Bug#830207: new VCS

2018-04-15 Thread Rolf Leggewie
the packaging is now being developed at

Bug#830207: Next try

2017-02-19 Thread Rolf Leggewie
Hello and good morning!   

On 19.02.2017 19:45, David Rabel wrote:
> dpkg-source emits a warning concerning the fiels that dh-clean deletes,
> e.g.:
> dpkg-source: warning: ignoring deletion of file missing, use
> --include-removal to override
> Is this a problem?

No, that's just informational.

On 19.02.2017 19:29, David Rabel wrote:
> Good morning,
> On 19.02.2017 00:48, Rolf Leggewie wrote:
>>> What you actually say is: IF we leave it as it is, the worst case is
>>> that the software could be public domain.
>> No.  The software has whatever license it has.[...]
> I meant leave it as it is "upstream".
> In my opinion the software is DFSG-compliant in any way. If the
> copyright holder is Osmo or Team audio-recorder or the software is
> public domain.

Part of the work as maintainer and especially when doing an ITP is to
verify the code is indeed DFSG-free.  Personally, I'd have trouble with
ambiguity in the form of "Well, I can't really be certain if the
software is licensed as GPL, LGPL or public domain but since all those
are DFSG-free it should be OK".  One should clarify what the license is
and release the ITP only afterwards.

> There are source files without copyright notice. Do we have to add
> that? For example the header files under src/ . 

Publishing something without claiming copyright automatically makes it
public domain.  So, unless Person A publishes file X with a copyright
notice and person B republishes it, stripping the copyright notice,
those files do not usually have copyright.  It's OK to assume that files
for which we cannot find a copyright claim to be copyright-free (until
we are made aware of the contrary, that is).

> I think you are wrong here. intltoolize is not run by autoreconf.

That's what I read during my research about dh-autoreconf (not
autoreconf). It's entirely possible that I am mistaken.  As I said, my
changes were untested.  Does the package still compile?

By the way, why do you remove the autogenerated files in the first place
when upstream apparently is keen to ship them and it creates a "problem"
for you in having to recreate them?  This is usually only necessary if
those autogenerated files are old and do not support newer platforms. 
That's when you need to autoreconf.  Otherwise, it's unnecessary but it
does have the benefit of future-proofing the package somewhat.

>> The Depends and Build-Depends lines look surprisingly long.[...]
> I copied both Build-Depends and Depends from the upstream control file.
> I'm not too familiar with ${misc:Depends} and ${shlibs:Depends} . Maybe
> you would like to fix this?

Not sure if this is even wrong.  It just struck me as odd.

I have not compiled your package yet.  You could strip the additional
packages from Depends, build the package and inspect the resulting deb
file with "dpkg --info $path-to-deb-file" and if the dropped
dependencies are still listed then listing them explicitly in
debian/control wasn't necessary.  If they are no longer there, I'd
install the package, run the binary and unless I run into problems I'd
assume the dependencies weren't actually really necessary.

You can read more about ${misc:Depends} and ${shlibs:Depends} in "man 7
debhelper" under the heading "Automatic generation of miscellaneous



Bug#830207: Next try

2017-02-18 Thread Rolf Leggewie
On 19.02.2017 04:12, David Rabel wrote:
> I was just thinking: Do we have to add a paragraph in debian/copyright
> for files we delete with debian/clean?

Yes, absolutely.  The only other option is to create a separate
dfsg-free upstream tarball and strip the relevant files from that tarball.

In your case, of course, you might also use your upstream powers and
consider to drop the file upstream depending on whether or not it should
be shipped in upstream releases.

Bug#830207: Next try

2017-02-18 Thread Rolf Leggewie
Good morning David,

On 19.02.2017 03:59, David Rabel wrote:
> Hi Rolf,
> a general question: Are you OK with the way I commit every step in git
> or would you prefer that I clean up the history a little bit before pushing?

Whatever you think makes most sense.  Your style looks absolutely fine
to me.

>> I am sure Osmo did not intend to release as public domain.
> What you actually say is: IF we leave it as it is, the worst case is
> that the software could be public domain.

No.  The software has whatever license it has.  We are just documenting
what that is.  While doing this due diligence we might actually find out
that the license as stated is not what the author intended (a license
bug if that's how you want to look at it).  Debian is doing this to
guarantee to its users that all software complies with DFSG and thus the
users do not have to do this work.  Again, there really is no way around

I am not sure that debian/copyright is currently complete, yet. 
"licensecheck -r" lists quite a few files under LGPL license for example
and "rgrep -i copyright ." gives a lot more names than currently
documented.  There's still work to be done here.

> We could drop the file, we just would have to run intltoolize before
> the build process. I was not quite sure how to do it.

It is already being done in line 18 of the current debian/rules file via
"--with autoreconf".  So, at least for Debian it seems that file (and
possibly others) is not necessary and will be replaced during the build

dh-autoreconf is a superset of autotools-dev and thus I pushed an
untested fix to the rl-wip branch on github.  Feel free to cherry-pick
after verification.

