[Design-team] Design Suite spin page: current progress (HTML template applied)

2010-04-25 Thread Mel Chua
I took the content from 
https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Design_Suite#Spins_Page and put it into 
the HTML template to see what it would look like:


We're lacking images/screenshots and an About section, as described in 

I seem to recall some students from Allegheny posting notes/application 
reviews that could be turned into an "About" section similar to 
http://spins.fedoraproject.org/kde/#about - anyone know where those are? 
A look through the (design-team) list archives doesn't turn up anything 
for me, but I may have overlooked it.

design-team mailing list

[Design-team] Update for Fedora teams: What's happening with the Allegheny class?

2010-04-27 Thread Mel Chua
Just checked in with jadudm and updated the #fedora-mktg channel, but 
figured the other two teams (as well as Marketing folks who are not 
in-channel right now) should also know, and that the FS102 students 
should see what's being said about them. ;)

Thank you, as always, for being part of this grand experiment. I'm 
*really* pleased with what we've done and what we've learned so far.


15:46 < mchua> ok - update for folks looking for Allegheny people: this 
week is their last week of class to work on projects, and they're out 
filming video interviews about what they've done so far
15:46 < mchua> they also have a reflection paper that we'll be getting 
which should provide a lot of insight on what the new contrib experience 
is like
15:46 < mchua> so a lot of them are off doing that today
15:46 < mchua> but they have been encouraged to hit the lists and tell 
us how they're winding down their projects
15:47  * mchua hopes this is accurate, will send to mktg list and ask 
jadum and DarrenMiller to correct if needed
15:47 < mchua> so after class today I'll be looking at the status of 
each team's project and seeing what we know and what we've seen from the 
Fedora side of what they've done
15:48 < mchua> and then we can go from there (They might go "oh, we did 
more, here is where you haven't found it yet" or someone else in Fedora 
might go "oh, Mel, you totally missed X")
15:48 < mchua> and thursday is our chance to wind down with 'em
15:48 < mchua> and then... well, we'll have the release
15:48 < mchua> But after that we'll be sure to do a debrief about how 
the class experience went, and how we can do better next time.
15:48  * mchua is, overall, very pleased
15:48 < mchua> (and barely keeping up)
15:49  * mchua --> deliverables!
design-team mailing list

[Design-team] F13 spin websites: home stretch

2010-05-01 Thread Mel Chua
This is what I believe to be the remaining tasks to get the 4 new spin 
pages to v.1.0 for the F13 release, in order of how close they are to 
shippable. Copying spin owners here as well.

The urgent thing here that we don't already have covered is the banners 
- so copying the design team also, with a plea to look at 
https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/132. We may have a newcomer 
who can take a shot at it, but they will need guidance if so (and we'll 
find out tomorrow whether they can help in time).

Freeze is Tuesday, so I believe that is the deadline we are shooting for 
(what time on Tuesday, in what timezone?)


== Security ==

http://spins.fedoraproject.org/security/ (hurrah updated screenshot!)

* downloads need to be made available via 
* we may want to point http://spins.fedoraproject.org/security/#support 
towards more security-specific locations (however, it's not bad if this 
section ships as-is)

== Moblin ==


* needs banner, images (https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/132)
* new content in 
https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Moblin_Spin#Spin_description needs to be 
pushed to the main page
* new content in https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Moblin_Spin#About needs 
to be pushed to "about" tab, with screenshots added
* downloads need to be made available via 

== SoaS ==


* needs banner, images (https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/132)
* downloads need to be made available via 
http://spins.fedoraproject.org/soas/#downloads, with a link out to "how 
to put this on your thumbdrive" instructions

== Design ==


* needs banner, images (https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/132)
* needs screenshot for front page
* needs About text written, pushed to "about" tab, preferably with 
* downloads need to be made available via 
http://spins.fedoraproject.org/design/#downloads (also, fix typos)
* we may want to add text, or a link to a wiki page, about joining the 
Design team in the "Support" tab (however, it's not bad if this section 
ships as-is)
design-team mailing list

[Design-team] Allegheny students invite you to their release party

2010-05-02 Thread Mel Chua
Students from Allegheny Activism And Fedora will be having an 
end-of-semester (and early F13 celebration) party on May 4, 2010 from 
11-noon EST. They'd like to invite the Fedora community to join them - 
virtually! We'll be hanging out in #allegheny - feel free to ping me 
(mchua) with any questions on the day of.

If you're around, would like a ping, and generally want to hang out with 
the crew, list your availability for Skype, IRC, or both, and we will 
ping you on the day of the party. (Yes, we know Skype is non-Free... if 
you have a better alternative, we'd love to hear it, but we really need 
a simple-to-set-up (for the professors) and fairly reliable video link.)

More details and sign-up:


Hope to see y'all there!

design-team mailing list

Re: [Design-team] F13 spin websites: home stretch

2010-05-02 Thread Mel Chua
On 05/02/2010 03:38 AM, Christoph Wickert wrote:
> Am Sonntag, den 02.05.2010, 01:23 -0400 schrieb Mel Chua:
>> This is what I believe to be the remaining tasks to get the 4 new spin
>> pages to v.1.0 for the F13 release, in order of how close they are to
>> shippable. Copying spin owners here as well.
> I have to admit that I'm a little confused now.  What exactly are the
> spin owners required to do here?  In the past we got mail from the
> design team and just had send our material to them.  This doesn't seem
> to have happened.

