Re: derby.drda.startNetworkServer property

2005-09-20 Thread Knut Anders Hatlen

> Hi Knut,
> Thanks for your quick response.
> Then, how can I verify whether Derby, started using
> derby.drda.startNetworkServer=true and org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver, 
> is ready or not to accept clients like NetworkServerControl#ping() ?

Haven't tested, but I think the following should work:

NetworkServerControl nsc = new NetworkServerControl(address, port);
try {;
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("not started");

Knut Anders

Re: Class loading deadlock

2005-09-20 Thread Andreas Fredriksson
On Tue, 2005-09-20 at 10:20 -0700, Daniel John Debrunner wrote:

> The changes Knut pointed out have been merged to 10.1. If you can build
> the 10.1 branch and try them out that would be great, otherwise you
> could wait for a snapshot and try that out.

the version on the 10.1 branch doesn't deadlock with the testcase, I've
had it running for about half an hour now. Thanks for the info.

Best regards,

RE: Derby XA, Hibernate 2.1.6, WebSphere 5.1 - Server returned XAER_NOTA at commit time

2005-09-20 Thread Johan Hoogenboezem
Hi Stanley
Thank you for responding.
I don't know how to do what you ask, though. By the nature of the message
driven bean in which context the code runs I do not and should not know
about any open transactions. The container starts the transaction, Hibernate
senses it is running inside a container transaction (through the way it is
configured) and defers all transaction handling to the container. The only
thing I'm allowed to do is to call setRollbackOnly() in case I handle a
checked exception and decide a rollback is in order. I cannot begin, end or
commit a transaction without getting an error thrown at me by the container.
Unless I decouple my persistence code from the container, which I don't want
to do, because then I don't have distributed transactions anymore. 
Everything seems ok if XA is not involved. In other words if I have a
stateless session bean with container managed transactions that do not
involved messaging or any other XA participants, then I happily do creates,
reads, updates and deletes through Derby.

I assume Derby does cleanup as a result of some event and that perhaps it
should be moved to a different event in case of an XA tranasction? Sorry if
I re-state the obvious. I'm amazed at how often, once I've fixed an error, I
notice that the exception's been telling me what was wrong all along.

Here's the onMessage() method of my MDB:
  public void onMessage(javax.jms.Message msg) {
try {
  if (msg.getJMSRedelivered()) { // needs to be looked at in more
L.debug("Message was redelivered. Not reprocessing it.");
catch (Exception ex) {
  L.error("Error", ex);
  L.debug("setting rollback");
  // Display the error but swallow it. We don't want the message bean to
finally {
Inside the updates dispatcher I have code that gets the current hibernate
session from a ThreadLocal (creating it if not present) for doing database
This is what it looks like (it uses the singleton
net.sf.hibernate.SessionFactory instance and currentSession is the
  public static Session getCurrentSession() 
throws HibernateException {
Session s = (Session)currentSession.get();
if (s == null) {
  s = getSessionFactory().openSession();
return s;

And then the closing if the current session is done like this:

  public static void closeCurrentSession() {
Session s = (Session)currentSession.get();
if (s != null) {
  try {
  catch (HibernateException e) {
  finally {

I've been looking at some of the Hibernate code, and it defers to the
container for transaction handling, as it should.
Please let me know if there is anything else I can do.
This is important as I want my whole team to convert to Derby for

-Original Message-
From: Stanley Bradbury [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, September 20, 2005 4:19 PM
To: Derby Discussion
Subject: Re: Derby XA, Hibernate 2.1.6, WebSphere 5.1 - Server returned
XAER_NOTA at commit time

Hi Johan -
I will be able to look into this error more later today but wanted to 
get this observation to you ASAP since this issue seems to have set for 
a week.  The root cause of the failure is this exception taken from one 
of the repeated stack traces from the MCWrapper class:

original exception message: Cannot call 'cleanup' on a ManagedConnection
while it is
still in a transaction..

