Re: Fwd: [libreoffice-design] Our decision-making workflow

2014-07-28 Thread K-J LibreOffice

Hi Mirek,
long email
Am 27.07.2014 um 14:40 schrieb Mirek M.:

Hi KJ,
You keep arguing for Redmine, but is there something that it provides that
the combination of Bugzilla/wiki/mailing list doesn't?

We can do our work in this combination, we did it for the last years. 
And so nearly no other thing will provide something which the 
combination hasn't. The only thing is, that we can do most of the work 
in one existing tool. So the question is not what we can do with a new 
instrument which the combination didn't do, but is it possible to use 
tools which make the workflow easier, better, fluenter. And: Are these 
tools easily available for usw ith (nearly) no administration?
Example: Sheduling, assigning, watching is possible in the old 
combination. But you can easier do it in Redmine than in the wiki.

If not, I'm afraid that, since we won't be getting rid of any of the three,
it will become yet another place to sign up at and track activity. I'd
prefer to keep the number of places to track to a minimum.

It's the same argument as against any forum or a voting on google+.
But you are right. To have too many accounts won't be good for a 
workflow. *)
I think that for the most people who will do design work, there will be 
 in future no need for a wiki account because the whole workflow will 
be in Redmine. Only a few (the design admins) have to work on the main 
descriptions for our work. And these will get smaller when we use 
Redmine (and Redmine has a Wiki, too, if we need one).
For me, as I don't do UX but only marketing material, Bugzilla isn't 
necessary for my design work. And I think, if the design process will 
work in Redmine the punchs for Buzilla will get smaller. AFAIK our 
infrastructure team works completely in Redmine.

When is a Bugzilla account necessary in design workflow?
Only when I have to discuss with the developer. So only for UX as a 
(big) part of our design team. VI works almost without Bugzilla.
As long as we do our design work process, there is no need for a 
Bugzilla account.

So how many Designers, who will get new in here, need a Bugzilla account?

And so a new member of the Design team first needs a ml-account and a 

As I said above: Every argument against Redmine is an argument against a 
forum and Google+ etc. So if you think Redmine isn't our workflow 
program because you need a new account, the others aren't too. And we 
have to stay with what we have. But I see many advantages to give the 
TDF-Redmine a try for design workflow.

*) As Dennis mentioned the infrastructure team provides to make an own 
Open-ID or something similar to have only one account for all things for 
the TDF.


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[libreoffice-design] IMPORTANT: Changing our workflow

2014-07-28 Thread Mirek M.
Hi guys,
On our last IRC chat [1], we've decided to try out a different way of
working for a month, until the next chat. One of the major changes we've
decided on is to abandon this mailing list (as a trial) and move our
conversations to Redmine.

Redmine is easier to look through than our mailing list archives, it's
arguably less intimidating to newcomers, and it allows file attachments. It
doesn't seem to allow posting to the forum via e-mail (yet [2]), but it
does allow following forum conversations by watching it. To watch a
forum, select Watch on the forum page and make sure you have Only for
things I watch or I'm involved in as your Email notifications setting.

So, until the next IRC chat, please *don't post to this mailing list*, and,
if anyone does post, please refer them to the redmine forum: . If you
haven't registered for Redmine, please do so, and, if you need help,
contact me personally or post in this thread.


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