
I saw you intend to take over the mainatainance of the hokeys package.
You maight have seen that I started working on the same package, too. I already have put in place all the files necessary for the patches I have set to pending.

Could you please tell me your intentions regarding this package? If you wish I can send you the my version not to duplicate work.

I haven't made any other package before, and I am not sure if I can do the task of maintaining, so if you want, I could help with this.

Also I have found that fnfxd has a simillar functionality, but is organised in a different manner. Its functionalities are targeted towards Toshiba laptops, but I feel that a merge between these two projects would be more beneficial overall. I have suggested this to the fnfxd maintainer (I don't remember the bug no) and also to upstream on the forum.


"That would require time-travel, a feature not currently available in commercial UNIX systems." - Bruce Barnett

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