Bug#548817: RFA: guessnet
Hi, I'm a newbie in packaging but highly motivated. I already know some basics and packaged some "homebrew" softwares. I'm interested in getting involved into Debian and it appears that to adopt a package is one good way. Now I've seen your RFA about guessnet and that you propose to help with code and patch review. The package seems to be quite simple with neither complicated rules nor hack. I use guessnet every day as I'm connected by wireless at home and at university and have setup an automatic switch with it. So I wouldn't suggest to assume a whole maintenance right now (I even don't know whether this is possible as a newbie, and I hope not) but I may help and learn all what needed if someone has the patience to initiate me. Best regards, -- Jonathan Michalon Étudiant en informatique -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-wnpp-requ...@lists.debian.org with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact listmas...@lists.debian.org Archive: http://lists.debian.org/20100420105847.14042...@runningpinguin.chalmion.homelinux.net
Bug#548817: RFA: guessnet
Package: wnpp Severity: normal Hello, it's been more than a year that I have stopped using guessnet. On top of that, I almost never use wireless networking, and I am not normally in range of a wireless network. Nor I own an access point. This means that I cannot do a good job maintaning it: I don't normally use it on wired to spot obvious problems myself (like a recent issue with pcap, see #529882), and I have trouble testing its new wireless scanning code which is something a lot of people seem to use. Therefore, I would like someone else to take over maintaning it. I can help with the code, explaining it, reviewing and improving patches and so on, but the main maintainer needs to be someone who uses guessnet, who can try and reproduce bugs, and test new releases. So here's the RFA. Let's see if someone steps up. Ciao, Enrico -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-wnpp-requ...@lists.debian.org with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact listmas...@lists.debian.org