Bug#659069: RFP: retroshare -- Friend-to-friend network client for secure messaging and file exchange

2018-05-08 Thread Cyril Soler
Thx a lot for this very accurate and truly useful reply.

FYI, I'm the person who created the debian source package, and I will fix it to 
corresponds to
Debian standards.

In particular, the Qt4 dependency is simply a mistake from the OBS maintainer. 
When creating
packages manually, our script (works for ubuntu+debian) replaces debian/control 
it with a custom
file that depends on the distribution and uses Qt5 most of the time, so it 
shoudn't be hard to fix.

Best regards

On 08/05/2018 08:37, Niels Thykier wrote:
> Cyril Soler:
>> The retroshare software already ships debian packages for Debian 8+9, as can 
>> be seen here:
>> https://build.opensuse.org/project/show/network:retroshare
> Ok, so there is an initial packaging.  That is a good start.
>> [...]
>> What's missing is the distribution part. So according to the document you're 
>> citing page 45, what we
>> need is:
> (quoting out of order to answer the most important point first)
>> - "find a Debian developer that will sponsor your package". This what I 
>> thought I was asking for.
>> Maybe the tag "RFP" is not appropriate then?
> This is probably the source the confusion.  The RFP is a "Request For
> Package" in the sense "I would like someone to create and maintain a
> package".  If one is actively working on the package, it should be
> renamed to "ITP" (Intend To Package) to avoid duplicated work.
>   However, it is not useful to request sponsor ship and reviews on wnpp
> bugs (e.g. this bug).  This is partly because of historical reasons and
> partly because there are way too many wnpp bugs for people to be able to
> sanely track them.
> Sponsorship requests are instead filed as (separate) bugs against the
> sponsorship-requests pseudo package (e.g. via "reportbug
> sponsorship-request").  You can see existing requests here:
>   https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/pkgreport.cgi?package=sponsorship-requests
>> - "prepare a source package". We have this already. Packages build perfectly 
>> well with pbuilder. the
>> -pedantic flag may raise a few bits that I can fix easily.
> I had a superficial look at the package (apologies if it is a bit
> technical/assumes too much Debian specific knowledge).  Based on it, I
> have some suggestions for things you may want to look at before
> requesting a review (all of this is based on the OBS link you sent me):
>  * The debian/control file lists QT4 libraries.  Unfortunately, the QT
>team is actively trying to remove the last remains of QT4 (in favour
>of QT5).  A potential sponsor will probably be aware of this and be
>hesitant of introducing a new QT4 relation now.
>- Note that all uploads will target Debian unstable (and not Debian
>  stable or oldstable).  Generally "new" packages are not added to
>  the existing stable release (though they can be added to
>  stable-backports)
>  * Ideally, the final "non-native" source package will be downloadable
>from a "dget'able" URL (i.e. an URL where you can run "dget "
>and it will download the Debian source package).  I cannot get that
>to work with OBS.
>Among because the [.dsc file on OSB] is for a native package with an
>"invalid" name for the tarball (Debian only allows lower-case
>characters).  I note the OBS seems to rewrite it and create a valid
>[non-native source package during the build].
>- Note: native packages are "built by Debian only for Debian" and the
>  most obvious case would be "dpkg".  Admittedly, there are some that
>  believe this distinction is no longer useful and that "native"
>  packages should be universally converted to what we call
>  "non-native" packages.
>- If OBS cannot provide this functionality, you can upload the
>  package to mentors.debian.net, which does provide it.  As will any
>  other plain static hosting site
>- You can find "dget" in the devscripts package on a Debian-based
>  system.
>  * The debian/changelog will be reserved for "Debian related changes"
>(it is acceptable to highlight important upstream changes, but it is
> not the upstream changelog).  The Debian changelog will be expected
>to have a new entry with a single line formatted as:
>  "  * Initial release to Debian.  (Closes: #659069)".
>For most parts, you can simply rename the existing changelog and
>create one with:
>  "dch --create --package retroshare --newversion 0.6.4-1'
>The "existing&qu

Bug#659069: Info received (Bug#659069: Info received (Bug#659069: why hasn't this been packaged yet? figured Debian folks would be all over it))

2018-05-07 Thread Cyril Soler
The retroshare software already ships debian packages for Debian 8+9, as can be 
seen here:
What we're asking for, is to Debian to include retroshare into their package 
repository so that:
- users can "sudo apt-get install retroshare"
- Tails can add retroshare to their distribution (being distributed by Debian 
is a requirement)

The process of creating binary installable  .debs with from Retroshare sources 
has been done for a
long time already.

