Re: Changing version scheme for the evolution projects

2022-10-20 Thread Milan Crha via desktop-devel-list
On Mon, 2022-09-19 at 08:21 +0200, Milan Crha via desktop-devel-list
> Maybe.

just to close this thread with a conclusion: there had been multiple
opinions (I received some also as private responses), and because I do
not have any strong reason for the change and the most opinions were in
a way "why to make any change", thus I decided to _not_ change anything
and keep the versions as it is now.

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Moving final mailman lists over to discourse

2022-09-29 Thread Milan Crha via desktop-devel-list
On Thu, 2022-09-29 at 16:48 +0100, Neil McGovern wrote:
> For those which should close, they've had very low activity (in some
> cases, zero...).

I think you can safely close also the evolution-hackers list. It used
to be used to announce or ask development/developer related
questions/info, but it's not needed anymore. I believe the same
information can go to the evolution-list. In fact, people sometimes ask
user questions on the hackers list, thus the two lists could be
confusing too.

> For both, the archives will be preserved, but they won't accept or
> distribute any new mail after the end of October.

Could you remind me, please? Will there be a general mail sent to the
lists about the information and a link or inline instructions what to
do and how to still receive mails from the discourse related to the
list, or it's up to the current mailing list owners/admins to send the
sunset announcement to their subscribers? I suppose it's the former,
but I'm not sure.

Thanks and bye,

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Changing version scheme for the evolution projects

2022-09-19 Thread Milan Crha via desktop-devel-list
On Fri, 2022-09-16 at 08:41 -0500, Michael Catanzaro wrote:
> I'm glad you're phasing it out, but doing something 
> different from the rest of GNOME is inherently confusing.

I think any change is always confusing at the start. My idea behind
x.y.0.90 is that the tweak number being so high suggests the release is
something just before the main (stable) release. GNOME used to have
.90, .91,... before too. As the scheme follows something well
established in another project(s) (even not GNOME) might be helpful.

> In contrast, everyone knows how to handle alpha/beta/rc and knows
> what they mean. Just use tildes instead of periods in the appstream
> metadata (43~alpha, etc.)

It has a little catch, when it does such a dull person like me, I
always forget to change the dot into a tilde not only in the appstream
data, but also when packaging. That's my problem, of course, not paying
enough attention or whatever, but it's also much better to not need to
pay attention, to have things done properly without recalling things.
As had been said in other mails in this thread, the tilde is just a
workaround for the problems the alpha/beta/rc causes to other parties.


desktop-devel-list mailing list

Changing version scheme for the evolution projects

2022-09-15 Thread Milan Crha via desktop-devel-list
I'm thinking of changing version scheme for the evolution-data-server,
evolution, evolution-ews and evolution-mapi. It still uses the "old"
GNOME version scheme, meaning odd minor version (aka 3.45.x) being a
development series, even minor version (aka 3.46.x) being a stable
series. The current GNOME version scheme doesn't do that, as you know.
I'm afraid it can be confusing for some parties, when these evolution
projects are under the GNOME umbrella.

I do not like the alpha/beta/rc thing, it has several bad
consequences [1], version number should be a number, not a letter. My
personal opinion. Anyway, what I'd like to use is similar to the gcc
version scheme. That is, x.y.0 will be a development part of the x.y
series. The first stable version will be x.y.1 (see the '1' being the
first? GNOME's first development release also used to be x.y.1). For
the next series it would be: ... GNOME's .alpha ... GNOME's .beta ... GNOME's .rc
  ... here's a gap for urgent development releases up to .99
3.47.1... GNOME's .0, aka the first stable release

Unless there's any strong objection, I'd like to do it this way since
the 3.47.x, aka GNOME 44. I should think of this earlier, but I'm slow
in thinking, which is a shame.

You might ask why not to drop the leading '3' for the Evolution and
sync with GNOME's 44 at the same time. The reason is technical. The
evolution projects tightly depend on each other, evolution x.y.z
requires evolution-data-server x.y.z; evolution-ews a.b.c requires
evolution a.b.c and evolution-data-server a.b.c. Yes, these things can
be written in the configure scripts, but I do mistakes all the time,
thus having this version dependency done automatically, with no human
interaction, is a valuable bit I would like not to lose.




desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: [heads-up] evolution-data-server is libsoup3 now

2022-06-22 Thread Milan Crha via desktop-devel-list
On Wed, 2022-06-22 at 21:36 +0200, Marcus Lundblad wrote:
> Maps still depends on libsoup 2 (we get this dependency via
> libchamplain, and it is unlikly to get ported…)

Evolution also (optionally) depended on libchamplain and I disabled it
due to this libsoup2 dependency. I know it's not an option for you.

