Bug#256283: [pylucene-dev] Re: PyLucence Debian Package

2006-02-07 Thread Matthew O'Connor
Jeff Breidenbach [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

 Hi, I did a little digging. Package gcj-3.4 was removed
 from Debian Unstable on Aug 14, 2005 because it was
 Not Built by Source

I also did some digging.  I found the same removal message
and then tracked down a gcj maintainer IRC.  He simply said:

doko moconnor: we only want to have one gcj version

So, that's that.  Also, all the gcj-3.4 bugs were reassigned
to gcj-4.0.

 * Swig sounds like it is progressing just fine.

I was able to build PyLucene with what will be SWIG 1.3.28.
However, PyLucene failed to load.  So work is needed there
but at least it's not generating bad stuff, that's a plus.

 PyLucene only works with Python 2.4 so to make use of it
 ensure you are using /usr/bin/python2.4 and not /usr/bin/python.
 * Mathew, the PyLucene module will not be found if one tries to
 import it from python 2.3 right? I don't have the PyLucene package
 in front of me to double check this.

Correct.  It goes in /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/.  I figured 
this was a fine place b/c it is where python2.4-elementtree puts itself.

 * I guess backports.org is still an open question.
 Anyway, great job on getting this far with the sarge packages.
 Matthew, you've already made a significant positive difference, and
 I'm already hearing positive comments. Most recently from a hacker
 at PARC (my employer) who is actively migrating an internal application
 called UpLib from Java Lucene towards PyLucene.

Cool.  I submitted the repository to http://www.apt-get.org as well.  
As asked around and it looks like the backports.org path is as you 
describe: unstable or testing packages which get backported.


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Bug#256283: [pylucene-dev] Re: PyLucence Debian Package

2006-02-05 Thread Matthew O'Connor
Jeff Breidenbach [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

 However, it is technically possible to compile on Debian
 stable then upload the binary package to unstable (a.k.a.
 sid). This can - somewhat - bypass the swig issue and get
 a working PyLucene package in Debian for one architecture,
 presumably i386. Once the swig issue gets straightened
 out, the autobuilders will be able to handle the other

Okay, so this is what I'd want to do if the GCC folks
respond and say GCJ 3.4.x (x = 3) will be in Unstable.
Since GCC 3.4.4 is in Unstable I'm mildly optimistic GCJ
3.4.x will be as well.

 The gcj situation is more serious. No way in hell can we
 package the gcj runtime inside the PyLucene package. As
 far as I can tell this is a showstopper, although I'm
 curious what the gcj package maintainers have to say about
 the matter.

Yes, I agree, without GCJ runtime support there can be no
PyLucene package. :(

 Finally, Matthew I'd like to know your estimated attention
 span as we consider the possibility of putting a
 semi-broken package into Debian. My comfort zone for [get
 it fairly good first] vs [put it in then improve it]
 shifts a little depending on whether you have short term
 or long term interest.

If things resolve themselves such that a package could
actually make it into Debian then I'd certainly take a
long-term responsibility for it.  I'd like to see it happen.

As you suggested, if Andi agrees I think providing a link to
a .deb for Debian Stable (Sarge) from the PyLucene website
is the best short-term solution.  This would take into
account the shifting RC status of Lucene 1.9, the GCJ issues
in Debian Unstable, the SWIG issues, and it makes something
available to folks.


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Bug#256283: [pylucene-dev] Re: PyLucence Debian Package

2006-02-05 Thread Matthew O'Connor
Jeff Breidenbach [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

 Matthew, I just built your package on sarge, it went fine.
 Good job.

 I noticed you chose not to have a README.Debian file. That's probably
 ok, since most of the weirdness affects package maintainers and not
 package users. On the other hand, you might want to create one and
 include a link to this conversation (bug 256283) in case the end user
 is wondering why the heck it isn't included in Debian proper. Your

Thank you!  I will add a README.Debian, it's a good
suggestion.  I have access to Debian amd64 and PowerPC
architectures.  If building for them is identical to
building for i386 then I can make those available as well.

 Andi, how about distributing the binary package (.deb) from the
 PyLucene website while things are shaking out? Or perhaps Matthew
 can distribute from canonical.org, and have a link from the PyLucene
 homepage? This can be done immediately, allows Debian sarge users
 to try out the package and provide feedback, and will make a few people's
 lives a little easier. I can't think of any disadvantages.

This sounds like a good idea to me.  I can rebuild the
package for i386, with the README.Debian,  and make it
available later today.

Jeff and Andi, thanks for your time on this so far.  Your
help is appreciated!


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Bug#256283: [pylucene-dev] Re: PyLucence Debian Package

2006-02-05 Thread Matthew O'Connor

I compiled PyLucene 1.9rc1-7 for the i386, amd64, and
powerpc Debian architectures.  I created an APT repository
because I figured it would be easier to manage.  So if you
add the follow instructions to your website they should make
sense to any Debian user:

There are binary PyLucene 1.9rc1-7 Debian Stable (Sarge)
packages for the i386, amd64, and powerpc architectures.
To install PyLucene add the following apt repository to
your /etc/apt/sources.list file:

deb http://www.canonical.org/debian/ sarge main

then run the following commands:

apt-get update
apt-get install python2.4-pylucene

PyLucene only works with Python 2.4 so to make use of it
ensure you are using /usr/bin/python2.4 and not /usr/bin/python.

