Title: AW: [Declude.JunkMail] &#-coded spam

hi scott,

up to now i am doing fine with a filter looking for some encoded letters that don't have to be encoded, not even in german (like &#101, better known as e). giving the whole thing a second thought i think it is better to filter for some encoded letters (5 to 10) then to decode the whole mail and let it run against several filters. i like the thought that the spammers help me to save some resources!

gez. markus guhl

lds nrw
dez. 235
tel.: 0211 9449 2578
fax.: 0211 9449 8344


-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: R. Scott Perry [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Gesendet am: Donnerstag, 8. Januar 2004 14:26
Betreff: Re: [Declude.JunkMail] &#-coded spam

>during the last 2 days i found several spams where to whole body was coded
>in ASCII numbers (&#followed by the ascii number of the letter like &#32
>for " ")
>right now i filter for some strings like
>"order&#32" (means "order ").
>does jm decodes this kind of coded mailbodys before the filters run?

No.  Declude handles some SMTP-level encoding (such as base64 bodies), but
does not attempt to decode HTML.

>if not is there a possibility that jm will decode this in the future?

It is possible.

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