Re: ipv6 and Network Server hostname

2007-09-06 Thread Dave Been
In a round about fashion, we found out to use "::" (2 colons) in v6 for (v4).
Now it is working fine.

NetworkServerControl serverControl = new 

thanks much,

Dave Been
Enterprise Search Development
Phone 510-222-3926, Cell 928-699-0488

"Manjula Kutty" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
09/06/2007 12:38 PM
Please respond to
"Derby Discussion" 

"Derby Discussion" 

Re: ipv6 and Network Server hostname

Hi Dave,
While doing some testing on the Ipv6 machines, I started the server as
java org.apache.derby.drda.NetworkServerControl start -h 
So instead of giving I gave the full IP address. Did the same for 
the localhost also. Hope I answered your question. If you need any more 
information regarding derby on IPv6 please let me know. 

On 9/6/07, Dave Been <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 

for IPv4 we listen on host in case a machine has multiple NIC 
cards, so we accept connections from all NICs. 
(I believe this was for windows only.   is that correct?) 

Is there an equivelent ip for IPv6? 

Dave Been


ipv6 and Network Server hostname

2007-09-06 Thread Dave Been
for IPv4 we listen on host in case a machine has multiple NIC 
cards, so we accept connections from all NICs. 
(I believe this was for windows only.   is that correct?)

Is there an equivelent ip for IPv6?

Dave Been

userName legal characters specification?

2007-03-22 Thread Dave Been
I cannot find anywhere in the Derby documentation what are legal 
characters in a userName.
>From the web i find thing alluding to alphnumeric + _, someone offering a 
patch to change this.

Maybe this should be documented somewhere?   thanks

> If I try to connect, the error thrown is
> ij> connect
> 'jdbc:derby:testdb;create=true;[EMAIL PROTECTED];password=a';
> ERROR 28502: The user name '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' is not valid.
> The first error is being thrown from this method in
> username) This method calls the IdUtil.parseId() which will for an
> unqualified id,  check if the string has only characters from a-z, A-Z
> and _ and digits.
> I want to remove this restriction for the username case.

Dave Been

Derby Procedure performance

2007-02-01 Thread Dave Been
I hear this question was recently discussed (last week?) but was embedded 
in another subject, maybe someone can point me to the subject so i can 
find it in the archives.
I have not found it so far.

Using the Embedded driver (not network server), I have an application with 
3 PreparedStatements which do a select/update qualified on 1 row via 
indexed column, and an insert over a single table.

Would there be any performance gain putting the 3 PreparedStatements into 
a Java Procedure so all are executed locally within the database? 
The parameters are 3 input ints, one String/varchar 1 - 256 bytes in 
length, one OUT int value.

If there is any hope i can try it and time it, but if there is no hope it 
would save me the effort.

thanks much,
Dave Been

How Derby uses file descriptors

2007-02-01 Thread Dave Been
Can anyone point me to any documentation on how Derby uses file 
Searches show problems in merges when creating indexes over large tables, 
but thats not my issue.

We have a large application which is already file descriptor intensive, 
which is having problems embedding Derby due to its large file descriptor 
I am proposing adding yet another Derby database (or using the existing 
one) and would like to know:

Is there anything the application can do to minimize the use of file 
would long running transactions vs "autocommit on" have any effect on the 
# of file descs used (e.g. length of transaction)?
Number of tables open
size of tables
use of PreparedStatements

Dave Been

FW: Importing data from MySQL

2005-03-23 Thread Dave Been
Title: FW: Importing data from MySQL

This program is in pretty rough shape, it evolved many times over, but i used it to migrate from a 2.5 Gig Cloudscape 4 database to Derby. 
Worked fine last time I used it. YMMV 

You run it once to export from some database using JDBC to the file system, e.g.  without the -imp arg and pass in a file with the names of tables. 

    java ImpExpCloudSync -writeDerbyFormat -driver ...mysql.driver... -jdbcUrl jdbc:mysql: tablesInAFile exp.log 

under the expdata/ dir will be files of the name .dat 

You then load these files into Derby using the ultrafast bulkImport (I once measured a 800% gain in performance, over row at a time Prepared inserts, a few years back, NOTE requires empty tables at the start): 

    java ImpExpCloudSync -imp tablesInAFile imp.log 

You probably need to change/comment out patchDateType() as it was fixing illegal years from the old database, etc into the legal range for Derby. 

The schema I had had columns of email pasted into them, and had every control character, quote, that you could imagine, embedded into the large columns, and I didn't have any problems loading with this tool. 

you can pass a file containing the schema and it will IJ the commands to create your tables, first. 

    java ImpExpCloudSync -imp -schema mySqlSchema.sql tablesInAFile imp.log 

check out parseArgs() as my usage() method doesn't print out all the options. 

HTH.   I had some out of memory errors on some huge tables, but using -Xm1024m, etc was able to get around them. 

java ImpExpCloudSync -Z 
Bad flag -Z 

    java ImpExpCloudSync [ -imp ] [ -driver jdbcdriver ] [ -jdbcUrl url ] \ 
[ -user u ] [ -password p ] [ -group grp ] \ 
[ -schema sqlfile ] \ 
[ -writeDerbyFormat ] \ 
 table_names outfile 

defaults to export 
driver defaults to org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver 
jdbcurl defaults to jdbc:derby:c:/work/dbs/derbysource;create=true 
user defaults to user 
password defaults to password 
writeDerbyFormat defaults to false 

Christian Rodriguez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

03/22/2005 06:43 PM 

Please respond to
"Derby Discussion"


Derby Discussion  


Importing data from MySQL 

Hello everyone,

I am trying to import data from a MySQL database. So far I havent been
able to do it.