Any questions / concerns, just tell me and I'll change
whatever you need.

Oh, one last thing, in addition to adding a README.Debian
file I added the samples and test cases to the documentation
set.  The /usr/share/doc/python2.4-pylucene/README.Debian
file gives instructions on how to run them.


Andi Vajda [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

 On Sun, 5 Feb 2006, Jeff Breidenbach wrote:
 Andi, how about distributing the binary package (.deb) from the
 PyLucene website while things are shaking out? Or perhaps Matthew
 can distribute from canonical.org, and have a link from the PyLucene
 homepage? This can be done immediately, allows Debian sarge users
 to try out the package and provide feedback, and will make a few people's
 lives a little easier. I can't think of any disadvantages.
 Where can I get the package from ? (I don't have a Debian system available 
 to me to build it myself). Alternatively, I could also just put a link to 
 the package - hosted elsewhere - onto the PyLucene homepage. Either way is 

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Bug#256283: [pylucene-dev] Re: PyLucence Debian Package

2006-02-04 Thread Matthew O'Connor
Jeff Breidenbach [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

 Andi, Debian's infrastructure is designed such that a source package is not
 allowed to be a build dependency. Matthew, please file a wishlist bug against
 swig, requesting a version update.

I think I confused the issue.  Unstable has SWIG 1.3.27.
PyLucene requires version 1.3.24, which is older.  So I
don't think a wishlist bug is appropriate here.

Also, PyLucene requires GCJ 3.4.x, x = 3.  However,
unstable has 4.0.2.   This is an even more egregious issue
because even providing a .jar in the source package would
not be enough since that version of gcj would produce bad
results (everything compiles, nothing works).

I don't think a build on unstable is currently possible.
PyLucene requires versions of GCJ and SWIG which are too old
to be in Debian unstable.

So, I see the open issues as follows:

1. PyLucene and/or SWIG needs to change so that the
   version of SWIG in Debian Unstable can be used.

2. PyLucene and/or GCJ 4.0 needs to change so that
   the version of GCJ in Debian Unstable can be used.

3. PyLucene may or may not compile from source with a 
   free software JDK (e.g. free-java-sdk package).

Of course, as time passes, the particular version of GCJ and
SWIG in Unstable will change.

Unless I'm missing something, I don't think making a package
for Debian Unstable is possible right now unless everything
PyLucene needs is statically linked into its .so.  The way
Andi currently distributes binary packages won't fly in
Debian; at least I can't imagine having the pylucene package
provide /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.5 would be okay with folks.

FWIW, it is possible to build a package for Debian Stable
(Sarge), but that's just b/c Sarge includes all the old
stuff PyLucene needs.  

So I'm at a loss as to what to do, other than wait.  Anyone


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Bug#256283: [pylucene-dev] Re: PyLucence Debian Package

2006-02-03 Thread Matthew O'Connor
Jeff Breidenbach [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

 Given Andi's comments, one possibility is to put the PyLucene package
 into Debian, but under the contrib section and marking it with appropriate
 bug entries. The hope would be people could improve the build situation
 over time.

Personally, I'm fine with it going into contrib.  I'd like
it to go into main but that's probably not feasible unless
there's a DFSG-free JDK that could compile it.

 Another possibility - maybe - is to package an older version of PyLucene
 that depends on Java Lucene 1.4.3. However, I suspect there are likely
 to be similar issues and an upatched Java Lucene 1.4.3 will not be a viable
 build dependency either.

Andi, correct me if I am wrong, but I believe PyLucene has
always required patches to Lucene's source code.  This is
the impression I get from the README:


 A third possibility is to simply wait and hope the situation gets better.
 Since both Java Lucene 1.9 and PyLucene have an rc in their version
 numbers, this is not a completely crazy idea. On the other hand, it
 may be a really long wait.

We could wait until Lucene 1.9 is official, that'd be fine.
However, I don't expect that will change things much since
it's my understanding that the issues are mostly with GCJ.
Is that right Andi?

Andi would know better if waiting for GCJ to mature is a
good idea.  In Sept. 2004 Andi seemed to be mildly
optimistic that gcj 3.5.0 would eliminate the need for
patches.  See the bottom half of:


However, that doesn't seem to have panned out.  See this


(I'm assuming here gcc 3.5 is more or less the same as gcc 4.0).

 A fourth possibility is to modify the Debian PyLucene package such
 that it first builds the patched Java Lucene .jar from .java files. That's
 kind of  messy, and redundant, but may not have any blockers.