The Depends and Build-Depends lines look surprisingly long.  Why do you
have so many explicit runtime dependencies in Depends?  Isn't this
picked up automatically by ${misc:Depends} and ${shlibs:Depends}?  If
necessary this can be fixed later, but it struck me as odd when I
stumbled upon it now.

Thanks again for your work.



Bug#830207: Next try

2017-02-18 Thread Rolf Leggewie
On 18.02.2017 20:37, David Rabel wrote:
> Hi there,
> I uploaded a new audio-recorder package to mentors:
> https://mentors.debian.net/package/audio-recorder

Awesome!  Thanks.

I see you pushed changes to github so I will focus my review on what's
up there, assuming it is identical to what's on mentors.debian.net  I've
not looked at mentors.

It's a trivial fix, but if upstream has that spelling error I think it
would be better to keep it.  Where do you draw the line?  Who knows,
there might be some kind of intended meaning that you and I missed?  In
that part of our work, we are just documenting, not correcting IMO.

I'm not sure if changing "The entire Linux community" to "Team audio
recorder" is sufficient.  I'm not sure such an entity exists and it's
basically equally opaque.  If it's not specific enough to understand who
to contact in case you'd like to ask for a relicensing of the code then
it's not specific enough for Debian.  Let's say you'd like to develop a
closed-source variety of audio-recorder, who would you need to ask for
permission?  Besides, as I already mentioned previously, my feeling is
that nobody but Osmo Antero has copyright.  There are two conditions
that need to be met for this NOT to be true; 1) significant
contributions from third parties and 2) those parties requested for
copyright when making those contributions.  2) is not documented in the
files and it should be IF there was a third-party copyright.

I understand that Osmo enjoys drinking his vine and keep things simple. 
But he is making things unnecessarily complicated here by adding an
opaque group of people to the copyright holders.  I believe that what he
wants to do is acknowledge outside contributions.  That's what the
AUTHORS file is for which is actually present but does not list anybody
besides him.  It's fine for him to make a broad statement there such as
"a multitude of patches were gladly received by a number of people from
the Linux community.  If you'd like to see your name here specifically
contact me at XYZ".  Copyright is about who owns the ultimate rights to
the source.  GPL extends quite a few of those rights to the users (such
as the right to modify, redistribute, etc.)  What Osmo is doing (and I'm
absolutely certain that is unintentional) is to give basically everyone
who can somehow claim to be part of the Linux community to fully OWN the
code and that includes the right to relicense it, for example.  This
would effectively make the source public domain and strip it of the
protections the GPL provides (such as disallowing redistribution as a
closed-source binary program).  I am sure Osmo did not intend to release
as public domain.

This absolutely needs clarification, no way around that.  My suggestion
is to simply drop the erroneous and very dangerous line giving the Linux
community or Team Audiorecorder the copyright.  All users already have
very broad rights protected under the GPL.  Adding that line actually
puts those rights in jeopardy.

dfe98839e3 adds Ian Holmes as copyright holder for src/gst-recorder.c. 
If there are any other other copyright holders then that's the way we
should handle copyright attribution for them as well, unless they have
copyright in a broad number of files.

"Other" is not a good name for License.  I suggest to follow
or https://github.com/giuliopaci/SPro/blob/master/debian/copyright which
I found doing a quick Google search. 
https://lists.debian.org/debian-legal/2015/01/msg00054.html says there
is a later version of the file with a better worded license term.  If
that's the case it would be advisable for upstream to exchange the
current for the later version.  If upstream doesn't do this, we can also
do it in Debian only.  If the file is not necessary to build the binary,
we might want to simply drop it via debian/clean.  This question needs
more consideration.

> Mainly it is an update of the debian/copyright file. But while I edited
> it, I found a lot of auto-generated files in the source tarball. So I
> deleted them via dquilt patch. I hope this is the right way to handle
> such files.

Are they giving any problems during the build?  If no, then I'd say not
to bother with them at all.  If yes and they aren't removed by "dh
clean" already then the file debian/clean is the proper place.  Have a
look at "man dh_clean".  Simply put, you can list file names one per
line in debian/clean to be removed as one of the first steps during the
build. Wildcards are allowed, RegExp might be.  This is better than
using patches because deleting a 1MB file it takes a patch that's
slightly bigger than 1MB.  It's easier to read during code inspection as



Bug#830207: good to see audiorecorder in Debian

2017-02-14 Thread Rolf Leggewie

thank you for your mail.

On 14.02.2017 16:57, David Rabel wrote:
> Thanks for your offer and of course I would appreciate your help.

Awesome.  Just add me to the uploaded fields as "Rolf Leggewie
" please.

> A few words regarding the workflow: Because Osmo publishes
> audio-recorder as an Ubuntu package, it already contains a debian/
> directory. So I download the latest tarball, untar it, delete the
> debian/ directory and tar it again.