Nothing right now, really - I mostly included the spin owners for the 
specific pages we were working on so that you folks would be in the 
loop. Sorry for the confusion.

I do agree we need a clearer workflow/division-of-responsibilities for 
spin pages, though. There was more confusion this time than there 
probably needs to be. There are some notes in 
https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Spin_webpage_creation_SOP that could be 
cleaned up and improved, and perhaps documentation of a workflow could 
go there as well.

design-team mailing list

[Design-team] F13 spin websites: done!

2010-05-04 Thread Mel Chua
All right - it's freeze day, and I *believe* we're good to ship. Fresh 
eyeballs welcome; I've been staring at these pages way too long.


I've also added these (and tweaked the content on) the talking points, 
https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_13_Talking_Points#Spins, which are 
now done and ready to ship to Ambassadors (Marketing team, take note!)

I've checked each page for content, banner, and at least a main 
screenshot on the front page. The final changes (screenshots for soas 
and design) are syncing now but should be up in an hour or so. The 
screenshot (actually an action shot) for design has slightly offset text 
when you click the image to enlarge it, but it's still legible (and I 
couldn't figure out how to fix it), so... all right.

I talked with Sijis in #fedora-websites tonight and he explained that 
he'll filter content automagically on release day so the correct spins 
(with their smaller banners) will show up on the main spins.fp.o page, 
and that download links are similarly automagically created then.

Thank you to Sijis for his patient help in all things related to the 
website build system, Joerg for making the Security spin site totally 
shine, Peter for Moblin spin content corrections, Sebastian for 
screenshots and template change-merging ninjahood, Mo for design advice 
and the Design spin action shot, Melanie (first time Fedora/Design 
contributor) for creating all the banners that we needed at the last 
moment, the Allegheny crew for being game and helping us discover our 
need for http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Spin_webpage_creation_SOP (which, 
btw, could use some help now that we know the answer to "how do you make 
a spin page?" is "it takes too long"), Ian for copyediting and trademark 
reminders, and... well, if I've forgotten anyone, please holler. :)

design-team mailing list

[Design-team] Willem de Kooning academy design program: interested in working with Fedora

2010-07-27 Thread Mel Chua
Logs that people may find interesting:


They're from an OSCON talk about a program at 
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Willem_de_Kooning_Academy and how it's 
using FOSS (both the tools/tech and the open source way of doing things) 
as a requirement for its Masters students .


"We offer a Master programme focused on a critical engagement with the 
culture of the Internet and computer media, their artistic design, 
technology and theory. It is a small course with a highly international 
community of students and teachers, and a strong emphasis on personal 
contact and collaboration... Free and Open Source Software and 
do-it-yourself ethic play a key role in the programme. Aside from its 
obvious benefit of giving you... toolchains at zero cost, Open Source 
software tends to be extremely modular, open to DIY and custom 
applications. It gives value to seemingly outmoded hardware, and 
provides you with building blocks for your own projects rather than 
solutions that strongly preformat the function and aesthetics of your work."

They're very interested in talking more with the Fedora Design Team - 
one possible framing is "do the tools, techniques, and etc. we're 
experimenting with in our (physical) school transfer to distributed 
online communities as well?" but mizmo may have other angles, as she 
talked with them on IRC for a bit (as did tatica and ianweller).

They're very interested in tools and processes for collaborative design, 
more than they are interested in direct replacements for existing design 
software (so design hub, 
http://mairin.wordpress.com/2010/03/26/design-hub-update/, is more 
interesting to them than "GIMP is like Free Photoshop! and so forth).

Immediate things for discussion at the meeting:

* Can we try out PickPic for them and let them know if it's a useful 
tool (and if so, would Fedora folks be interested in helping with 
coding/deployment, as this is a prototype written by artists who aren't 

* Is anyone from Fedora Design interested in going to 
http://makeart.goto10.org/call/ to meet up with them and figure out how 
to start collaborating? (Poitiers, France, 4-7 November)

* Can someone reach out to these folks and see if any of their students 
would like to do/deploy their projects within Fedora - contribute to the 
Design Team as part of their coursework, or otherwise?

* Can someone reach out to them and get them to review the Design Suite 

That's off the top of my head, for meeting discussion today.


design-team mailing list

[Design-team] Self-introduction: Mel Chua

2009-07-24 Thread Mel Chua
Hi! I'm Mel Chua (https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Mchua). I'm new to 
the Design team, though I hang out in Marketing and Websites and am 
generally watching and learning in a lot of places.

I studied engineering (electrical, so the FEL redesign ticket was an 
"ooh, shiny" one for me) and am, in general, obsessed with education. 
I'm currently a Community Architecture intern at Red Hat; open-source 
communities are awesome. I actually originally planned on studying art 
and graphic design in college, but my parents said no, so I took up 
engineering instead and crammed design classes into my schedule. Being 
at an engineering school, these classes were more product design and 
ethnography than anything that would actually improve my 
art/color/layout skills, so while I have (for instance) some 
interviewing mojo, my actual "making things" abilities are not so great. 
After seeing Mo transform my POSSE logo sketch (documented on 
http://blog.melchua.com/2009/07/11/the-posse-logo-progression/) into a 
thing of Awesomeness, I went "...oh wow, I want to learn to do that!"

