Title: Check This Out

Save Money and Reduce Pollution
Large diesel vehicles can burn up to 1 gallon of diesel fuel for each hour that they idle. School buses typically use about half a gallon for each hour. If a school bus fleet has 50 buses and each bus reduces its idling time by 30 minutes per day, at $1 per gallon of diesel fuel, the fleet would save $2,250 per school year in reduced fuel costs.

In addition to saving money, the school bus fleet would avoid emitting diesel exhaust into the air in and around where children learn and play.

There are a number of reasons to be concerned about access to web pages and other information on the system. One reason is security. If you serve certain kinds of information, you are making your system, and possibly other systems, vulnerable to attack.

Another reason may involve the potential for embarrassment. Certain communications made public may be a surprise to some of the people involved. An example is email that goes to a list that is archived in a web-accessible way where the sender was unaware of the lack of privacy. Another example is references to vendors that should not be made publicly available. You may think it unlikely that your web page will be found, but many people and companies regularly do searches on their names and the names of their products, so if the search engines index your pages, they may be found by an audience you didn't intend.

We also would like to hear from you and honor any requests you might have here.

There are a number of reasons to be concerned about access to web pages and other information on the system. One reason is security. If you serve certain kinds of information, you are making your system, and possibly other systems, vulnerable to attack.

Another reason may involve the potential for embarrassment. Certain communications made public may be a surprise to some of the people involved. An example is email that goes to a list that is archived in a web-accessible way where the sender was unaware of the lack of privacy. Another example is references


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