Based on this message I recommend placing a check in your code to insure 
there are no open transactions prior to calling cleanup.  I can't 
explain why this would be an issue when Derby is used and not DB2 but I 
am hoping it is as simple as doing a check and handling all open 

Johan Hoogenboezem wrote:

>I'm using Derby with derbyclient in a WebSphere 5.1 server
>environment. Here's the first part of the console output that shows some
>versioning info:
>WebSphere Platform 5.1 [BASE cf30412.02] [JDK 1.4.1 b0344.02]
>running with process name localhost\localhost\server1 and process id 2304
>Host Operating System is Windows XP, version 5.1
>Java version = J2RE 1.4.1 IBM Windows 32 build cn1411-20031011 (JIT
>jitc), Java Compile

Re: Derby XA, Hibernate 2.1.6, WebSphere 5.1 - Server returned XAER_NOTA at commit time

2005-09-20 Thread Stanley Bradbury

Hi Johan -
I had hoped to find more for you on either the hibernate or the 
WebSphere site but only found one reference to this error.  This problem 
report suggests that a 'fix' may be available from IBM (this is a Tivoli 
product  but Tivoli uses WebSpere and this did happen in the same class 
indicated in your trace:

It also sounds like the problem was related to threads not being in 
sync (..use more thread-safe functions).  I think the next step in 
resolving this would be to turn on tracing in WebSphere to see if  the 
additional information indicates why there is still an open 
transaction.  Here is the URL to review  the description problem 

Johan Hoogenboezem wrote:

I'm using Derby with derbyclient in a WebSphere 5.1 server
environment. Here's the first part of the console output that shows some
versioning info:

WebSphere Platform 5.1 [BASE cf30412.02] [JDK 1.4.1 b0344.02]
running with process name localhost\localhost\server1 and process id 2304
Host Operating System is Windows XP, version 5.1
Java version = J2RE 1.4.1 IBM Windows 32 build cn1411-20031011 (JIT enabled:
jitc), Java Compiler = jitc, Java VM name = Classic VM


I've set up a data source using org.apache.derby.jdbc.ClientXADataSource.
Hibernate is configured as follows:

hibernate.connection.datasource = java:comp/env/jdbc/DefaultDS


I get the current session from a ThreadLocal variable, so that in the
context of the current thread, anything asking for a hibernate session will
get the same session. I'm using Stateless Session Beans and Message Driven
Beans. Specifically in this instance I'm using an MDB with WebSphere MQ as
the JMS implementation. The transaction is managed by the container and in a
finally clause inside the onMessage() method I call a closeCurrentSession()
utility method that just flushes and closes the hibernate session stored in
the ThreadLocal.

Everything works fine when using a datasource for DB2. However, when I
switch to Derby, I get this:

[9/13/05 8:23:49:819 CAT] 1e59f386 WSRdbXaResour E DSRA0304E:  XAException
occurred. XAException contents and details are: The cause is   : Error executing a
XAResource.commit(), Server returned XAER_NOTA.

[9/13/05 8:23:49:819 CAT] 1e59f386 WSRdbXaResour E DSRA0302E:  XAException
occurred.  Error code is: XAER_NOTA.  Exception is: XAER_NOTA : Error
executing a XAResource.commit(), Server returned XAER_NOTA

[9/13/05 8:23:49:889 CAT] 1e59f386 XATransaction E J2CA0027E: An exception
occurred while invoking commit on an XA Resource Adapter from dataSource
jdbc/derby/scvwebdev, within transaction ID {XID: formatId(57415344),
gtrid_length(39), bqual_length(28),
66572314c4c40cbd49eaa1530e4b7146f080d8853876c7a00048333bb35)}: XAER_NOTA : Error executing a
XAResource.commit(), Server returned XAER_NOTA
at Source)
at Source)


[9/13/05 8:23:50:340 CAT] 1e59f386 MCWrapper E J2CA0081E: Method destroy
failed while trying to execute method destroy on ManagedConnection
[EMAIL PROTECTED] from resource
No longer available. Caught exception:
DSRA0080E: An exception was received by the Data Store Adapter. See original
exception message: Cannot call 'cleanup' on a ManagedConnection while it is
still in a transaction..