And so I'm here. I probably won't have a ton of bandwidth to do 100% 
Design Stuff - maybe a few things in conjunction with Marketing, or 
Websites, since I'm working on those anyway - but at the least I'll 
watch and learn, and if I'm able to help out, I shall. I am particularly 
curious about...

* the design process (how do you tell whether a design is "good"? I 
don't know how to frame this question properly.)
* colors. Because I can't figure out how to develop an eye for color, no 
matter what I try.
* paper prototyping and other quick-and-dirty mockup techniques for user 

I tried taking my first ticket as per the join instructions, which was a 
hackergotchi (really, really small project). I wasn't sure whether you 
had to wait for approval for the list before commenting on the ticket, 
so I erred in the "release early release often" direction since this was 
a tiny, tiny ticket... let me know if I should do anything different 
next time.



PS: I have been reading the archives and looking through old tickets and 
I am in awe. You folks have mad, mad skillz.
design-team mailing list

Re: [Design-team] fedora logo modification for stainless steel plate laser

2009-07-28 Thread Mel Chua
> I'm definitly not a designer like you guys. I'm a technician.
> I love the fedora logo and I thought i can laser the logo on little stainless
> steel plates.

A thought - I don't know what model laser machine you have, but the ones 
I've seen do both engraving and cutting. Could you engrave the 
"infinity" part and cut out the "f-cross" part? That would keep the 
aspect ratio intact.

Another technique I've seen done involves creating slits for shading - 
the distance between the slits can be less than the thickness of the 
material, since the slits are so narrow, especially if the material is 
as strong as stainless steel is.

--Mel (an engineer who's played with laser cutters, and is also here to 
learn design)
design-team mailing list

Re: [Design-team] fedora logo modification for stainless steel plate laser

2009-07-29 Thread Mel Chua
> However, in your case I don't really see a better option than you tried
> (but i also lack any experience with laser cutting). Hope Mo and Paul
> can get you more useful answers, since they are more suted to talk about
> logo usage.

I can't speak to the logo usage/legal part of things, but a couple 
engineering buddies with more laser experience than I've got concur: if 
you can etch the "infinity" part, all problems are solved. (I've yet to 
find a laser cutter that can't engrave, and they seem to be making 
similar assumptions.)


design-team mailing list

[Design-team] Design + Marketing schedules: Synced!

2009-07-29 Thread Mel Chua
Design and Marketing folks: just a heads-up so you know the stuff that 
the two groups will be working on together for this release cycle - Mo 
and I just froze the milestone dates for things the two teams will be 
collaborating on (our version is at 
https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Marketing_F12_schedule). Here are the 
relevant parts for y'all on what Marketing is going to deliver for Design...

Select a release slogan 2009-09-17  Make sure Design has the release 
slogan so they can start designing.

Final release slogan is ready for websites/design  2009-09-17  Marketing 
creates this, influenced by the Design themes/wallpaper/etc. for the 
release. The slogan then (circularly?) affects the Design team's release 
button/banner for the website. Need to make sure this lines up with 
Design and Website's dates. This date is a start date; the end date 
needs to be set in conjunction with Design.

(For Marketing's reference...)
Groups we (Marketing) have synced with: Websites, Design
Groups left to sync with: Docs, Ambassadors, News

...that is all. Thanks for your time!

design-team mailing list

Re: [Design-team] [Echo Perspective] Presentation and user-desktop

2009-08-07 Thread Mel Chua
On 08/07/2009 06:48 PM, Kris Thomsen wrote:
> Another thing, is there a central place to put the icons we made, or is
> it just on personal servers and local computers? :-)

I've seen a lot of the design team uploading files to their fedorapeople 
space. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Infrastructure/fedorapeople.org 
has details.

Of course, there may be a better / more canonical location that I don't 
yet know about...

design-team mailing list

[Design-team] Design opportunity: SugarZilla

2009-08-18 Thread Mel Chua
Steven Parrish is working on a more user-friendly bugzilla interface: 

...but how do we know if it will actually be more user-friendly? 

This sounds like an opportunity for DESIGN! *DAH-dah-DAHHH*

(just a fyi, in case anyone is interested. carry on.)

design-team mailing list

[Design-team] Fedora print magazine proposal from Linux Pro Magazine

2009-09-03 Thread Mel Chua
Marketing! Logistics! Documentation! News! Design! Ambassadors! (If I've 
missed a group that should know about this, please forward it on and let 
me know.)

Linux Pro Magazine (LPM) has proposed to make a special Fedora print 
issue for F12 - thousands of magazines out on newsstands internationally 
with an F12 DVD tucked inside. This would be very, very cool. We're 
trying to figure out whether this is possible, whether we should do it, 
and (if both of those are "yes"), how the balance of work would be 
distributed between the Fedora community (perhaps with help from the Red 
Hat Brand team) and LPM.

