuss 
that with someone if that is helpful to anyone in the future. (At the 
moment, I'm not sure whether I'd feel comfortable volunteering to do 
such a filing for Debian.)


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Question to all candidates: registering Debian as an organization

2022-03-24 Thread Richard Laager

On 3/20/22 07:10, Felix Lechner wrote:

If we accidentally formed a General Partnership, as has been suggested

Yes, that would be really dumb for a number of reasons.

I have friends who are or were high-ranking officials at the UN. With
the project's permission, I might explore finding a home for Debian
there. Would the UN be an appropriate potential home for our noble and
selfless efforts?

IMO, very much no. Subject to actual legal advice, I think the obvious 
answer is a U.S. 501(c)(3), which is what SPI is.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Question to all candidates: Ongoing/future legal projects

2022-03-24 Thread Richard Laager

On 3/20/22 11:58, Felix Lechner wrote:

I would not be comfortable granting
financial requests, other than on an emergency basis, without some
type of community review.

The disbursements that I've heard about seem to be relatively "small 
potatoes" things. Is there some huge wasteful spending occurring that 
I've missed?

One anti-pattern I've seen with spending money (not Debian, but 
elsewhere) is that a group will spend e.g. $10x worth of time debating 
$x expense. Sometimes that is appropriate, if you're confronting a new 
class of spending that will be repeated and you need to develop a policy 
to apply. But often, it's just a waste because people want to bikeshed.

I might ask you, Richard, to serve on my Disbursements Committee
together with someone I perceive as an equally strong person but
otherwise different from you in some way. A small Appointments
Committee could help me figure out who would be a good counterweight.

This approach certainly plenty of merit. The devil is in the details, 
though. If the group is roughly evenly split, then having appointees 
evenly split to counterbalance each other is appropriate. If the wider 
group is 80:20, 90:10, or 99:1 on an issue, then picking one from each 
side unfairly weights the minority position. Maybe that's okay or even 
desirable (to protect the minority) at 80:20 and a minority position 
that's reasonable. But it's certainly not good at 99:1 where the 1% 
position is insane. (I'm not thinking of any particular issue here.)

For contentious topics, the debate over disbursements would
automatically be compartmentalized to your tiny committee without
burdening the entire project.


The moderating effect grows with the size of your committee.

This seems naive. If this principle were true, then political strife in 
society would disappear because we've tasked our elected representatives 
with dealing with these issues. We all know that isn't the case, even 
with bodies the size of a state/national legislature.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Question to all candidates: Ongoing/future legal projects

2022-03-18 Thread Richard Laager

On 3/18/22 10:23, Felix Lechner wrote:

I hope instead to devolve the
concentration of power from my office into an open and transparent
system of boards and commissions
This is a complex topic, but in broad strokes, the concept of having 
more people involved seems reasonable to me. But I fear that the idea 
and the reality may be different. How do you plan to find all the people 
to sit on these committees? Have you found some already?

that enjoy broad community support.

That is, of course, a great goal. Do you have any specifics to offer 
about how to achieve that?

How would you handle contentious topics?


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Re: GR Ballot Option: Allow, but do not require, secret voting

2022-03-05 Thread Richard Laager

On 3/4/22 18:28, Harlan Lieberman-Berg wrote:

In practice, the way that I would like to see this work is that a
ballot option is proposed with no content other than turning the
ballot to a secret option.  Then people can, regardless of their
position on the issue, second that ballot option to avoid splitting
the vote.

If that's your intended application, why not just make that the explicit 
process, rather than requiring it be part of a ballot option?

I suppose one reason might be so you don't have to duplicate a lot of 
procedural elements, by piggybacking on the rules for ballot options.

Also, your change duplicates the idea that leadership elections are 
secret. That is, you add it as one of the ORed conditions, while not 
removing it (as Sam's option does) in the later text.

Here is an alternative idea on how to implement this:

Add as 4.2.5 and renumber the existing 4.2.5, 4.2.6, and 4.2.7, "If, 
during the discussion period, at least 4K Developers call for a secret 
ballot, then the votes are kept secret, even after the voting is finished."