Re: derby performance and 'order by'

2005-09-20 Thread Craig Russell
Hi Ali,I've filed a Minor Feature Request in JIRA: DERBY-581.I agree that the information should be expressed in SQL so that the query optimized and execution strategy can know what the user needs in terms of cardinality.I'd also like to ask that when we consider extending the SQL in this manner we consider skipping the first N rows and returning the next M rows.CraigOn Sep 20, 2005, at 10:19 AM, Suavi Ali Demir wrote:Another little detail about optimization is that Statement.setMaxRows() kind of functions on the JDBC side may not be sufficient since it is called after SQL statement is prepared and returned as an object (after query plan is built). Therefore, it may be necessary to have language syntax to indicate the intention to fetch first 1000 rows only, so that when the query is prepared, this intention can be taken into account. Regards, Ali Mike Matrigali <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: As craig points out it is important in performance testing to sayexactly what you are measuring. In general Derby will try tostream rows to the user before it has finished looking at all rows.So often looking at the first row will and stopping will mean thatmany rows have not been processed. BUT when an order by is involvedand the query plan either has no appropriate matching index, or decidesto use a different index then all the rows are processed, then they aresent to the sorter and finally after all rows are processed they arestreamed to the client.So as you have seen reading the first 1000 rows of a much larger dataset can happen very quickly.As subsequent mail threads have pointed out, returning the top 1000sorted rows is an interesting problem which could be costed and executeddifferently if that information was  pushed into the optimizer and thesorter (and medium level projects were done in those areas).scotto wrote:> The test was set up and run using the SQuirreL client, not ij. All 3 of> the queries return the top 1000 rows and the times I reported are to> return these top 1000 rows, not just the first row.> > > > > > *From:* Craig Russell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]> *Sent:* Saturday, September 17, 2005 2:35 PM> *To:* Derby Discussion> *Subject:* Re: derby performance and 'order by'> > > > Hi Scott,> > > > How have you set up the test? Are you using ij and displaying all of the> data or using jdbc to access the data?> > > > What do you do in 0.010 seconds? Do you read all of the rows into> memory, or just record the ti me until you get the first row? Are you> measuring the time taken to return all the rows or just the first row?> > Another reader has already commented on the fact that the second query> is doing a lot more work than the first. The second query must sort the> results after filtering the data, whereas the first and third queries> can simply use the indexes and filter on the fly.> > > > I'm a little suspicious of the third query returning 720,000 results in> 0.010 seconds.> > > > Craig> > > > On Sep 16, 2005, at 4:42 PM, Scott Ogden wrote:> > > > I have observed some interesting query performance behavior and am> hoping someone here can explain. > > > > In my scenario, it appears that an existing index is not being used for> the ‘order by’ part of the operation and as a result the perfo rmance of> certain queries is suffering. Can someone explain if this is supposed> to be what is happening and why? Please see below for the specific> queries and their performance characteristics. > > > > > > > > Here are the particulars:> > -> > > > > > create table orders(> > order_id varchar(50) NOT NULL> > CONSTRAINT ORDERS_PK PRIMARY KEY,> > amount numeric(31,2),> > time date,> > inv_num varchar(50),> > line_num varchar(50),> > phone varchar(50),> > prod_num varchar(50));> > > > > > --Load a large amount of data (720,000 records) into the ‘orders’ table> > > > > > --Create an index on the time column as that will be used i n the ‘where’> clause.> > > > create index IX_ORDERS_TIME on orders(time);> > > > > > --When I run a query against this table returning top 1,000 records,> this query returns very quickly, consistently less than .010 seconds.> >>   select * from orders where time > '10/01/2002' and time < '11/30/2002' order by time;   --Now run a similarly query against same table, returning the top>> 1,000 records. --The difference is that the results are now sorted by the primary key>> (‘order_id’) rather than ‘time’.  --This query returns slowly, approximately 15 seconds. Why??   select  * from orders where time > '10/01/2002' and time < '11/30/2002' order by order_id;   --Now run a third query against the same ‘orders’ table, removing the>> where clause --This query returns quickly, around .010 seconds.   select * from orders order by order_id;  -    >

Re: derby performance and 'order by'

2005-09-20 Thread Rick Hillegas
It might help to add another column to the index so that it covers both 
the restriction and the ordering information. And if we could add a 
primary key to a temporary table, then something like the following 
might take us in the right direction:

create index time_index on orders( time, orderID );

declare global temporary table session.ztemp
( orderID varchar( 50 ) primary key )
not logged;

-- all the information we need is in the index so there's no need
-- to probe the base table
insert into session.ztemp
 select orderID
 from orders
 where time between '10/01/2002' and '11/30/2002'

-- hopefully the temporary table didn't have to spill to disk.
-- no sort should be needed for this query and you can just
-- stop siphoning out rows after you get the first 1000.
select l.*
from orders l, session.ztemp r
where l.orderID = r.orderID
order by orderID;

The lighter weight our temporary tables are, the better these kinds of 
solutions will perform. Making temporary tables lighter weight could 
boost the performance of large families of problem queries.

