Package: xorg
Version: 1:7.1.0-19

After the X server has been up for some random amount of time the scroll
wheel mapping on my two-wheel mouse (Trust AmiTrack trackball configured
using ExplorerPS2 protocol - same thing happens using IMPS2) goes to cock.
The vertical wheel becomes a horizontal wheel and the horizontal wheel
becomes a double-spacing horizontal wheel.

This often, but not invariably, happens when scrolling a page in the
browser that has not fully loaded and the browser is chugging while it
loads and not responding immediately to scroll events.

Sometimes it happens after X has been up only a few minutes. Sometimes
it takes several days at the same level of activity before it happens.

The only cure is to restart X - and with it all the applications -
major PITA. Restarting gpm, or unplugging and replugging the mouse,
does nothing.

When it happens the following message appears in Xorg.0.log:

(II) Mouse autoprobe: Disabling secondary wheel

xorg.conf mouse section reads:

Section "InputDevice"

# Identifier and driver

    Identifier  "Mouse1"
    Driver  "mouse"
#    Option "Protocol"    "IMPS/2"
    Option "Protocol"    "ExplorerPS/2"
#    Option "Protocol"    "auto"
#    Option "Device"      "/dev/psaux"
    Option "Device"      "/dev/gpmdata"
    Option "Buttons"    "7"
    Option "ZAxisMapping" "6 7 5 4"
    Option "Emulate3Buttons" "off"

As you can see I have tried various protocol options, and have tried
reading direct vs. reading via gpm -Rraw; with the latter I have tried
the same protocol options in gpm. The behaviour is the same in all
cases. I still get the "autoprobe" log message even when not using
"Protocol" "auto".

Mouse uses PS/2 port, kernel is custom 2.6.10.


Be kind to pigeons        - -        Pigeon's Nest:
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