Xprint on powerpc

2002-10-23 Thread Drew Parsons
Xprint (package xprint-xprintorg, upstream http://xprint.mozdev.org) is now
compiled and uploaded for all architectures. 

There is a bug report
saying char signedness is broken on arm, powerpc, s390.  Although the
package compiles, apparently this should cause runtime errors.

We're not really clear what the problem is though.  The bug reporter says
the problem is in imake, but the Xprint imake is supposed to be the same as
in XFree86.

Could someone running these architectures kindly confirm or deny the
bug, or add more details?

The Xprt server is run automatically via /etc/init.d/xprint when
xprt-xprintorg is installed, so it should be sufficient to test the package
by running:

$ apt-get install xprt-xprintorg xprt-common
$ XPSERVERLIST=/etc/init.d/xprint get_xpserverlist xplsprinters

xplsprinters should list the printers available on your system (as
identified by lpstat), for example

If xplsprinters returns the list, then Xprint can be considered to work, I
think.  I'd love to hear if it does.

For any cut'n'pasters who want to contribute to the bug report, the email
address for bug #161899 is [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thanks for any help!


PGP public key available at http://people.debian.org/~dparsons/drewskey.txt
Fingerprint: A110 EAE1 D7D2 8076 5FE0  EC0A B6CE 7041 6412 4E4A

Description: PGP signature

Bug#165899: xlibs-dbg: no unstripped libs for /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/locale/common/*

2002-10-23 Thread MINAMI Hirokazu
On Tue, 22 Oct 2002 11:31:14 -0500

  Would you include such a libraries in the -dbg package?
 Yes.  How does this look?

Seems OK for me.

 As long as everything tests all right, this fix will be in the next


Re: woody : X install

2002-10-23 Thread Colin Walters
On Mon, 2002-10-21 at 18:21, Branden Robinson wrote: 
 On Mon, Oct 21, 2002 at 05:21:00PM -0400, Colin Walters wrote:
  Speaking with my Debian Desktop hat on, I would prefer it if you took
  the approach of just trying what the autodetection tools said, and only
  if that fails, offer the user a choice of options.
 The Debconf spec won't let me do that.  If DEBIAN_PRIORITY is low, I
 need to grind to a halt and wait for the user to confirm, e.g., the
 usage of the XFree86 server and tdfx driver for his Voodoo3 3000

I am not worried about what happens when the debconf priority is low. 
The Debian Desktop will for sure default to at least high.

  If the autodetection tools give incorrect information, then that's a
  bug in those tools we should fix.  If the X server doesn't get enough
  information from the autodetection tools, then we should fix that.
 I agree, but there is simply no way to completely eliminate the
 interactivity, *even if* the autodetection tools work perfectly, and
 still play the Debconf game.

Ok, here's the way I see things happening.  We use discover and friends
to populate the debconf database, like you do now in the xserver-xfree86
.config script.  We only ask the user to confirm at a priority of
low.  The default for the confirm question is yes.
After XFree86 is installed, if it succeeds (as we should strive to make
sure it does for as many possible setups as we can), then we're all
Now, if it fails, we touch a file like
/etc/X11/x-server-autoconfiguration-failed, and use curses to prompt the
user with something like:
The graphics system (X server) failed to start:
[ include contents of tail -8 /var/log/XFree86.0.log ]
Do you want to rerun the configuration wizard?

If they say yes, we exec dpkg-reconfigure --plow --priority=low
xserver-xfree86.  After this, we try to start X again.  If it succeeds,
we rm /etc/X11/x-server-autoconfiguration-failed, and again we're good.
If it fails, then we just give up, inform the user appropriately, and
touch a file like /etc/X11/x-server-unconfigured.  Login managers like
GDM can look for this file, and refuse to start if it exists.

If they say no to the run configuration wizard question, we just touch
that x-server-unconfigured file.

 If we want to discuss this more we should move over to debian-x.

Ok, I'll subscribe.

Re: [desktop] Unix configuration nightmare

2002-10-23 Thread Branden Robinson
On Tue, Oct 22, 2002 at 06:00:48PM -0400, Matt Zimmerman wrote:
 As I said, I am suggesting we mimick the conffile mechanism.  conffiles are
 not parsed, but their modification is noticed.  My proposed system would not
 prevent the user from using the menu-driven configuration; it would simple
 offer them a choice about whether to generate a new configuration using the
 dialogs, or to preserve their existing configuration.  This choice would
 only be necessary if the file had been modified by hand.

