Hi there,

I have a few questions on ant-core.

*How to extends the main class?*
I would like to extends the main class to deal with new command line
parameters for EasyAnt, and have a custom project help.

I must create a new class that implements AntMain interface.
And then ask the lancher to use my implementation using the "-main"

Am i right?

If i want to keep part of the current services provided by the default ant
main class i would probably extends Main class.
But part the most interresting methods that i want to override seems to be
private (see processArgs for example).
Is there any reason for?
Should i write my own inspired from the default one?

*How to customize ProjectHelper?*

Getting back to our previous discution about Phases vs target group, it
seems that there is a special case in easyant where we don't want to have
"prefixed" phases from an imported build script.
So maybe the solution is to keep "phase" context only in easyant and find a
proper way to implement it rather than a patch :).
As the prefix job is done by ProjectHelper i think i must extends this class
So my question is how could i use a custom ProjectHelper?

*Additional questions *
Dealing with ftp / scm / ssh / whatever we all the time need to deal with
passwords. It will be cool to provide a way to have crypted / obfuscated
property (using md5/sha1 or whatever).
How this could be implemented?
Introducing a new argument on property task to say "crypted" (example:
<property name="plop" value="myCryptedValue" crypted="true"/>) ?
Having a specific delimiter ("example : <property name="plop"
value="{myCryptedValue}"/> everything within the brackets is crypted).

And the the most important question how to read (uncrypt) this property?
Extending PropertySetter / PropertyEvaluator /  PropertyExpander ?
Any ideas?

Thanks in advance
Jean Louis Boudart

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