What's missing is the distribution part. So according to the document you're 
citing page 45, what we
need is:

- "prepare a source package". We have this already. Packages build perfectly 
well with pbuilder. the
-pedantic flag may raise a few bits that I can fix easily.

- "find a Debian developer that will sponsor your package". This what I thought 
I was asking for.
Maybe the tag "RFP" is not appropriate then?

Thx for the help. We're definitely making some progress!


On 07/05/2018 20:15, Niels Thykier wrote:
> Cyril Soler:
>> Could anyone from Debian consider this request please? It's been 6 years 
>> now, and I believe that a decent number of users are
>> actually expecting Debian to package Retroshare. Thx!
> Hi Cyril,
> Unfortunately, packaging in Debian relies on a volunteer who is willing
> to donate their spare time working on packaging this application.  Given
> the bug is still an RFP (Request For Package), no one has committed to
> spend their spare time on it.
> I noticed that several people have expressed interest.  Please note that:
>   Anyone who is willing to put in the effort and accept that commitment
>   can package retroshare for Debian.
> If you are up for the challenge, Debian provides several resources
> including the debian-ment...@lists.debian.org mailing list for general
> Debian related packaging questions.
>   For a packaging tutorial, I can recommend
> https://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/packaging-tutorial/packaging-tutorial
> (which can also be used for "internal-only" packaging at work or at home
> if that has any interest).
> Thanks,
> ~Niels

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Bug#659069: Info received (Bug#659069: Info received (Bug#659069: why hasn't this been packaged yet? figured Debian folks would be all over it))

2018-05-07 Thread Cyril Soler
Could anyone from Debian consider this request please? It's been 6 years now, 
and I believe that a decent number of users are
actually expecting Debian to package Retroshare. Thx!

Bug#659069: Info received (Bug#659069: why hasn't this been packaged yet? figured Debian folks would be all over it)

2018-03-20 Thread Cyril Soler
Also, For your information, Retroshare has been compiled and packaged for 
Debian 7+8+9 already.
All packages, dependencies and compilation scripts are available here:


I stay fully available if you need anything!
Best regards

Bug#659069: why hasn't this been packaged yet? figured Debian folks would be all over it

2018-03-20 Thread Cyril Soler
Retroshare now compiles and runs with Qt5.

Qt4 is not a requirement anymore.

Could you update us on your status?


Bug#659069: why hasn't this been packaged yet? figured Debian folks would be all over it

2017-08-14 Thread Cyril Soler
It's been a long time since this software was put in the list. Why is nothing 

I can offer my help (as a maintainer of the retroshare software) for anything 
if needed.

Bug#659069: getting retroshare in Debian

2012-11-15 Thread Cyril Soler

Hash: SHA1

Just to mention that we just fixed the issues with libUPnP. We added a test in 
libretroshare.pro so that we cna use the correct
#define that makes UpNPBase.cc compile on all system.

It should work on DEBIAN as well.

Best regards

On 11/12/2012 04:05 PM, Antoine Beaupré wrote:
 On 2012-11-12, Cyril Soler wrote:
 To disable it, remove the entry plugins in the .pro file of the src/ 


 I'm surprised you can't find the correct package name. I know that on the 
 different ubuntu systems
 it's a different name as well. The plugin compiles on debian SID if I 
 remember correcly.

 The package is there, but somehow the compile process doesn't file the header.

 What debian version are you using? I can ask users around in my own network. 
 Many of them are using

 This is Debian Testing / Wheezy.


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Bug#659069: getting retroshare in Debian

2012-11-13 Thread Cyril Soler

Hash: SHA1

BTW, for packaging on ubuntu  I use the scripts in 
trunk/build_scripts/Ubuntu_src/. They get the svn and make debian source 
packages from it, patching
.pro files to match the structure of the deb src packages. Start with 
./makeSourcePackage.sh. The rest of it are various scripts called by this one.

There's also scripts in build_scripts/Debian that seem to be pretty much up to 
date although they make binary packages only.

Hope it's useful.

