Re: [Desktop_architects] Printing dialog and GNOME

2007-02-26 Thread Dan Kegel
On 2/26/07, Segedunum [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 bulk of the software written for Windows is still VC++/VB/COM, and there is a
 huge amount of binary stuff that is not even going to be recompiled, let
 alone have its code ported. That's where the effort needs to go, and where it
 should have already gone, if you want to make an alternative OS environment

Amen.  It's certainly where I've been focusing my personal efforts for
the last couple years.  Anyone interested in hearing more, please
contact me offlist.

 Quite frankly, I'm shocked that even now, many distributions still tout moving
 from Windows to Linux to organisations, but they have never seen just how
 relevant and important a piece of software like WINE is.

Lindows did see it, and they put substantial resources into Wine for a while.
This support was very helpful indeed.  It was also an example of irrational
exuberance; they were wrong to expect that Wine would be generally useful
in the timeframe they needed.  That was four years ago, though, and now Wine
is in good enough shape that an energetic Linux distribution might reasonably
decide We're going to support Photoshop or We're going to support
and get it to happen.

 Microsoft took a dump on VB developers whereby with .Net, for the first time,
 you couldn't open your existing code in the new environment and have it work.
 Also, given that COM support and backwards compatibility within Windows will
 only get worse over the years, there's a distinct possibility that WINE could
 give people better support for their existing applications - for as long as
 they want! Bryce Harrington's 'freedom' point does actually have a business
 benefit there, and I suspect many Windows users will feel it over the best
 part of the next ten years. Therein lies a large opportunity, and it's been
 there for some time.

Indeed.  I invite anyone interested in this opportunity to discuss it
further with me offline...
- Dan
Desktop_architects mailing list

Re: [Desktop_architects] Desktop Meeting in Japan, Jun. 1

2006-06-27 Thread Dan Kegel
On 6/11/06, Chang-Won Ahn (ETRI) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 But the important thing is that CJK don't want to be a free rider any more.
 I am sure that you should hear much more voices from asia
 back to the Open Community in the near future.

The Wine Project is happy to report that somebody in China
recently started contributing a steady flow of very useful
bug fixes.  (I guess that makes him a one-in-a-billion kinda guy!)

Also, gcc has a few great Asian contributors,
in particular, the maintainer for the sh-4 embedded processors.

Their English is quite good, which seems to support the language barrier
theory of why there have been few Asian contributions to date.
- Dan
Desktop_architects mailing list

Re: [Desktop_architects] DAM-II: Agenda proposal request for feedback

2006-03-28 Thread Dan Kegel
On 3/28/06, Bastian, Waldo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
- Tools to help enforce ABI stability

FWIW, Satoru Takabayashi has a prototype 'abisum' command
written in C++ that might help developers detect inadvertant
ABI changes in their own shared libraries.  Contact me if you're interested.
- Dan

Desktop_architects mailing list

Re: [Desktop_architects] Desktop linux talk slides

2006-02-10 Thread Dan Kegel
On 2/10/06, Bastian, Waldo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Wrt media codecs: Fluendo is offering free (beer) patent-licensed codecs
 for gstreamer. Mostly free as in speech as well, the source for the MP3
 codec is available under the MIT license, but there are some
 restrictions due to the patent license.
 See and

Thanks for the tip.  That makes two sources for free-as-in-beer licensed codecs!
Looks like it might not be something Ubuntu can ship, though:

 Printing: HP aims to offer open source drivers for all (most?) of its
 new printers via hplip, see

Yes, it looks like they're putting a lot of effort into it.
Nevertheless, the HP deskjet my wife bought last year
doesn't work with FC5 or Ubuntu 05.10, so they have
a ways to go.

 Year of Desktop linux: Based on those signs I have good hopes for 2007
 ;-) There is also an increasing number of sightings of pre-installed
 Linux notebooks.

- Dan

Wine for Windows ISVs:

Desktop_architects mailing list

Re: [Desktop_architects] Applications and pre-installed machines

2006-01-18 Thread Dan Kegel
On 1/18/06, Hubert Figuiere [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  We need people to go sit in the trenches with the ISVs
  for a while, though, I think.  I'm trying to do that with
  small ISVs who want to sell their Windows apps unchanged
  on Linux using Wine.  No success stories yet, but I'm working on it :-)

 Corel did port the last WordPerfect for Linux (they released) using Wine, if I
 remember correctly. That was a while back.

When I said no success stories yet, I meant with micro-ISVs
that I myself helped.
I have plenty of larger company Wine success stories listed at
including Borland and Kylix (though sometimes I wonder if
it's a good idea to include failed products in a list of success stories!).
- Dan

Wine for Windows ISVs:

Desktop_architects mailing list

[Desktop_architects] Xgl controversy

2005-12-22 Thread Dan Kegel
For those who haven't seen it already:
a bit of controversy over closed development of Xgl:

Wine for Windows ISVs:

Desktop_architects mailing list

Re: [Desktop_architects] Most wanted Application: Email

2005-12-21 Thread Dan Kegel
I'd like to declare shenanigans on this topic.
IMHO email applications are somewhat beyond the scope of this list...

On 12/21/05, Mike Shaver [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 21-Dec-05, at 5:55 PM, Miller, Marc wrote:
  The trick then becomes to create demand for that server-end app by
  creating a client that supports compelling additional features
  without crippling the user for not having the server end of the

 Do we need to do that for the Linux desktop to succeed?


 Desktop_architects mailing list

Wine for Windows ISVs:

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