
Very Good morning and Wish you all a wonderful New Year ahead.

Sorry to bother you on New Year's eve but I really appreciate any hints.

*1. Setting up and running the basic setup (on MacOS High Sierra) (Solution
found): *

I remember having done this successfully before but it was strange this

a. Cloned amaterasu and amaterasu-vagrant repos.
b. Built amaterasu using ./gradlew buildHomeDir test (and later tried with
c. Have a vagrant box up and running (have modified the location of the
sync folder to point to amaterasu's build/amaterasu directory)
d. Have installed mesos locally using brew and set the
MESOS_NATIVE_JAVA_LIBRARY to point to /usr/local/lib/libmesos.dylib
e. Did a

ama-start.sh --repo="https://github.com/shintoio/amaterasu-job-sample.git";
--branch="master" --env="test" --report="code"

I found from mesos that zookeeper wasn't running and from zookeeper logs
that java wasn't installed.  I manually installed java (sudo yum install
java-1.7.0-openjdk-devel) and then started zookeeper (service
zookeeper-server start). Mesos came up.

*Question 1 : Is it okay if I add the java installation as part of the
provision.sh or did I miss anything earlier in order to bump into this

2. Upon submitting the job, I saw that the job didn't run fine.

*Client logs (./ama-start.sh)*

I1231 13:24:01.548068 193015808 sched.cpp:232] Version: 1.3.0
I1231 13:24:01.554518 226975744 sched.cpp:336] New master detected at
I1231 13:24:01.554733 226975744 sched.cpp:352] No credentials provided.
Attempting to register without authentication
I1231 13:24:01.558101 226975744 sched.cpp:759] Framework registered with
===> moving to err action null
2017-12-31 13:24:08.884:INFO:oejs.ServerConnector:Thread-22: Stopped
2017-12-31 13:24:08.886:INFO:oejsh.ContextHandler:Thread-22: Stopped
2017-12-31 13:24:08.886:INFO:oejsh.ContextHandler:Thread-22: Stopped
I1231 13:24:08.887260 229122048 sched.cpp:2021] Asked to stop the driver
I1231 13:24:08.887711 229122048 sched.cpp:1203] Stopping framework


*Question 2 :  Hints please*

*2. Dev setup*
I would like to debug the program to understand how the flow of code within
Amaterasu. I have attempted the following and that gives the same result as
above. Created a main program that invokes the job launcher with the
following parameters (this class is in test directory primarily to bring in
the "provided" libraries. Not sure if that makes sense).

*Program arguments : *
*Environment variables : (not sure why System.setProperty doesn't picked
AMA_NODE = MacBook-Pro.local
MESOS_NATIVE_JAVA_LIBRARY = /usr/local/lib/libmesos.dylib

object JobLauncherDebug extends App {
    "--home", "/Users/arun/IdeaProjects/amaterasu/build/amaterasu",
    "--repo", "https://github.com/shintoio/amaterasu-job-sample.git";,
    "--branch", "master",
    "--env", "test",
    "--report", "code"

*Question 3 : Would this be a good idea to go about debugging into the

*3. Pipelining two Spark jobs*

My ultimate goal would be to run the following use-case using Amaterasu.
This is very similar to what I do at work.

a. Create a bunch of Hive tables (and hdfs directories) using a Spark job
(that will be used as a deployment script - one time setup but no harm in
running it again since it has the "if not exists" clause) (
b. Run another Spark job that populates the data (this job runs on regular
intervals throughout the day) (https://github.com/arunma/ama_datapopulator)
c. Run a different Spark job that reconciles the populated data.

I am yet to create the "job" project for this one which I intend to do once
I have the default testcase running.

*Question 4 :*
A couple of hurdles that I believe I would have is that Amaterasu, at the

a. Expects the Spark jobs to be in the same repository.
b. The file that instantiates the Spark session, context etc has to be
explicitly given as a ".scala" file (we then use the IMain interpreter to
inject the AmaContext?)

Now, with two repositories in play and only the binaries/repository name
given for the repo, would it be a good idea to achieve the AmaContext
insertion using a compiler plugin?  I am pretty sure this has been
discussed before and it would be great if you could share your views on
this. I can come up with a POC PR of sorts if I get some ideas.

Best Regards,

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