We'd love your thoughts and feedback. This is moving quite rapidly (it 
first came up on Wednesday afternoon; we need to give a yes or no for 
F12 next week), so I've summarized the current state of things on a 
project page at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_print_magazine. We 
would particularly love your ideas for 

Rikki Kite from LPM is being absolutely awesome about transparency for 
this entire process, has made a version of the proposal for public 
consumption (it's all the information that we have, minus financials and 
circulation numbers): 

If you have any questions, please add them to 
https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_print_magazine#Questions - myself, 
Max Spevack, Karsten Wade, and David Nalley will be calling Rikki and 
the folks at LPM tomorrow (Friday), so that'll be a first chance 
(definitely not the last!) to get some of these questions answered.


PS: One of the most surprising things I've learned in the last 24 hours 
is that the good folks down in LATAM are already doing a Fedora magazine 
- see 
Ambassadors *rock.*
design-team mailing list

Re: [Design-team] Fedora Insight Zikula on pt6 Is About To Be Upgraded

2009-09-05 Thread Mel Chua
On 09/04/2009 04:40 PM, Affix wrote:
> Zikula Upgraded to Zikula 1.1.2

Wow - and the skin's back up on there as well (as a checkout from an SVN 
repository, svnfedora-zikula-theme, w00t)! Thanks, Keiran - this is 

Do the instructions on 
https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/How_to_set_up_a_Zikula_sandbox still 
work, or is there anything we need to do to edit them to reflect the 
install process for 1.1.2?

design-team mailing list

Re: [Design-team] Fedora 12 Design Schedule Reminder

2009-09-16 Thread Mel Chua
> Like I said on IRC, I have some time and will be willing to push forward
> with at least some of these. Anyone else interested in helping out?

I'm overloaded with Marketing stuff this week and out at training the 
week after and can't participate myself 'till after that, but: might I 
suggest hollering out to the Design list when you'll be working on 
things, and being on IRC while you work if you can?

Sometimes worksprints - multiple people piling into IRC and hacking away 
at a giant task list - make the job a lot more fun and way, way faster.

design-team mailing list

[Design-team] CSS help needed for 1 hour tomorrow at 2100 UTC

2009-09-16 Thread Mel Chua
We have a number of design-related (largely CSS) tickets for Fedora 
Insight, but only one that has a specific scheduling window we need to 
hit. Does anyone here...

(1) have CSS skills
(2) is free to be on IRC for an hour exactly 22.25 hours from now (2100 
UTC) to do some CSS tweaking/consulting?

If so, please see


(However, F12 deliverables take priority, so if it's a choice between 
working on those and working on this, please work on F12 stuff! I'm 
looking at this as an opportunity for someone who can't currently pitch 
in with F12 design deliverables to be able to chip in in a small but 
very concrete way.)


design-team mailing list

[Design-team] Last-minute design help needed: FUDCon ad

2009-10-26 Thread Mel Chua
So we had the FUDCon ad all finished, and then there was a last-minute 
change of format, and from B&W to color. But we did it!


...the wrong way 'round. It works this way, Chris is going to print it 
sideways if we need to, but in case someone wants to pick up a quick 
last-minute tweak, the ticket's up.

Chris notes the final file is needed by noon EDT (approx 4.5 hours from 
now). We are ok as-is, so this is not a PANIC NOW! ticket, more a "if 
you want to tweak it, noon EDT is the cutoff" note.


(in #fedora-design)
11:14:29 < brejc8> is that "4.25" (tall) x 5.5" (wide)" ?
11:16:09 < brejc8> mchua: do you have the widths and heights the right 
way round?
11:17:43 < mchua> brejc8: ...ARGH

(over in #fudcon-planning)
11:19:12 < mchua> ctyler: um... can you print it sideways?
11:19:22  * mchua should probably not inkscape in the wee hours of the 
11:19:41 < ctyler> mchua: we could, but it might look... sideways
11:20:01 < mchua> ctyler: "adds visual interest"?
11:20:08  * ctyler feels really bad about the last minute changes
11:20:44  * mchua could add "why is this ad sideways? come to FUDCon 
Toronto and ask Chris Tyler to find out!"
design-team mailing list

Re: [Design-team] Last-minute design help needed: FUDCon ad

2009-10-26 Thread Mel Chua
On 10/26/2009 07:29 AM, Mel Chua wrote:
> So we had the FUDCon ad all finished, and then there was a last-minute
> change of format, and from B&W to color. But we did it!
> https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/71#comment:17
> ...the wrong way 'round.

And 40 minutes later, Charlie and Nicu fix the ad.

Fedora rocks.
design-team mailing list

Re: [Design-team] FUDCon Toronto 2009 T-shirt design

2009-11-08 Thread Mel Chua
On 11/07/2009 03:20 PM, Charlie Brej wrote:
> On 06/11/09 23:16, Paul W. Frields wrote:
>> On Tue, Nov 03, 2009 at 05:54:33PM +, Charlie Brej wrote:
>>> On 03/11/09 17:16, Paul W. Frields wrote:
 Someone kindly produced a FUDCon Toronto 2009 shirt design.
 Unfortunately though, the t-shirt printers in Toronto are having a
 problem with some of the smaller text.

 Is it possible to constrain the minimum text size in the tag clouds
 used in the logo design?  I know someone had written a clever script
 to output these shirts, but I'm darned if I can find it.  If someone
 directs me to the right place with a simple instructional nudge or
 two, I can probably regenerate it myself, possibly even figure out how
 to add a constraint if that's helpful.  I know enough Python to be
 dangerous, or at least stupid.

