Re: Bug#366924: Meta no longer sends escape in xterm

2007-01-18 Thread Justin Brody
Don Armstrong> writes:

> Package: xterm
> Severity: normal
> Version: 210-3
> For some reason, my most recent upgrade to xterm 210-3 has broken
> metaSendsEscape: true; support. It's most likely not actually a bug in
> xterm, because downgrading to 210-2 (the previous version installed)
> doesn't fix the problem.
> However, rxvt doesn't show the same issue, so I'm kind of at a loss as
> to what the actual problem is.

> xev appears to return the proper things for alt and ctrl, and they
> work just like they always have in emacs and rxvt.
> Setting explicitely xterm -xrm '*metaSendsEscape: true'; doesn't do
> anything either. [Although, that *should* be redundant.]
> I'm using the macintosh us keyboard layout in my xorg configuration.
> Let me know if any other information would be useful.
> Don Armstrong
Did you ever figure this out?  I've been having the same issue with my xterms on
a Gentoo system.  If you manually set "altSendsEscape" (by using the xterm menu)
this seems to fix it, but I can't get it to be set from the command line. 
Expanding on your comment, it seems REALLY redundant to have to set
altSendsEscape when 1.  meta should act as meta;  2. alt is defined to act as
meta and metaSendsEscape is set.

I'm guessing that xterm somehow overrides the xmodmap settings?

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Bug#366924: Meta no longer sends escape in xterm

2006-05-11 Thread Don Armstrong
Package: xterm
Severity: normal
Version: 210-3

For some reason, my most recent upgrade to xterm 210-3 has broken
metaSendsEscape: true; support. It's most likely not actually a bug in
xterm, because downgrading to 210-2 (the previous version installed)
doesn't fix the problem.

However, rxvt doesn't show the same issue, so I'm kind of at a loss as
to what the actual problem is.

Relevant section of the xrdb -query:

UXTerm*VT100*font:  -misc-fixed-medium-r-*-*-15-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
UXTerm*altSendsEscape:  true
UXTerm*eightBitInput:   false
UXTerm*jumpScroll:  true
UXTerm*metaSendsEscape: true
UXTerm*utf-8*font:  -misc-fixed-medium-r-*-*-15-*-*-*-*-*-iso10646-1
XTerm*VT100*font:   -*-fixed-medium-r-*-*-20-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
XTerm*altSendsEscape:   true
XTerm*background:   black
XTerm*foreground:   gray90
XTerm*geometry: 120x49
XTerm*highlightSelection:   true
XTerm*jumpScroll:   true
XTerm*metaSendsEscape:  true
xterm*reverseWrap:  true

xmodmap -pm -pk output:

xmodmap:  up to 3 keys per modifier, (keycodes in parentheses):

shift   Shift_L (0x32)
control Control_L (0x25),  Control_R (0x6d),  Control_L (0x42)
mod1Alt_L (0x40),  Alt_R (0x71)
mod2Num_Lock (0x4d)
mod4Super_L (0x74)
mod5Scroll_Lock (0x4e)

There are 4 KeySyms per KeyCode; KeyCodes range from 8 to 255.

KeyCode Keysym (Keysym) ...
Value   Value   (Name)  ...

  9 0xff1b (Escape) 
 10 0x0031 (1)  0x0021 (exclam) 
 11 0x0032 (2)  0x0040 (at) 
 12 0x0033 (3)  0x0023 (numbersign) 
 13 0x0034 (4)  0x0024 (dollar) 
 14 0x0035 (5)  0x0025 (percent)
 15 0x0036 (6)  0x005e (asciicircum)
 16 0x0037 (7)  0x0026 (ampersand)  
 17 0x0038 (8)  0x002a (asterisk)   
 18 0x0039 (9)  0x0028 (parenleft)  
 19 0x0030 (0)  0x0029 (parenright) 
 20 0x002d (minus)  0x005f (underscore) 
 21 0x003d (equal)  0x002b (plus)   
 22 0xff08 (BackSpace)  0x (Delete) 
 23 0xff09 (Tab)
 24 0x0071 (q)  0x0051 (Q)  
 25 0x0077 (w)  0x0057 (W)  
 26 0x0065 (e)  0x0045 (E)  
 27 0x0072 (r)  0x0052 (R)  
 28 0x0074 (t)  0x0054 (T)  
 29 0x0079 (y)  0x0059 (Y)  
 30 0x0075 (u)  0x0055 (U)  
 31 0x0069 (i)  0x0049 (I)  
 32 0x006f (o)  0x004f (O)  
 33 0x0070 (p)  0x0050 (P)  
 34 0x005b (bracketleft)0x007b (braceleft)  
 35 0x005d (bracketright)   0x007d (braceright) 
 36 0xff0d (Return) 
 37 0xffe3 (Control_L)  
 38 0x0061 (a)  0x0041 (A)  
 39 0x0073 (s)  0x0053 (S)  
 40 0x0064 (d)  0x0044 (D)  
 41 0x0066 (f)  0x0046 (F)  
 42 0x0067 (g)  0x0047 (G)  
 43 0x0068 (h)  0x0048 (H)  
 44 0x006a (j)  0x004a (J)  
 45 0x006b (k)  0x004b (K)  
 46 0x006c (l)  0x004c (L)  
 47 0x003b (semicolon)  0x003a (colon)  
 48 0x0027 (apostrophe) 0x0022 (quotedbl)   
 49 0x0060 (grave)  0x007e (asciitilde) 
 50 0xffe1 (Shift_L)
 51 0x005c (backslash)  0x007c (bar)
 52 0x007a (z)  0x005a (Z)  
 53 0x0078 (x)  0x0058 (X)  
 54 0x0063 (c)  0x0043 (C)  
 55 0x0076 (v)  0x0056 (V)  
 56 0x0062 (b)  0x0042 (B)  
 57 0x006e (n)  0x004e (N)  
 58 0x006d (m)  0x004d (M)  
 59 0x002c (comma)  0x003c (less)   
 60 0x002e (period) 0x003e (greater)
 61 0x002f (slash)  0x003f (question)   
 62 0xffe9 (Alt_L)  
 63 0xffaa (KP_Multiply)
 64 0xffe9 (Alt_L)  
 65 0x0020 (space)  
 66 0xffe3 (Control_L)  
 67 0xffbe (F1) 0xffca (F13)
 68 0xffbf (F2) 0xffcb (F14)
 69 0xffc0 (F3) 0xffcc (F15)
 70 0xffc1 (F4) 0xffcd (F16)
 71 0xffc2 (F5) 0xffce (F17)
 72 0xffc3 (F6) 0xffcf (F18)
 73 0xffc4 (F7) 0xffd0 (F19)
 74 0xffc5 (F8) 0xffd1 (F20)