Timo Aaltonen pushed to branch debian-unstable at X Strike Force / app / 

60811b79 by Timo Aaltonen at 2022-04-21T16:10:14+03:00
xcalc 1.1.1.

- - - - -
93b2f133 by Timo Aaltonen at 2022-04-21T16:11:03+03:00
xclock 1.1.1.

- - - - -
33519fc1 by Timo Aaltonen at 2022-04-21T16:14:04+03:00
xedit 1.2.3.

- - - - -
91f71799 by Timo Aaltonen at 2022-04-21T16:15:24+03:00
xeyes 1.2.0.

- - - - -
7c0ad2fe by Timo Aaltonen at 2022-04-21T16:19:40+03:00
xload 1.1.4.

- - - - -
0313827a by Timo Aaltonen at 2022-04-21T16:20:33+03:00
xwd 1.0.8.

- - - - -
c38f2790 by Timo Aaltonen at 2022-04-21T16:20:58+03:00
control: Bump debhelper-compat to 13.

- - - - -
222f6a1b by Timo Aaltonen at 2022-04-21T16:21:15+03:00
control: Bump policy to 4.6.0.

- - - - -
96eaa9da by Timo Aaltonen at 2022-04-21T16:44:32+03:00
control: Add libx11-xcb-dev, libxcb-present-dev, libxcb-xfixes0-dev, 
libxcb-damage0-dev, libxi-dev to build-depends for xeyes.

- - - - -
15e6a7dd by Timo Aaltonen at 2022-04-21T16:47:18+03:00
release to sid

- - - - -

11 changed files:

- debian/changelog
- debian/control
- xcalc/ChangeLog
- xcalc/Makefile.in
- xcalc/README.md
- xcalc/aclocal.m4
- xcalc/actions.c
- xcalc/app-defaults/XCalc-color
- xcalc/compile
- xcalc/config.guess
- xcalc/config.h.in

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