
We are looking to use Apache Derby (Network Server) as a Caching Layer for our 
ETL process. Unfortunately we are finding that it locks up quite frequently. We 
have two tables which have around 10 million rows, two indexes in each. We can 
be reading (straight SELECT * FROM) or writing updates when it happens.

CPU will spike to 100% (its on a rather powerful box) and then all existing and 
new JDBC clients are unable to connect. Running runtimeinfo (when it locks up, 
issuing this command can take a few minutes to get a response):

--- Derby Network Server Runtime Information ---
---------- Session Information ---------------
Session # :116
Database :etl
User : abc
# Statements:1
Prepared Statement Information:
        Stmt ID         SQLText
        -------------   -----------
        SYSLH0001       SELECT * FROM APP.USERS

Session # :117
# Connection Threads : 4
# Active Sessions : 2
# Waiting  Sessions : 0

Total Memory : 1756889088       Free Memory : 306272128

No errors can be seen in the log. I am rather confused as it seems like the 
perfect solution Derby just locks up.

Thoughts or advise appreciated.

OS: Windows 8.1
Java Runtime: 1.8.0_05-b13



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