> I'm a bit concerned about being able to pull it off this late in the
> cycle.

I'm sorry for pushing it this late, there had been pending some other
projects to be ported, and some changes on the libsoup3 side, without
which the work could not happen and would be postponed for another
6 months. And the release team decided to do it now ;)

> One option I think is to drop the contact address lookup in Maps (we
> use e-d-s via libfolks to match searches on contacts who have
> addresses).

Right, it's unfortunate, but it's an option for now, as Michael said.


desktop-devel-list mailing list

[heads-up] evolution-data-server is libsoup3 now

2022-06-22 Thread Milan Crha via desktop-devel-list
just a quick heads-up, the evolution-data-server development version is
libsoup3 now; it will be the 3.45.1 release. The port depends on
libsoup3 change [1], which improves libsoup3 use in multi-threaded

Most people are probably aware, all apps using the evolution-data-
server directly or indirectly need to use libsoup3 as well, the same
their dependencies, because libsoup2 and libsoup3 cannot be loaded into
the same process at the same time (doing so aborts the application with
an appropriate message).

One thing, the libgdata has a pending merge request for the port to the
libsoup3, but it needs more testing and such.
Use -DENABLE_GOOGLE=OFF CMake option until it's sorted out. The option
disables the Google tasks support only. I may extract necessary bits
out of the libgdata to not depend on libgdata at all, but no promises
whether I'll make it on time for the 3.45.1. See [2] for some insights.

Of course, Evolution itself and evolution-ews will be ported to the
libsoup3 at the same time.



desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: GNOME 40.5 released

2021-11-05 Thread Milan Crha via desktop-devel-list
On Thu, 2021-11-04 at 09:06 -0500, Michael Catanzaro wrote:
> The list of updated modules and changes is available here:

the NEWS file says the gnome-autoar had been downgraded, while there
had been a new release almost a week ago. Is that a bug or it was
intentional downgrade?

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Chat Evaluation Interviews

2021-02-05 Thread Milan Crha via desktop-devel-list
On Fri, 2021-02-05 at 11:01 +0100, Kristi Progri wrote:
> I will check the poll for the final results by Sunday (7th) 

only checking, do you really mean to give people only ~two days to fill
it, or even to notice your mail here? It feels like a short notice,
from my point of view.

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Let's improve our communication: Discourse

2020-09-29 Thread Milan Crha via desktop-devel-list
On Mon, 2020-09-28 at 10:26 +0200, Sam Thursfield via desktop-devel-
list wrote:
> It sounds like a good idea to automatically subscribe users to this
> tag on

this kind of behavior can be seen as a spam attempt, especially when
it's done silently, behind people's back, despite any good intention.
You do not want to fight with the people (or the governments where it's
considered illegal) for sure.

I believe what Michael did is a good way (or the best way) to advertise
the changes.

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Let's improve our communication: Discourse

2020-09-29 Thread Milan Crha via desktop-devel-list
On Fri, 2020-09-25 at 14:33 -0500, Michael Catanzaro wrote:
> and make contributing to GNOME more attractive to newcomers.

do you think the newcomers do not know how the mail works? Or it's used
as an excuse to replace something working for years with something new,
with new bugs, its maintenance requests and such? Just wondering.

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: GitLab Container Registry scheduled maintenance, Friday May 29, 10 UTC

2020-05-29 Thread Milan Crha via desktop-devel-list

On Thu, 2020-05-28 at 19:46 +0100, Zander Brown wrote:
> I think it's clear it was supposed to be humorous

Right, right, I didn't mean to offend anyone. If I did, I apologize for

I guess Fridays are also not the best days for maintenance, unless
admins are ready to deal with issues over the weekend. It's only my
humble opinion, of course. I've no idea of usual admin workflow.

I definitely appreciate admin's work, that's not a toy to keep the
infrastructure running, with all its services. Thanks for it.

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: GitLab Container Registry scheduled maintenance, Friday May 29, 10 UTC

2020-05-28 Thread Milan Crha via desktop-devel-list
On Thu, 2020-05-28 at 17:13 +0200, Bartłomiej Piotrowski wrote:
> We're sorry for this inconvenience and at your disposal in case of
> your questions.

this is the second time you plan something bigger, some server
maintenance, at the days when the releases are supposed to happen.

Is there a pattern? To make life more interesting to the maintainers?

I've no idea what this particular work can influence and how it'll work
with the release process, but still...
Thanks and bye,

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: GitLab migration: Thursday, March 26, starting 23 CET

2020-03-26 Thread Milan Crha via desktop-devel-list
On Thu, 2020-03-26 at 08:37 -0500, Michael Catanzaro wrote:
> Tarballs are always due on Saturday. We don't have Monday deadlines 
> anymore.

yes, I know. That's the reason why I moved to Friday releases.

