Debian WWW CVS commit by dogsleg: webwml english/mirror/Mirrors.masterlist russi ...

2017-05-30 Thread Debian WWW CVS
Module name:webwml
Changes by: dogsleg 17/05/30 09:38:46

Modified files:
english/mirror : Mirrors.masterlist 

Log message:

Added files:
russian/security/2017: dsa-3865.wml 

Log message:
(Russian) Initial translation

Debian WWW CVS commit by larjona: webwml/english/partners index.wml

2017-05-30 Thread Debian WWW CVS
Module name:webwml
Changes by: larjona 17/05/30 10:30:06

Modified files:
english/partners: index.wml 

Log message:
Adapt 2017 partners list to use the .po templates

Debian WWW CVS commit by larjona: webwml/english/partners index.wml 2017/index.w ...

2017-05-30 Thread Debian WWW CVS
Module name:webwml
Changes by: larjona 17/05/30 10:30:07

Modified files:
english/partners: index.wml 
english/partners/2017: index.wml 

Log message:
Adapt 2017 partners list to use the .po templates

Debian WWW CVS commit by larjona: webwml/english security/2015/ sec ...

2017-05-30 Thread Debian WWW CVS
Module name:webwml
Changes by: larjona 17/05/30 10:35:12

Added files:
english/security/2015: dsa-3384.wml 

Log message:
[SECURITY] [DSA 3384-1] virtualbox security update

Modified files:
english/mirror : ftpmirror.wml 

Log message:
Fix validation errors

Modified files:

Log message:
sort alphabetically the 2017 partners list

Debian WWW CVS commit by larjona: webwml/danish international/Norwegian.wml part ...

2017-05-30 Thread Debian WWW CVS
Module name:webwml
Changes by: larjona 17/05/30 10:50:52

Modified files:
danish/international: Norwegian.wml 

Log message:
Version bump

Modified files:
danish/partners: index.wml 

Log message:
Sync with English

Debian WWW CVS commit by larjona: webwml/danish international/Norwegian.wml part ...

2017-05-30 Thread Debian WWW CVS
Module name:webwml
Changes by: larjona 17/05/30 10:50:53

Modified files:
danish/international: Norwegian.wml 

Log message:
Version bump

Modified files:
danish/partners: index.wml 
danish/partners/2017: index.wml 

Log message:
Sync with English

Debian WWW CVS commit by gusnan: webwml japanese/security/2011/dsa-2266.wml swe ...

2017-05-30 Thread Debian WWW CVS
Module name:webwml
Changes by: gusnan  17/05/30 10:51:37

Added files:
japanese/security/2011: dsa-2266.wml 

Log message:
Subject: [PATCH 1/5] Update japanese translation DSA 2266 (d-u@jp:55446)

Added files:
swedish/security/2017: dsa-3865.wml 

Log message:
Initial Swedish translation

Debian WWW CVS commit by larjona: webwml japanese/security/2009/dsa-1956.wml eng ...

2017-05-30 Thread Debian WWW CVS
Module name:webwml
Changes by: larjona 17/05/30 11:20:50

Modified files:
japanese/security/2009: dsa-1956.wml 

Log message:
fixed HTML issue: added various  tags, patch provided by dj3mb3

Modified files:
english/News/weekly/2015/07: index.wml 

Log message:
minor fix

Modified files:
english/mirror : Mirrors.masterlist 

Log message:
added, Closes #853748

Modified files:
french/mirror  : list.wml 

Log message:
(fr) Sync

Modified files:
french/po  : 

Log message:
Update French template including last editions on 2017/

Debian WWW CVS commit by larjona: webwml/french/partners index.wml

2017-05-30 Thread Debian WWW CVS
Module name:webwml
Changes by: larjona 17/05/30 11:21:53

Modified files:
french/partners: index.wml 

Log message:
Sync with English, use .po templates for 2017

Debian WWW CVS commit by larjona: webwml/french/partners index.wml 2017/index.wml

2017-05-30 Thread Debian WWW CVS
Module name:webwml
Changes by: larjona 17/05/30 11:21:54

Modified files:
french/partners: index.wml 
french/partners/2017: index.wml 

Log message:
Sync with English, use .po templates for 2017

Debian WWW CVS commit by larjona: webwml japanese/events/2001/1013-linuxweekend. ...

