Re: Bug#231906: distrib/packages.{ca,no,zn-{cn,hk,tw}} missing but listed

2004-02-12 Thread Peter Karlsson
Josip Rodin:

 IIRC there was another script that did exactly what you want, it created
 those *.forced files which forced the rebuild of other pages.

Yeah, there's a script that does something like that when one
translation is updated, but I'm not 100% sure how it works (I got lost
in the Perl code :-) ). must probably be augmented with
similar functionality.

Peter -
  I do not read or respond to mail with HTML attachments.

New MailingList dwn-trans-english

2004-02-12 Thread Gerfried Fuchs

 I'd like to announce a new mailinglist:
[EMAIL PROTECTED][1]. It is intended to help the early
translators of the DWN about understanding problems and to collect typos
in the english original. My hope is that it will reduce the duplicated
mails that Joey receives about typos and wording suggestions; and the
questions that he might receive when someone doesn't understand what he
is writing.

 I encourage everyone who takes part in the early translation of the DWN
to subscribe that list to be notified about such things and/or be able
to help other translators with their problems. The list is *not* about
problems like How shall I write that sentence in language $foo? --
please use either the [EMAIL PROTECTED] lists for that,
or if you prefer I can add a [EMAIL PROTECTED] list to
split off that traffic. Please keep in mind though that another list
might raise different translations for different Debian specific notions
and need extra synchronisation between the two lists.

 Translation coordinators, please inform your translation teams about
that list. If you don't do early translations of the DWN yet and wonder,
please read:,
especially the part about the production cycle. There you can find the
link to Joeys CVS[2] in which he does write the DWN.

 As part of the german team we do it like follows: We add the
translation-check header into the alioth CVS stating the revision in
Joeys CVS. That way we can diff easily to update to the latest version
during the week. We don't have a script yet that does extract that
automatically but I guess I will write a short one in the short future.

Alfie  Ignacio (partly ,)

 Wozu ein Forum, wenn's Usenet gibt?
Forenuebergreifende Suche taete durch die vielen Ergebnisse den User
ohnehin nur verwirren
 -- Alexander Talos in [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Description: Digital signature

[no subject]

2004-02-12 Thread Matthias Kösters

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

ich bin in einer kleinen Gruppe von jugentlichen die es sich 
zum auftrag gemacht haben Netzwerkpartys zu organiesieren.
Da sich ihr Betriebssystem sehr gut als Server System eignet 
wollte ich sie fragen ob sie uns ewentuell ein wenig sponsoren 
nein nicht mit Geld sondern mit Ihrem Server Betriebssystem. 
Wenn Sie dies tun möchte ich Sie bitten mir eine Version ihres Betriebssystemes 
zuzusenden und am besten auch einige Werbeartikel wie Große Banner die wir auf 
unseren Lans aufhängen können um sie bei ihrer Arbeit ein bisschen zu 

Ich hoffe auf eine schnelle Antwort.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Matthias Kösters

Re: Bug#231906: distrib/packages.{ca,no,zn-{cn,hk,tw}} missing but listed

2004-02-12 Thread Josip Rodin
On Thu, Feb 12, 2004 at 07:08:59AM +0100, Peter Karlsson wrote:
  IIRC there was another script that did exactly what you want, it created
  those *.forced files which forced the rebuild of other pages.
 Yeah, there's a script that does something like that when one
 translation is updated, but I'm not 100% sure how it works (I got lost
 in the Perl code :-) ).

IIRC it simply touches the source files that need modifying and then the
next make run rebuilds them.

 2. That which causes joy or happiness.

Re: your mail

2004-02-12 Thread Gerfried Fuchs

[short summary for non-german speaking pals: inquiry for merchandise
stuff for a lan party]

 Matthias, bitte beachte, dass debian-www eine englischsprachige
Mailingliste ist; das ergibt sich schlicht und ergreifend aus dem
internationalen Zusammenspiel der verschiedensten Leute.

* Matthias Kösters [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2004-02-12 14:17]:
 ich bin in einer kleinen Gruppe von jugentlichen die es sich zum
 auftrag gemacht haben Netzwerkpartys zu organiesieren.

 Hört sich interessant an.

 Da sich ihr Betriebssystem sehr gut als Server System eignet wollte
 ich sie fragen ob sie uns ewentuell ein wenig sponsoren wollen,
 nein nicht mit Geld sondern mit Ihrem Server Betriebssystem.

 Es steht Dir natürlich frei, die Debian-CDs herunterzuladen und so oft
zu brennen, wie Du willst.

 Wenn Sie dies tun möchte ich Sie bitten mir eine Version ihres
 Betriebssystemes zuzusenden und am besten auch einige Werbeartikel wie
 Große Banner die wir auf unseren Lans aufhängen können um sie bei
 ihrer Arbeit ein bisschen zu unterstützen.

 Hinter Debian steckt jedoch keine Firma. Debian ist eine rein
freiwillige Organisation, die selbst auf Spendengelder angewiesen ist,
um ihre Infrastruktur aufrecht zu erhalten (Hardware und Bandbreite gibt
es leider nicht umsonst). Wir verkaufen auch selbst keine CDs. Und genau
da könntest Du einhaken: Frag doch mal bei nach, die
vertreiben in Deutschland Debian-CDs und wären eventuell daran
interessiert. Vielleicht kannst Du auch die Jungs von
überreden, euch unter die Arme zu greifen.

 Ich hoffe auf eine schnelle Antwort.