If it is your intention that making the ballot secret extends the 
discussion time (as adding a ballot option would), then also:
Amend A.1.4. to read, "The addition of a ballot option, the change via 
an amendment of a ballot option, or a successful call for a secret 
ballot changes the end of the discussion period..."


Re: Amendment: Keep e-mail while allowing other options in addition [Re: GR: Hide Identities of Developers Casting a Particular Vote]

2022-02-25 Thread Richard Laager

On 2/25/22 09:06, Sam Hartman wrote:

2) In the General resolution system, in addition to the constitutional
amendment, include a statement of the day asking the secretary to obtain
sufficient project consensus before changing how voting works.

This feels almost like a tautology of sorts... you're telling the 
Secretary to make good decisions.

If (hypothetically at some point in the future) we don't trust the 
Secretary, we should do something about that.

If the Secretary makes a bad decision, we have mechanisms to deal with 
that (and are actively improving those mechanisms here).

This particular statement of the day doesn't seem to really be binding, 
and even if it is, "sufficient" is subjective.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: FYI, Secret Ballots Proposal is Likely to Die for Lack of Support

2022-02-16 Thread Richard Laager
Your secret ballots proposal had some other procedural housekeeping bits 
in it, like dealing with overrides for the secretary. How do you feel 
about the consensus on that?


Re: Informal Discussion: Identities of Voters Casting a Particular Ballot are No Longer Public

2022-02-14 Thread Richard Laager

On 2/14/22 09:53, Sam Hartman wrote:

Steve certainly found feedback he got to be harassment.
I did as well.

I received some harassment (not a lot, but some) over this too. My 
recollection is this was coming from non-DDs.

Given the levels of harassment that others were talking about at the 
time, I did put serious thought into to what extent I needed to loop my 
employer in on this. That was the first time I've ever had to consider 
such action for volunteer work, Debian, FOSS, or otherwise.

On Mon, Feb 14, 2022 at 5:56 AM Philip Hands  wrote:

If we are assuming that some DDs might start attacking people based on
the way they voted, then I'd suggest that it's more important to eject
such toxic people from Debian than it is to try to mitigate their
toxicity using measures that have negative side-effects.

I agree that we should expel toxic DDs. Nobody wants to work with jerks.

But secret ballots may be useful for other reasons, not least of which 
is that the harassment may come from outsiders, for which expulsion is 
not an available remedy. And even expulsion doesn't prevent a then 
former-DD from harassing people in the future, which we've seen happen; 
though of course this is not limited to voted positions.

Secret ballots are certainly not a panacea that solves all harassment, 
but they may be a risk reduction measure.

On 2/14/22 15:36 (later than the email below), Felix Lechner wrote:
[the above bit from Philip Hands quoted]
 > I see no way to expel people reliably based on what they might do.

I don't see anything in there suggesting we should expel people based on 
what they _might_ do.

On 2/14/22 12:42, Felix Lechner wrote:
[the above bit from Philip Hands quoted]

All of them were condemned by later generations: the Salem witch hunt;
McCartyism; the cultural revolution in China; collectivisation under
Pol Pot in Cambodia; and perhaps most infamously the many attempts
over time to expel or eradicate the Jews from various territories.

Expelling people (from a volunteer software project) who are acting in 
toxic ways is not remotely the same as any of those things, and even if 
you're against doing that, comparing it to the Holocaust is frankly 

This is a perfect example of behavior where the action is a problem 
regardless of the cause/intention. Either you are so lacking in 
experience, perspective, and/or judgement that you cannot see why this 
comment is inappropriate, or you know exactly what you are doing and are 
intentionally choosing to (act in bad faith to) wind people up.