2017-05-30 Thread Debian WWW CVS
Module name:webwml
Changes by: larjona 17/05/30 11:25:44

Added files:
japanese/events/2001: 1013-linuxweekend.wml 1015-systems.wml 

Log message:
3 events in 2001 translated by victory

Modified files:
russian/partners: index.wml 

Log message:
Sync with English, use .po templates for 2017

Debian WWW CVS commit by larjona: webwml japanese/events/2001/1013-linuxweekend. ...

2017-05-30 Thread Debian WWW CVS
Module name:webwml
Changes by: larjona 17/05/30 11:25:45

Added files:
japanese/events/2001: 1013-linuxweekend.wml 1015-systems.wml 

Log message:
3 events in 2001 translated by victory

Modified files:
russian/partners: index.wml 
russian/partners/2017: index.wml 

Log message:
Sync with English, use .po templates for 2017

Debian WWW CVS commit by larjona: webwml english/devel/debian-installer/errata.w ...

2017-05-30 Thread Debian WWW CVS
Module name:webwml
Changes by: larjona 17/05/30 11:27:31

Modified files:
english/devel/debian-installer: errata.wml 

Log message:
Update errata for Stretch RC 1.

Modified files:
spanish/partners: index.wml 

Log message:
Sync with English, use .po files for 2017

Debian WWW CVS commit by larjona: webwml english/devel/debian-installer/errata.w ...

2017-05-30 Thread Debian WWW CVS
Module name:webwml
Changes by: larjona 17/05/30 11:27:31

Modified files:
english/devel/debian-installer: errata.wml 

Log message:
Update errata for Stretch RC 1.

Modified files:
spanish/partners: index.wml 
spanish/partners/2017: index.wml 

Log message:
Sync with English, use .po files for 2017

Debian WWW CVS commit by larjona: webwml/swedish/partners index.wml

2017-05-30 Thread Debian WWW CVS
Module name:webwml
Changes by: larjona 17/05/30 11:29:42

Modified files:
swedish/partners: index.wml 

Log message:
Sync with English, use .po files for 2017

Debian WWW CVS commit by toddy: webwml english/News/weekly/CURRENT-ISSUE-IS en ...

2017-05-30 Thread Debian WWW CVS
Module name:webwml
Changes by: toddy   17/05/30 15:23:52

Modified files:
english/News/weekly: CURRENT-ISSUE-IS 
Added files:
english/News/weekly/2012/04: index.wml 
french/News/weekly/2012/04: index.wml 

Log message:
Release DPN

Removed files:
english/users/com: cingusoft.wml 
french/users/com: cingusoft.wml 
german/users/com: cingusoft.wml 
portuguese/users/com: cingusoft.wml 

Log message:
Parked domain

Added files:
danish/security/2014: dsa-3025.wml 

Log message:
Initial translation

Modified files:
russian/mirror : ftpmirror.wml 

Log message:
(Russian) Fix tidy validation

Modified files:
german/partners: index.wml 

Log message:
Update translation

Debian WWW CVS commit by carnil: webwml japanese/CD/verify.wml japanese/CD/faq/ ...

2017-05-30 Thread Debian WWW CVS
Module name:webwml
Changes by: carnil  17/05/30 16:00:19

Modified files:
japanese/CD: verify.wml 
japanese/CD/faq: index.wml 
japanese/devel : Makefile constitution.1.0.wml 
 constitution.1.1.wml constitution.1.2.wml 
 constitution.1.3.wml constitution.1.4.wml 
 constitution.wml secretary.wml 
japanese/devel/website: using_cvs.wml 
japanese/distrib: netinst.wml 
japanese/international: Dutch.wml 
japanese/international/french: index.wml 
japanese/legal/licenses: index.wml 
japanese/mirror: ftpmirror.wml 
japanese/ports : index.wml 
japanese/ports/s390: index.wml 
japanese/releases/jessie: errata.wml 
japanese/security/2008: dsa-1497.wml 
Added files:
japanese/devel : constitution-hist.txt constitution.1.5.wml 

Log message:
update Japanese translation (d-w@jp:00055)

Added files:
english/security/2017: dsa-3867.wml 

Log message:
[DSA 3867-1] sudo security update

Debian WWW CVS commit by kaare: webwml/english/security/2017 dsa ...

