Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist

* package name: anarch
  upstream author: Miloslav Číž (drummyfish)
* URL:
* license: CC0
* description: oldschool first-person-shooter game

Anarch is an oldschool first-person-shooter game mildly
inspired by the game Doom. It is completely public
domain, made to be as free as possible. It is also unique
in being very small, efficient, portable, dependency-free
and hackable.

This is my own software and I would be glad if someone
could package it for me as I have absolutely no experience
with packaging or maintaining packages. It gained some
attention and I got a lot of feedback from people that
told me they liked it, so I think it would be helpful to
include the game in Debian so that more people can find it
and play it.

Building is very easy, without requirement for any build
system (there is a shell script in the repository that
helps to compile the game with correct flags etc.). The only
modification that will probably need to be made is changing
the path to save file to some absolutely located file (e.g.
~/.anarch/anarch.sav) in settings.h before compiling
(currently the game saves its progress in the directory it
is run from). The only dependency is SDL2-dev (alternatively
csfml can also be used).

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