On Fri, 2003-04-11 at 02:44, Ross Vumbaca wrote:
> Hi,
> Christian T. Steigies wrote:
> > Ask on the right list, debian-68k knows more about this than debian-x I
> > guess. I haven't been able to get XFree86 4.x working myself on my Amiga,
> > but I believe it made some progress since I last tried. I heard there are
> > still problems with the module loader, or maybe just on 060 machines. One
> > proposed fix was to install the debugging version, which has all the modules
> > compiled in: xserver-xfree86-dbg
> > But maybe somebody who actually has X4.x running on m68k can tell you more?
> XFree 4.1 does actually run on m68k now, I saw it running on a friend's 
> Amiga 4000/040 (using virgefb), but to get it to run, I believe that we 
> had to prevent it from loading any modules, and we couldn't get the 
> keymap configured correctly (I think it was configured for a PC 
> keyboard), so we couldn't type anything properly. Mouse was ok though.
> Regards,
> Ross..

I have an X system running (?) on my A2000/060/CV64 it runs with 16Bpp,
but I have many keyboard problems.
I didn't find a french keyboard (I had made a working one with X 3.3 but
I lost it in a disk crash (I didn't had enough disk space at that time).
I think I will use an "usa1" keyboard to have more tests as many keys
does not work at all such as CTRL, SHIFT. I cant't do CTRL+SHIFT+F1 so I
have to reboot when something goes wrong or go through telnet from
another machine....
The screen is about 800*600 (was 1024x768) with X 3.3 with a virtual
size of 1024x768 but unusable without a working keyboard...
The module loader is "special" and I have to comment out most of the
modules to avoid segfaults or unknown symbols.

I didn't make new tests as I have had problems on other machines ...
A4000/PPC with a dead Cyberppc and an AMD biprocessor with a dead proc,
so many dead things ...
The A2000 is working all the day as a gateway with an home made kernel
2.4.20 compiled on February 15th and an EXT3 filesystem working


JP Pozzi

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