I think I would probably migrate the XFree86 packages to using this if
you implemented it.

The more I think about what it would require to completely handle an
XF86Config file with Debconf, the less I want to do it.  It feels like
the wrong direction to be going.  Some sections of the file can appear
0, 1 or n times.  You'd have to build menus based on the identifiers for
various sections and have the user select which one to use.  This means
I'd be generating questions from templates all over the place, and using
the names of debconf questions as values in a select template (this fact
could be masked, but it would be happening).

It's just grody.  I get two kinds of complaints about the debconfization
of the X server:

1) I didn't bother to read the top of the config file, or any
documentation anywhere, my changes got clobbered, and I'm mad.

2) You don't support this obscure-ass option, and I think you should.

With what you propose it would be easier to hew back towards my original
intent for the XFree86 debconf templates, which was:

  Get a working, non-gross, single-headed X configuration going if at
  all possible so that, with DEBIAN_PRIORITY=high, newbies don't even
  have to know that there is such a thin as an XFree86 configuration

I am profoundly disinterested in a full solution.  To do it right would
be to reinvent xf86cfg, which has to load the driver modules itself to
ask them what options they support.  That's a horrible thing to be doing
in an installation scenario.  Especially when the damn package isn't
even unpacked yet.

Yes, now that I've written this mail, I've pretty much made up my mind.
I like your idea.  If the user dicks with the autogenerated file, we
slam on the brakes and toss him into the manual configuration ghetto
where he belongs.  His changes are respected and he gets to RTF
XF86Config-4(5) page.

People have demonstrated to my satisfaction that:

# XF86Config-4 (XFree86 server configuration file) generated by dexconf, the
# Debian X Configuration tool, using values from the debconf database.
# Edit this file with caution, and see the XF86Config-4 manual page.
# (Type man XF86Config-4 at the shell prompt.)
# If you want your changes to this file preserved by dexconf, only make changes
# before the ### BEGIN DEBCONF SECTION line above, and/or after the
# ### END DEBCONF SECTION line below.
# To change things within the debconf section, run the command:
#   dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86
# as root.  Also see How do I add custom sections to a dexconf-generated
# XF86Config or XF86Config-4 file? in /usr/share/doc/xfree86-common/FAQ.gz.

is just a very long way of saying fnord.  People's minds just blot it
out and they insist that the text does not exist.

They.  Will.  Not.  Read.

Matt, I'd be more than happy to use xfree86 in unstable as a testbed for
your proposal.  If you agree, let's migrate this subthread over to

G. Branden Robinson|
Debian GNU/Linux   |   // // //  / /
http://people.debian.org/~branden/ |

Description: PGP signature

Re: apt-build and xfree86

2002-10-23 Thread Branden Robinson
On Tue, Oct 22, 2002 at 06:29:32PM +0100, James Troup wrote:
 Branden Robinson [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  xfree86 4.2.1-4 will B-D on kernel-headers-2.4.19-386 |
  kernel-headers-2.4 | hurd | freebsd | netbsd | openbsd.  This will of
  course only help Linux/i386 people, but it's better than nothing.
 FYI that'll break auto-building; sbuild takes the first choice.

G.  Is that a bug in sbuild and/or should we clearly document this
in the Debian Policy Manual?

G. Branden Robinson|   The last Christian died on the
Debian GNU/Linux   |   cross.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] |   -- Friedrich Nietzsche
http://people.debian.org/~branden/ |

Description: PGP signature

Bug#165899: xlibs-dbg: no unstripped libs for /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/locale/common/*

2002-10-23 Thread 165899
On Wed, Oct 23, 2002 at 10:29:54PM +0900, MINAMI wrote:
 These changes seems to fix most of leaks I have seen.
 #Though I don't know why Xfree() is prefered to XFree()

Probably because XFree() is an Xlib function.

Xfree() is to free() what Xalloc() is to malloc().

G. Branden Robinson| It just seems to me that you are
Debian GNU/Linux   | willfully entering an arse-kicking
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | contest with a monstrous entity
http://people.debian.org/~branden/ | that has sixteen legs and no arse.