If it's the former, then while your intentions may be good, you really 
need to understand that this is not okay, even if you don't/can't 
understand why. Stop posting such things. Moving forward, if you wish to 
participate in these discussions, maybe try having a friend privately 
review your email before posting publicly.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Do we want to Handle Secret Ballots in the same GR as Voting Changes

2021-11-08 Thread Richard Laager
Your proposal seems fine at first glance. I would prefer to see this 
handled as a separate GR. If they don't conflict textually, you could 
run them in parallel, but honestly I'd prefer to see them run in series. 
A few more weeks of delay doesn't seem to be a problem for this topic.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Opposing strict time limits

2021-10-24 Thread Richard Laager

On 10/24/21 2:01 PM, Wouter Verhelst wrote:

6. The project leader may, at any point in the process, set the
discussion period to any length between 1 and 3 weeks, except that
they may not do so in a way that causes the discussion period to end
within 48 hours of when this change is made, unless that would
require them to set a discussion time beyond three weeks.

What is the purpose/intent of the "unless" here? If the discussion 
period is coming right up on (< 48 hours) 3 weeks, can the DPL truncate 
it using this?

10. When a time extension has received the required number of seconds,
 the discussion time is extended to end 72 hours from when the
 extension was first proposed.

This wording might need some tweaking for clarity/anti-abuse. 
Specifically, if I ask for and receive an "extension" when there was 
more than 72 hours left already, what happens?


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Opposing strict time limits

2021-10-23 Thread Richard Laager

On 10/23/21 1:49 PM, Sam Hartman wrote:

I agree that if a sufficient part of the project wants to continue the
discussion, we should be able to do that.
I just don't see how to accomplish that in a way that is better than
what Russ proposes without being open to abuse.

I think a great next step would be to see a proposal from Wouter. Maybe 
there is some way. But we need something concrete to really discuss.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Opposing strict time limits

2021-10-22 Thread Richard Laager
In general, I understand the reasoning for having an option for longer 
discussions. However, I see risks too.

On 10/22/21 12:42 PM, Wouter Verhelst wrote:

a vote to recall the project leader.

This is an interesting corner case. I don't think it needs a special 
case under the current situation or Russ's proposal, as the time is not 
unbounded. But we should be careful not to make the time unbounded 
except by DPL action ("only provide it to the DPL") as that would 
effectively insulate the DPL from recall.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Draft proposal for resolution process changes

2021-10-11 Thread Richard Laager
First off, let me say I have no objections to your positions on this. 
Also, I'm honestly not trying to argue in circles. I'm specifically 
trying to confine my replies to only newly presented issues.

On 10/10/21 1:41 PM, Russ Allbery wrote:

This wouldn't change anything if the TC vote result is further discussion,
since in that case there's no decision to override and, as you point out,
the GR would stay at a 2:1 majority required if the developers wanted to
exercise the powers of the TC.  (In practice, most likely the GR would be
phrased as a statement on issues of the day, which is technically
nonbinding and only requires a simple majority but which everyone is
likely to honor.)

Your comment about the "statement on issues of the day" made me think a 
bit... if it's the case that GRs will use "statement on issues of the 
day" to make decisions anyway (as e.g. on systemd), is that a reason to 
eliminate the 2:1 supermajority to _make_ TC decisions?

A related question... if a GR makes a decision, what's the situation 
with the TC overriding that at some point? In other words, if the 
developers make a decision in a GR, obviously the TC shouldn't 
immediately override it, but are we "stuck" with that GR decision 
forever even if facts change? I think the real-world answer to this is 
that if the facts change, the TC could change the position and if nobody 
objects, it's fine. If they do, then you get another GR.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Draft proposal for resolution process changes

2021-10-06 Thread Richard Laager

On 10/5/21 11:04 PM, Russ Allbery wrote:

One minor clarification: I was thinking about removing the 2:1 *override*
requirement, but I don't think we should remove the 2:1 *make*

Part of the discussion about the TC was that they might deadlock on 
_which_ option to choose, which then needs to go to a GR. If this 
happens, the TC did not make a decision, so the developers are using 
their power to _make_ a decision, not _override_ one. With what you have 
proposed above, the 2:1 supermajority would still apply. That may or may 
not be desirable. But was that your intended result?

There's some weirdness here with maintainer overrides.  I'm not sure if it
should be possible to override a maintainer with a simple majority GR.
(By that, I mean I'm literally not sure; I can see arguments either way.)