> there should still be plenty of time to do so afterwards on Friday
> or Saturday if everything goes as planned.

It depends which part of the globe you reside, aka the time zone, how
your day is scheduled and so on.

Let's see how the things will go. Maybe I'm too "proactive" here.

By the way, the schedule for 3.38 is still open. I noticed your
thread on the release-team, dated like two weeks ago.

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: GitLab migration: Thursday, March 26, starting 23 CET

2020-03-26 Thread Milan Crha via desktop-devel-list
On Thu, 2020-03-26 at 09:14 +0100, Bartłomiej Piotrowski wrote:
> will be down during migration to the new data center
> starting today at 23 CET. Unfortunately due to the amount of data it is
> not feasible to migrate without downtime. As transferring the data will
> take about 6 hours, we estimate it will be operational again between 9
> and 12 CET on Friday, March 27. The code will be still accessible from
> GitHub mirrors.

it seems it clashes with 3.36.1 release schedule (to be done till 28th
this week), thus if anything goes wrong... I also moved to release on
Friday, instead of Monday (weekend is out of question here), thus
having git/ unreachable for the whole morning makes it
difficult here. Or is it only about, thus will left unaffected? If so, then it's fine. If not, I
guess it's too late to postpone the migration and do it after the
release time, is it not?

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Too hard to get org.gnome.Sdk.Debug from flathub

2020-03-19 Thread Milan Crha via desktop-devel-list
On Thu, 2020-03-19 at 10:00 -0500, Michael Catanzaro wrote:
> It's a lost battle. The flathub infrastructure is clearly broken and 
> has been for a very long time. It's reasonable to refuse to debug 
> flatpak problems until this is fixed.

yeah, that's okay. I worked around that by building offending part
myself and installed debuginfo for it together with the project. Not an
ideal solution, but it helped.
Thanks and bye,

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Too hard to get org.gnome.Sdk.Debug from flathub

2020-03-19 Thread Milan Crha via desktop-devel-list
I'm trying to debug a crash in libsecret when using 3.36 runtime on
Fedora 32 Beta in Flatpak, with an application from (that
application being org.gnome.Evolution). My idea was to download the
.Debug parts, to see where exactly it crashes. It was no problem for
Evolution itself, but there is no such thing for org.gnome.Platform.
There is something for org.gnome.Sdk, from which I guess it contains
bits also for the Platform. The flatpak claims to download 3.6GB, which
is a lot, my bandwidth is limited, thus it takes a lot of time. I'd run
it in the background, but I never got that far, or anywhere close to
the 3.6GB, which makes it impossible to download the data for me. The
worst it doesn't stop at the same place, I've no idea what the
condition for the failure is. The server just returns 503. This failure
could be fine, if flatpak was able to continue the download, but it's
not. See the transcript from the terminal for my recent attempts [1].

My question is: is there anything one can do to get to those bits, or
it's just a lost battle? Maybe, could the .Debug be split into smaller
parts, thus it's bearable when the download fails (due to the server

I think there had been some similar issue with curl or something, which
caused various errors on download, but I do not recall any detail. On
the other hand, this is Fedora 32 Beta, thus quite recent bits. Aka
should be fixed there.

Thanks and bye,


desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: How to manually update$PROJECT?

2019-10-02 Thread Milan Crha via desktop-devel-list
On Wed, 2019-10-02 at 11:58 +0200, Frederic Peters wrote:
> gnome-doc-list@ would be the right place, especially as there are
> plans to redo (ditto for

done, thanks.

> fwiw if someone familiar with Python wants to look at it

Unfortunately I do not speak pythonish, otherwise I'd be glad to help.
Thanks and bye,

desktop-devel-list mailing list

How to manually update$PROJECT?

2019-10-02 Thread Milan Crha via desktop-devel-list
Hi here,
I'm not sure whether this is the right list for this, thus I'm sorry if
it's not. Feel free to redirect me to the right place.

I'd like to ask: how do I manually update content of$PROJECT , please?

As (I guess) the [1] is no near to be fixed/implemented (even though
basically whole GNOME is affected, due to released tarballs not
containing needed files), I'd like to update it manually, if it's
possible. In case of Evolution it contains the help version from
3.22.2, which had been released almost three years ago. There had been
done a lot of improvements in the help during that time, involving
changes not only for new or changed features, but also changes
suggested by the users for some clarifications and such. It's a shame
to give pointers to an outdated user documentation (yes, people do use$PROJECT/stable/.
to give pointers to users whom ask questions which are covered in the
user documentation).