Description: PGP signature

Re: [desktop] Unix configuration nightmare

2002-10-23 Thread Branden Robinson
On Wed, Oct 23, 2002 at 10:09:58PM +0200, Andreas Metzler wrote:
 Time for a third opinion: I think your setup circumvents the problem
 (parsing XF86Config) _very_ nicely with little overhead. It allows me
 to customize any section I want while still letting debconf handle the
 rest. Basically I just have to copy it and move it outside of the debconf

Well, that was the use case I had in mind when I wrote XFree86's debconf
support, but judging by the dozens of config files I've seen, that's not
the use case in widest deployment.

You can tell people to put their shit outside the debconf area, but they
won't.  They just tilt their heads a little, smile politely at you, and
walk straight into the wall, again and again.

Make the change you want, but do it over here, please.  No.
Make the change you want, but do it over here, please.  No.
Make the change you want, but do it over here, please.  No.
Make the change you want, but do it over here, please.  No.
Make the change you want, but do it over here, please.  No.
Make the change you want, but do it over here, please.  No.
[repeat until you vomit]

Cutting and pasting a block of text is Too Hard.

The scenario you enjoy will die, because People Will Not Read.  It's
also arguably a violation of way Debconf is supposed to work (there's
not supposed to be any such thing as a debconf area, and for files
that aren't as potentially insanely complex as XF86Config, I agree), so
I'm not getting any support from the Orthodox Church of Debconf, either.

I may sound bitter, and maybe I am a little, but I know where the fault
lies; it lies with me, for misjudging my audience.  I didn't think there
was anything between the following two points on the user continuuum:

* hates and fears text config files and will not touch them
* will read and edit a text config file

But there is such a third group:

* will edit a text config file, but only given very precise and explicit
  instructions -- will not read manpages, will not read the config file
  itself, has tunnel vision, will only take action on suggestions like
  right after the line that says Driver mga in your XFree config
  file[sic], add a line that says Option WhizzBang and you'll be able
  to use the special Tomb Raider hack that let you play Lara Croft
  without any clothes on, and adds lots of mirrors to the level maps

So, like I said, it's my fault.  I didn't think many such people
existed.  They do, and because they are numerous it's my responsibility
as a Debian package maintainer to accomodate their needs.  What you want
to do will still be possible, but you'll have to use interdiff or
something.  An easy thing will be made hard -- or at least tedious -- so
that a different easy thing can be made even easier than it was, because
even easy was too hard for some people.

Thanks for the kind words, though.

G. Branden Robinson|   The software said it required
Debian GNU/Linux   |   Windows 3.1 or better, so I
[EMAIL PROTECTED] |   installed Linux.
http://people.debian.org/~branden/ |

Description: PGP signature

Re: woody : X install

2002-10-23 Thread Colin Walters
On Wed, 2002-10-23 at 18:01, Branden Robinson wrote:
 On Wed, Oct 23, 2002 at 02:52:43PM -0400, Colin Walters wrote:
  Ok, here's the way I see things happening.  We use discover and friends
  to populate the debconf database, like you do now in the xserver-xfree86
  .config script.  We only ask the user to confirm at a priority of
  low.  The default for the confirm question is yes.
 Medium.  Things can be autodetected wrongly.  Low is for things that
 can't really be wrong, just annoying to nitpicky people.

Ok, fair enough.

 PGI already does something similar to what you describe.

I see; how hard would it be to integrate into the main Debian package? 
I guess my main point here is that it's a solvable problem; I don't
think this approach goes against the spirit of Debconf at all.   

 We long ago solved the looping display manager problem, so it's just as
 well to let the display managers fail.  They won't tie up the system for
 long and they let the display managers start again on a good
 configuration even if something is stupid and leaves the
 /etc/X11/x-server-unconfigured file around.

Ok, right.  Yeah, that works well.  Cool.  We're getting there.

Configuration file handling (Re: [desktop] Unix configuration nightmare)

2002-10-23 Thread Matt Zimmerman
On Wed, Oct 23, 2002 at 02:02:12PM -0500, Branden Robinson wrote:

 Yes, now that I've written this mail, I've pretty much made up my mind.
 I like your idea.  If the user dicks with the autogenerated file, we
 slam on the brakes and toss him into the manual configuration ghetto
 where he belongs.  His changes are respected and he gets to RTF
 XF86Config-4(5) page.
 Matt, I'd be more than happy to use xfree86 in unstable as a testbed for
 your proposal.  If you agree, let's migrate this subthread over to

OK, let's spec things out a bit, then.