Let me see if I have this suggestion right.  The pylucene
source package would include a patched fork of the Lucene
code.  Those sources get compiled with Java Lucene's Ant
build using a regular 1.4.2 JDK.  This produces a .class
file that we then compile with GCJ.  

If that's right then that sounds fine to me.  However, if I
understand Debian Policy right, that'd would almost
certainly mean it'd have to go in contrib.  Which, as I
said, is fine with me.


So I'm a little vague on where to go from here.  In my
opinion your fourth option is the best.  If you think it's
wise, I could back off and package the PyLucene 1.0.1 tree
which is based on the Lucene 1.4.3 sources.  That'd
side-step the fact that 1.9 is still a release candidate.
What do you say?

Thanks for taking time to look over the package and give
your comments!


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Bug#256283: [pylucene-dev] Re: PyLucence Debian Package

2006-02-03 Thread Matthew O'Connor
Jeff Breidenbach [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

 Andi is correct, Java Lucene 1.4.3 compiles ok with a Free Software
 toolchain. Specifically we use kaffe. Getting this to work took a lot
 of time and effort.  It is unknown at this time whether the release
 candidate for Java Lucene 1.9 can be built using kaffe.

Oh, yes.  I thought it did not and that was why it was in
contrib.  I've finally upgraded one of my spare computers to
unstable so I can test for real.  

 Yet Another Option (what are we on now, 5? 6?) is for
 Debian to patch it's version of Java Lucene 1.9 to be
 compatible with PyLucene. This only makes sense if the
 patches are benign - i.e. do not significantly interfere
 with other users of Java Lucene. For example, the eclipse
 people would go berserk if we broke their build.

As Andi implied, this option seems kind of sketchy and not
very future proof.  That seems to just be the nature of the
beast.  Besides, the Eclipse people scare me :)

 Let's try to boil this down into an immediate todo list:
   1) Find out if Java Lucene 1.9 can compile with kaffe  [JB? Barry? Anyone?]

If it can be compiled with the software stack that gets
installed from the free-java-sdk virtual package, is that
good enough?  That does not appear to install kaffee.

I'll play around with trying to get this to work.  Andi,
when you normally compile the Lucene code which JDK do you
use and on which platform (sorry if you answered this
elsewhere)?  Before I begin I want to verify I can at least
reproduce what Andi is doing before I try to attempt a build
with a totally free software Java stack.

However, don't let my trying stop anyone else from trying or
asking around.

   2) Look for other issues in the current PyLucene package [JB]

I already noticed that unstable has swig 1.2.27, which Andi
says will not work.  So, that's another issue. :(

 In any case, my vote is to pick an approach that gets something in Debian
 sooner rather than later. Programmer attention span is a rare commodity and
 we should strike while it is hot.

Okay, I'll try to build it with a free software java stack.
However, if that proves too difficult is building it with a
non-free JDK and putting the package in contrib an option?


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Bug#256283: PyLucence Debian Package

2006-02-02 Thread Matthew O'Connor

In October of 2004 you offered to look over and sponsor a
PyLucene Debian package for Jeff Bowden.  In case you don't
recall here is the last email from the WNPP bug:


I was hoping you'd give me the same advice and sponsorship
you offered Jeff Bowden.  I currently have PyLucene packaged
and building without any errors or lintian warnings.  If
you'd like you can see what I have done here:


This is a packaging of PyLucene 1.9rc1-7, which I did on
Debian Stable (Sarge).  What I've been doing to build is the

# Download the above tarball
tar -xzvf pylucene-debian.tar.gz
cd pylucene-debian
cd python2.4-pylucene-1.9
debuild -us -uc

I think it'd be great for there to be a Debian package for
PyLucene.  However, now that I've gotten this far I don't
know where to go from here.  


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Bug#256283: PyLucence Debian Package

2006-02-02 Thread Matthew O'Connor
Thanks Jeff!  I have no time line in mind.  The sooner the
better I suppose since this is the head space I am in right
now.  Using the following checklist as a guide:


I'd have to assume the next step, for me, is to try and get
the package to build in Unstable.  While the next step for
you would be to look over my debian/* files for sanity.
Does that sound right?  If that's right then we can proceed
asynchronously for now.  I can try to get it to go on Sid
and you can respond with comments/suggestions on the stuff
I've already linked to once you get a chance.  Here's the
url again:


On a related note I'm mostly, but not exclusively,
interested in this making it into backports.org.  You have
any idea how that happens?  I'm still interested in seeing
PyLucene in Unstable but having a backports.org package
available for Sarge would be neat too.  However, first
things first I suppose.

As for Ubuntu, no connection.  About a decade ago a bunch of
my friends and I bought canonical.org based on the famous
Richard Stallman / Guy Steele quote You just used
'canonical' in the canonical way.

Thanks Again!


Jeff Breidenbach [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

 Thank you for the refresher. Yes I am willing to help, including package
 review, discussion and sponsorship into Debian.  What timeline are you
 targeting? Also, from your email address, I'm guessing you have a connection
 with Ubuntu. Can you please briefly elaborate?

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