I do not care of the process, I'm even fine to do it repeatedly around
the "main" (x.y.0) release. It could be a script on the, similar to ftpadmin-install, to which I'd pass packed
$PREFIX/share/help/ (without this path, containing only one project
help pages, in generated languages) .tar.xz and it may copy it to the
right place. Such script could have additional arguments, like the
version the help corresponds to (like x.y), and the project name to
use. As the help files do not seem to contain the $PREFIX path it
should be relative simple both for project maintainers and for the
admins. I hope. This would be much better than nothing.

I do understand there are obstacles implementing this as an automated
task during release, I do not want to blame anyone involved in [1],
that's not an intention of this email.

Thanks and bye,

[1] transferred to then to

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Changes: GNOME 3.35/3.36 release schedule

2019-09-12 Thread Milan Crha via desktop-devel-list
On Wed, 2019-09-11 at 14:09 +0200, Andre Klapper wrote:
> * Stable maintenance releases over a longer period

does it make sense to have 3.34.5 at the time of 3.36.1? I guess not
for majority of the projects. Even if it would be a soft requirement,
it happens that the stable branch doesn't get that much attention after
the first half, like after 3.x.2. I do not tell it, because previous
schedules ended with 3.x.2, I released up to 3.x.5, which was usually
aligned with 3.x+1.90 release. I do not think forcing even soft
requirement for more stable releases make any sense, if the maintainers
would like to give users more fixes in the current stable version, they
are already doing it. There are projects which do that, even for older
stable releases, but it's a real minority.

As a real life example, I skipped 3.32.5 this year, because there was
no code change in the stable branch with which the users could benefit.
The late stables are for bug fixes, from my point of view.

Just my opinion and experience from the past years.

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Proposal: earlier tarball deadlines

2019-08-16 Thread Milan Crha via desktop-devel-list
On Wed, 2019-08-14 at 13:04 -0500, wrote:
> I'd like to propose moving tarball deadlines for the 3.36 cycle one 
> business day earlier, from Mondays to Fridays, while leaving the 
> overall release deadline on Wednesday.

my personal preference is on Monday, thinking that (community)
translators have time over the weekend to finish their translations
before the release. I do not have any statistical data whether any/many
really do that, though I believe it would make sense to give them more
time at least later in the release cycle (moving the release to Friday
just before x.y.0, where only translations are allowed (without
approval) doesn't make much sense to me, because there are not expected
any code breakages when no code changed). In other words, I suggest to
not move all tarball releases before the weekend.

I'm afraid moving the deadline will not help to get all releases on
time. People are free to release sooner, still only a few of them do
that. That's only my opinion/observation though.

Otherwise I've no strong opinion, if you'd like to move the tarball
release date in order to help the release team, then I'm fine with
it. Being it Friday or Saturday doesn't play any role here, I'd probably 
do it on Friday in both cases (because I can release earlier ;) ).

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Some nigthly flatpaks are failing to build

2019-08-01 Thread Milan Crha via desktop-devel-list
On Thu, 2019-08-01 at 10:13 -0300, Isaque Galdino via desktop-devel-
list wrote:
> Notes is failing due to EDS. Once EDS changes to gettext, Notes
> should be fine.

from what the Goal page references:

Long story short: This won't happen (any time soon). If you have any
flatpak/CI/whatever, which depends on evolution-data-server to be built
too, then include intltool in the Flatpak manifest for it.

I'm sorry.

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: System-wide dark mode

2019-06-06 Thread Milan Crha via desktop-devel-list
On Wed, 2019-06-05 at 23:14 +0500, Alexander via desktop-devel-list
> Since WebKit supports Apple's dark mode now, I wonder if mail
> clients (and also Devhelp/Builder) will be able to provide styles for
> dark mode with that.

from one of the mail application point of view (being it Evolution
here), the problem with HTML mails is that some clients did/do generate
HTML where they declare only text color, but no background color, and
bet the text color is black. Black text color on a dark theme
background is not ideal for reading, thus the HTML mails are set to use
white background by default. When you count all the (not only) CSS
tricks and various elements it's not that easy to change the color of
the text in an HTML code generated by "random" mail client. I know it's
awful and bad for eyes in the dark theme, but there was not found
anything better.

Plain text messages are different, there's no formatting, thus the
user's theme is respected with them.

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: GNOME 3.33.2 released!

2019-05-27 Thread Milan Crha via desktop-devel-list
On Sat, 2019-05-25 at 23:04 +0100, Abderrahim Kitouni wrote:
> I had to disable gnome-contacts, gnome-calendar and gnome-maps
> because of the not-very-well coordinated evolution-data-server
> transition.

if I read the dependencies correctly, then gnome-contacts and
gnome-maps depend on folks, whose related change landed at the same
time (+/- minutes) as the evolution-data-server, but I cannot find a
release of folks, thus maybe that's the reason.