I don't think that existing .config handling necessarily needs to change at
this point, unless we want to provide a standard way to suppress all
attempts at automatic configuration for a particular config file.

In other maintainer scripts, we need to be able to say I have generated a
configuration file /tmp/blah as a possible replacement for /etc/foo/bar. At
that point, the maintainer script is done with the file, and passes control
to us.

We check again whether the file has been modified since last time by
comparing it to a saved copy or checksum (the copy is optional, but gives
much more flexibility than storing only a checksum).  If it has not been
modified, we overwrite the existing config with the new one, and update the
saved copy to match.

If the generated configuration file is identical to the existing one, then
by some miracle, the user has made changes identical to what we would have
made, and we update our saved copy of the config file and exit.

If the files are different, then we attempt a merge, check whether it was
successful, and interact with the user via debconf, explaining the situation
and the result of the merge attempt (displaying a diff if the user cares
about such things).  At the end of the interaction, we should have decided
on one of these courses of action:

- Throw away the admin's changes to the file and replace it with the new one
  entirely (conffile 'y')

- Ignore the package maintainer's changes to the file and keep the existing
  one (conffile 'n')

- Merge the package maintainer's changes and give the user a chance to fix
  things up manually before continuing

- (this option is only available if the merge was successful)
  Merge the package maintainer's changes and continue without further

In the common cases, this should be possible with a single prompt, though it
could be split into two phases or selected from either a simple or
advanced method, or even suppressed entirely for novice users if a sane
default action sequence could be decided (always preserve?  merge, and if
that fails, preserve?  warn?).

At package build time, the source package machinery only needs to indicate
which binary packages will be making use of the infrastructure, and a helper
will ensure that the necessary templates are included and generate
dependency substitutions.  Rebuilding a package will automatically pull in
the latest, best-translated templates from the helper.

Open questions:

- What should happen at preconfiguration time to minimize interaction for
  novice users?

- What sort of preferences would be useful, either at a global scope or a
  per-package scope?  always leave my foobar config alone  always merge
  my changes if there are no merge conflicts

Implementation issues:

- How to store the saved config files, so that it is intuitively obvious to
  which package they belong, and their installed location, so that they are
  conveniently available to the admin?  This should be a public interface.

- Will it be necessary or desirable to modify debhelper so that there is a
  substitution interface for templates, similar to what is done for
  maintainer scripts?

 - mdz

Re: apt-build and xfree86

2002-10-23 Thread James Troup
Branden Robinson [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

   xfree86 4.2.1-4 will B-D on kernel-headers-2.4.19-386 |
   kernel-headers-2.4 | hurd | freebsd | netbsd | openbsd.  This will of
   course only help Linux/i386 people, but it's better than nothing.
  FYI that'll break auto-building; sbuild takes the first choice.
 G.  Is that a bug in sbuild and/or should we clearly document this
 in the Debian Policy Manual?

Sorry, I should have said; it's a bug in sbuild.


Re: woody : X install

2002-10-23 Thread Branden Robinson
On Wed, Oct 23, 2002 at 07:38:29PM -0400, Colin Walters wrote:
  PGI already does something similar to what you describe.
 I see; how hard would it be to integrate into the main Debian package? 
 I guess my main point here is that it's a solvable problem; I don't
 think this approach goes against the spirit of Debconf at all.   

Hard.  It's difficult to test-launch the X server before it's been

G. Branden Robinson|The first thing the communists do
Debian GNU/Linux   |when they take over a country is to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] |outlaw cockfighting.
http://people.debian.org/~branden/ |-- Oklahoma State Senator John Monks

Description: PGP signature

Re: apt-build and xfree86

2002-10-23 Thread Branden Robinson
On Tue, Oct 22, 2002 at 06:29:32PM +0100, James Troup wrote:
 Branden Robinson [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  xfree86 4.2.1-4 will B-D on kernel-headers-2.4.19-386 |
  kernel-headers-2.4 | hurd | freebsd | netbsd | openbsd.  This will of
  course only help Linux/i386 people, but it's better than nothing.
 FYI that'll break auto-building; sbuild takes the first choice.