That's actually much more complicated than it needs to be.  While it
does make sense to ask upstream to stop shipping a debian directory,
DebSrc3.0 which I believe is by now the default will overwrite any
directory if you want that.  The debian directory is always overridden
You only need to repack things if upstream tarball contains
undistributable content according to DFSG (not licensed for
redistribution, etc.).

> I work with git and gbp, so the all the packaging work is done in a
> git repository.

That's what I use for my other packages, too, so I'm very familiar with it.

> That is https://github.com/NoreSoft/audio-recorder at the moment. I am
> not a big fan of github, but chose it for simplicity. If you prefer
> something more free, let me know. If not, I could just give you write
> access to the repo.

You could host at alioth but personally I like github.  My account on
github is leggewie.

Upstream uses launchpad.net which recently got git support.  We might
look into moving the debian packaging there.  Do you know if upstream is
proficient in git?

>> "(C) linux community" really isn't saying anything at all so I am
>> going to have
>> to REJECT. Also missing other references (eg. Rosetta, but I stopped
>> looking there)
> So I am not quite sure yet how to handle this. My first idea is to ask
> Osmo if he may have this in more detail.

Anything passing through NEW will get the fine comb when it comes to
copyright.  You need to look at every single file before uploading. 
That's normal and you should prepare the upload accordingly.



Bug#830207: Audio Recorder

2017-02-14 Thread Rolf Leggewie
On 14.02.2017 17:43, David Rabel wrote:
> The audio-recorder package was rejected by Debien FTP masters, because
> of the "(C) linux community". Can you say, who in particular
> contributed to audio-recorder?

Beware that unlike German Urheberrecht Copyright is not automatically
assigned.  So, unless contributions were made with a specific copyright
request they are public domain.  You can command copyright for your own
work.  I assume what you meant to do is acknowledge the contributions. 
But again, that does not mean the contributors have copyright and things
become much simpler.  Only you as upstream author have copyright and you
are of course free to mention contributors (who again do not have
copyright unless they requested this).

IANAL, but that that's my understanding.

> Viele Grüße, David 

Oh, Du bist Deutsch?

Bug#830207: good to see audiorecorder in Debian

2017-02-13 Thread Rolf Leggewie

great to see audiorecorder close to being included in Debian.  I had
offered help for packaging the software at
https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1391951 but I never got around to doing
an ITP.  Let me know if you are interested in a co-maintainer.  I am DM
and would be able to upload packages without requiring a DD sponsor.



Bug#746554: Bug#770603: fte - package sponsorship

2016-01-05 Thread Rolf Leggewie
On 05.01.2016 03:40, Iain R. Learmonth wrote:
> Do you still require a sponsor for these packages?

Ian, thank you for your message.  Yes, I'm still looking for a sponsor
for these packages.  They expired on mentors.debian.net so I uploaded
them again.



As I believe you are aware some previous potential sponsors objected to
the tight coupling of FTE with obfsproxy.

Bug#746554: changing back to ITP

2015-12-27 Thread Rolf Leggewie
retitle 746554 ITP: fteproxy -- programmable proxy for censorship circumvention
owner 746554 !
retitle 770603 ITP: libfte -- encryption library to thwart deep packet 
inspection censorship
owner 770603 !

packages have been waiting for sponsorship

Bug#661110: RFA: isdnutils -- ISDN utilities

2015-12-15 Thread Rolf Leggewie
On 11.12.2015 04:05, Joachim Wiedorn wrote:
> Hello Rolf,
> I have seen there is a problem with the pppdcapiplugin package 
> because of changes of the ppp package.
> I think about overtaking isdnutils.

> What do you think about break out capiutils as standalone source
> package (similar to libcapi20-3) and let isdnutils package "die"?


thank you for picking this up.  The package is up for adoption so
essentially you are free to do as you please.  Thanks for asking.  You
might want to consider to do as I did which was to upload a separate new
package that built and for the sake of higher version took over one of
the binary packages of the old isdnutils source package.  The left-over
still remains.  This approach requires to pass through NEW but that is
the cleanest solution.  isdnutils can then either continue to exist or
eventually die off.  I don't feel like killing it explicitly.



Bug#780608: ITP: freelan -- P2P VPN daemon

2015-03-16 Thread Rolf Leggewie
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Rolf Leggewie 

* Package name: freelan
  Upstream Author : Julien Kaufmann
* URL : http://www.freelan.org/
* License : (GPL)
  Programming Lang: (C, C++, Python)
  Description : P2P VPN daemon

 Freelan is an application to create secure ethernet tunnels over a
 single UDP port. It can be used to create virtual LANs ("Local
 Area Network"), hence the name: "freelan".
 Freelan may create peer-to-peer tunnel connections or rely on a
 more classic client/server layout. The virtual network can be
 shaped to fit exactly the bandwidth or topology constraints,
 providing an optimal virtual private network.
 Freelan is particularly useful for remote sites interconnection and

I already maintain n2n and was intruiged by the nice feature set
and active development offered by freelan.  I plan to maintain
the package together with upstream.  I might need a sponsor.