 Heutzutage muss offenbar alles schnell gehen -- alles auf den letzten
Drücker? :)

 Viel Erfolg mit eurer Party,
Alfie Für Linux?  mutt und sonst nichts.
jbf mutt ist aber console und ich will eins das ich mit der maus bedienen
  kann und keinen nostalgischen wert bestitzt :)
  -- privater irc query, 2001-10-22

Description: Digital signature

2004-02-12 Thread Aleksander Podsiadły
it's the Shame.
Look below,
Aleksander Podsiadły

 Uwaga / Attention: System Anti-Virus Administrator.

 [Ta wiadomosc _nie_ zostala wyslana pod adres pochodzenia poniewaz wyglada
 na to ze jest to lista dyskusyjna lub automatycznie generowany Email]
 [This message was _not_ sent to the originator address, as that appears to
 be a mailing-list or some other automated Email message]


 W wiadomosci ktora wyslales/as zostal znaleziony virus.
 Ten program antywirusowy przechwycil i zatrzymal cala wiadomosc
 zanim dotarla do odbiorcy.
 A virus was found in an Email message you sent.
 This Email scanner intercepted it and stopped the entire message
 reaching it's destination.

 virus zostal zidentyfikowany jako:
 The virus was reported to be:


 Prosze uaktualnic swoj program antywirusowy albo skontaktowac sie
 ze swoim dzialem I.T jak szybko to mozliwe w celu poinformowania
 o znajdujacym sie wirusie w twoim systemie.
 Please update your virus scanner or contact your I.T support
 personnel as soon as possible as you have a virus on your system.

 Wiadomosci, ktora zostala przez ciebie wyslana byla zaadresowana:
 Your message was sent with the following envelope:


 ... i zawierala nastepujace naglowki:
 ... and with the following headers:

 Received: from ( 
   by with SMTP; 12 Feb 2004 12:40:17 -
 Received: from mail by with local (Exim 3.35 1 (Debian))
   id 1ArG78-00062u-00; Thu, 12 Feb 2004 06:38:42 -0600
 X-Failed-Recipients: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 From: Mail Delivery System [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Mail delivery failed: returning message to sender
 Date: Thu, 12 Feb 2004 06:38:42 -0600


 Orginalna wiadomosc znajduje sie w:
 The original message is kept in:

 gdzie System Anti-Virus Administrator moze ja w przyszlosci zdiagnozowac.
 where the System Anti-Virus Administrator can further diagnose it.

 W czasie skanowania wiadomosci program antywirusowy zwrocil nastepujacy
 The Email scanner reported the following when it scanned that message:


 ---avpdaemon results ---

 Current object:
 Test result: 4
 Known viruses were detected
 Found viruses:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] Thu, 12 Feb 2004 13:27:45 +0100]/UNNAMEDarchive: Mail
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] Thu, 12 Feb 2004 13:27:45 +0100]/UNNAMED/text   ok.
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] Thu, 12 Feb 2004 13:27:45
 +0100]/UNNAMED/text.scr   infected: I-Worm.Mydoom.a

 Number of pure objects:   0
 Number of objects with detected viruses   1
 Number of disinfected objects:0
 Number of deleted objects:0
 Number of suspicious objects: 0
 Number of objects with corrupted or changed viruses:  0
 Number of corrupted(or disabled) objects  0
 Number of interrupted scan0
 Scan time: 00:00:01
 Return code: 4


Typo in devel/debian-nonprofit/News/2003/20031213

2004-02-12 Thread Johan Haggi
 From english/devel/debian-nonprofit/News/2003/20031213.wml

World Summit on the Information Society held in Geneva, Switzerland
between December 10th and 12th 2004
Maybe is it is 2003?
*ANTISPAM*: my address is *not* forged, but
it is valid *only* up to 31 March 2004
Ave   Johan Haggi
pridie Idus Februarias MMDCCLVII ab urbe condita

Bad link on

2004-02-12 Thread Mark Robinson
Hi folks

The link to the unstable version of the new netinst cd images on is bad

It should be something like
instead of

Mark Robinson
13 Feb 1689 William of Orange and Mary are devlared King and Queen of England,
having accepted the Declaration of Right.
13 Feb 1692 Massacre of Scottish highlanders at Glencoe.
13 Feb 1863 Pai Marire warriors arrive at Raglan from Taranaki and Taupo with
the head of Capt Lloyd.
13 Feb 1953 The Pope ask for clemency in Rosenberg case.
13 Feb 1961 Frank Sinatra opens his own record company, Reprise Records.
13 Feb 1982 Pink Floyd's The Dark Side of the Moon becomes the longest running
rock album on the Billboard charts after 402 weeks.
13 Feb 2000 Charles Schultz, creator of the Peanuts cartoons died of a heart

Bug#232467: mailing list search seems to miss some items

2004-02-12 Thread Ross Boylan
Severity: normal

On I type alsa (without the
quotes) in the Search for box.  
Select user in list filter.
Select Jan-Mar 04 in Date filter.
Hit search.

As far as I can tell, my post
(and follow up) of 30 Jan 2004 to debian-user does not appear, despite
the presence of alsa in the subject line and the body, and various
words starting alsa- in the body.

I think the search should be picking these up.

Reclassify to listarchives if appropriate; I guessed this was the
place to file since the problem is with the search engine.


-- System Information:
Debian Release: testing/unstable
Architecture: i386
Kernel: Linux iron 2.4.24advncd #1 SMP Fri Jan 30 14:30:34 PST 2004 i686