I solved my problem with xorg: it was indeed a bug in radeon driver, and
I've verified that it's present both in unstable and experimental
sources, but it should affect only people using radeon driver *with
disabled acceleration*, which seems to be unrelated to the original

If anyone has the possibility to debug its xserver and reproduce the
segfault, the bug I found is in the function RADEONSetPortAttribute
(file xc/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/driver/ati/radeon_video.c).

The first statement reads:


and should be modified into:

if (info->accelOn) info->accel->Sync(pScrn);

as info->accel, when info->accelOn is false, can be NULL or unmeaningful.
Riccardo Brigo
Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna - Pisa

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