Similarly with gnome-calendar, the related change is in the sources,
but no tarball release of it had been done yet.

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Upcoming evolution-data-server API changes (libical-glib + more)

2019-05-17 Thread Milan Crha via desktop-devel-list
On Thu, 2019-05-16 at 18:59 +0200, Milan Crha via desktop-devel-list
> All the project references can be found here:
> I'll send another email when the main parts (and those I received a
> green for) are committed.

as promised, the evolution-data-server changes landed few minutes ago
and will be part of the 3.33.2 release.

If anything arises, please, let me know, either here in this thread, or
with a private message or in the above issue.
Thanks and bye,

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Upcoming evolution-data-server API changes (libical-glib + more)

2019-05-16 Thread Milan Crha via desktop-devel-list
On Thu, 2019-04-18 at 13:52 -0500, wrote:
> Please commit all the changes to folks, gnome-calendar, and gnome-
> shell at the same time as evolution-data-server to avoid breaking 
> gnome-build-meta.

I'd like to let know that with the just released libical 3.0.5 I'll be
pushing the changes into the GNOME repositories tomorrow. Unfortunately
before the weekend, the timing is not ideal, but it is how it is. I'll
check this list on the evenings in case any fire will happen. Or write
to me directly, if anything arises during the weekend. I'll fix the
things on Monday the latest.

The GNOME projects have merge requests prepared, though they need some
polishing (like with the version number requirement on evolution-data-
server). Otherwise they should just work, in case the master
branch changes of the respective project didn't "break" them.

This is also to know the maintainers about these changes, thus they can
release on Monday with patched sources.

All the project references can be found here:

I'll send another email when the main parts (and those I received a
green for) are committed.

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Upcoming evolution-data-server API changes (libical-glib + more)

2019-04-18 Thread Milan Crha via desktop-devel-list
On Fri, 2019-04-12 at 08:47 +0200, Milan Crha via desktop-devel-list
> I found these hosted on GNOME:

I've a little update on the dependencies and the porting preparation
progress. Those prepared are:


  bijiben alias gnome-notes



Partially prepared is gnome-todo, because I've some trouble to build
the master branch of it, thus I prepared the changes for the gnome-3-28 
branch. More is written here:

Some didn't need any change, they were:
  ekiga (uses the old deprecated EBook, not EBookClient API)

As Bastien reminded in the other subtread, gnome-phone-manager is
archived, thus I'm skipping it for now. I may attach a patch for it and
other not-hosted-on-GNOME project at the eds report, thus they are
easily findable:

These hosted on GNOME, which  are still to be done:
   california - that's just Vala, but I do not speak Vala, thus any
  help would be appreciated. It seems the project is
  currently unmaintained.

   evolution-activesync - this will be fun, but it's not a critical
  component for the GNOME, thus I'll keep it for now, similarly
  as all the other dependencies (not hosted on GNOME).

The libical 3.0.5 release is planned by the end of this April, +/-,
after which it might be possible to move things forward, from my point
of view. Depending on the actual date of the libical release, I'd
commit the eds changes a week after it. It's not much time, I agree,
but it could be around May 7th, which is ~2 weeks after the 3.33.1
release and a bit less than 3 weeks before the 3.33.2 release, which
sounds good, I hope.

Thus, unless there is any objection, I'd stick with this plan.

I'll continue preparing other projects, to have them ready on time and
make the transition as smooth as possible.

One thing, with the prepared merge requests [which will need changes in
the version reference (they reference libecal-2.0 as 3.33.1, while
it'll be a different version)], should I contact respective maintainers
anyhow specifically, other than through the gitlab and this mailing
list, thus they know about the change? And once the eds changes are
committed, should I still wait for them for an approval, or should I
just commit, at least for those projects which are related to GNOME
Continuous and other services, which will break once the evolution-
data-server changes are committed? I do not want to touch their code
without them knowing about it, I do not like it myself, thus I'm
looking for some advice how to make it smooth and coordinated. There's
plenty of time, probably 3 weeks, and the merge requests are quite
fresh, I didn't expect any quick reaction on them (even I did receive
one, which was impressing), but I like to be prepared and behave like a
good citizen.

Thanks and bye,

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Upcoming evolution-data-server API changes (libical-glib + more)

2019-04-15 Thread Milan Crha via desktop-devel-list
On Fri, 2019-04-12 at 14:48 +0200, Bastien Nocera wrote:
> I'm guessing you looked at tarballs rather than git modules.

yeah, sort of, I used Fedora repoquery to check for dependencies.

