Hello there,
 I've modified the file /etc/X11/xdm/Xresources adding the line

    xlogin*allowNullPasswd: true

 to enable  graphical login fom a  user without password but  it didn't
work. Checking in /ar/log/auth.log I noticed the following lines:

    Jan 15 18:56:34 DeeJay    : (pam_securetty) access denied: tty ':0' is not 
secure !
    Jan 15 18:56:34 DeeJay    : (pam_securetty) access denied: tty ':0' is not 
secure !
    Jan 15 18:56:34 DeeJay    : (pam_unix) authentication failure; logname=root 
uid=0 euid=0 tty=:0 ruser= rhost=  user=XXX

 where  XXX is  the  username  of the  user  without  password. Now  I'm
wondering  why the  "logname" is  root  and why  I  have to  add a  line
containing ":0" in /etc/securetty .  Is this the expected behaviour? Why
is it using logname "root"?

 Thinking of  a bug I  tried downgrading from 4.3.0.dfsg.1-10  (which is
the one  that have  the problem)  to 4.1.0-16woody5  and it  worked even
without :0 in  /etc/securetty. Which one is wrong? Or  maybe it's just a
new feature?

 Thank you.
Daniele                 JID: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (http://www.jabber.org)
                                      PS: Please CC me, I'm not in list.
and remember: respect is everything . . . . . . . . . . . free your mind

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