retitle 111969 RFP: xrmap -- global vector map rendering tool for X

I am withdrawing my ITP for this package.

I have waited, and waited, waited waited waited, and waited some more,
and still we have no data section.

It is not interesting to me to package this software for distribution in
contrib, which is where it would need to go.

For this package to work, a copy of the CIA World data bank II global
vector information file (a huge geodata set about 45 MB in size) is
required on the local system.

My work on the package to date can be found at:

Note that several new upstream versions have been released since I
initially packaged it.

G. Branden Robinson                |    The basic test of freedom is
Debian GNU/Linux                   |    perhaps less in what we are free to
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                 |    do than in what we are free not to |    do.                  -- Eric Hoffer

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