> "phonemgr", the module name for gnome-phone-manager is archived and
> hasn't seen a release for 6 years, so I guess it could be removed
> from your list:

I see. It's still available in Fedora (possibly in other distributions
as well) and I do not feel like being the reason to drop it. I've no
idea about the users of it, similarly with the other dependencies. I'd
like to keep alive as many projects as I can. I mean, unless the
Archive forbids me to create the branch I'll do it anyway, to be
available for anyone still using or packaging the project(s).

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Upcoming evolution-data-server API changes (libical-glib + more)

2019-04-12 Thread Milan Crha via desktop-devel-list
this is kind of heads-up e-mail about upcoming API changes in
evolution-data-server. I also do not like them, but they are sometimes

The first part is about porting the calendar to use libical-glib [1],
instead of libical, in order to finally provide introspection for it.
The change was so huge that it deserved an API bump from 1.2 to 2.0
(libecal-1.2 and libedata-cal-1.2 will become libecal-2.0 and
libedata-cal-2.0). The API around ECalComponent and its structures had
been made introspection friendly too. I took the opportunity and
removed all the deprecated and obsolete stuff from libecal and
libedata-cal. This work depends on the unreleased libical git master,
but there's planned a 3.0.5 release of it with the necessary changes.

The second part was about preparation for passing flags from the client
towards the backend to influence behavior. It was initially meant for
this issue [2], but I extended it to pass also information about
conflict resolution for write operations. This change touched all the
APIs - the client side API, the server side API and the D-Bus API. The
last is probably the most disturbing, at least in case of the Flatpak
applications, which build against some version of the evolution-data-
server, but rely on the host system evolution-data-server (it's
possibly broken on both sides, aka building with new eds, but run with
old, or build with old eds, but run with new). I'd say the best option
for such applications is to run the eds services inside the Flatpak
sandbox, which has the advantage that also the server side fixes are
included in the application, not only the client side fixes. It has a
downside, the downloaded data and configurations are not shared with
the system. I guess it's a downside of Flatpak in general, but that's
only my opinion.

I made the same changes (for the [2]) for libebook, libebook-contacts
and libedata-book, where I also changed some defines (added E_ prefix)
and dropped EDataBookStatus error enum, which had not been really
needed (similarly as I dropped EDataCalCallStatus). It could be
replaced with EClientError and EBookClientError. As with the calendar,
this touched the D-Bus API too. These book changes are quite

All the changes are prepared in this side branch:
The 'make check' passes without errors.

I already have prepared evolution, evolution-ews and evolution-mapi,
though only as a buildable. The testing is to-be -done, I only didn't
want to block this due to these three projects. Looking into the other
API users, I found these hosted on GNOME:


I plan to create 'wip/mcrha/eds-libical-glib' branches in each and help
with porting as much as I can. The idea is that the maintainers will
just merge the branch changes and it'll be all (from the coding point
of view). I know the branch name is inaccurate for the book changes,
but I decided to keep all these things in one branch for simplicity. I
believe it's better to break the API in a single release, instead of
doing that within multiple releases. It will make it easier for the
maintainers of the applications - the porting effort will be done only
once, not multiple times.

I have in my list these additional projects (to be verified whether any
changes are needed there and help with them if yes):


If you know more, then feel free to let me know. I'll be happy to help
with the porting.

With respect of timing, my plan was to have the things prepared for
3.35.1, I expected that the changes will take longer, but it went quite
smoothly (well, actual testing will take some more time). I definitely
want to wait for an official release of libical 3.0.5 with the
necessary changes in its libical-glib part. Then we can decide,
depending in what state respective projects will be. Maybe it'll be
possible for 3.33.2 or shortly after it. I definitely do not want to
push this close to the end of the development phase, I'd rather do this
in the beginning of it, thus any third-party projects have enough time
for porting. That's another reason why I chose 3.35.1 initially.

I know this change will break some GNOME infrastructure, like the GNOME
Continuous effort, thus it's understandable to have the critical
projects prepared/ported first and commit the things (almost) at the
same time. This would need some coordination, which is another reason
for this e-mail.

I do not foresee any additional API changes currently, definitely not
on the D-Bus side, thus once this is done, the API should stay stable
for the next several years, I believe. Of course, everything depends 

Re: Please check your module is not using deprecated python2, gnome-common, intltool

2019-04-08 Thread Milan Crha via desktop-devel-list
On Sat, 2019-04-06 at 17:54 -0700, Javier Jardón wrote:
> - evolution-data-server

the same applies for evolution, evolution-ews and evolution-mapi.
The above issue is closed, because there is a lack of manpower (and
knowledge, I'm sorry) to convince gettext to easily work with all the
data files (ini-like, xml-like and glade-like) used in the evolution.
The issue doesn't contain any proposed patches, it's just filled (and
closed, as mentioned above). A good news is that covering the change in
one product will cover it in those other, because the
cmake/modules/FindIntltool.cmake is copied between the four.