>>> The sources are available here:
>>> http://fedorapeople.org/groups/designteam/Fedora%20Collateral/T-Shirts/FUDcon%20Shirts/FUDcon%20Boston%202009/Word%20logo%20generator/
>>> To change the minimum font size, change the "#define MINFONT 4" in
>>> wordlogo.c to 5 or higher.  To change the words edit the script
>>> called "script".
>>> I can set this up if someone supplies me the list of words.
>> Charlie, I could use help with this, if you have time.  I'll get
>> someone on the fudcon-planning list to find a list of words, and
>> indicate to you the minimum font size that will work for the printer,
>> and get them to you.
>> I think we need two things, then:
>> * Resolution of design-team ticket #77
>> (https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/77) regarding the
>> FUDCon logo alignment -- making sure that the T-shirt generator
>> produces correctly aligned "leaves" in the logo as well
>> * Generation of the actual art for the printer.
>> Are these things you'd be willing to help with?
> Sure, no probs, supply me the list of words and we will start there.

Bert Desmet (copied) did the original FUDCon Toronto shirt designs (by 
hand, because we didn't know about the scripts back then), and iirc 
grabbed a lot of the words from the wikipedia article on Toronto.

design-team mailing list

Re: [Design-team] Finished first wallpaper...now what?

2009-11-28 Thread Mel Chua
> Ok thanks for the help.I got it all done now. Here is the link if you
> want to check it out. It is my first wallpaper here so obviously not the
> best. http://linxguy16.deviantart.com/art/Fedora-Wallpaper-1-145039699
> Tell me what you think :D

Ooh, I like it. What did you make it in? I was wondering if I could get 
the svg source (I'd like to try layering the "freedom + infinity = 
fedora" part over the F12 background to see how it looks) but looking 
closely at the image shows some artifacts around the edges of the "f" in 
'freedom,' so I'm guessing you did this with the GIMP?

design-team mailing list

Re: [Design-team] wondering what to do

2009-11-30 Thread Mel Chua
On 11/30/2009 01:53 AM, Brad wrote:
> I am wondering what to do. As of now, I have sharpened up my GIMP
> skills. Are there any mini-projects around in need of another designer?
> Thanks! :D

If you know CSS, Marketing could use some help with Fedora Insight 

But there are always tons of active tickets: 

design-team mailing list

Re: [Design-team] First Design Suite Build

2009-12-22 Thread Mel Chua
On 12/22/2009 03:36 AM, Nicu Buculei wrote:
> On 12/22/2009 01:01 AM, Sebastian Dziallas wrote:
>> as I said some time ago on list I'll be doing the Design Suite for
>> Fedora 13. Having had some pretty cool discussion with Diana, Mel and Mo
>> in the hackroo... hospitality suite at FUDCon,

Hackroom! Hackroom!

(We used the word "hospitality suite" at the front desk because we 
weren't sure how the hotel would feel about the word "hack," and this 
became a running joke at FUDCon Toronto.)

 >> I've created and uploaded a first build.

I'd promised to help out a bit with marketing for this, so the first 
step was to create a page that we can build into this project's home.


It's not ready for widespread "USE THIS!" PR yet, and won't be for some 
time - but we still need a place where folks who want to contribute can 
go and find out what's going on. So that's what this is right now.

I redirected the old link so edit history would be preserved, and the 
link from the old [[Design]] page would still work:

> Nice... are available anywhere some notes about the design concepts
> agreed there? (like select 'best of breed' apps or include as much as
> possible, restrict to graphics or also go for audio/video, include or
> not data...)

Not that I know of, but I started a section for it with some notes: 

>> It's already based on yesterday's Rawhide, even though it still calls
>> itself Generic 12 - which means it might very well break. It worked for
>> me in a VM, so you might just want to give it a try. It's currently
>> around 900 MB and already using Peter Robinson's modified base package
>> set, but we'll see if we can fit it into CD-size for the final release.
> I don't think CD size is a realistic target, my suggestion is to aim for
> 2GB USB sticks (maybe 1.5GB worth of application, leaving some space for
> live persistence)

Yet more documentation stub-places for after these decisions have been 
made: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Design_Suite#Technical_requirements

> I don't think I will get the time to play with it this year, can you
> provide the list of packages?


...and of course, as for everything else we work on in Fedora, we need a 
section for... https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Design_Suite#How_to_contribute

I'm not entirely sure what the different steps to making a Remix/Spin 
are (this may be a good thing to write up a tutorial for, and the more 
we document and think out loud as we do this, the easier writing that 
tutorial will be) but if we know those steps, it seems to me that the 
first thing to do would be to fill them in on 
https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Design_Suite#Upcoming_milestones so we 
know how close we are to completion at any given point in time.

design-team mailing list

Re: [Design-team] First Design Suite Build

2009-12-22 Thread Mel Chua
Merging responses for Nicu's last two replies...

