[Declude.JunkMail] Weight maybe not working right??

2003-10-14 Thread Paul Ingram

I just recived several spams to my box all with weights greater then
I allow (weight of 49). Does anyone see anything wrong here?
WEIGHT1  weightrange x x 5 11
WEIGHT2  weightrange x x 12 17
WEIGHT3  weightrange x x 18 36
WEIGHT4  weightrange x x 37 0


Best regards,
 ~Paul~  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re[2]: [Declude.JunkMail] DSN:WEIGHTING

2002-10-02 Thread Paul Ingram


Tuesday, October 1, 2002, 3:51:22 PM, you wrote:

John But if a message failed all three, the weight would be 27, which the
John action taken would be to hold.

John Hope that helps.

John I would be happy to share my Global.cfg off list.

Hey John Thanks for the easy answer.
I to have been trying to get this right.  But I have been haveing a
hard time figuering what should get what weight.

Currently I left all to the default weight in the golbal.cfg and
left all to warn in the $default$.junkmail.  Not sure which ones
should be change in either place if any.

This is what I have so far done.

WEIGHTRANGE8-19  weightrang   x   x   8  19
WEIGHT20  weight  x   x   20  0
#WEIGHT50 weight  x   x   50  0
(not sure if I should use weight 50 that is why # is there)


As far as whitelist I have no idea where to start.

Would you mind sharing your golbal.cfg and $default$.junkmail off list?

Best regards,
 ~Paul~mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[Declude.JunkMail] Re:Sample config

2002-09-19 Thread Paul Ingram


Thanks to those who sent the configs.

Ok here it goes!
BADHEADERS  badheaders  x   x   8   0
These type of line are where declude gets the weight value for the
test. correct?
 x   x  are place holders?
 8 is the weight assigne
 And 0 is what? Correct?
WEIGHT20weight  x   x   20  0
This is the line of the weights
so if I want to have the weight 10 warn
and weight 20 as mailbox
I then could add a weight of  50 to delete.  Correct?
WEIGHT50 weight   xx50  0
This is all in the global.cfg I though this was for only
out going mail not incoming?   But I can not see another way to give a
test a weight value in the $default$.Junk file so I am guessing this
is correct??

So after this i go to the Junk file and define the action for the
test. Correct?
WEIGHT10  Warn
WEIGHT50  Delete

What is the Weight Rang About?  Anything that falls in there and not
an exact number?
Now the big thing i guess is to learn which test are going to work

On list experence which i know may not apply to my setup.
Any test i should be careful of using?  Lost of false positives and
Any test i should never leave out and give a high weight to?

Is Sniffer worth the $$$
Any other pay servicer worth looking into?

Ok any feed bach would be nice.
Then I will search the archives and read the list then I will see how
many good email i can catch. Oh i mean spam. :)
Best regards,
 ~Paul~mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re[2]: [Declude.JunkMail] Re:Sample config

2002-09-19 Thread Paul Ingram


Thursday, September 19, 2002, 11:31:52 AM, you wrote:

R. A test named WEIGHTRANGE10-14 (assuming that it was defined as 
R.  in the global.cfg file) would get
R. triggered on any E-mail with a weight between 10 and 14 (inclusive).  If an 
R. E-mail has a weight of less than 10, or greater than 14, it would not 
R. trigger the test.
R.  -Scott

Thanks Scott.

I am thinking the weight range is only used then if you define more
the one weight in the global.cfg. That way each weight can have a
seperate action. Correct?  This would not be so with the statment of
just weight?

Does look about rihgt?
WEIGHTRANGE10-19  weightrang  x   x   10  19
WEIGHTRANGE20-49  weightrang  x   x   20  49
WEIGHT50  weight  x   x   50  0

WEIGHTRANGE20-49 Mailbox
WEIGHT50 Delete

Best regards,
 ~Paul~mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [Declude.JunkMail] Sample config

2002-09-18 Thread Paul Ingram


  Ok first where is the list archived?
  I did fine it at www.mail-archive.com/ is that correct?

  Second I am having some what of a hard time making heads and tails
  of the weighing test and what to assign to each test.
  I want to figure this out because I need to support it in the long run
  but i was hoping someone would be willing to share a sample of
  there golbal.cfg and $default$.junkmail.  I think someone asked this
  a week ago but i could not fine it or if it was replied to.

  I know I am not really posting a question but I am not sure if i
  know how to word it as of yet so the archive and a sample would be
  great! :)

Best regards,
 ~Paul~ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re[2]: [Declude.JunkMail] Sample config

2002-09-18 Thread Paul Ingram


Wednesday, September 18, 2002, 11:20:58 AM, you wrote:

Paul Hello,

Paul   Ok first where is the list archived?
Paul   I did fine it at www.mail-archive.com/ is that correct?

Never mind on the archive the message i was looking at had the footer
trimed.  So i got it.

The sample config still would be nice.


Best regards,
 ~Paul~mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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