Overriding a maintainer by a GR seems like a pretty serious thing. If 
nothing else, it's probably pretty embarrassing. I'd imagine those 
proposing, sponsoring, and voting in favor of such a resolution 
understand that. If we get a majority of developers voting to override, 
that seems sufficient to me (in the context where the 2:1 TC make 
supermajority is already being removed; I'm not necessarily suggesting 
this change standalone).


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Draft proposal for resolution process changes

2021-09-29 Thread Richard Laager
One concern I have about eliminating the 2:1 majority for a GR to 
make/override a TC decision is that it might encourage things to move to 
a GR unnecessarily.

A second is that it might encourage things to move to a GR too soon. 
Having the TC hear something and hash out options in a smaller group 
setting seems useful, even if the issue ultimately ends up at a GR.

A way to split the difference might be to lift the 2:1 supermajority 
requirement under some conditions. For example: GR _options_ put forward 
by the TC do not have the 2:1 supermajority. So the TC could initiate a 
GR and say: these are the two or three options we think are reasonable, 
we should choose one of them, but we deadlocked on which one. As long as 
the Developers are choosing between those options, the majority decides 
(because getting _a_ decision is the goal). But if the developers choose 
to exercise their right to add alternatives and (attempt to) overrule 
the TC, then those alternatives must gain a supermajority of Developers.

Here is a specific textual proposal:

4. Make or override any decision authorised by the powers of the
Technical Committee, provided they agree with a 2:1 majority. If
such a resolution has ballot options proposed by the Technical
Committee, those options do not need a 2:1 majority.

I was originally going to also limit this to _resolutions_ proposed by 
the TC, but that seems unnecessary at best and undesirable at worst (as 
someone could then try to tactically race the TC to change the status of 
the TC ballot options).

I suppose there's a wrinkle regarding the default option ("None of the 
above"). It is also not subject to a supermajority, so it's possible 
that it could win over all options proposed by the TC. I guess that's 
the Developers saying to go back to the drawing board, and if that's 
what we prefer over any TC option, then I guess that's a useful result.

I'm hesitant to make a TC tie automatically turn into a GR. If the 
options are really similar, varying in some detail, that should not 
trigger a GR. That's a waste of the Developers time and energy.

The Debian voting system is supposed to be cloneproof. We consider it 
desirable to be able to propose similar options varying in some detail. 
If that can lead to a GR, that could act as a disincentive to proposing 
slightly different options and/or tactical voting to avoid the 
undesirable GR.

Or potentially one person on the TC could force a GR by tactical voting 
when they wouldn't otherwise be able to do that by themselves.

I think I'd leave it as the chair has a casting vote.

If we _really_ want to deal with the corner case of the TC chair having 
a casting vote when they are being overruled (which as I think about it 
is probably not that big of deal in practice), maybe this:

   The Chair has a casting vote. When the Technical Committee votes
   whether to override a Developer who also happens to be a member of
   the Committee, that member may not vote. If that Developer is the
   Chair, the Project Leader has the casting vote instead. If the
   Project Leader is being overruled or there is no Project Leader, the
   Project Secretary has the casting vote instead.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Draft proposal for resolution process changes

2021-09-28 Thread Richard Laager

Thank you for the clarifications.

On 9/28/21 11:04 AM, Russ Allbery wrote:

3. Another TC member calls a vote, possibly immediately after making some
   last minute change to the ballot (which is allowed).
If I understand correctly, the updated GR process handles this 
differently, by extending the clock on changes and prohibiting such 
changes at "the last minute" (the end of the maximum discussion period). 
That could be another option here, which would have the benefit of 
consistency. But the TC is a different situation than a GR, and they 
don't need to be exactly the same process.

I don't have strong feelings on this detail either way.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Draft proposal for resolution process changes

2021-09-28 Thread Richard Laager

First off, thank you for working on this!

On 9/27/21 8:51 PM, Russ Allbery wrote:

6. If voting is started prior to two weeks after the original proposal
   via a call for a vote by a member of the Technical Committee, but
   another member of the Technical Committee objects more than two
   weeks after the original proposal but before the vote completes, the
   vote is still canceled. All members of the Technical Committee are
   then given 24 hours to add new ballot options or modify or withdraw
   the ballot options they have proposed. During this period no one may
   call for a vote. Following that 24 hour period, a new voting period
   automatically starts and cannot be canceled.

