On 11/26/15 6:49 AM, 5...@informatik.uni-hamburg.de wrote:

I would like to test the consistency check function but I have difficulties inserting certain inconsistencies into the database for proper testing.

I found a Testscript which uses T_ConsistencyChecker.class and managed to run it but so far it only tests the following cases:
- Base tables and all associated indexes contain the same number of rows.
- The values and row locations in each index match those of the base table.

According to the documentation, there are two other cases:
- Base tables are internally consistent.
- All BTREE indexes are internally consistent.

Is it possible to manipulate the base tables and/or the btree indexes in a way to cause inconsistencies, so I can run this function to find them?
What would be the error messages of these cases?

Thank you,

You might start out by using a text editor in order to insert some garbage into the datafiles which hold the base table and the index. Those files are located in the seg0 directory of the database. A script like the following will tell you which datafiles correspond to which base tables and indexes:

connect 'jdbc:derby:memory:db;create=true';

create table t1( a int );
create index t1_idx on t1( a );
create table t2( a int primary key );

create function toHex( conglomerateNumber bigint )
returns varchar( 10 )
language java parameter style java no sql
external name 'java.lang.Long.toHexString';

select s.schemaName, t.tableName,
       'c' || toHex( c.conglomerateNumber ) || '.dat' dataFile,
       c.isIndex, c.isConstraint
from sys.systables t, sys.sysconglomerates c, sys.sysschemas s
where t.tablename not like 'SYS%'
and t.tableid = c.tableid
and t.schemaid = s.schemaid
order by tableName, dataFile;

I see the following interesting exceptions being raised by org.apache.derby.iapi.db.ConsistencyChecker:


Hope this helps,

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