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Bug#770603: ITP: libfte -- encryption library to thwart deep packet inspection censorship

2014-11-22 Thread Rolf Leggewie
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Rolf Leggewie 

* Package name: libfte
  Version : 0.1.0
  Upstream Author : Kevin P Dyer 
* URL : http://fteproxy.org
* License : GPL
  Programming Lang: Python
  Description : encryption library to thwart deep packet inspection 

 fteproxy provides transport-layer protection to resist keyword filtering, 
 censorship and discrimantory routing policies. Its job is to relay 
 datastreams, such as web browsing traffic, by encoding the stream into 
 messages that satisfy a user-specified regular expression.
 This package provides the encryption library for the proxy software.

fteproxy and libfte are shipped separately by upstream.  I already have
an ITP open for fteproxy #746554 but the binary package needs libfte
which will be provided via this package.

I plan to maintain this together with upstream who approached for help
with the Debian packaging.

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Bug#612694: scanbd has hit unstable

2014-10-11 Thread Rolf Leggewie
Hello everyone,

scanbd has made it to unstable today and I believe it obsoletes both
scanmonitord as well as scanbuttond.  Have a look if you like.



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Bug#738469: co-maintainer for twinkle?

2014-10-09 Thread Rolf Leggewie
On 09.10.2014 23:33, Clint Adams wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 09, 2014 at 10:04:13PM +0800, Rolf Leggewie wrote:
>> thank you for your work on twinkle.  Would you be interested in a
>> co-maintainer instead?
> Do you have time to work on it?

I cannot take it over as maintainer, but I can certainly give some input
and work on the quality of the package.  Given that upstream is dead,
this might still prove futile.  But I am willing to try.

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Bug#738469: co-maintainer for twinkle?

2014-10-09 Thread Rolf Leggewie
Hello Clint,

thank you for your work on twinkle.  Would you be interested in a
co-maintainer instead?


Rolf Leggewie

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Bug#661110: orphaning isdnutils

2014-09-10 Thread Rolf Leggewie
retitle 661110 RFA: isdnutils -- ISDN utilities

The package was forced into a direction I do not approve of, in a part
of the package that I don't really use myself and that has only a very
limited user base nowadays.  This has all but killed my motivation for
isdnutils.  I feel it's time for me to let it go.

I will continue to maintain libcapi20 and it would be nice to share
maintainship for isdnutils over a transitional period with whoever would
like to step up as the main Debian maintainer.  This is to make sure
that for example configuration files are not creating any conflicts
(this is something I still need to look more carefully into after the
carve-out of libcapi)

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Bug#739845: roger is in NEW

2014-09-10 Thread Rolf Leggewie
the package has just entered the NEW queue, let's hope it's still in
time for jessie.

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Bug#728818: ITA: scanbuttond

2014-09-10 Thread Rolf Leggewie
owner 728818 !
retitle 728818 ITA: scanbuttond -- Scanner button daemon

Hello Milan,

thank you for your work in maintaining scanbuttond in the past.  I have
meant to get scanbd, its successor, into Debian for a while (ITP
695435).  I would like to adopt the scanbuttond package with a view to
migrating it to scanbd.  What do you think about this?  I am DM, would
you be available for sponsorship?



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Bug#695435: still interested in this ITP

2014-09-09 Thread Rolf Leggewie

just a heads-up that I am still interested in this ITP and working on
getting the latest upstream release into Jessie.



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Bug#695435: still interested in this ITP

2014-09-09 Thread Rolf Leggewie
hardware testers more than welcome

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Bug#746554: ITP: fteproxy -- programmable proxy for censorship circumvention

2014-05-01 Thread Rolf Leggewie
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Rolf Leggewie 

* Package name: fteproxy
  Version : 0.2.13
  Upstream Author : Kevin P. Dyer 
* URL : https://fteproxy.org
* License : GPL 3+
  Programming Lang: (C++, Python)
  Description : programmable proxy for censorship circumvention

fteproxy provides transport-layer protection to resist keyword filtering, 
censorship and discrimantory routing policies. Its job is to relay 
datastreams, such as web browsing traffic, by encoding the stream into messages 
that satisfy a user-specified regular expression and are thus
considered "safe" by the censors.

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Bug#739845: ITP: roger-router -- AVM FRITZ!Box remote control and monitor

2014-02-26 Thread Rolf Leggewie
On 25.02.2014 06:21, Philipp Matthias Hahn wrote:
>> * Package name: roger-router
>>   Version : 1.8.4
> Some time ago I packaged roger-router for myself (as I needed to send a
> fax urgently), but I've not used it since then or completed the package.
> Feel free to pick the good ideas and replace my bad ideas with your own.

Thanks, Matthias.  That was a tremendous help.  I finished the packaging
much quicker than i would otherwise have.  The package is basically
ready for sponsorhip at
Would you be willing to act as sponsor?

