
I plan to work on the web server in the following weeks/months. I
already have a list of features to implement, basically the same
features as the current hard client (question browsing, vote, tag and
account management, ...).

Do you see particular features you would like to have? Be imaginative! :-)

I also need to think at the way to structure URL we will use for the
web server. From what I plan to use[1], we can be pretty liberal: use
parameters, path like parameters, etc. For example, we could have:
* https://demexp.org:50001/browse/51 or https://demexp.org:50001/browse?q_id=51

* https://demexp.org:50001/vote/42 or https://demexp.org:50001/vote?q_id=42
    or https://demexp.org:50001/vote?q_id=42&a=1&b=4&c=6 (to express
that we want to vote [1; 4; 6] on question 42)
   or https://demexp.org:50001/vote?q_id=42&choices=1 4 6

* https://demexp.org:50001/list?tag=rennes (list all questions
related to "rennes" tag)

* https://demexp.org:50001/delegate/42/to/David.MENTRE (delegate
question 42 to me)
  or https://demexp.org:50001/delegate_to/David.MENTRE?q_id=42&q_id2=65&q_id3=78
(delegate questions 42, 65 and 78 to me)

Any ideas? Would you recommend a web site you like regarding URL design?

Best wishes,

[1] I'm looking at Ocsigen (http://ocsigen.org). For URL, we could
have for example: http://ocsigen.org/tuto/isuffix/11/a/b/c?i=22

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