2017-05-30 Thread Debian WWW CVS
Module name:webwml
Changes by: kaare   17/05/30 16:51:07

Added files:
english/security/2017: dsa-3866.wml 

Log message:
[SECURITY] [DSA 3866-1] strongswan security update

Debian WWW CVS commit by kaare: webwml english/security/2011/dsa-2148.wml swed ...

2017-05-30 Thread Debian WWW CVS
Module name:webwml
Changes by: kaare   17/05/30 16:58:00

Modified files:
english/security/2011: dsa-2148.wml 

Log message:
Fixing HTML

Added files:
swedish/security/2014: dsa-3041.wml 

Log message:
Initial Swedish translation

Added files:
danish/security/2017: dsa-3866.wml dsa-3867.wml 

Log message:
Initial translations

Debian WWW CVS commit by gusnan: webwml indonesian/searchtmpl/Makefile swedish/ ...

2017-05-30 Thread Debian WWW CVS
Module name:webwml
Changes by: gusnan  17/05/30 17:05:05

Added files:
indonesian/searchtmpl: Makefile 

Log message:
added the searchtmpl dir to CVS

Added files:
swedish/security/2014: dsa-2868.wml 
swedish/security/2017: dsa-3866.wml dsa-3867.wml 

Log message:
Initial Swedish translation

Added files:
english/security/2015: dsa-3224.wml 

Log message:
[DSA 3224-1] libx11 security update

Debian WWW CVS commit by toddy: webwml/german News/2011/20110625.wml partners/ ...

2017-05-30 Thread Debian WWW CVS
Module name:webwml
Changes by: toddy   17/05/30 20:08:17

Modified files:
german/News/2011: 20110625.wml 

Log message:
  * Fix typo

Modified files:
german/partners/2017: index.wml 

Log message:
1.6: Adapt 2017 partners list to use the .po templates

Debian WWW CVS commit by toddy: webwml/german/international Arabic.wml

2017-05-30 Thread Debian WWW CVS
Module name:webwml
Changes by: toddy   17/05/30 20:10:46

Modified files:
german/international: Arabic.wml 

Log message:
1.7: ar: Update team

Debian WWW CVS commit by toddy: webwml russian/releases/buster/index.wml germa ...

2017-05-30 Thread Debian WWW CVS
Module name:webwml
Changes by: toddy   17/05/30 20:29:53

Modified files:
russian/releases/buster: index.wml 

Log message:
(Russian) Sync translation, 1.1 -> 1.2

Modified files:
german/users/org: sron.wml 

Log message:
1.4: 2015 WHO Audit

Debian WWW CVS commit by toddy: webwml german/News/2011/20110729.wml russian/v ...

2017-05-30 Thread Debian WWW CVS
Module name:webwml
Changes by: toddy   17/05/30 20:33:38

Added files:
german/News/2011: 20110729.wml 

Log message:
added german translation

Modified files:
russian/vote/2009: vote_001_index.src 

Log message:
russian translation update

Added files:
danish/security/2017: dsa-3752.wml 

Log message:
Initial translation

Modified files:
german/users/com: mrhostman.wml 

Log message:
1.2: Update location of MrHostman

Debian WWW CVS commit by toddy: webwml spanish/devel/website/desc.wml german/u ...

2017-05-30 Thread Debian WWW CVS
Module name:webwml
Changes by: toddy   17/05/30 20:34:18

Modified files:
spanish/devel/website: desc.wml 

Log message:
Update Spanish translation to version 1.36

Modified files:
german/users/com: mrhostman.wml 

Log message:
This is actually in sync with 1.3

Debian WWW CVS commit by toddy: webwml english/security/2011/dsa-2224.wml fren ...