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Bug#739845: ITP: roger-router -- AVM FRITZ!Box remote control and monitor

2014-02-22 Thread Rolf Leggewie
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Rolf Leggewie 

* Package name: roger-router
  Version : 1.8.4
  Upstream Author : Jan-Michael Brummer
* URL : http://www.tabos.org
* License : (GPL, LGPL, Expat)
  Description : AVM FRITZ!Box remote control and monitor

 Roger Router is the successor to the abandoned ffgtk project.  It is
 developed by the same people who were in charge of ffgtk.  I am the
 current maintainer for ffgtk in Debian and I would like to continue to
 make Roger Router available to the Debian community.

 Fritz Fun (ffgtk) is a remote control software for the popular AVM all-in-one
 hardware home router Fritz!Box.  It allows fax and call handling, call
 monitoring as well as administration of the DSL connection.  The program
 can trigger scripts for a number of events such as missed calls or to pause
 the music player on incoming calls.
 You need an AVM FRITZ!Box or this software will be fairly useless to you.

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Bug#695435: ITP: scanbd -- scanner button daemon acting on events such as button presses, etc.

2013-10-19 Thread Rolf Leggewie
On 12.10.2013 22:29, Philipp Matthias Hahn wrote:
> I just has a look at scanbd myself and created a quick package using
> systemd. I abandoned it, since scanbd does not satisfy my current
> expectation, but I still don't want to get my work lost. Feel free to
> re-use for you work.

Philipp Matthias,

vielen Dank für den Hinweis.  Did you publish your work anywhere?  Feel
free to push to a branch in git.debian.org.  I have set up a repo there
already for scanbd and mentioned the URL in this ticket previously, I think.



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Bug#695435: ITP: scanbd -- scanner button daemon acting on events such as button presses, etc.

2012-12-07 Thread Rolf Leggewie
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Rolf Leggewie 

* Package name: scanbd
  Version : 1.2.1
  Upstream Author : Wilhelm Meier 
* URL : http://sf.net/projects/scanbd
* License : GPL v2 or later
  Description : scanner button daemon acting on events such as button 
presses, etc.

"scanbd is a scanner button daemon. It polls the scanner buttons looking
for buttons pressed or function knob changes or other scanner events as
paper inserts / removals and at the same time allows also
scan-applications to access the scanners. If buttons are pressed, etc.,
various actions can be submitted (scan, copy, email, ...) via action
scripts. The function knob values are passed to the action-scripts as
well. Scan actions are also signaled via dbus. This can be useful for
foreign applications. Scans can also be triggered via dbus from foreign
applications. On platforms which support signaling of dynamic device
insertion / removal (libudev, dbus, hal) scanbd supports this as well.
scanbd can use all sane-backends or some special backends from the (old)
scanbuttond project."

I'm at a very early stage of evaluating scanbd for my needs. I may end up
not using the software, but I still wanted to make it known out there that
I'm interested and working on it.  I'm cc'ing Jakub who has an open ITP
for scanbuttond which seems to be stalled upstream for about two years now
and apparently superseded by scanbd.  I welcome collaboration by Jakub and
anyone else interested.

I'll probably publish some WIP work at 

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Bug#602723: package is ready for sponsorship

2012-04-24 Thread Rolf Leggewie
the packaging is done:


package is waiting for sponsorship:


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Bug#661110: RFH: isdnutils -- ISDN utilities

2012-02-24 Thread Rolf Leggewie
Package: wnpp
Severity: normal

(I hope reportbug will actually do the right thing, despite
 incorrectly claiming that isdnutils package did not exist)

I am requesting assistance to maintain isdnutils in Debian.  The main
use case would be faxing, I assume.  That's what I use the package for.
But others may still use it for dialing in to the internet or telephony
applications.  The user base is still sizeable even after years of

The package is still fairly ugly, there's still lots of work needed to
be done.  I'm slowly moving ahead.  I do have a co-maintainer who is
active in upstream work as well.  But his time is very limited. Upstream
has recently sprung back into life, let's hope for the best.  Ideally,
I'm looking for someone who can help me with code-related questions. I'd
be willing to share what I know about packaging if you're new to that.

The packaging is published at 

If you want to push your changes, that would be very welcome, but please
use a branch first.  Thank you.

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Bug#661106: RFH: scim -- smart common input method platform

2012-02-24 Thread Rolf Leggewie
Package: wnpp
Severity: normal

I request assistance with maintaining the scim package.

scim comprises software to input complex characters in non-latin languages
such as Chinese Hanzi, Japanese Kanji or Korean Hangul and others. It
enjoys widespread and growing use.  scim is scheduled to be eventually
obsoleted by ibus.  scim still has five times the user base and that base
in Debian is actually still growing faster than that of ibus. Developer
interest in scim has mostly faded away both in Debian and upstream.

My goal as maintainer is to keep the package usable for the benefits of its
users.  That means making sure the package is free of RC bugs, adheres
to policy and submitted patches are eventually integrated.  It does not
include original development and repeated calls for it in the past were
simply misguided.