The convenience the intltool provides, with the things working out of
the box, with no code duplication between projects, had been probably
the main argument to stay with it for me. I understand "a code
stability" and "an unmaintained project" terms as a very different, but
maybe it's just that the use case for the evolution products doesn't
touch those broken parts of the intltool (yes, intltool has some bugs,
I know, and I'm aware of one for which a "workaround" exists in the
evolution products).

That doesn't mean I'm not willing to move away from the intltool, I do
not care that much, as long as I can invoke `intltool -m` as I use to
do (or have an equivalent for it), but I need a help from someone whom
knows what to do in the gettext to produce the same result both when
generating the .po files and when updating the data files, because I
simply do not know and I'm currently buried in some other work.

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Re: What is the status of and

2019-02-18 Thread Milan Crha via desktop-devel-list
On Fri, 2019-02-15 at 20:19 +, Emmanuele Bassi via desktop-devel-
list wrote:
> the switch to Meson for various libraries broke the expectations of
> library-web

not only Meson, but also CMake (and eventually anything what doesn't
include developer documentation in the release tarballs anymore), as
stated here:
which leads to
I'm mentioning it here just to not fill duplicates of it.

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Re: GitLab mirror considered harmful

2019-02-04 Thread Milan Crha via desktop-devel-list
On Mon, 2019-02-04 at 14:36 +, Alberto Ruiz wrote:
> Maybe opening an issue in GitLab that points to the original PR so
> that the maintainer can persuade the original PR author? Is this
> something maintainers would find acceptable?

apart of duplicated space and work, that won't work for those whom do
not have an account on GitHub.

Why would not contributors accept the fact that GNOME hosts its
sources, bug tracker, ... in its own infrastructure? Do you think
contributors won't find the sources and so on, when they are only under umbrella? If I'd need to contribute to some project, I simply
accept code-of-conduct and the way the project does those things,
instead of trying to work on some mirror (where different rules can

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Re: GNOME Online Accounts 3.34 won't have documents support

2019-01-23 Thread Milan Crha via desktop-devel-list
On Wed, 2019-01-23 at 11:54 -0600, wrote:
> Thing is, we don't have any email apps in core. It just doesn't make 
> sense to have email settings in gnome-online-accounts when none of
> the core apps (the apps installed by default) actually use those
> settings. It's just going to confuse users with settings that don't
> do anything.

I guess, in that case, you can safely drop also the Microsoft Exchange
accounts from GOA. The main consumer, as far as I know, is
evolution-data-server, through evolution-ews. While the mail accounts
configured with evolution-ews can work without Evolution, evolution-ews 
depends on Evolution, thus it brings it in. The evolution-ews also runs
on the background evolution-data-server processes (factories and the
source registry). You can access calendars/contacts/tasks/memos without
using the mail part, but the main advantage of the Microsoft Exchange
is the integration of all those 5 parts (something which is against
GNOME design and the way it is led in the last years, I know).

I mean, hiding the Mail switch from GOA for Microsoft Exchange accounts
doesn't make sense. It may even confuse the users.

It also seems like using GOA by core apps (is evolution-data-server
considered an app, maybe it's just 'core') is meant only from GNOME
desktop. At least according to gnome-control-central behavior, which
rejects to access GOA when not running under GNOME for couple releases
now [1]. It got better, because it's crashing in 3.30.2, while it
opened an empty tab before. This is probably unrelated, unless it's an
intention, similar to drop documents support from GOA.

[1] Evolution adds "Open Settings" button for GOA accounts, to make
life easier to the users. It calls:
   gnome-control-central online-accounts
which did work several releases ago, regardless which desktop
environment the user used.
Maybe if GOA settings could be called out of the
gnome-control-central? Users do need to go there from time to time.
On the other hand, with flatpak and its inaccessibility of
the system gnome-control-central it doesn't matter as that much.

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Re: GitLab postmortem

2019-01-02 Thread Milan Crha via desktop-devel-list
On Wed, 2018-12-19 at 14:37 +, Philip Withnall wrote:
> 3. I’d like to see continued movement towards disallowing direct
> pushes to git, and requiring all commits to go through MRs (and CI).

I hope this won't go through without a good research and reasoning.

Any such requirement would be kind of showstopper for me personally. It
would be just double work for me when coding (issue is not merge
request), causing awful commit history, resulting in unbelievably
harder effort required to produce NEWS file content (yes, I do use
commit messages to fill the NEWS files in a semi-automated way saving
my time, which I can spend on more productive things). To name a few
major obstacles at least.