2017-05-30 Thread Debian WWW CVS
Module name:webwml
Changes by: toddy   17/05/30 20:39:00

Modified files:
english/security/2011: dsa-2224.wml 
Added files:
french/security/2011: dsa-2224.wml 

Log message:
(en) Fix typo and tags; (fr) Initial translation

Modified files:
german/users/org: tuxfamily.wml 

Log message:
1.4: 2015 WHO Audit

Debian WWW CVS commit by toddy: webwml/german/users/edu brown.wml

2017-05-30 Thread Debian WWW CVS
Module name:webwml
Changes by: toddy   17/05/30 20:39:49

Modified files:
german/users/edu: brown.wml 

Log message:
1.3: 2015 WHO Audit

Debian WWW CVS commit by toddy: webwml/german/users/org greennet.wml

2017-05-30 Thread Debian WWW CVS
Module name:webwml
Changes by: toddy   17/05/30 20:43:18

Modified files:
german/users/org: greennet.wml 

Log message:
1.2: 2014 Who audit, responses

Debian WWW CVS commit by toddy: webwml spanish/devel/website/using_cvs.wml ger ...

2017-05-30 Thread Debian WWW CVS
Module name:webwml
Changes by: toddy   17/05/30 20:44:16

Modified files:
spanish/devel/website: using_cvs.wml 

Log message:
Update Spanish translation to version 1.29

Modified files:
german/users/edu: datsi_upm.wml 

Log message:
1.4: Update datsi_upm entry (Who's using Debian audit 2015)

Debian WWW CVS commit by toddy: webwml english/users/ german/users/or ...

2017-05-30 Thread Debian WWW CVS
Module name:webwml
Changes by: toddy   17/05/30 20:48:14

Modified files:
english/users  : 

Log message:
Ping users: second pass (oldest edu, org and gov)

Modified files:
german/users/org: sangerinstitute.wml 

Log message:
1.3: 2015 Audit: Sanger Institute update

Debian WWW CVS commit by toddy: webwml/german/users/com nimbushookahlounge.wml

2017-05-30 Thread Debian WWW CVS
Module name:webwml
Changes by: toddy   17/05/30 20:49:34

Modified files:
german/users/com: nimbushookahlounge.wml 

Log message:
1.3: Add comment with the date of creation for entries of 2015 and 2014 
(for future audits)

Debian WWW CVS commit by toddy: webwml dutch/News/2015/20150426.wml german/use ...

2017-05-30 Thread Debian WWW CVS
Module name:webwml
Changes by: toddy   17/05/30 20:53:04

Modified files:
dutch/News/2015: 20150426.wml 

Log message:
Sync (fix tidy errrors)

Modified files:
german/users/edu: cintli-unam.wml 

Log message:
1.2: 2015 WHO Audit

Debian WWW CVS commit by kaare: webwml italian/News/weekly/2011/11/index.wml s ...

2017-05-30 Thread Debian WWW CVS
Module name:webwml
Changes by: kaare   17/05/31 04:51:49

Modified files:
italian/News/weekly/2011/11: index.wml 

Log message:
[tidy] *now* really fixed: s,/,,

Modified files:
swedish/MailingLists/desc/user: translation-check 
Added files:
swedish/MailingLists/desc/user: debian-photo 

Log message:
Initial Swedish translation

Added files:
english/security/2017: dsa-3868.wml 

Log message:
[SECURITY] [DSA 3868-1] openldap security update

Debian WWW CVS commit by kaare: webwml japanese/events/2002/0124-hct.wml spani ...

2017-05-30 Thread Debian WWW CVS
Module name:webwml
Changes by: kaare   17/05/31 04:53:03

Added files:
japanese/events/2002: 0124-hct.wml 

Log message:
1 event in 2002 translated by victory

Modified files:
spanish/releases/wheezy: index.wml 

Log message:
Translate title

Added files:
danish/security/2017: dsa-3868.wml 

Log message:
Initial translation

Debian WWW CVS commit by dogsleg: webwml swedish/releases/wheezy/errata.wml dani ...

2017-05-30 Thread Debian WWW CVS
Module name:webwml
Changes by: dogsleg 17/05/31 05:59:26

Modified files:
swedish/releases/wheezy: errata.wml 

Log message:
Sync with English original 1.6

Added files:
danish/security/2016: dsa-3601.wml 

Log message:
Initial translation

Added files:
russian/security/2017: dsa-3866.wml dsa-3867.wml dsa-3868.wml 

Log message:
(Russian) Initial translation