My co-maintainer requested to step down and I thank him for his support in the
past.  Because of my limited time and skills I prefer to maintain most of my
packages in a team of at least two and thus would call for an interested
individual to step forward to fill the gap.  Any area that you can help would
be appreciated and I would also be willing to do some limited mentorship for
someone getting their feet wet in packaging software.  I understand packaging
reasonably well but I'm not a good coder, somebody with complimentary skillset
would be the perfect match.

The packaging work is published in 

The package description is:
 Smart Common Input Method (SCIM) is an input method (IM) platform.  Input
 methods are needed to enter complex characters in many non-latin languages.
 SCIM provides a common platform for various plugin modules and independent IM
 programs, as well as a set of modules and programs on its own.  It is highly
 modularized and exposes abstract interfaces, so that plugin modules with
 different functions can easily communicate with each other.

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Bug#602723: I want to package ffgtk

2011-10-10 Thread Rolf Leggewie
owner 602723 f...@rolf.leggewie.biz

I took over maintenance of the isdnutils package because I wanted to
make sure the new capi20 upstream code made it into Debian and Ubuntu. 
Next step would be to get one of the front-ends into the archive as
well.  Taking over this ITP.

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Bug#557481: ITA: python-bzutils

2011-10-01 Thread Rolf Leggewie
retitle 557481 ITA: python-bzutils -- Python module to interact with
bugzilla servers
owner 557481 Rolf Leggewie 


as the maintainer for a similar package I'd like to adopt it and move
the users over to the bugz package that I maintain.



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Bug#591468: git repository set up

2010-08-10 Thread Rolf Leggewie

I have imported all Debian and Ubuntu releases up to date for future

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Bug#591467: ITA: scim-bridge and scim-qtimm

2010-08-10 Thread Rolf Leggewie
retitle 591467 ITA: scim-bridge -- IME server of scim-bridge communicate
with SCIM
retitle 591468 ITA: scim-qtimm -- SCIM context plugin for qt-immodule
owner 591467 !
owner 591468 !
thank you

Zhengpeng Hou,

thank you for maintaining scim-qtimm and scim-bridge over the years.  As
maintainer of the scim package, I'd like to make sure that packages in
the scim ecosystem at least receive patches and bugfixes in a timely
fashion for the benefit of the large scim user-base.  Therefore, I'd
like to adopt the packages.  Aoki-san has kindly accepted to support me
as co-maintainer.  Anthony, do you want to remain active as uploader for



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Bug#545151: status update

2010-08-05 Thread Rolf Leggewie
latest work from Andrew and me is at
http://oss.leggewie.org/deb/libnatspec_0.2.6-1.dsc and

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Bug#545151: natspec

2010-05-15 Thread Rolf Leggewie
Hi Andrew,

how are you coming along with packaging natspec?  I'd like to offer my
help in comaintaining this package if you are interested.



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Bug#572734: O: gourmet -- A gtk-based recipe organizer and shopping list generator

2010-03-05 Thread Rolf Leggewie
Package: wnpp
Severity: normal


I brought gourmet into Debian and intended to maintain it properly.
Interaction with upstream was more cumbersome than what I would like
and as such my motivation dropped.  I really don't like duplicate
work, but my attempts to convince upstream to focus on programming
instead of creating confusion and inefficiencies by releasing
improperly packaged *.deb files were futile.

Debian has dropped behind the latest release in upstream.  That was
intentional, because at some point in time I was told, they'd prefer
if packaging was done for the stable releases.  But stable isn't
seeing any work or bug fixes, all work goes into upstream unstable.

I tried to accomodate upstream's wishes, but I think they are 
contradictory.  Now that the package is in Debian, keeping it
uptodate should not be too hard from a technical POV.  If you know
of a way to work around the issues mentioned or don't mind them,
please consider adopting this package.



The package description is:
 Gourmet Recipe Manager is a gtk-based recipe organizer and shopping
 list generator intended for the GNOME desktop environment (though it
 does not need all the GNOME libraries). Gourmet can import
 Mealmaster(tm) files and can export recipes in a number of formats,
 including text, RTF and web pages. Gourmet also can calculate nutritional
 information for recipes.

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Bug#546946: [Fwd: O: isdnutils -- ISDN-related packages and utilities]

2010-02-15 Thread Rolf Leggewie

thank you for your response.

I'd like to declare my intentions (and best intent) to take over
maintenance of this package together with Jan-Michael Brummer and Björn
Steveker.  We'd be happy to have others on the maintenance team, in
fact, we're still hoping for it.

Paul Slootman wrote:
> development is moving towards mISDN and CAPI, both of which I know
> nothing about.

mISDN is not available in Debian at all, yet, or is it?  There's a very
old and seemingly dead package in experimental, but that's about it.
Looking at upstream CVS the project also looks a bit stalled.  But it
may be that I'm just not looking at the right place.