Is this complexity necessary? If the vote was not called early, the vote 
would have started anyway on time and been uncancellable. And the 
objector did not object in time. (If the objector had objected prior to 
the normal starting time, we aren't in this scenario.) Why does someone 
get extra time to object in this case?

2. Details regarding voting.
When the Technical Committee votes whether to override a Developer who
also happens to be a member of the Committee, that member may not vote
(unless they are the Chair, in which case they may use only their
casting vote).

I know this is how it is now. But it's always seemed weird. If TC 
members cannot vote on overruling themselves, why does the chair get to 
(but only in the event of a tie)?

Is this even meaningful? Presumably they would vote against overruling 
themselves, if there are such options. But it seems that if they don't 
vote, the measure would fail anyway? Or is this more about them choosing 
between multiple options (possibly all of which overrule themselves)?

1. Options which do not have an explicit supermajority requirement have a
1:1 majority requirement. The default option must not have any
supermajority requirements.

"must not" or "does not"?

2. The votes are counted according to the rules in A.6. The default option
is "None of the above," unless specified otherwise.

This "None of the above" seems duplicative of the one above. Do we need 

When the vote counting mechanism of the Standard Resolution Procedure is
to be used, the text which refers to it must specify who has a casting
vote, the quorum, the default option, and any supermajority requirement.

Maybe the "The default option must not have any supermajority 
requirements." should be moved here?


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Amendment to RMS/FSF GR: Option 4, assert the need to learn and grow from recent events

2021-03-31 Thread Richard Laager

On 3/31/21 1:20 AM, Jonathan Wiltshire wrote:

On Tue, Mar 30, 2021 at 08:13:59PM -0500, Richard Laager wrote:

On 3/30/21 5:28 PM, Jonathan Wiltshire wrote:

We urge Richard Stallman and the remaining members of the board which
reinstated him, to consider their positions.

Can you elaborate on the intended meaning here? Is "position" their position
to reinstate RMS, or their position as a member of the board?

Is this intentionally "consider" as opposed to "reconsider"? If so, is that
intended to be a weaker form of reconsider?

No, and no. "To consider one's position" in business and politics is a
(probably rather English) euphemism; being invited to consider your
position is a clear indication that you ought to be resigning over some

Thanks for clarifying. I'm an en-US speaker and I was not familiar with 
that (possibly en-GB) euphemism.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Amendment to RMS/FSF GR: Option 4, assert the need to learn and grow from recent events

2021-03-31 Thread Richard Laager

On 3/30/21 5:28 PM, Jonathan Wiltshire wrote:


This is a position statement of the Debian Developers in accordance with
our constitution, section 4.1.5.

The Developers firmly believe that leaders in any prominent organisation
are, and should be, held to the highest standards of accountability.

We are disappointed that issues of transparency and accountability in the
governance of the Free Software Foundation have led to unresolved and
serious complaints of impropriety by its founder Richard Stallman over a
number of years whilst in the position of president and as a member of the
board. In particular, we are deeply concerned that the board saw fit to
reinstate him without properly considering the effect of its actions on
those complainants.

The Developers acknowledge that people make mistakes but believe that where
those people are in leadership positions, they must be held accountable for
their mistakes. We believe that the most important part of making mistakes
is learning from them and changing behaviour. We are most concerned that
Richard and the board have not sufficiently acknowledged or learned from
issues which have affected a large number of people and that Richard
remains a significant influence on both the FSF board and the GNU project.

We call upon the Free Software Foundation to further steps it has taken in
March 2021 to overhaul governance of the organisation, and to work
tirelessly to ensure its aim is fulfilled. We believe that only through
properly accountable governance can members of an organisation ensure their
voice is heard. The Free Software Foundation must do everything in its
power to protect its staff and members, and the wider community, including
a robust and transparent process for dealing with complaints.

We urge Richard Stallman and the remaining members of the board which
reinstated him, to consider their positions.