Re: Class loading deadlock

2005-09-20 Thread Daniel John Debrunner
Daniel John Debrunner wrote:

> Andreas Fredriksson wrote:
>>On Thu, 2005-09-15 at 09:59 +0200, Knut Anders Hatlen wrote:
>>>Your patch is against Derby, but I see that the development
>>>sources have changed since that version. Some of the changes are
>>>similar to those you proposed. Could you try to run your test using
>>>the latest development sources? Thanks!
>>Knut Anders,
>>I can confirm that the version on the SVN trunk doesn't deadlock with
>>the testcase I posted previously.
> Thanks for testing it, I couldn't reproduce it on the trunk but assumed
> it was due to running on a single cpu machine. ! 2cpu machine was my
> next step!
> I will merge the associated changes into 10.1 from the trunk and
> hopefully they will fix the problem and become part of the upcoming
> 10.1.2 release.

The changes Knut pointed out have been merged to 10.1. If you can build
the 10.1 branch and try them out that would be great, otherwise you
could wait for a snapshot and try that out.


Re: derby performance and 'order by'

2005-09-20 Thread Suavi Ali Demir
Another little detail about optimization is that Statement.setMaxRows() kind of functions on the JDBC side may not be sufficient since it is called after SQL statement is prepared and returned as an object (after query plan is built). Therefore, it may be necessary to have language syntax to indicate the intention to fetch first 1000 rows only, so that when the query is prepared, this intention can be taken into account.
Mike Matrigali <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
As craig points out it is important in performance testing to sayexactly what you are measuring. In general Derby will try tostream rows to the user before it has finished looking at all rows.So often looking at the first row will and stopping will mean thatmany rows have not been processed. BUT when an order by is involvedand the query plan either has no appropriate matching index, or decidesto use a different index then all the rows are processed, then they aresent to the sorter and finally after all rows are processed they arestreamed to the client.So as you have seen reading the first 1000 rows of a much larger dataset can happen very quickly.As subsequent mail threads have pointed out, returning the top 1000sorted rows is an interesting problem which could be costed and executeddifferently if that information was
 into the optimizer and thesorter (and medium level projects were done in those areas).scotto wrote:> The test was set up and run using the SQuirreL client, not ij. All 3 of> the queries return the top 1000 rows and the times I reported are to> return these top 1000 rows, not just the first row.> > > > > > *From:* Craig Russell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> *Sent:* Saturday, September 17, 2005 2:35 PM> *To:* Derby Discussion> *Subject:* Re: derby performance and 'order by'> > > > Hi Scott,> > > > How have you set up the test? Are you using ij and displaying all of the> data or using jdbc to access the data?> > > > What do you do in 0.010 seconds? Do you read all of the rows into> memory, or just record the ti
 me until
 you get the first row? Are you> measuring the time taken to return all the rows or just the first row?> > Another reader has already commented on the fact that the second query> is doing a lot more work than the first. The second query must sort the> results after filtering the data, whereas the first and third queries> can simply use the indexes and filter on the fly.> > > > I'm a little suspicious of the third query returning 720,000 results in> 0.010 seconds.> > > > Craig> > > > On Sep 16, 2005, at 4:42 PM, Scott Ogden wrote:> > > > I have observed some interesting query performance behavior and am> hoping someone here can explain. > > > > In my scenario, it appears that an existing index is not being used for> the ‘order by’ part of the operation and as a result the perfo
 of> certain queries is suffering. Can someone explain if this is supposed> to be what is happening and why? Please see below for the specific> queries and their performance characteristics. > > > > > > > > Here are the particulars:> > -> > > > > > create table orders(> > order_id varchar(50) NOT NULL> > CONSTRAINT ORDERS_PK PRIMARY KEY,> > amount numeric(31,2),> > time date,> > inv_num varchar(50),> > line_num varchar(50),> > phone varchar(50),> > prod_num varchar(50));> > > > > > --Load a large amount of data (720,000 records) into the ‘orders’ table> > > > > > --Create an index on the time column as that will be used i
 n the
 ‘where’> clause.> > > > create index IX_ORDERS_TIME on orders(time);> > > > > > --When I run a query against this table returning top 1,000 records,> this query returns very quickly, consistently less than .010 seconds.> >>   select * from orders where time > '10/01/2002' and time < '11/30/2002' order by time;   --Now run a similarly query against same table, returning the top>> 1,000 records. --The difference is that the results are now sorted by the primary key>> (‘order_id’) rather than ‘time’.  --This query returns slowly, approximately 15 seconds. Why??   select 
 * from
 orders where time > '10/01/2002' and time < '11/30/2002' order by order_id;   --Now run a third query against the same ‘orders’ table, removing the>> where clause --This query returns quickly, around .010 seconds.   select * from orders order by order_id;  -    >>> > > Craig Russell> > Architect, Sun Java Enterprise System> > 408 276-5638 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > P.S. A good JDO? O, Gasp!> > > 

