Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist

* Package name    : pubs
  Version         : 0.7.0
  Upstream Author : Fabien Benureau, Olivier Mangin
* URL             :
* License         : LGPL-3.0
  Programming Lang: Python
  Description     : command line bibliography management tool

Pubs organizes your bibliographic documents together with the
bibliographic data associated to them and provides command line access
to basic and advanced manipulation of your library.

Pubs is built with the following principles in mind:

 * all papers are referenced using unique citation keys,
 * bibliographic data (i.e. pure bibtex information) is kept separated
   from metadata (including links to pdf or tags),
 * everything is stored in plain text so it can be manually edited or
   version controlled.

Pubs can also import/export to/from bibtex and supports fetching
metdata from ISBN or DOI numbers.


I tested this from pip and it looks really nice. Might be a viable
alternative to the problems with packaging Zotero, although it is much
less intuitive for non-commandline users...

Its requirements:

 * beautifulsoup4
 * bibtexparser
 * configobj
 * date-utils
 * pyyaml
 * requests
 * future
 * pyparsing
 * six
 * urllib3
 * idna
 * chardet
 * certifi

All of those seem available in Debian with reasonable versions, so no
extra work required there.

I do not plan on maintaining this just yet, just a heads up that this
package exists and might be interesting to fellow
journalists/academics. I'd be happy to help with sponsorship and this
might better live in the python apps team.

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