Debian WWW CVS commit by sebul-guest: webwml russian/security/2006/dsa-1155.wml russ ...

2018-01-19 Thread Debian WWW CVS
Module name:webwml
Changes by: sebul-guest 18/01/20 03:26:41

Modified files:
russian/security/2006: dsa-1155.wml dsa-958.wml 

Log message:
(Russian) Proofread translation by Vladimir Zhbanov

Modified files:

Log message:
Bump version to Stretch RC 1.

Modified files:
korean/devel/debian-desktop: index.wml 

Log message:
Add translation

Debian WWW CVS commit by sebul-guest: webwml english/mirror/ftpmirror.wml spanish/in ...

2018-01-19 Thread Debian WWW CVS
Module name:webwml
Changes by: sebul-guest 18/01/20 02:44:23

Modified files:
english/mirror : ftpmirror.wml 

Log message:
ftp.d.o no longer in US (Closes: #660784)

Modified files:
spanish: index.wml 

Log message:
Translate the word "Download" in the download button

Added files:
korean/security/2018: dsa-4092.wml 

Log message:

Debian WWW CVS commit by sombra-guest: webwml japanese/devel/secretary.wml italian/co ...

2018-01-19 Thread Debian WWW CVS
Module name:webwml
Changes by: sombra-guest18/01/19 20:17:31

Modified files:
japanese/devel : secretary.wml 

Log message:

Modified files:
italian/consultants: rafael_moraes.wml 

Log message:

Added files:
spanish/security/2017: dsa-4061.wml 

Log message:
Add Spanish translation

Debian WWW CVS commit by sombra-guest: webwml italian/releases/squeeze/errata.wml spa ...

2018-01-19 Thread Debian WWW CVS
Module name:webwml
Changes by: sombra-guest18/01/19 20:15:43

Modified files:
italian/releases/squeeze: errata.wml 

Log message:
Squeeze 6.0.3 is out

Added files:
spanish/security/2018: dsa-4092.wml 

Log message:
Add Spanish translation

Debian WWW CVS commit by sombra-guest: webwml english/devel/debian-installer/errata.w ...

2018-01-19 Thread Debian WWW CVS
Module name:webwml
Changes by: sombra-guest18/01/19 20:14:28

Modified files:
english/devel/debian-installer: errata.wml 
french/devel/debian-installer: errata.wml 
japanese/devel/debian-installer: errata.wml 

Log message:
s/Gnome/GNOME/; (ja,fr) sync

Added files:
spanish/security/2018: dsa-4091.wml 

Log message:
Add Spanish translation

Debian WWW CVS commit by jipege1-guest: webwml/french/security/2018 dsa-4091.wml

2018-01-19 Thread Debian WWW CVS
Module name:webwml
Changes by: jipege1-guest   18/01/19 17:26:04

Modified files:
french/security/2018: dsa-4091.wml 

Log message:
(fr) proofread Jean-Paul Guillonneau

Debian WWW CVS commit by jipege1-guest: webwml english/users/com/parkyeri.wml czech/CD ...

2018-01-19 Thread Debian WWW CVS
Module name:webwml
Changes by: jipege1-guest   18/01/19 17:24:42

Added files:
english/users/com: parkyeri.wml 

Log message:
Parkyeri, Istanbul, Turkey

Modified files:
czech/CD/faq   : index.wml 

Log message:
sync (1.82)

Modified files:
french/security/2018: dsa-4092.wml 

Log message:
(fr) proofread Jean-Paul Guillonneau

Debian WWW CVS commit by jipege1-guest: webwml japanese/doc/books.wml portuguese/devel ...

2018-01-19 Thread Debian WWW CVS
Module name:webwml
Changes by: jipege1-guest   18/01/19 16:32:41

Modified files:
japanese/doc   : books.wml 

Log message:
sync with 1.57

Modified files:
portuguese/devel/website: examples.wml 

Log message:
Translation updated to version 1.10.

Modified files:
french/security/2018: dsa-4087.wml dsa-4089.wml 

Log message:
(fr) proofread Baptiste Jammet

Debian WWW CVS commit by jipege1-guest: webwml polish/CD/index.wml french/security/201 ...