I know I have much less expertise than you in this area, but I hope we
can stitch together a team with enough time and skill to make sure this
package just does not die before its time.  As such, it would be really
nice to have you onboard, even if you don't know how much you can

I'm not sure I understand your point about CAPI correctly.  In fact, the
reason I got interested in this package is to have the work done by
Jan-Michael for a new CAPI into Debian/Ubuntu.  Maybe you can clarify
the relation?  I understand mISDN is a rewrite of hisax, what does it
mean for Debian going into the future?

Some work has started and is available for public consumption at
http://git.debian.org/?p=collab-maint/isdnutils.git;a=summary  First
step is to prepare a dfsg-tarball (see the dfsg branch for that) to deal
with the recently reported license issues and also to get Jan-Michael's
work included.



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Bug#546946: O: isdnutils -- ISDN-related packages and utilities

2010-02-12 Thread Rolf Leggewie

would you be willing to act as co-maintainer in a newly created packager
team?  Would be sad to see your knowledge and skill be lost for this



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Bug#550817: gitolite - status?

2010-01-22 Thread Rolf Leggewie
Hello Gerfried,

any status update on the gitolite ITP?  Any package to preview?  I
checked mentors.debian.net and didn't see anything.



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Bug#547057: ITA: gjots2

2009-10-24 Thread Rolf Leggewie
retitile 547057 ITA: gjots2 -- A simple jotter (outline processor) for
owner 547057 !

I've already packaged version 2.3.8 and fixed a few of the outstanding
bugs (-> Launchpad 406574).  I'd have already uploaded the package if
Sandro had informed me when he was orphaning Khalid's packages, it was
me who made this request to the MIA team.

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Bug#547057: ITA: gjots2

2009-10-24 Thread Rolf Leggewie
retitile 547057 ITA: gjots2 -- A simple jotter (outline processor) for
owner 547057 !

I've already packaged version 2.3.8 and fixed a few of the outstanding
bugs (-> Launchpad 406574).  I'd have already uploaded the package if
Sandro had informed me when he was orphaning Khalid's packages, it was
me who made this request to the MIA team.

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Bug#529204: ITP: sqliteman -- GUI tool for sqlite3 admin and developers alike

2009-05-17 Thread Rolf Leggewie
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Rolf Leggewie 

* Package name: sqliteman
  Version : 1.2.1
  Upstream Author : Petr Vanek, p...@scribus.info
* URL : http://sqliteman.com
* License : GPL, LGPL
  Programming Lang: C++
  Description : GUI tool for sqlite3 admin and developers alike

Contains the most complete feature set of all sqlite GUI available. Tune
SQL statements, manage tables, views or triggers, administrate the database 
space and index statistics with SQLiteman.

The packaging is ready for inspection at 
I intend to co-maintain this with David Claughton .

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Bug#514969: zinnia build log

2009-02-24 Thread Rolf Leggewie


sorry to keep you waiting.  I published the build log at 



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Bug#515092: ITP: pybugz -- command-line interface to Bugzilla

2009-02-21 Thread Rolf Leggewie

Olivier Berger wrote:

FYI, it seems that http://code.google.com/p/pybugz/downloads/list references a 
later version.


Thank you, I updated the package on mentors.debian.net.


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Bug#514969: zinnia fails to build in pbuilder

2009-02-20 Thread Rolf Leggewie


I tried to build zinnia in a sid pbuilder chroot, but it failed.  Some 
files seem to be missing.  I don't have time to look into it straight 
away, but I thought I should publish this result nonetheless.



$ pbuilder-dist sid build ./zinnia_0.02-1.dsc
running build_py
running build_ext
running install_lib
creating /tmp/buildd/zinnia-0.02/debian/tmp/usr/lib/python2.5
creating /tmp/buildd/zinnia-0.02/debian/tmp/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages
copying build/lib.linux-i686-2.5/zinnia.py -> 
copying build/lib.linux-i686-2.5/_zinnia.so -> 
to zinnia.pyc

running install_egg_info

dh_testdir -a
dh_testroot -a
dh_installchangelogs -a
dh_installdocs -a
dh_install -a
dh_install: libzinnia-dev missing files (usr/include/*), aborting
make: *** [binary-arch] Error 1
dpkg-buildpackage: failure: fakeroot debian/rules binary gave error exit 
status 2

pbuilder: Failed autobuilding of package
 -> Aborting with an error
 -> unmounting dev/pts filesystem
 -> unmounting proc filesystem
 -> cleaning the build env
-> removing directory /usr/src/pbuilder/build//22840 and its 

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Bug#514969: co-maintainership of zinnia, tegaki and related packages

2009-02-19 Thread Rolf Leggewie


thank you for your work on packaging this nice piece of software.  I'm 
interested in co-maintaining this with you.  I do have a sponsor so that 
should help.  I can't yet compile your package since I am still on hardy 
which has debhelper 6.  I'll try to either relax that constraint or get 
a backport of dh.