> I am not an expert in this either but, if I understand correctly, the
> most of the job is to create a kickstart file with a good selection of
> packages. We do a few experimental builds to see if is not horribly
> broken and then try to "sell" it to the build system so it is taken care
> of automatically: http://alt.fedoraproject.org/pub/alt/nightly-composes/

Looking again at 
https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Design_Suite#Upcoming_milestones, we 
should probably set a date by which everything that wants to be 
considered for inclusion in the kickstart file to be packaged, and then 
another to freeze the kickstart's package list (after testing those 

It looks like the Design Studio will bring up some interesting questions 
while it's being made - things like "what's the line between content and 
software?" (do brushes count, etc) and how should the various things 
(whatever they are) we want be delivered via the Design Suite? 
(packages? webpages? packages of bookmarks to webpages? packages of 
sampe content?) So it's a good idea to leave plenty of time for those 
conversations and questions to be resolved.

 > I think before significant marketing we should clarify the vision and
 > the target, go beyond the generic "professional designers". I bet even
 > us, inside the Design Team, have various expectations from a 
"perfect" spin.

Yep. My current working definition for open source marketing is that 
it's much more than "just" PR - it's "the community-driven process 
responsible for enabling users to identify, anticipate, and satisfy 
their own requirements sustainably[0]" so the "identify" part is what 
I'm thinking about right now, and what I'm here in Design to learn. ;)

/me drops back to watch the process of designers designing something for 
themselves. Yay, meta!


[0] this is a modification of the Chartered Institute of Marketing's 
definition of marketing, 
http://www.cim.co.uk/resources/understandingmarket/definitionmkting.aspx, which 
is "the management process responsible for identifying, anticipating and 
satisfying customer requirements profitably."
design-team mailing list

Re: [Design-team] [F13] Swirly Stars

2009-12-26 Thread Mel Chua
On 12/26/2009 08:54 AM, Shreyank Gupta wrote:
> 2009/12/26 MarĂ­a Leandro:
>> Hello
>> I like the concept a lot, but the spiral is too "debian" for me. Can we
>> change it to some other shape?
> Maybe into a constellation shaped as 'f' or infinity.

I took Mo's concept and Charlie's concept and mashed them together into 
the "f" constellation Shreyank suggested, with a milky-way-like swirl 
for the vertical part of the "f" and the rocket swoop as the horizontal 
bar. (You could also use a shooting star, it was just faster to 
copy-paste the rocket. Plus a shooting star would require art skills I 
don't yet possess.)


Source at 

I also put the image and svg source in the 
gallery but I think I broke the table in doing so - it runs off the 
right side of my screen now. (The F12 gallery does the same thing, so 
I'm not sure how to fix this one.)

design-team mailing list

Re: [Design-team] f13 rockets simple sketch

2010-01-14 Thread Mel Chua
>> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/File:F13-concept-rocketlines.png
>> It's a really rough sketch. The concept is really along the lines of
>> what all of our sketches have, I think. But the visual style I'd want to
>> go for is like this Modest Mouse album:
>> http://www.kolnstyle.com/lbmcvrz/Modest%20Mouse-GNFPQLBN.jpg
>> I think it would be cool for the trails of the rockets to have an
>> organic shape to them like they're flower stems or something.

I saw this and immediately thought "whoa, rising rockets with trails 
would make an awesome graphical boot."

I don't know how http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HBheUFaRnr8 (the F10 
boot animation, "solar") was done or what it would take to get that 
animated (and whether it'd be worth it) but it would be pretty sweet.

design-team mailing list

[Design-team] Marketing team seeks Design advice: FAD tools (brand book)

2010-01-24 Thread Mel Chua
O design team:

The Marketing team is having a FAD in mid-March 
(https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Marketing_FAD_2010) and as part of this 
FAD we are making a brand book 

We're trying to figure out what (software) tools (and people who know 
how to use them) we should have on hand during the FAD, and were 
wondering if the Design Team had any recommendations (or better yet, any 
people who might be interested in tag-teaming on the brand book with us. ;)

We'll be on IRC the entire time - if it helps, we could schedule an hour 
of design brainstorming at the beginning, and then later in the NA 
afternoon after we get content in, come back for another design sprint 
on how we could best lay it out and such. But we /will/ be on IRC the 
entire time, and anyone's welcome to pop in and work with us anytime 
during that day they're free.

The list we have so far is at 
https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Marketing_FAD_2010#Materials_.2F_Tools - 
it's basically "Inkscape and Scribus?" at the moment. What else would 
you suggest? Should we do what we did for 
https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_12_one_page_release_notes and put 
the content on the wiki as we work? Is Gobby better? Should we try for 
collaborative Inkscape? (What questions should we actually be asking here?)

Many thanks,

design-team mailing list

[Design-team] Fwd: Request for help with Fedora Personas

2010-02-11 Thread Mel Chua
Figured this might be the most likely place to find interested people.


 Original Message 
Subject: Request for help with Fedora Personas
Date: Thu, 11 Feb 2010 17:21:43 -0800
From: John Poelstra 
Reply-To: advisory-bo...@lists.fedoraproject.org
To: advisory-bo...@lists.fedoraproject.org

As part of the Board Strategic Working Group (SWG), I volunteered to
track down the status of the work done on "Personas."  I summarized my
findings on this wiki page:

Some initial work has been done and more work remains to be be
completed.  The SWG needs to make a recommendation to the Board about
using and relying on the personas work.  No one on the board currently
has the time or expertise to lead this effort.