The Developers are proud that contributors to free software come from all
walks of life and that our diverse experience and opinions are a strength
of software freedom. But we must never cease in our efforts to ensure that
all contributors are treated with respect, and that they feel safe and
secure in our communities - including when we meet in person.



Signed this time. Ugh!


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Amendment to RMS/FSF GR: Option 4, assert the need to learn and grow from recent events

2021-03-31 Thread Richard Laager

On 3/30/21 5:28 PM, Jonathan Wiltshire wrote:


This is a position statement of the Debian Developers in accordance with
our constitution, section 4.1.5.

The Developers firmly believe that leaders in any prominent organisation
are, and should be, held to the highest standards of accountability.

We are disappointed that issues of transparency and accountability in the
governance of the Free Software Foundation have led to unresolved and
serious complaints of impropriety by its founder Richard Stallman over a
number of years whilst in the position of president and as a member of the
board. In particular, we are deeply concerned that the board saw fit to
reinstate him without properly considering the effect of its actions on
those complainants.

The Developers acknowledge that people make mistakes but believe that where
those people are in leadership positions, they must be held accountable for
their mistakes. We believe that the most important part of making mistakes
is learning from them and changing behaviour. We are most concerned that
Richard and the board have not sufficiently acknowledged or learned from
issues which have affected a large number of people and that Richard
remains a significant influence on both the FSF board and the GNU project.

We call upon the Free Software Foundation to further steps it has taken in
March 2021 to overhaul governance of the organisation, and to work
tirelessly to ensure its aim is fulfilled. We believe that only through
properly accountable governance can members of an organisation ensure their
voice is heard. The Free Software Foundation must do everything in its
power to protect its staff and members, and the wider community, including
a robust and transparent process for dealing with complaints.

We urge Richard Stallman and the remaining members of the board which
reinstated him, to consider their positions.

The Developers are proud that contributors to free software come from all
walks of life and that our diverse experience and opinions are a strength
of software freedom. But we must never cease in our efforts to ensure that
all contributors are treated with respect, and that they feel safe and
secure in our communities - including when we meet in person.




Re: Amendment to RMS/FSF GR: Option 4, assert the need to learn and grow from recent events

2021-03-30 Thread Richard Laager

On 3/30/21 5:28 PM, Jonathan Wiltshire wrote:

We urge Richard Stallman and the remaining members of the board which
reinstated him, to consider their positions.
Can you elaborate on the intended meaning here? Is "position" their 
position to reinstate RMS, or their position as a member of the board?

Is this intentionally "consider" as opposed to "reconsider"? If so, is 
that intended to be a weaker form of reconsider?

Looking at the text as a whole, while there is talk of accountability, 
it's unclear to me what you actually want to happen. In contrast, I am 
able to understand the other choices: Choice 1 says RMS and the FSF 
board all need to go. Choice A/2 says we are taking no position as a 
project. Choice B/3 says RMS needs to go, and FSF needs to fix whatever 
allowed him to come back.

Is the general sense here that you would find it acceptable that RMS 
stays on the board, as long as he/they acknowledge past 
("mistakes"|"impropriety"), "learn from them[,] and change behavior"?


Re: General Resolution: Richard Stallman's readmission to the FSF board

2021-03-26 Thread Richard Laager

On 3/26/21 7:09 PM, Roberto C. Sánchez wrote:

Perhaps said another way, the only valid reason for directing a bunch of
attention toward the FSF is if they are worth salvaging.  Plenty of
comments in the last few days seem to indicate that such might not be
the case.  Why not form a new organization, like "The Foundation for
Free Software (FFS)"?  Or some name that is better distinguished from
that of the FSF.

If nothing else, the FSF is the license steward of the GNU GPL. They are 
the only entity that can release new versions that automatically trigger 
the "or any later version" clause.

Projects can obviously choose to switch licenses, but only with the 
consent of all copyright holders. If they weren't already doing 
copyright assignment, reaching all the copyright holders can be 
effectively impossible.


Re: Amendment to GR on RMS rejoining FSF

2021-03-26 Thread Richard Laager

On 3/26/21 1:47 PM, Sruthi Chandran wrote:

On 26/03/21 10:45 pm, Sruthi Chandran wrote:

Dear fellow DDs,

Second the amendment text if acceptable to you :)

Re-sending with fixed signature and replacing twitter link with
gnusocial link.