What I have tried:

1. Ive used the mysql dump utility to generate a file with inserts and
then try to run that file from ij. One of my tables contain a large
"text" object and the inserts fail, probably because of quote or
double quote characters.

2. Ive written a basic java program that uses jdbc to connect to MySQL
and the Derby database and tries to import the data. The program fails
with an out of error message when trying to import that problematic
table that contains large character objects.

3. Ive tried to use db2db migration tool. It fails with the same
error: out of memory.

So, has anyone been able to do this kind of thing? What do you
recommend? Any hints, help, suggestions?


import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Vector;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;

import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;

import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.DatabaseMetaData;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.ResultSetMetaData;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Types;

import java.lang.reflect.Array;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;



public class ImpExpCloudSync
private static final boolean Debug=false;
private Connection conn;
private String datadir = "expdata";
private String driver = "org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver";
private String jdbcUrl = 
//private String driver = "";
//private String jdbcUrl = 
private String schemaId = "APP";
private String user = "user";
private String password = "password";
private String outFile = "impexp.log";
private String tablesFile = "table_names";
private boolean readingPublicationDef = false;
private SimpleDateFormat formatter = null;
private boolean imp = false;
private boolean zip = false;
private boolean unzip = false;
private String schemaFile = null;
private String controlFile = null;
private String zipFileName = null;
private boolean writeDerbyFormat = false;

private static final String IJ = "";
public static void main (String[] args) 
ImpExpCloudSync example = new ImpExpCloudSync();

Re: Data Synchronization between DB2and Derby!

2005-01-22 Thread Dave Been

Please forgive me, but I cannot pass
up this opportunity    hope no one minds.

IBM DB2 Everyplace has supported Cloudscape
as a synchronization client on Cloudscape version 4, version 5, and Derby
Version 10 for some time (well, Derby only recently :)   Source databases
may be DB2 UDB, Sybase, Oracle, Cloudscape,  ...

Cloudscape client features include:
client is 100% pure java, utilizing JDBC.
concurrent users during SYNC operation.
Refresh uses the SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_BULK_INSERT  VTI command to boost
performance by 800% (over row at a time inserts).
database may also be Cloudscape
for over the wire encryption
built in database encryption for on "device" database security
(Cloudscape feature).
a large number of languages

DB2 Everyplace Sync Server may be run
in Tomcat or Websphere (which provides support for clustering, load balancing
and high availability).

Dave Been, DB2 Everyplace

Gaurav Anand <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

01/22/2005 04:36 AM

Please respond to
"Derby Discussion"



Data Synchronization between
DB2and Derby!

If you have ever abandoned Derby to be used as a remote
database only because you find difficult to synchronize data with DB2,
may be this one can help.

Open source data replication tool for data synchronization between DB2
and Derby, is certainly interesting that I have discovered. Check:

Is there any other that you know?


Re: Build Errors (building Derby under Eclipse)

2005-01-17 Thread Dave Been

Sorry, I did not read the original post,
however two things come to mind:

1) Some plug-ins (Clover) require a
JDK and not a JRE, which can be set as your default via the menu
-> Preferences then in the left Pane, Java -> Installed JRE's 
Browse to add a JDK and then select
it as your default.

2) I have not extensively used Ant in
Eclipse, but thought of the Windows -> Preferences   Ant ->
Runtime settings, and h, tools.jar is set in Global Entries for me
(Eclipse 3.0.1).
If it is not in yours, you could also
try adding it to Ant's classpath there.

Dave Been

Andrew McIntyre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

01/16/2005 08:32 PM

Please respond to
"Derby Discussion"

"Derby Discussion"


Re: Build Errors (building
Derby under Eclipse)

Hash: SHA1

On Jan 16, 2005, at 9:42 AM, Irum Godil wrote:

> It seems to me that the Eclipse classpath file has no effect on 
> build.xml or the ant building. It is picking up its files from 
> somewhere else completely.

I think I know what is going on here. I think the java executable that

runs Ant from Eclipse is from a JRE installation instead of a JDK 

For tools.jar for the taglet build, Ant tries to pick it up from the 
JDK relative to the setting of the Java system property java.home, to 
avoid having to make a copy of the JDK's tools.jar to another location.

On most systems, java.home is set to the *jre* directory of the JDK 
installation. So, relative to this directory, tools.jar is in 

However, if Ant is running from a JRE installation instead of a JDK 
installation, this directory will not exist. If you add the -verbose 
property to the Ant command line (inside Eclipse) and capture the 
output, the 4th line of the output will give you the location of the 
java.home. Once you know the location of java.home, you can copy 
tools.jar to where the build expects it to be (${java.home}/../lib).

You could also find the location of java.home in a similar method as, with the following tag:

> I also tried copying the tools.jar file inside: 
> $derbysource\tools\java file where the other jar files exist, but
> luck there too.

If you are still unable to progress, another workaround would be to 
change java/build/org/apache/derbyBuild/build.xml, line 35, to point to

a known copy of tools.jar

Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (Darwin)


Re: Derby/Cloudscape GUI??

2004-08-27 Thread Dave Been

i think someone mentioned it before
but dbedit is a good plug in for eclipse.  i used it with Sybase,
saw Michael Rosset hook it up to UDB pretty quick.
i'm using dbedit.ui_0.9.9.

Dave Been, DB2 Everyplace
Phone 510-222-3926, Cell 928-699-0488

Daniel John Debrunner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
08/27/2004 11:11 AM
Please respond to "Derby Discussion"
       Derby Discussion 
       Re: Derby/Cloudscape GUI??

Hash: SHA1

I just found this link of open source JDBC SQL browsing tools.

They might be interesting possibilities to use with Derby.

If anyone tries one, it would be great if they could post their
experiences to this list.

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