[Ant Wiki] New: Proposals/AntLibSubProject

2005-02-11 Thread ant-cvs
   Date: 2005-02-11T03:28:36
   Editor: StefanBodewig
   Wiki: Ant Wiki
   Page: Proposals/AntLibSubProject
   URL: http://wiki.apache.org/ant/Proposals/AntLibSubProject

   no comment

New Page:

The original propsal has been sent by StefanBodewig to the Ant development list 
on February 11, 2005.  It can be found 
[http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=ant-dev&m=110812059831569&w=2 in the mailing 
list archives].

This version is a living document where people interested in the proposal are 
free to make changes until it gets accepted or rejected by a formal Ant PMC 

= Proposal to Create a Ant-Libraries Sub-Project in Apache Ant =

=== (0) rationale ===

Ant itself has accumulated lots and lots of tasks over time.  So many,
that Ant developers have become reluctant to adding new task.
Furthermore any new task in Ant would be tied to Ant's release
schedule which is too slow for a thriving, fresh piece of code.

The proposal allows Ant tasks and types to be developed under the Ant
umbrella by Ant developers but have much shorter release cycles than
Ant itself.  In addition it would new committers who would have commit
access to a single Ant library instead of the whole of Ant.

=== (1) scope of the subproject ===

The subproject shall create and maintain libraries of Ant tasks and
types.  Each library will be managed in the same manner as the Ant
project itself, the PMC is ultimately responsible for it.

Common Java libraries that only happen to provide Ant tasks as well
are out of scope of the subproject.  Providing the tasks or types has
to be the primary goal of the library.

To further this goal, the subproject shall also host a workplace for
Ant committers.

 (1.5) interaction with other subprojects 

= (1.5.1) the sandbox =

The subproject will host a SVN repository available to all Ant
committers as a workplace for new Ant libraries.

Before a library can have a public release it has to get promoted to
the "proper" Ant libraries subproject.  This also means it has to
match the requirements of an Ant library as defined in section (4)
under Guidelines below.

The status of any library developed in the sandbox shall be reviewed
after six months and the library gets either promoted or removed - or
it has to be re-evaluated after another six months.

=== (2) identify the initial source from which the subproject is to be 
populated ===

Some Ant committers have developed tasks or libraries inside of the
Ant CVS module under the proposal/sandbox directory.  Committers are
free to move them over to the new sandbox subproject or remove them

Libraries expected to move to the sandbox subproject initially are

* the .NET tasks under proposal/sandbox/dotnet

* the Subversion support tasks under proposal/sandbox/svn (work here will start 

=== (3) identify the initial Apache resources to be created ===

 (3.1) mailing list(s) 

None.  At least at the beginning we don't expect too much traffic and
the existing mailing lists of the Ant projects will be used.

 (3.2) SVN repositories 


Expected are sub-directories

   -> proper/
   |-> library1
   ||---> trunk
   ||---> tags
   ||---> branches
   |-> library2
   | |
   | ---> trunk
   | ---> tags
   | ---> branches
   -> sandbox/
-> library1
|---> trunk
|---> tags
|---> branches
-> library2
 ---> trunk
 ---> tags
 ---> branches

And potentially collections of all-trunks using svn:external as shown
by the current Jakarta Commons structure.

 (3.3) Bugzilla 

New components under produce "Ant" for each new library.

=== (4) identify the initial set of committers ===

All current Ant PMC members plus the active committers who are not PMC
members yet.

== Guidelines ==


* is, has, will, shall, must - required.

* may, should, are encouraged - optional but recommended.

(1) The primary unit of reuse and release is the Ant library.

(2) The library is not a framework or a general library but a collection of Ant 
tasks and types.

(3) Each library must have a clearly defined purpose, scope, and API.

(4) Each library is treated as a product in its own right.

(4.1) Each library has its own status file, release schedule, version number, 
QA tests, documentation, bug category, and individual JAR.

(4.2) Each library must clearly specify any external dependencies, including 
any other libraries, and the earliest JDK version required.