G.  Is that a bug in sbuild and/or should we clearly document this
in the Debian Policy Manual?

G. Branden Robinson|   The last Christian died on the
Debian GNU/Linux   |   cross.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] |   -- Friedrich Nietzsche
http://people.debian.org/~branden/ |

Description: PGP signature

Bug#165899: xlibs-dbg: no unstripped libs for /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/locale/common/*

2002-10-23 Thread 165899
On Wed, Oct 23, 2002 at 02:13:17AM +0900, ISHIKAWA Mutsumi wrote:
  Some memory leaks of libX11 was fixed in XFree86 current CVS
 few days ago. Will the patch solves your problem?
  438. Fix some memory leaks in libX11 i18n code (#A.1314, Olivier Chapuis).
  Perhaps, it is better to merge this patch to next release (4.2.1-4)
 of xfree86 debian package.

Already done.

G. Branden Robinson| Human beings rarely imagine a god
Debian GNU/Linux   | that behaves any better than a
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | spoiled child.
http://people.debian.org/~branden/ | -- Robert Heinlein

Description: PGP signature

Bug#165899: xlibs-dbg: no unstripped libs for /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/locale/common/*

2002-10-23 Thread 165899
On Wed, Oct 23, 2002 at 10:29:54PM +0900, MINAMI wrote:
 These changes seems to fix most of leaks I have seen.
 #Though I don't know why Xfree() is prefered to XFree()

Probably because XFree() is an Xlib function.

Xfree() is to free() what Xalloc() is to malloc().

G. Branden Robinson| It just seems to me that you are
Debian GNU/Linux   | willfully entering an arse-kicking
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | contest with a monstrous entity
http://people.debian.org/~branden/ | that has sixteen legs and no arse.

Description: PGP signature

Re: woody : X install

2002-10-23 Thread Colin Walters
On Wed, 2002-10-23 at 18:01, Branden Robinson wrote:
 On Wed, Oct 23, 2002 at 02:52:43PM -0400, Colin Walters wrote:
  Ok, here's the way I see things happening.  We use discover and friends
  to populate the debconf database, like you do now in the xserver-xfree86
  .config script.  We only ask the user to confirm at a priority of
  low.  The default for the confirm question is yes.
 Medium.  Things can be autodetected wrongly.  Low is for things that
 can't really be wrong, just annoying to nitpicky people.

Ok, fair enough.

 PGI already does something similar to what you describe.

I see; how hard would it be to integrate into the main Debian package? 
I guess my main point here is that it's a solvable problem; I don't
think this approach goes against the spirit of Debconf at all.   

 We long ago solved the looping display manager problem, so it's just as
 well to let the display managers fail.  They won't tie up the system for
 long and they let the display managers start again on a good
 configuration even if something is stupid and leaves the
 /etc/X11/x-server-unconfigured file around.

Ok, right.  Yeah, that works well.  Cool.  We're getting there.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Configuration file handling (Re: [desktop] Unix configuration nightmare)

2002-10-23 Thread Matt Zimmerman
On Wed, Oct 23, 2002 at 02:02:12PM -0500, Branden Robinson wrote:

 Yes, now that I've written this mail, I've pretty much made up my mind.
 I like your idea.  If the user dicks with the autogenerated file, we
 slam on the brakes and toss him into the manual configuration ghetto
 where he belongs.  His changes are respected and he gets to RTF
 XF86Config-4(5) page.
 Matt, I'd be more than happy to use xfree86 in unstable as a testbed for
 your proposal.  If you agree, let's migrate this subthread over to

OK, let's spec things out a bit, then.

I don't think that existing .config handling necessarily needs to change at
this point, unless we want to provide a standard way to suppress all
attempts at automatic configuration for a particular config file.

In other maintainer scripts, we need to be able to say I have generated a
configuration file /tmp/blah as a possible replacement for /etc/foo/bar. At
that point, the maintainer script is done with the file, and passes control
to us.

We check again whether the file has been modified since last time by
comparing it to a saved copy or checksum (the copy is optional, but gives
much more flexibility than storing only a checksum).  If it has not been
modified, we overwrite the existing config with the new one, and update the
saved copy to match.

