I haven't seen anyone else bring this up...

We are looking for a new mail server to dump Imail.  I think everyone knows
the reasons, so I won't rehash history.

Our customer base is very horizontal and ranges from clueless newbies to
advanced developers.

Because we have many users that took a while to learn (yes, believe it or
not) how to use WebMail we are not anxious to change.

So for us, (and I bet a few others) the single most important feature would
be a "skin" for the SmarterMail web interface that make it look and feel
exactly like the classic yellow IMail templates that we still use.

I know this may seem lame technically, but we don't want to support two
different webmail systems and we don't want to move to something only for
new clients; we want a system we can migrate all our current clients so that
after a period of time both our clients ourselves are only dealing with one

In the past, we've looked at using an open-source of other Webmail only
interface. Our thinking was that if we moved our clients to a separate
Webmail GUI (and suffered through the consequences) then we could change the
MTA underneath at our own will without client impact.

Unfortunately, the strength of Imail Webmail is the integrated "host admin"
features that let a domain owner create/delete/modify the users/passwords in
their domain.

All 3rd party open-source products do not have any built-in user management
because that is always MTA-specific.

Has anyone else though about a solution other than skins or emulation?

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