2018-01-19 Thread Debian WWW CVS
Module name:webwml
Changes by: jipege1-guest   18/01/19 15:46:40

Modified files:
polish/CD  : index.wml 

Log message:
Sync translation to 1.33

Added files:
french/security/2018: dsa-4090.wml dsa-4091.wml dsa-4092.wml 

Log message:
(fr) initial translation

Debian WWW CVS commit by jptha-guest: webwml/french/ports/hurd hurd-cd.wml

2018-01-19 Thread Debian WWW CVS
Module name:webwml
Changes by: jptha-guest 18/01/19 14:04:13

Modified files:
french/ports/hurd: hurd-cd.wml 

Log message:
(fr) sync, trivial changes

Debian WWW CVS commit by gusnan: webwml english/consultants/ swe ...

2018-01-19 Thread Debian WWW CVS
Module name:webwml
Changes by: gusnan  18/01/19 13:53:24

Modified files:

Log message:
Remove Albino Biasutti Neto, as requested.

Added files:
swedish/security/2018: dsa-4091.wml dsa-4092.wml 

Log message:
Initial Swedish translation

Debian WWW CVS commit by jptha-guest: webwml russian/events/index.wml french/consult ...

2018-01-19 Thread Debian WWW CVS
Module name:webwml
Changes by: jptha-guest 18/01/19 13:48:54

Modified files:
russian/events : index.wml 

Log message:
(Russian) Proofread translation

Modified files:
french/consultants: credativ.wml 

Log message:
Proofread by l10n

Debian WWW CVS commit by gusnan: webwml french/News/2010/20100130.wml french/Ne ...

2018-01-19 Thread Debian WWW CVS
Module name:webwml
Changes by: gusnan  18/01/19 13:09:53

Modified files:
french/News/2010: 20100130.wml 20100626.wml 

Log message:
(fr) Proofread [ Stéphane Blondon ] 

Modified files:
italian/CD/faq : index.wml 

Log message:
remove extra line which was pasted twice in a single line

Modified files:
swedish/ports/hurd: hurd-cd.wml 

Log message:
Sync with English 1.88

Debian WWW CVS commit by kaare: webwml russian/vote/2013/vote_001_index.src fr ...

2018-01-19 Thread Debian WWW CVS
Module name:webwml
Changes by: kaare   18/01/19 10:56:59

Modified files:
russian/vote/2013: vote_001_index.src 

Log message:
russian translation update

Added files:
french/devel/debian-installer/News/2016: 20160110.wml 

Log message:
(fr) initial translation

Added files:
danish/security/2018: dsa-4092.wml 

Log message:
Initial translation

Debian WWW CVS commit by dogsleg: webwml english/template/debian/navbar.wml engl ...

2018-01-19 Thread Debian WWW CVS
Module name:webwml
Changes by: dogsleg 18/01/19 10:49:31

Modified files:
english/template/debian: navbar.wml 

Log message:
Fix accessibility link [ symoon ]

Modified files:
english/mirror : Mirrors.masterlist 

Log message:
Update Mirrors.masterlist from mirrorteam git

Added files:
russian/security/2018: dsa-4092.wml 

Log message:
(Russian) Initial translation

Debian WWW CVS commit by dogsleg: webwml french/devel/debian-installer/News/2016 ...

2018-01-19 Thread Debian WWW CVS
Module name:webwml
Changes by: dogsleg 18/01/19 10:46:27

Modified files:
french/devel/debian-installer/News/2016: 20160110.wml 

Log message:
(fr) proofread JP Guillonneau & B Jammet

Added files:
english/security/2018: dsa-4092.wml 

Log message:
[SECURITY] [DSA 4092-1] awstats security update

Debian WWW CVS commit by dogsleg: webwml english/blends/index.wml french/blends/ ...

2018-01-19 Thread Debian WWW CVS
Module name:webwml
Changes by: dogsleg 18/01/19 08:23:43

Modified files:
english/blends : index.wml 
french/blends  : index.wml 
swedish/blends : index.wml 

Log message:
Fix validation errors

Modified files:
russian/events/2012: 0707-rmll.wml 

Log message:
(Russian) Better wording by Andrey Skvortsov