
 I'd like to announce a new mailinglist:
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>[1]. It is intended to help the early
translators of the DWN about understanding problems and to collect typos
in the english original. My hope is that it will reduce the duplicated
mails that Joey receives about typos and wording suggestions; and the
questions that he might receive when someone doesn't understand what he
is writing.

 I encourage everyone who takes part in the early translation of the DWN
to subscribe that list to be notified about such things and/or be able
to help other translators with their problems. The list is *not* about
problems like "How shall I write that sentence in language $foo?" --
please use either the [EMAIL PROTECTED] lists for that,
or if you prefer I can add a [EMAIL PROTECTED] list to
split off that traffic. Please keep in mind though that another list
might raise different translations for different Debian specific notions
and need extra synchronisation between the two lists.

 Translation coordinators, please inform your translation teams about
that list. If you don't do early translations of the DWN yet and wonder,
please read: <http://www.debian.org/News/weekly/contributing>,
especially the part about the production cycle. There you can find the
link to Joeys CVS[2] in which he does write the DWN.

 As part of the german team we do it like follows: We add the
translation-check header into the alioth CVS stating the revision in
Joeys CVS. That way we can diff easily to update to the latest version
during the week. We don't have a script yet that does extract that
automatically but I guess I will write a short one in the short future.

Alfie & Ignacio (partly ,)

[1] <http://lists.alioth.debian.org/mailman/listinfo/dwn-trans-english>
[2] <http://cvs.infodrom.org/public_html/src/Writing/DWN/?cvsroot=infodrom.org>
> Wozu ein Forum, wenn's Usenet gibt?
Forenuebergreifende Suche taete durch die vielen Ergebnisse den User
ohnehin nur verwirren
         -- Alexander Talos in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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