Re: derby performance and 'order by'

2005-09-20 Thread Mike Matrigali
As craig points out it is important in performance testing to say
exactly what you are measuring.  In general Derby will try to
stream rows to the user before it has finished looking at all rows.
So often looking at the first row will and stopping will mean that
many rows have not been processed.  BUT when an order by is involved
and the query plan either has no appropriate matching index, or decides
to use a different index then all the rows are processed, then they are
sent to the sorter and finally after all rows are processed they are
streamed to the client.

So as you have seen reading the first 1000 rows of a much larger data
set can happen very quickly.

As subsequent mail threads have pointed out, returning the top 1000
sorted rows is an interesting problem which could be costed and executed
differently if that information was pushed into the optimizer and the
sorter (and medium level projects were done in those areas).

scotto wrote:
> The test was set up and run using the SQuirreL client, not ij.  All 3 of
> the queries return the top 1000 rows and the times I reported are to
> return these top 1000 rows, not just the first row.
> *From:* Craig Russell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> *Sent:* Saturday, September 17, 2005 2:35 PM
> *To:* Derby Discussion
> *Subject:* Re: derby performance and 'order by'
> Hi Scott,
> How have you set up the test? Are you using ij and displaying all of the
> data or using jdbc to access the data?
> What do you do in 0.010 seconds? Do you read all of the rows into
> memory, or just record the time until you get the first row? Are you
> measuring the time taken to return all the rows or just the first row?
> Another reader has already commented on the fact that the second query
> is doing a lot more work than the first. The second query must sort the
> results after filtering the data, whereas the first and third queries
> can simply use the indexes and filter on the fly.
> I'm a little suspicious of the third query returning 720,000 results in
> 0.010 seconds.
> Craig
> On Sep 16, 2005, at 4:42 PM, Scott Ogden wrote:
> I have observed some interesting query performance behavior and am
> hoping someone here can explain. 
> In my scenario, it appears that an existing index is not being used for
> the ‘order by’ part of the operation and as a result the performance of
> certain queries is suffering.  Can someone explain if this is supposed
> to be what is happening and why?  Please see below for the specific
> queries and their performance characteristics. 
> Here are the particulars:
> -
> create table orders(
> order_id varchar(50) NOT NULL
> amount numeric(31,2),
> time date,
> inv_num varchar(50),
> line_num varchar(50),
> phone varchar(50),
> prod_num varchar(50));
> --Load a large amount of data (720,000 records) into the ‘orders’ table
> --Create an index on the time column as that will be used in the ‘where’
> clause.
> create index IX_ORDERS_TIME on orders(time);
> --When I run a query against this table returning top 1,000 records,
> this query returns very quickly, consistently less than .010 seconds.
>> select * from orders
>> where time > '10/01/2002' and time < '11/30/2002'
>> order by time;
>> --Now run a similarly query against same table, returning the top
>> 1,000 records.
>> --The difference is that the results are now sorted by the primary key
>> (‘order_id’) rather than ‘time’. 
>> --This query returns slowly, approximately 15 seconds.  Why??
>> select * from orders
>> where time > '10/01/2002' and time < '11/30/2002'
>> order by order_id;
>> --Now run a third query against the same ‘orders’ table, removing the
>> where clause
>> --This query returns quickly, around .010 seconds. 
>> select * from orders
>> order by order_id;
>> -
> Craig Russell
> Architect, Sun Java Enterprise System
> 408 276-5638 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> P.S. A good JDO? O, Gasp!

