Bug#166259: ITP: lasker -- FICS-like free internet chess server

2003-10-21 Thread Lukas Geyer
retitle 166259 RFP: lasker -- FICS-like free internet chess server

OK, I am apparently not enthusiastic enough to package lasker, some
practical problems: The CVS source contains the code for mamer, the
tournament bot, which was one of the main reasons for me to want to
package lasker. Unfortunately, the author of mamer insists on
prohibiting commercial redistribution, so it could only go into
non-free, and I don't want to promote using the non-free
archive. Andrew Tridgell never answered my questions about some
licensing clarifications, and security-wise I am not really sure how
to go about it, as it is clearly sloppy code. If someone else wants to
package it, I am ready to help, but for the moment I will just retitle
it RFP.


Bug#198957: ITP: email -- Send email from command line, either via MTA or SMTP, with optional encryption

2003-06-30 Thread Lukas Geyer
Millis Miller [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I've already spoken to the upstream author, and he does not see
 mwilling to convert to a DFSG license. Probably the only thing I can
 do is to make it suitable for the non-free section for the time
 being. Can you indicate to me how the license shoudl be changed to
 be suitable for the non-free section?

I am not for abandoning the non-free section, but I think we should
really limit it to software for which no free replacement exists. I
am not really sure that email satisfies this criterion. Maintaining
non-free packages is a hassle, it might be easier to write a free
replacement in the time saved by messing around with non-free packages
and getting special Debian redistribution permissions. (Remember,
there is no build daemon for non-free.)


Bug#192553: ITP: debianarchist -- info and tools for subversion within the Debian domain.

2003-05-09 Thread Lukas Geyer
Matthew Palmer [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 On Fri, 9 May 2003, John Belmonte wrote:
  Andreas Happe wrote:
   where are the differences to the anarchism package?
  At the risk of stating the obvious, the anarchism package contains the
  document An Anarchist FAQ and is about anarchism.  The debianarchist
  package contains documents and programs from
  http://memebeam.org/debianarchist/ and pertains to debianarchism.
 If the debianarchist package will simply contain what's on the website you
 gave, I don't really see the point of putting one webpage and script of
 dubious point into a debian package.  
 Those against archive bloat may wish to take a close look at this one... g

I have not only bloat concerns, but I seriously question the sanity of
the author. In fact, it looks like somebody is just trolling. May I
quote from http://memebeam.org/debianarchist/1/:

  The unseasoned among us might think this contradicts wording in the
  the DFSG such as The rights attached to the program must not depend
  on the program's being part of a Debian system. Fortunately, that
  document entangles and contradicts itself such that no single
  fragment wields any power. Remember that the protection offered to
  the spirit of a such a document is inversely proportional to the
  number of words contained therein.

If the author really thinks that the DFSG are so seriously flawed as
to be meaningless, the right place to discuss this are the Debian
mailing lists. Until the author clarifies his intentions, I object to
letting this get into Debian.


Bug#167504: ITP: rlab -- a numerical analisys tool like Matlab

2002-11-02 Thread Lukas Geyer
Marco Presi (Zufus) [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Package: wnpp
 Severity: wishlist
 * Package name: rlab
   Version : 
   Upstream Author : Name [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 * URL : http://www.some.org/
 * License : (GPL, LGPL, BSD, MIT/X, etc.)
   Description : rlab is a numerical analisys tool like Matlab
 Do someone like to have this package in Debian?

Please fill in the missing fields. Also, what is the advantage or
difference of rlab compared to octave?


P.S.: Your question even casts doubts whether you meant to file an
ITP or an RFP. What will you do if you do not get any positive answer?