If the generated configuration file is identical to the existing one, then
by some miracle, the user has made changes identical to what we would have
made, and we update our saved copy of the config file and exit.

If the files are different, then we attempt a merge, check whether it was
successful, and interact with the user via debconf, explaining the situation
and the result of the merge attempt (displaying a diff if the user cares
about such things).  At the end of the interaction, we should have decided
on one of these courses of action:

- Throw away the admin's changes to the file and replace it with the new one
  entirely (conffile 'y')

- Ignore the package maintainer's changes to the file and keep the existing
  one (conffile 'n')

- Merge the package maintainer's changes and give the user a chance to fix
  things up manually before continuing

- (this option is only available if the merge was successful)
  Merge the package maintainer's changes and continue without further

In the common cases, this should be possible with a single prompt, though it
could be split into two phases or selected from either a simple or
advanced method, or even suppressed entirely for novice users if a sane
default action sequence could be decided (always preserve?  merge, and if
that fails, preserve?  warn?).

At package build time, the source package machinery only needs to indicate
which binary packages will be making use of the infrastructure, and a helper
will ensure that the necessary templates are included and generate
dependency substitutions.  Rebuilding a package will automatically pull in
the latest, best-translated templates from the helper.

Open questions:

- What should happen at preconfiguration time to minimize interaction for
  novice users?

- What sort of preferences would be useful, either at a global scope or a
  per-package scope?  always leave my foobar config alone  always merge
  my changes if there are no merge conflicts

Implementation issues:

- How to store the saved config files, so that it is intuitively obvious to
  which package they belong, and their installed location, so that they are
  conveniently available to the admin?  This should be a public interface.

- Will it be necessary or desirable to modify debhelper so that there is a
  substitution interface for templates, similar to what is done for
  maintainer scripts?

 - mdz

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: apt-build and xfree86

2002-10-23 Thread James Troup
Branden Robinson [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

   xfree86 4.2.1-4 will B-D on kernel-headers-2.4.19-386 |
   kernel-headers-2.4 | hurd | freebsd | netbsd | openbsd.  This will of
   course only help Linux/i386 people, but it's better than nothing.
  FYI that'll break auto-building; sbuild takes the first choice.
 G.  Is that a bug in sbuild and/or should we clearly document this
 in the Debian Policy Manual?

Sorry, I should have said; it's a bug in sbuild.


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: woody : X install

2002-10-23 Thread Branden Robinson
On Wed, Oct 23, 2002 at 07:38:29PM -0400, Colin Walters wrote:
  PGI already does something similar to what you describe.
 I see; how hard would it be to integrate into the main Debian package? 
 I guess my main point here is that it's a solvable problem; I don't
 think this approach goes against the spirit of Debconf at all.   

Hard.  It's difficult to test-launch the X server before it's been

G. Branden Robinson|The first thing the communists do
Debian GNU/Linux   |when they take over a country is to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] |outlaw cockfighting.
http://people.debian.org/~branden/ |-- Oklahoma State Senator John Monks

Description: PGP signature

Xprint on powerpc

2002-10-23 Thread Drew Parsons
Xprint (package xprint-xprintorg, upstream http://xprint.mozdev.org) is now
compiled and uploaded for all architectures. 

There is a bug report
saying char signedness is broken on arm, powerpc, s390.  Although the
package compiles, apparently this should cause runtime errors.

We're not really clear what the problem is though.  The bug reporter says
the problem is in imake, but the Xprint imake is supposed to be the same as
in XFree86.

Could someone running these architectures kindly confirm or deny the
bug, or add more details?

The Xprt server is run automatically via /etc/init.d/xprint when
xprt-xprintorg is installed, so it should be sufficient to test the package
by running:

$ apt-get install xprt-xprintorg xprt-common
$ XPSERVERLIST=/etc/init.d/xprint get_xpserverlist xplsprinters

xplsprinters should list the printers available on your system (as
identified by lpstat), for example

If xplsprinters returns the list, then Xprint can be considered to work, I
think.  I'd love to hear if it does.

For any cut'n'pasters who want to contribute to the bug report, the email
address for bug #161899 is [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thanks for any help!


PGP public key available at http://people.debian.org/~dparsons/drewskey.txt
Fingerprint: A110 EAE1 D7D2 8076 5FE0  EC0A B6CE 7041 6412 4E4A

Description: PGP signature