Package: wnpp
Severity: normal

Package: libcollada2gltfconvert-dev
Section: libdevel
Architecture: any
Multi-Arch: same
Depends: opencollada-dev (>= 0.1.0~20140703.ddf8f47+dfsg1-2), rapidjson-dev, 
Description: COLLADA to glTF conversion library -- development
 glTF, the GL Transmission Format, is the runtime asset format for the GL APIs:
 WebGL, OpenGL ES, and OpenGL. glTF bridges the gap between formats used by
 modeling tools and the GL APIs.
 COLLADA2GLTF converts COLLADA files to glTF.
 This package contains the headers and static libraries for converting COLLADA
 to glTF in your applications.

This package was originally packaged (together with OpenCOLLADA, which
is still used by blender, ttbomk) for LibreOffice. Since LibreOfficd 6.0
that glTF feature is gone so there's no interest in this.

debian-multimedia doesn't have a interest either, see

so orphaning this. Uploaded to QA (given the below built against

Note it currently FTBFSes with rapidjson 1.0.2. If anyone picked it up
one needs to update the packaging to current git (and package the new
dependencies - ahoy and draco).
I started preparing it in git (without ahoy and orca), though: (experimental branch,
without importing said snapshot yet)

Or it simply should be removed given it has no r-deps?



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