Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist

Package name    : beep-media-player-plugins
Version         : 0.2.1
Upstream Author : Artur Frysiak <wiget at>
URL             :
License         : GPLv2 [*]
Description     : Extra plugins for Beep Media Player

 This is a collection of extra plugins that have been ported from xmms
 to beep-media-player.  beep-media-player is itself a fork of xmms,
 ported to GTK2, and is already in sid.  This plugin collection is
 not yet complete, but currently features the following:
  - arts:        output sound to aRts
  - ogg:         write sound to file in Ogg/Vorbis format
  - crossfade:   smooth song change
  - lirc:        control BMP by InfraRed
  - scrobbler: online song rating support
  - status:      show BMP status in GNOME/KDE panel
  - xf86audio:   use multimedia keys to control BMP
  - musepack:    play .mpc files
  - mplayer:     play audio and video files by MPlayer
  - blursk:      visualisation plugin inspired by Blur Scope
  - minilcd:     support for external 2-line LCD, driven by LCDproc

[*] I say GPLv2 because it has a COPYING file, but it does *not* have
the proper copyright / license notices in most source files, or even in
any README.  I will work with upstream to correct this.  The intent is
clear enough, and in fact his hand is forced by all the code he is
"borrowing" from the xmms world.

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