I also cannot imagine any such thing enabled for 'work-in-progress'
branches. That would be awful for any porting/cleanup/larger efforts.

So while any such thing would make perfect sense to anyone else, it
doesn't fit to everyone. On the other hand, if I'm the only one...

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Re: Maintainers, please check if you actually depend on intltool

2018-12-04 Thread Milan Crha via desktop-devel-list

On Mon, 2018-12-03 at 23:33 +, Javier Jardón wrote:
> (and gettext has been improved to implement functionality only
> intltool provided before)

right, I plan to re-evaluate and see how much they improved, though it
might be some time next year, probably.

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Maintainers, please check if you actually depend on intltool

2018-12-03 Thread Milan Crha via desktop-devel-list
On Mon, 2018-12-03 at 18:15 +, Javier Jardón wrote:
> As you probably know, for some years we have been trying to move to
> upstream gettext [1]

I know intltool has some issues, the projects I work on faced some of
them, but it also provides very useful tools and makes life easier to
the developers, thus I rather do not understand the need of the move to
plain gettext. Consider also code (or rather script) duplication
(scripts to extract translatable strings from .desktop and various .xml
files). I do not have those scripts, neither I'm sure where to get them
or how to create them on my own.

Changes like [4] are kind of funny, especially those where
   # TRANSLATORS: Don't translate this text (this is icon name)
had been added. It was not needed before. Thus intltool can help to the
translators as well (and the .po files did have less bogus strings).

The [1] also doesn't mention a replacement to 'intltool-update -m',
which I use quite often.

> open MR's to reflect the real dependencies of your module, that would
> be great

I'm sorry, I never understood such requests, but it can be just me.
Consider simple "dependencies changed: dropped dependency on ,
added dependency on " comment, which someone knowledgeable of the
internal things would use to make things right on the first shot, with
something like: "clone some repo, learn where things are stored, what
format is used, ideally also what implications some changes have, learn
how to test whether the change won't break anything obvious (like
compile it somehow locally at least), then open a pull request and add
it somehow in a fork of the project probably...". That's much more
complicated and discouraging for someone whom has no single idea of the
"target" project.

I know, you said "would be great", I understand it, but I also see an
increasing demand of creating pull requests while one suggests a one-
liner change easily achievable by the maintainer in a fraction of time
with compare of all the tasks a person not working with the project at
all would do. I'm not talking about real "code" changes here, there's a
difference when someone wants to suggest a change into the project on
his/her own, which he/she also wants to test in action.

Just my opinion.


desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: GNOME 3.30 flatpak runtimes available on flathub

2018-10-25 Thread Milan Crha via desktop-devel-list
On Mon, 2018-10-01 at 17:15 +0100, Abderrahim Kitouni wrote:
> If you find any problem, please file an issue at

is there any list of intentional changes from 3.28 runtime, please?

I'm not talking about updated libraries (like the switch from enchant1
to enchant2), but about things like empty /usr/share/zoneinfo [1] or a
wrong CMake install libdir (for some libraries?) [2], which breaks
building. The former is harder to find and it's kind of regression from
the 3.28 runtime/SDK.
Thanks and bye,


desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Renaming gitg project file to GNOME Commits

2018-10-10 Thread Milan Crha via desktop-devel-list
On Wed, 2018-10-10 at 08:34 +0200, Alberto Fanjul Alonso wrote:
> On gitg we are considering to adopt GNOME Commits as project name.

I'm used to gitk (which uses Qt, if I'm not mistaken). The gitg always
meant to me a gtk+ variant "of the same". I never looked for the real
reasoning behind the name (which you gave earlier).

Can it work with anything else than git? I do commit to svn, I used to
commit to cvs as well. There are several other version systems where
users can "commit" their changes. I mean, "GNOME Commits" is too
generic, too vague. "GNOME git viewer" might be more accurate, but not
that fancy. I surely would not get rid of the 'git' word, especially
when it's the only version system it can work with. When searching for
'git' in repositories, it would be nice to have git itself and "the
viewer" shown together.

Just my opinion.

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: GNOME Goal proposal: app menu retirement

2018-07-02 Thread Milan Crha via desktop-devel-list
On Fri, 2018-06-29 at 16:39 +0100, Allan Day wrote:
> Those of us on the design side are interested to hear what people
> think of this, particularly if there are any apps out there that
> might have issues following the guidelines.

this seems to be aimed to applications which use header bar in the
title bar. I suppose this doesn't cover the applications which do not
use anything like that, does it?

By the way, App menu, Primary menu, Secondary menu, for someone not
following the terminology closely it looks confusing. Maybe if the page
 has also screenshot of "before", not  only "after", thus one less
educated could compare, would be a plus.

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