This is not a signature

Bug#166259: ITP: lasker -- FICS-like free internet chess server

2002-10-25 Thread Lukas Geyer
Daniel Burrows [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

   Is that the same thing the chessd project mentions?
 There's been requests for a copy of lasker, which isn't much more than a
 repackaged GICS. Here it is: lasker 1.0 We really don't have the
 manpower to give much support for this, unfortunately- we've got our
 attention on working with our totally from-scratch project, fischer. You
 can try asking the list, but don't get mad if we can't give you detailed

No, it started from that codebase, but Andrew Tridgell has really
revamped and improved it a lot. Latest released version is 2.2.2. He
also added functionality to update the server without restarting
(through use of dlopen() etc.). It is a bit confusing with the
different versions, the current versions are at


I am currently working on the CVS version which you can get via

cvs -z5 -d :pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/cvsroot co lasker

You can see some of the discussion and announcements on the mailing


It is very low-traffic, so you can have a pretty comprehensive
overview of the developments in the last year. The problem with
fischer seems that it is more of an idea right now, and the main
contributor, Dan Papasian, seems to have absolutely no time to really
work on it at the moment. As you can see on the list, I once inquired
in February about the vitality of the project, and got no response. I
would rather stick to lasker for the moment, it is quite usable, at
least judging from my first preliminary tests. Andrew Tridgell uses it
at some local school, and it seems to work for him.


Bug#166259: ITP: lasker -- FICS-like free internet chess server

2002-10-24 Thread Lukas Geyer
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist

Upstream Location: http://chess.samba.org/
Authors: Richard Nash, Dan Papasian, Andrew Tridgell
License: GPLv2 (well, almost, see below)

Description: lasker is a free internet chess server, forked from the
 last free available version of FICS (http://www.freechess.org), who
 unfortunately decided to close their source. It provides a server for
 humans or bots to login and play chess. The FICS protocol is supported
 by most popular chess user interfaces, like xboard and eboard.

Currently I am still sorting out some license and security issues. In
particular, the CVS source includes mamer, a bot which runs
tournaments. Unfortunately, that code has no license at all (and was
not included in the releases). I will try to clarify that and get the
authors to release it under a DFSG-compatible license. It would be a
great enhancement to lasker. Furthermore, there seem to be (small,
could be replaced) files with some variant of the obnoxious BSD
advertising clause. As to security, Andrew Tridgell already fixed
several buffer overflows and the like, but still has some sort of
security disclaimer in the README.

I invite other chess-interested maintainers to help me, it will be
some work, but I consider it worthwhile, as there is currently no
other usable free internet chess server.


Bug#163455: ITP: gnuchess-book -- Opening book for gnuchess

2002-10-05 Thread Lukas Geyer
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist

Description: Opening book for gnuchess
 This is the opening book for gnuchess. It was formerly distributed
 together with gnuchess, now it has been separated due to size and
 architecture-independence. It is recommended that you install it
 if you want to use gnuchess.

Upstream URL is ftp://ftp.gnu.org/pub/gnu/chess/book_1.00.pgn.gz

License is Public Domain.

The book was part of the gnuchess source until version 5.02, since
then it is also not part of the gnuchess Debian package anymore. It
used to stall the slower buildd's but along with the format of the
binary book also the algorithm of building it has changed, and it is
now several orders of magnitude faster.

Regarding the license, there was a short thread on -legal on it, and I
finally got the following from Stuart Cracraft, who put the book

  We need to keep the book. It is not acceptable that the book not be
  included with GNU Chess. GNU Chess strength based on quality of
  moves early in the game as well as building up significant time for
  middle-game computation are drastically halved in the absence of a
  solid book.

  I personally built the GNU Chess book from a large set of FREE game
  collections from the University of Pittsburgh chess server. These
  are NOT copyrighted and are PUBLIC. I also wrote the code for the
  GNU Chess book without any reference at all to any other author.

  It is GNU Chess code and PUBLIC book that is non-copyrightable.


I have contacted the maintainer of the gnuchess package several times
about adding a package for the opening book, but have received no
comments on this suggestion. In order for the book to be useful, bug
#144705 has to be addressed. I intend to NMU gnuchess if this one
(and, by the way, also #162701) is not fixed in the near future.

Arguments are extremely vulgar, for everyone in good society holds
exactly the same opinion.
-- Oscar Wilde

Bug#130019: sjeng ITP

2002-05-30 Thread Lukas Geyer
Matt Zimmerman [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 It has been several months since you announced your ITP.  Have you
 made any progress in producing a package?

Sorry, it has been 6 days ago, not several months. And actually I have
built a package which is available under


(Source and powerpc-binary). I announced it on debian-mentors and I am
still looking for a sponsor. If you had a look at it, I would be very

Best regards,

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