RE: [Declude.JunkMail] Avoiding False Positives?

2004-06-23 Thread Brent Brashear
I appreciate the feedback.

Where do you get information about the tests (like SPAMCOP and BADHEADERS
(how do you get RFC-compliant?)?

What are the most popular tests to use?

My understanding is that you can't just throw EVERY test out there into your
filter search (especially if you're an ISP with 100's (or more) e-mail
domains), because that will slow down the server.

Thanks again for the feedback...


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of R. Scott Perry
Sent: Wednesday, June 23, 2004 8:31 AM
Subject: Re: [Declude.JunkMail] Avoiding False Positives?

>I have numerous clients that report the problems of their client e-mails
>failing spam tests. They ask me why their clients fail -and what they can
>suggest to avoid failing some of the filters.
>Is there any advise to give to legit e-mailers to help out in reducing
>chances of getting caught in the spam filters?

It all depends on what spam tests they are failing.  For example, if they
are failing SPAMCOP, people reported them as sending spam.  If they are
failing the BADHEADERS test, then their mail client is not
RFC-compliant.  So the first step is to check the X-Spam-Tests-Failed:
header to see which spam tests the E-mail failed, and work from there.

Declude JunkMail: The advanced anti-spam solution for IMail mailservers
since 2000.
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vulnerability detection.
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[Declude.JunkMail] Avoiding False Positives?

2004-06-23 Thread Brent Brashear
I have numerous clients that report the problems of their client e-mails
failing spam tests. They ask me why their clients fail -and what they can
suggest to avoid failing some of the filters.

I've heard some things like using all CAPS or backgrounds can hit some

My understanding of this is minimal. I know a lot has to do with what
filters are being used -and how the administrator setup the domain.

Is there any advise to give to legit e-mailers to help out in reducing their
chances of getting caught in the spam filters?



[Declude.JunkMail] Upgrade Declude

2004-06-08 Thread Brent Brashear
I inherited our Declude antispam (still learning about it).

I've been working with someone that knows a lot more about it than I do.
He's looked at my files and said that our process should be working like his
(but it's not). He suggested that maybe we need to upgrade our Declude

Anyone know how I can find out what version of Declude we're running?
Any suggestions as to what we should be running? -Please include information
to contact Declude as well

Presently, the only way I've had reasonable success with Spam blocking is
when I setup the IMail Rules.



[Declude.JunkMail] Can you do WHITELISTING in the $default$.JunkMail.txt file?

2004-05-27 Thread Brent Brashear
I'm wanting to give AntiSpam customers the ability to 'tweek' their spam
settings by giving them FTP access to the $default$.JunkMail.txt file.

I'm hoping they'll also be able to manage their WHITELISTING (because not
everyone wants the same WHITELIST)

How could this be done?



[Declude.JunkMail] X-Spam-Tests-Failed: Whitelisted

2004-04-08 Thread Brent Brashear
One of our clients requested for us to Whitelist one of their customers... I
did it yesterday, and this morning it went (again) to the spam folder I
copied part of the header message (changed the names/IP's to protect the

X-Spam-Tests-Failed: Whitelisted
Status: R
X-IMail-Rule: H~SBL:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Data- [] by
X-UIDL: 373940800

-Anyone know what happened here?

Presently, all of our client whitelisting is done in the Global.cfg file -is
there a way to make it separate for each mail domain? (instead of affecting
every e-mail domain?)

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[Declude.JunkMail] [Declude Junkmail] Antispam to block file extensions....

2004-03-03 Thread Brent Brashear
Is there a way for AntiSpam to block e-mails by file attachments? A lot of
viruses are going around with the .pif attachment I'd like to set the
AntiSpam up to block these from even coming in.

Best Regards,



[Declude.JunkMail] Strange Header Incident

2004-02-17 Thread Brent Brashear
I received an e-mail (spam) that had the header information within the
e-mail text! When I looked for the header info it was blank.