 Begin text 

Under section 4.1.5 of the constitution, the Developers make the
following statement:

*Debian’s statement on Richard Stallman rejoining the FSF board*

We at Debian are profoundly disappointed to hear of the re-election of
Richard Stallman to a leadership position at the Free Software
Foundation, after a series of serious accusations of misconduct led to
his resignation as president and board member of the FSF in 2019.

One crucial factor in making our community more inclusive is to
recognise and reflect when other people are harmed by our
own actions and consider this feedback in future actions. The way
Richard Stallman announced his return to the board unfortunately lacks
any acknowledgement of this kind of thought process. We are deeply
disappointed that the FSF board elected him a board member again despite
no discernible steps were taken
by him to be accountable for, much less make amends for, his past
actions or those who have been harmed by them. Finally, we are also
disturbed by the secretive process of his re-election, and how it was
belately conveyed [0] to FSF’s staff and supporters.

We believe this step and how it was communicated sends wrong and hurtful
message and harms the future of the Free Software movement. The goal of
the software freedom movement is to empower all people to control
technology and thereby create a better society for everyone. Free
Software is meant to serve everyone regardless of their age, ability or
disability, gender identity, sex, ethnicity, nationality, religion or
sexual orientation. This requires an inclusive and diverse environment
that welcomes all contributors equally. Debian realises that we
ourselves and the Free Software movement still have to work hard to be
in that place where everyone feels safe and respected to participate in
it in order to fulfil the movement's mission.

That is why, we call for his resignation from all FSF bodies. The FSF
needs to seriously reflect on this decision as well as their
decision-making process to prevent similar issues from happening again.
Therefore, in the current situation we see ourselves unable to
collaborate both with the FSF and any other organisation in which
Richard Stallman has a leading position. Instead, we will continue to
work with groups and individuals who foster diversity and equality in
the Free Software movement in order to achieve our joint goal of
empowering all users to control technology.


Heavily based on:



 End of text 



Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Amendment to rms-open-letter GR

2021-03-26 Thread Richard Laager

[Hopefully signed this time for the record. Sorry for the noise.]

Seeking seconds:


Replace the entire text with:

Under section 4.1.5 of the constitution, the Developers make the
following statement:

The Debian Project echoes and supports recent calls to remove Richard
M. Stallman from positions of leadership within free software, for which
we believe him to be inappropriate.

We are disappointed by the actions of those responsible for restoring
him to the Free Software Foundation's Board of Directors, and urge that
that decision be reversed.



This alternative was presented with good faith arguments that appear 
sufficient to merit its consideration.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: "rms-open-letter" choice 3: do not, as the project itself, sign any letter regarding rms

2021-03-26 Thread Richard Laager

On 3/26/21 3:19 AM, Timo Weingärtner wrote:

The Debian Project will not issue a public statement on whether Richard
Stallman should be removed from leadership positions or not.

Any individual (including Debian members) is free to issue such statements or
(co-)sign any open letter.

At the moment, there is only one option with enough seconds. How is 
voting FOR your proposal different from voting AGAINST the current 
proposal? Or, if more proposals gain enough seconds, how is voting FOR 
this option different from voting AGAINST all options that issue a 
statement one way or the other?

I understand that mechanically they are different: this one issues a 
statement that we won't issue a statement either way. But, in your view, 
why is that desirable? Why should I vote FOR your proposal (or why 
should I second it)?


Re: Amendment to rms-open-letter GR

2021-03-25 Thread Richard Laager

Seeking seconds:


Replace the entire text with:

Under section 4.1.5 of the constitution, the Developers make the
following statement:

The Debian Project echoes and supports recent calls to remove Richard
M. Stallman from positions of leadership within free software, for which
we believe him to be inappropriate.

We are disappointed by the actions of those responsible for restoring
him to the Free Software Foundation's Board of Directors, and urge that
that decision be reversed.



This alternative was presented with good faith arguments that appear 
sufficient to merit its consideration.