Without a volunteer to lead and own the personas effort to its
conclusion, the SWG is uncomfortable making them a central part of the
Target Audience evaluation work.

Is there someone interested and willing to lead and complete the
Personas project?  If so, please let us know by next Wednesday, February
17, 2010.

Thank you,
advisory-board mailing list
design-team mailing list

[Design-team] More about the Allegheny students

2010-04-05 Thread Mel Chua
Short version: Marketing and Design have help for the remainder of F13, 
and we're working to scaffold 40 newcomers quickly into helping with 
specific deliverables (Marketing) and tickets (Design).

Longer version: Over the next month, this statement will become more and 
more true.

"During the Spring 2010 semester, 40 first-year students from Allegheny 
College dove into the Fedora project. Specifically, with the help of the 
excellent people on the Marketing and Design teams, they engaged in 
their first experience as open source contributors, learning about 
blogging, wikis, IRC, and how to create positive change as part of a 
worldwide community."


I'll be writing more details to the lists as we find them - I'm working 
with the professors and will be on campus for another week working with 
the class directly. We're trying to be as open and transparent about 
this process as possible, but there's also the tension of not wanting to 
completely overwhelm students with what's going on. We are learning how 
to build this kind of scaffolding - it's going to be frustrating at 
times from the community side because the first thing we need to figure 
out in bridging the classroom + the community is how to communicate.

It means we may be doing some things opposite of the way we'd usually 
encourage people to get started in FOSS - experimenting with private 
emails that later get forwarded to public lists, etc - at least during 
initial attempts to see if they work out. Basically, we're trying to get 
them all to work TOSW, but maybe in order to do that quickly we have to 
start in a less-TOSW manner so we can ramp up to full "yeah, community 
participation makes sense!"-fu as fast as possible for as many people as 
possible. We'll do a full report + disclosure of everything after the 
semester ends (right after F13 releases, actually). I suppose what I'm 
trying to say is "yes, we're doing strange things; we realize that some 
of what we're doing is *not* normal, and we're trying our best to be 
transparent and explain things as we go along, but "the best we can do" 
may not be "good enough to make sense" for a little longer.

Anyway! That disclaimer aside, I'm quite excited - we've got them on 
small projects like "make a webpage for this new spin" and "develop and 
teach a microblogging outreach strategy." We'll see more as the week 
goes by.

The students hang out on #allegheny (sometimes - they're still learning 
IRC, so the channel is still rather empty) if you want to lurk and say 
hello; that's their sandbox to play in for the class (creating a safe 
space where the profs can announce things like assignments, lab hours, 
etc is important), though we'll be pulling them into #fedora-mktg and 
#fedora-design as much as possible as well.

Please please please ping me on IRC (mchua) or email or anywhere if you 
have any questions, thoughts, ideas, concerns, and especially 
suggestions on how we can be more transparent about what we're doing - 
that's a big focus of mine, trying to teach people here how to turn on 
the firehose. We're going to learn a lot about what Fedora looks like to 
newcomers as we go along - their end-of-term reflections are supposed to 
be on that - and that, for me, is the most exciting part about all this. 
We're learning how to help people help us.

That's an update for now, and a big setting-the-stage dump: more 
thoughts coming as more things happen. Tomorrow morning (Tuesday, 
11am-noon EST) is class again, so there may be a flurry of activity 
around then.

design-team mailing list

[Design-team] Design team ticket tackling: The Project

2010-04-06 Thread Mel Chua
We may see questions from newcomers hitting this list shortly, as a team 
from Allegheny College 
is tackling this project: 

I will be present in person this week to buffer, and will also be 
handling as many of their questions on IRC as possible - but part of 
that will be guiding students towards asking good questions in the 
channel and on the list, and learning how to come up with their own 
answers - with thinking-out-loud "how we came to this conclusion" 
rationale clearly stated, as befits the open source way of doing things. ;)

Just a heads-up - this is a good excuse to (1) flag easy/urgent tickets 
for them to start with and (2) for us to learn what the Design Team 
looks like to new contributors who are trying to figure out how to get 


--- excerpt below ---

So here's the problem:

The Design team has a bunch of tickets.

They need to be done.

They also need to be made more possible to work through - right now the 
pile is large and daunting, assumes a lot of background knowledge, uses 
acronyms, may not have a clear workflow... and so forth. Can you, as a 
newcomer, figure out what the Design Team does and how to help it? If 
not, this is a bug - and it's a bug that is our fault, and you will be 
helping us by pointing out how we can fix it. What resources do we need 
to provide to new Design contributors in order to smoothly get them started?

Your mission: close tickets. (Contact Mel Chua if you're not exactly 
sure what that means.)

Remember, the goal is to be "productively lost" - this is all the 
information we have right now, and you will probably have questions 
right away - we don't know what questions you need answers to, though, 
so once you find them we'll be pulling up (or making up!) the 
information for those answers. You should feel free to make up answers, 
design-team mailing list

[Design-team] Allegheny student projects: what are we working on, anyway?

2010-04-06 Thread Mel Chua
Teams and their projects are listed here: 

You'll notice that I've gone through and constructed a lot of 
scaffolding (well, a "lot" of scaffolding in terms of what we usually 
have in Fedora; I'm sure it's very little scaffolding compared to what 
students are used to getting in class!) on the projects in an attempt to 
help the students get started. If you think you can improve on that 
scaffolding in any way, please do so! And if you're interested in a 
particular project, please contact the team members - their contact info 
is listed on the wiki, and we'll be helping them join the appropriate 
IRC channels and lists this week.