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Bug#515092: ITP: pybugz -- command-line interface to Bugzilla

2009-02-13 Thread Rolf Leggewie
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Rolf Leggewie 

* Package name: pybugz
  Version : 0.6.11
  Upstream Author : Alastair Tse 
* URL : http://www.liquidx.net/pybugz/
* License : GPL-2
  Programming Lang: Python
  Description : command-line interface to Bugzilla

 PyBugz is a python and command line interface to Bugzilla, 
 allowing the user to quickly search, isolate and contribute
 to projects using the Bugzilla bug tracker.  Developers can
 easily extract attachments and close bugs all from the
 comfort of the command line.

-- System Information:
Debian Release: lenny/sid
  APT prefers hardy-updates
  APT policy: (900, 'hardy-updates'), (500, 'hardy-security'), (500, 'hardy')
Architecture: i386 (i686)

Kernel: Linux 2.6.24-23-386
Locale: LANG=de_DE.UTF-8, LC_CTYPE=de_DE.UTF-8 (charmap=UTF-8)
Shell: /bin/sh linked to /bin/bash

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Bug#497760: ITP: ttf-aoyagi-kouzan

2009-02-05 Thread Rolf Leggewie
Package: wnpp
Followup-For: Bug #497760


mind you, my Japanese is anything but good.  But I visited the upstream 
homepage of Mr Aoyagi and took a look at what he has to say about the 
license himself.


"いかなる条件もございません" -> no restrictions at all
"本当に自由に掲載して頂いて結構です" -> you are absolutely free to make public
"100%自由に問題なく使っていただけます。問い合わせも必要ありません。"  ->
100% free to use.  There is no need for inquiries.

The whole text gave me the impression of "public domain", do with 
it as you please.

Since the font is indeed nice, I'd like to give it a shot at packaging 
it.  I'd appreciate some kind of mentorship, though, since it would be 
my first font to package.



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Bug#511640: ITP: gbirthday -- GBirthday is a birthday reminder application that helps you to remember your evolution contacts' birthdays.

2009-01-12 Thread Rolf Leggewie
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Rolf Leggewie 

* Package name: gbirthday
  Version : 0.4.1
  Upstream Author : Alex Mallo
* URL : http://gbirthday.sf.net/
* License : GPL
  Programming Lang: Python
  Description : GBirthday is a birthday reminder application that helps you 
to remember your evolution contacts' birthdays.

GBirthday is a birthday reminder application that helps you to remember 
your evolution contacts' birthdays. It puts an icon on notification area 
which will blink when there is any of your contacts' birthday today. You 
can also check if there is any of your contacs' birhday on next days.

GBirthday is a linux aplication designed to work on a gnome or xfce 
environment, but should work with kde if you're working with evolution 
as contact manager.

GBirthday is just a kbirthday's clone, designed to work with gnome and 

GBirthday's source is based on EvoBdayReminder.py by Axel Heim and 
pygtk-demo Status Icon by Nikos Kouremenos.

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Bug#469538: Version 0.8

2008-07-31 Thread Rolf Leggewie
Hi Sam,

I am writing to you because of your ITP for umtsmon.  I have found an
updated package at http://debian.die-welt.net/umtsmon/  Maybe you want
to talk to the guy about working together on packaging?  It also seems
there are non-free parts in umtsmon that would need to be taken out
before bringing this package into debian.

While I am not a DD, I do have a sponsor for a few other packages.
Maybe the three of us can try and come up with a decent package and I'd
be happy to pass it off to my sponsor.



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Bug#427474: gourmet

2008-07-26 Thread Rolf Leggewie

my apologies for coming to this bug so late in the game.  When googling
for "gourmet ITP" I had found only two very old, autoclosed and archived
bugs which led my to believe nobody else was working on it.  Right after
stumbling upon this bug this morning I tried to contact you via Jabber.
 Maybe the address was wrong, so I guess it is safer to try and get in
touch with you via email.  I was wondering if you're still interested in
maintaining gourmet and what you think about co-maintainership.  I think
the package is ready for upload and my sponsor has no further technical
objections so I'd like to get this into the queue soon.



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Bug#427474: package for gourmet is in the queue

2008-07-26 Thread Rolf Leggewie
Package: wnpp
Followup-For: Bug #427474
Owner: Rolf Leggewie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


the package is ready for uploading and should be entering
the queue shortly.




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Bug#490364: Launchpad

2008-07-11 Thread Rolf Leggewie

upstream has chosen Launchpad, so that is where things are happening.
We welcome all kind of help we can get and eventually intend to maintain
packages both in Debian and Ubuntu.



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Bug#490364: Let's collaborate and stop duplicate efforts

2008-07-11 Thread Rolf Leggewie
Hi Marco,

I see you've picked up packaging subdownloader.  I am responsible for
the ugly packaging of the pre-release stuff you see on Launchpad.  I see
that you also have a Launchpad account.  You seem to be a skilled
packager.  May I suggest that instead of duplicating effort and wasting
time we talk about how to coordinate and do the packaging work as a team?



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