Security attacks moving to the web tier

2005-09-20 Thread David W. Van Couvering
FYI. I think it underscores that those of us building web-tier apps need 
to be very conscious of security during design, implementation and 
deployment.  It's no longer core IT that is threatened.
fn:David W Van Couvering
n:Van Couvering;David W
org:Sun Microsystems, Inc.;Database Technology Group
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:Senior Staff Software Engineer

Re: Wish List addition

2005-09-20 Thread Rick Hillegas

Hi Mag,

This issue (bug 472) is certainly on my wishlist but since it's a modest 
sized feature, it won't get into the October release. We need someone to 
work on this feature and no-one has been donated to this effort yet. 
You're welcome to help out!


Mag Gam wrote:

I would like to add 'full text indexing' as a wishlist item. There has 
been some good tutorials with Lucene, but I prefer an integrated 
solution. Does anyone have some schema or triggers to get this done?

Re: Derby XA, Hibernate 2.1.6, WebSphere 5.1 - Server returned XAER_NOTA at commit time

2005-09-20 Thread Stanley Bradbury

Hi Johan -
I will be able to look into this error more later today but wanted to 
get this observation to you ASAP since this issue seems to have set for 
a week.  The root cause of the failure is this exception taken from one 
of the repeated stack traces from the MCWrapper class:

original exception message: Cannot call 'cleanup' on a ManagedConnection while 
it is
still in a transaction..

Based on this message I recommend placing a check in your code to insure 
there are no open transactions prior to calling cleanup.  I can't 
explain why this would be an issue when Derby is used and not DB2 but I 
am hoping it is as simple as doing a check and handling all open 

Johan Hoogenboezem wrote:

I'm using Derby with derbyclient in a WebSphere 5.1 server
environment. Here's the first part of the console output that shows some
versioning info:

WebSphere Platform 5.1 [BASE cf30412.02] [JDK 1.4.1 b0344.02]
running with process name localhost\localhost\server1 and process id 2304
Host Operating System is Windows XP, version 5.1
Java version = J2RE 1.4.1 IBM Windows 32 build cn1411-20031011 (JIT enabled:
jitc), Java Compiler = jitc, Java VM name = Classic VM


I've set up a data source using org.apache.derby.jdbc.ClientXADataSource.
Hibernate is configured as follows:

hibernate.connection.datasource = java:comp/env/jdbc/DefaultDS


I get the current session from a ThreadLocal variable, so that in the
context of the current thread, anything asking for a hibernate session will
get the same session. I'm using Stateless Session Beans and Message Driven
Beans. Specifically in this instance I'm using an MDB with WebSphere MQ as
the JMS implementation. The transaction is managed by the container and in a
finally clause inside the onMessage() method I call a closeCurrentSession()
utility method that just flushes and closes the hibernate session stored in
the ThreadLocal.

Everything works fine when using a datasource for DB2. However, when I
switch to Derby, I get this:

[9/13/05 8:23:49:819 CAT] 1e59f386 WSRdbXaResour E DSRA0304E:  XAException
occurred. XAException contents and details are: The cause is   : Error executing a
XAResource.commit(), Server returned XAER_NOTA.

[9/13/05 8:23:49:819 CAT] 1e59f386 WSRdbXaResour E DSRA0302E:  XAException
occurred.  Error code is: XAER_NOTA.  Exception is: XAER_NOTA : Error
executing a XAResource.commit(), Server returned XAER_NOTA

[9/13/05 8:23:49:889 CAT] 1e59f386 XATransaction E J2CA0027E: An exception
occurred while invoking commit on an XA Resource Adapter from dataSource
jdbc/derby/scvwebdev, within transaction ID {XID: formatId(57415344),
gtrid_length(39), bqual_length(28),
66572314c4c40cbd49eaa1530e4b7146f080d8853876c7a00048333bb35)}: XAER_NOTA : Error executing a
XAResource.commit(), Server returned XAER_NOTA
at Source)
at Source)