Projects (which should mostly be obvious from their URL):

* https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Video_hosting
* https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Marketing_social_networks#Twitter
* https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/F13_press_kit
* https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/F13_one_page_release_notes
* https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/F13_feature_profiles (We've already got 
our core feature profiles being written - generating more profiles for a 
general audience will also help us improve our ability to market to our 
target userbase.)
* https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Design_team_ticket_tackling_tools
* https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Sugar_on_a_Stick#Spins_Page
* https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Design_Suite#Spins_Page

Folks who are involved with specific projects may be getting pings in 
the near future; you're of course under no obligation to answer, but if 
you'd like an extra couple pairs of hands, this is an excellent 
opportunity. ;)

Again, we're hanging out in #allegheny if you'd like to swing by and ask 
questions, though we're also going to be coming into the main 
#fedora-mktg and #fedora-design channels as folks have questions.

Questions, comments, discussion, etc welcome as usual - thank you again 
for putting up with this grand experiment! It should be fun.

design-team mailing list

[Design-team] Allegheny Class 3 (IRC day 1): The Aftermath

2010-04-06 Thread Mel Chua
Darren + Matt - possibly a bit wordy, but all the info I wanted to 
convey is in there... feel free to cleanup/rearrange/annotate/send to 
the class. Cc'ing the Design and Marketing lists so folks can see what's 
going on.

Allegheny students, if you're reading this, anything your professors say 
or send to the list supersedes anything you read or see on these lists - 
this is a draft I'm sending out to keep Fedora community members in the 


The third "Allegheny Meets Fedora" class just finished (Fedora people, 
see http://blog.melchua.com/2010/04/06/fedora-hat-fleisige-helfer/ for 
more context). Thanks to ke4qqq, rbergeron, sdziallas, and mizmo (David 
Nalley, Robyn Bergeron, Sebastian Dziallas, and Mo Duffy) for helping us 
out today!

The remainder of this email is written for the class. There's a link to 
the IRC log from today somewhere in there.

A few notes:

0. You all did an *extremely* good job today - we're throwing you into 
the deep end of something that's moving fast, and you're doing a great 
job of asking questions and keeping up. Remember our mantra: 
Productively Lost. Sometimes, the best thing you can do is ask questions 
and tell us exactly why you're confused - it helps us fix things better 
for the next people who come around.

A good target before our next class on Thursday morning might be to have 
your team write an introduction email explaining your project, 
introducing yourselves, describing your current plans, and asking any 
questions you might currently have to the mailing list of the team 
you're working with (there is a link to the mailing list subscription 
page at the bottom of this email). You don't have to do this - it's just 
a suggestion - but it's what I'll suggest to any team that asks me 
"we're not sure what to do, what should we do?" between now and Thursday.

1. My email is mchua AT fedoraproject DOT org if you need *anything.* 
You can always start by emailing me; if we need to move to another list 
or an IRC channel or something, I'll let you know.

2. I am on campus between Wednesday morning and Friday night, and I 
would like to spend as much time as possible in those 3 days working 
with teams on their projects. Just email me and let me know a time and 
place (I'm unfamiliar with campus, so will need directions) to come out 
and work with you/your team. Note that I have a flexible schedule all 
day, and that my usual bedtime is somewhere between 1am-4am. So if I'm 
awake, I will come out to campus. If I'm asleep, I won't reply until I 
wake up. ;)

3. Information about the class is at 
https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Allegheny_Activism:_Team_Assignments, and 
each of your teams has an information page on 
https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Allegheny_Activism:_Team_Assignments with 
some resources that members of the Fedora community have tried to pull 
together to help you get started.

4. I've heard that some people would like alternate images burned - for 
instance, it may help the Sugar on a Stick webpage folks to have one of 
those sticks to play with, and the Design Suite people may want a Design 
Suite liveCD... if you'd like one of these things (Darren and Matt 
included), please email me and let me know and we'll figure out a way to 
take care of it. We have CDs available for those who want CDs, but 
you're going to have to bring your own (2GB+) stick to burn (make sure 
it's got nothing on it that you want to keep - but you can always wipe 
it and reuse it afterwards).

5. A log of today's chat is available at 

6. Some of you may have been asked to join other mailing lists and 
channels by the Fedora folks you were talking to today. This is a good 
idea. The lists you may have been invited to join are likely:

* https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/design-team (design)
* https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/marketing (marketing)
* https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/websites (websites)

And the channels may be:

* #allegheny
* #fedora-design
* #fedora-mktg
* #fedora-websites

The last two channels require a special sort of registration with IRC; 
if you need to get into one of those channels and need help figuring out 
how to register, email me.

Thanks again


PS: ADDENDUM! You folks have just made the lives of future contributors 
easier - after class there was a bit of discussion on IRC about people 
not being able to get into the #fedora-mktg channel to help out because 
of registration issues. Bob Jensen saw this, popped in and changed the 
settings... and you should be able to just join that channel now. 
Thanks, Bob! (And thanks to the class for pointing this out to us!)
design-team mailing list