On 11/12/2012 04:05 PM, Antoine Beaupré wrote:
 On 2012-11-12, Cyril Soler wrote:
 To disable it, remove the entry plugins in the .pro file of the src/ 


 I'm surprised you can't find the correct package name. I know that on the 
 different ubuntu systems
 it's a different name as well. The plugin compiles on debian SID if I 
 remember correcly.

 The package is there, but somehow the compile process doesn't file the header.

 What debian version are you using? I can ask users around in my own network. 
 Many of them are using

 This is Debian Testing / Wheezy.


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Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://www.enigmail.net/


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Bug#659069: getting retroshare in Debian

2012-11-11 Thread Cyril Soler

Hash: SHA1

ah. You don't need to compile this. It's just the VOIP plugin.

If you want to, you need to install the qt mobility library. On ubuntu it's 

For the patch, yes of course you can include it in the DEBIAN package.


On 11/11/2012 05:35 PM, Antoine Beaupré wrote:
 On 2012-11-08, Antoine Beaupré wrote:
 It allows the package to compile libupnp, but i got stuck later. I
 eventually gave up on this.

 ... and this is why I gave up:

 g++ -c -m64 -pipe -Wall -O2 -D_REENTRANT -fPIC -DQT_WEBKIT -DQT_NO_DEBUG 
-DQT_CORE_LIB -I/usr/share/qt4/mkspecs/linux-g++-64 -I../../../plugins/VOIP
-I/usr/include/qt4/QtCore -I/usr/include/qt4/QtGui -I/usr/include/qt4 
-I../../../retroshare-gui/src -I../../retroshare-gui/src/temp/ui 
-I../../../libretroshare/src -I.
-I. -I../../../plugins/VOIP -I. -o AudioInputConfig.o 
 In file included from ../../../plugins/VOIP/gui/AudioInputConfig.cpp:35:0:
 ../../../plugins/VOIP/gui/AudioInputConfig.h:34:23: fatal error: QAudioInput: 
 Aucun fichier ou
dossier de ce type
 compilation terminated.
 make[2]: *** [AudioInputConfig.o] Erreur 1
 make[2]: quittant le répertoire « 
 /home/anarcat/dist/retroshare-trunk/builddir/plugins/VOIP »
 make[1]: *** [sub-VOIP-make_default] Erreur 2
 make[1]: quittant le répertoire « 
 /home/anarcat/dist/retroshare-trunk/builddir/plugins »
 make: *** [sub-plugins-plugins-pro-make_default] Erreur 2


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Bug#659069: getting retroshare in Debian

2012-11-11 Thread Cyril Soler
To disable it, remove the entry plugins in the .pro file of the src/ directory.

I'm surprised you can't find the correct package name. I know that on the 
different ubuntu systems
it's a different name as well. The plugin compiles on debian SID if I remember 

What debian version are you using? I can ask users around in my own network. 
Many of them are using

On 11/12/2012 04:38 AM, Antoine Beaupré wrote:
 On 2012-11-11, Cyril Soler wrote:
 ah. You don't need to compile this. It's just the VOIP plugin.

 How do I disable its compilation?

 If you want to, you need to install the qt mobility library. On ubuntu it's 

 I have this package installed yet it still fails to compile.. Something
 wrong with the search path I guess?

 For the patch, yes of course you can include it in the DEBIAN package.

 Alright, will do.

Bug#659069: getting retroshare in Debian

2012-11-09 Thread Cyril Soler

Hash: SHA1


The problem on debian is that they're using a verison of libupnp that has 
version number v1.6.17 but has been patched to comply to function prototypes
of version 1.8 (I hope I'm ok with version numbers). So using an ifdef on the 
version number does not work on debian, that's why we added the ifdef
DEBIAN.  But defining this on ubuntu breaks the compilation, so we cannot 
include this patch in the released packages.

I've got no solution for now to sort this out cleanly.

On 11/09/2012 04:43 AM, Antoine Beaupré wrote:
 Another DD suggested the following patch to workaround the problem:

 --- libretroshare/src/libretroshare.pro.orig 2012-11-07 10:10:37.323894907 
 +++ libretroshare/src/libretroshare.pro 2012-11-07 10:11:08.048213807 -0500
 @@ -218,7 +218,7 @@

 #CONFIG += version_detail_bash_script

 INCLUDEPATH += /usr/include/glib-2.0/ /usr/lib/glib-2.0/include
 LIBS *= -lgnome-keyring

 It allows the package to compile libupnp, but i got stuck later. I
 eventually gave up on this.


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