Has anyone else ever seen anything like this? Any ideas as to what this
could mean?


RE: [Declude.JunkMail] Enabling control to customers

2004-01-19 Thread Brent Brashear

Thank you VERY much for your reply. From what I understand (in your
message), I'm wasting my time by making the $default$.JunkMail file
available (FTP was just the method I was using to access the file) -since
the Global.CFG file overwrites it anyway.

The file structure is
IMail\Declude\\$default$.JunkMail (the Global.CFG
file is in the Declude folder). My impression was that the customer settings
would point to $default$.JunkMail file and they could have their settings
different from the Global.CFG ones.

What method would you recommend to let the customers edit their individual
e-mail domains? Or would you even attempt this at all?

Best Regards,


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of R. Scott Perry
Sent: Monday, January 19, 2004 1:45 PM
Subject: RE: [Declude.JunkMail] Enabling control to customers

>I'd like to setup an FTP site with individual '$default$.JunkMail' files
>accessible for each domain that's setup with AntiSpam Will this
>overwrite some of the settings from Global.CFG? -If so, that's okay.

No, it would not overwrite the global.cfg file (assuming that the FTP site
doesn't allow access to the global.cfg file).

>One of the requests I frequently get is WHITELISTING. I've done a test on
>end (to no success) by typing WHITELIST FROM [EMAIL PROTECTED] Whenever I send
>an e-mail out with a particiliar word (a certain male body part) in the
>subject line, it still goes into the spam mailbox -BUT when I put the
>word "porn" in the subject line (which is set to send the message to the
>spam mailbox) I do receive it.

Note that the WHITELIST command only works in the \IMail\Declude\global.cfg

If you want per-domain whitelisting, you would need to set it up using the
WHITELISTFILE option.  The configuration file for the user/domain can have
a line in the format "WHITELISTFILE
C:\IMail\Declude\\whitelistfile.txt", which instructs Declude
JunkMail to use a whitelist file.  The whitelist file (whitelistfile.txt in
this case) can then have 1 E-mail address or domain per line.

>I was under the impression that if something is 'WHITELISTED', it'll go
>through (even if it's BLACKLISTED somewhere in another setting).

That is correct.  Any E-mail that is whitelisted should be delivered as if
it did not fail any spam tests.

Declude JunkMail: The advanced anti-spam solution for IMail mailservers.
Declude Virus: Catches known viruses and is the leader in mailserver
vulnerability detection.
Find out what you've been missing: Ask about our free 30-day evaluation.

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RE: [Declude.JunkMail] Enabling control to customers

2004-01-19 Thread Brent Brashear
I'd like to setup an FTP site with individual '$default$.JunkMail' files
accessible for each domain that's setup with AntiSpam Will this
overwrite some of the settings from Global.CFG? -If so, that's okay.

I'm hoping to type up documentation for the customers (but I'm having a time
understanding it myself).

One of the requests I frequently get is WHITELISTING. I've done a test on my
end (to no success) by typing WHITELIST FROM [EMAIL PROTECTED] Whenever I send
an e-mail out with a particiliar word (a certain male body part) in the
subject line, it still goes into the spam mailbox -BUT when I put the
word "porn" in the subject line (which is set to send the message to the
spam mailbox) I do receive it.

I was under the impression that if something is 'WHITELISTED', it'll go
through (even if it's BLACKLISTED somewhere in another setting).

Any advise at all will be appreciated

Best Regards,


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unsubscribe, just send an E-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED], and
type "unsubscribe Declude.JunkMail".  The archives can be found

[Declude.JunkMail] The WEIGHT System...

2004-01-19 Thread Brent Brashear
I'm new to the antispam administration.

Regarding the WEIGHT system can someone just keep lowering the number to
keep tightening it? I've never seen anyone use a weight lower than 10, does
this mean it can't be done?

To avoid redundancy, is there a FAQ page for other questions that people
keep asking that I could review?



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