Severity: wishlist
Owner: lumin <>

    * Package name    : lua-torch-torch7
      Version         : 0~20160604-g69d7a01
      Upstream Author : Torch Developers
    * URL             :

    * License         : BSD-3-Clause
      Programming Lang: lua
      Description     :
Torch Package for Torch Framework

 Torch is the main package in Torch7 where data structures for
 multi-dimensional tensors and mathematical operations over these
 are defined. Additionally, it provides many utilities for accessing
 files, serializing objects of arbitrary types and other useful utilities.
 The Torch Package contains Tensor Library, File I/O Interface Library,
 and some Useful Utilities.

This is the dependency table of Torch package:

/extra/luafilesystem  pass  <== exists in archive
/extra/penlight       pass  <== exists in archive
/extra/lua-cjson      pass  <== exists in archive

/extra/luaffifb       upstream?, dep lua >= 5.1
/pkg/sundown          upstream?, dep lua >= 5.1
/pkg/cwrap            orig, dep lua >= 5.1, can be used independent
​   ​
 <== ITP: lua-
/pkg/paths            orig, dep lua >= 5.1
​                             <== ITP: lua-torch-paths​

/pkg/torch            orig, dep lua >= 5.1, dep paths >= 1.0, dep cwrap >=
1.0  <== ITP: lua-torch-torch7
/pkg/dok              orig, dep lua >= 5.1, dep sundown >= 1.0
/exe/trepl            orig, dep torch >= 7.0, dep penlight >= 1.1.0
/pkg/sys              orig, dep torch >= 7.0
/pkg/xlua             orig, dep sys >= 1.0, dep torch >= 7.0
/extra/nn             orig, dep torch >= 7.0, dep luaffi
/extra/graph          orig, dep torch >= 7.0
/extra/nngraph        orig, dep torch >= 7.0, dep graph, dep nn
/pkg/image            orig, dep torch >= 7.0, dep sys >= 1.0, dep xlua
>= 1.0, dep dok
/pkg/optim            orig, dep torch >= 7.0, dep sys >= 1.0


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