(4.3) Each library must

[Ant Wiki] New: Proposals/Antlet/Details

2004-02-29 Thread ant-cvs
   Date: 2004-02-29T00:23:43
   Editor: <>
   Wiki: Ant Wiki
   Page: Proposals/Antlet/Details
   URL: http://wiki.apache.org/ant/Proposals/Antlet/Details

   no comment

New Page:

'''Proposal: Ant AntLet(s) : Subproject or New Feature'''

''Nov 4, 2003''

= rationale =

With Ant 1.6 there are new features of  and  that support 
re-use. Still, however, Ant is a framework/toolkit for building, but it does 
not provide any out-of-the-box solutions. Simple tasks are repeated many fold 
by ant users, and re-use would improve community benefit. 

A solution is needed for building java projects, creating JARs/distributions, 
and so forth. If these solutions (part include, part macrodef, part normal ant 
tasks, part properties) are called "antlets", then a standard set of antlets 
ought be provided and maintain by the ant community.

Ant 1.6 has the technologies in place to make antlets a viable (and 
configurable) addition to ant.

== criteria ==




== warning signs ==

The sponsors and core developers are seasoned developers with a history of Open 
Source Development, and are avid Ant users.

 * Nick Chalko is a memeber of the Jakarta Gump project, has contributed to 
Ant, and on the PMC of Krysalis.
 * Adam Jack is spearheading the Jakarta Gump rewrite in Python, and is on the 
PMC of Krysalis. 

= scope of the subproject =

 * AntLet: A technology framework for antlets (including 
 * StandardAntLets: A standard set of antlets for re-usable tasks 

== Overlap ==

Antlet are "AntLibs written in Ant, not Java". An implmentation would likely 
leverage http://cvs.sourceforge.net/viewcvs.py/krysalis/krysalis-antlibs/
 * http://cvs.sourceforge.net/viewcvs.py/krysalis/krysalis-antlibs-sandbox/

An ImportAntletTask is available at 

= identify the ASF resources to be created =

 * Sub-project or sub-directory on Ant website
 * cvs module  (antlets)
 * mailing list  (antlets)

= identify the initial set of committers =

 * All Ant Committers
 * Nick Chalko ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
 * Adam Jack ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

These would be the core developers initially "responsible" of the project, that 
are willing to actively help.

= identify apache sponsoring individual =

 * Nick Chalko ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
 * Adam Jack ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

= open issues for discussion =

 * The name is still to be defined. AntLets is a placeholder for now.

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[Ant Wiki] New: Proposals/Antlet/Sample

2004-02-29 Thread ant-cvs
   Date: 2004-02-29T00:21:04
   Editor: <>
   Wiki: Ant Wiki
   Page: Proposals/Antlet/Sample
   URL: http://wiki.apache.org/ant/Proposals/Antlet/Sample

   no comment

New Page:

Antlets are designed to be (optionally) downloaded and imported by the 
importantlet task
 sample code]

= Sample =


Helloworld template project.

http://ant.apache.org/antlets"; />



This will download and automatically import 
http://ant.apache.org/antlets/init/xbuild.xml  Which looks like


Standard Init.


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[Ant Wiki] New: Proposals/Antlet

2004-02-29 Thread ant-cvs
   Date: 2004-02-29T00:19:36
   Editor: <>
   Wiki: Ant Wiki
   Page: Proposals/Antlet
   URL: http://wiki.apache.org/ant/Proposals/Antlet

   no comment

New Page:

Antlets are small build.xml snippets suitable for inclusion in a toplevel 

Antlets are designed to be downloaded and imported with a supporting 
importantlet  task

The goal is re-usable/community supported ant scripts for targeted goals... 
building, publishing, etc

= See =
 * ["Proposals/Antlet/Sample"]
 * ["Proposals/Antlet/Details"]

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[Ant Wiki] New: Proposals

2004-02-29 Thread ant-cvs
   Date: 2004-02-28T21:56:57
   Editor: <>
   Wiki: Ant Wiki
   Page: Proposals
   URL: http://wiki.apache.org/ant/Proposals

   no comment

New Page:

Ant Sub Project Proposals

 * ["Proposals/Antlet"]

 * Being able to view the manual for previous versions on the website.

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