Re: [api-dev] Remove rendered graphics from dialogs

2007-04-16 Thread Fernand Vanrie

Thomas Krumbein wrote:


I am working on a project, in which I display embedded graphics of a
writer-document in a dialog.

With some help of this list (spezial thanks to Fernand ;-) ) I can now
show the embedded graphics dirct on the dialog.

I use for this the following code:

REM URL des Bildes auslesen
oBild = oDoc.getGraphicObjects().getByName(sName)
sBildURL = Mid(oBild.GraphicURL, 28, len(oBild.GraphicURL))
REM Bild aus Datei als Objekt laden
for i = 0 to uBound(aBildNamen())
if InStr(1, aBildNamen(i), sBildURL, 0) then
oVorschauGrafik =
exit For
end if
REM Porportionfaktor Laden
nProp =
oVorschauGrafik.sizepixel.width/oVorschauGrafik.sizepixel.height  '  1
= Hochkant, 1 -Querformat, = 1 Quadrat

'   oRenderer = createUnoService(
Dim sRect as new
sRect.X = 335
sRect.Y = 40
sRect.Width = 150
sRect.Height = 150
if nProp  1 then   'Hochkant
  sRect.Width = 150 * nProp
  sRect.X = 335 + (150 - sRect.Width)/2
elseif nProp  1 then  'Querformat
sRect.Height = 150 / nProp
sRect.Y = 40 + (150 - sRect.Height)/2
end if

oPaintListener = CreateUnoListener(MyDialog_,

oDlg.Peer.addPaintListener( oPaintListener )

oRenderer.Device = oDlg.Peer.createGraphics.Device
oRenderer.DestinationRect = sRect

The renderer is defined in a seperat Part of the macro:

oRenderer = createUnoService(

The Problem is now, that I use the same part of the dialog to show
selected graphics. That is no problem, when all graphics have the same
size and do not have transparent Pixels. The renderer will change the
used Pixels.

But it is a problem, when I read a smaler graphic - or a transparent
gif-graphic - then you will see the prior graphic on not used pixels of
the rectangular area.

So my question: How can I remove the rendered graphic from diolog? Or is
there a posbility, to overwirte the whole area with the

/i struggeld also long time to solve this problem
then a clever gui on the forum who learned us to use a peer dow to 
render a graphic, found also the solution: invalidate  the window
for invalidating there are several way's depending on what part of the 
window hes to been refresched .OO uses rheir famous constants for it (I 
uses 2 ) who works fine

gives you dialog a unique name as dialog1   and uses thisi code:

   oWin =GetWindowOpen(Dialog1)  'the titel of the dialog must be 
 oWin.invalidate(2)  ' 2 works fine but there are other constants ans 
combinations posibla

function GetWindowOpen(sTitle as String) as Object
oToolkit = Stardesktop.ActiveFrame.ContainerWindow.Toolkit
lCount = oToolkit.TopWindowCount
' xray otoolkit
for k=0 to lCount -1
 oWin = oToolkit.getTopWindow(k)
 if HasUnoInterfaces(oWin, then
   if left(oWin.Title, len(sTitle)) = sTitle then '
 GetWindowOpen = oWin
 exit function
 next k
end function

hope it helps


Thanks or your help



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Re: [api-dev] Remove rendered graphics from dialogs

2007-04-16 Thread Thomas Krumbein
Hey Fernand,

Fernand Vanrie schrieb:
 /i struggeld also long time to solve this problem
 then a clever gui on the forum who learned us to use a peer dow to 
 render a graphic, found also the solution: invalidate  the window
 for invalidating there are several way's depending on what part of the 
 window hes to been refresched .OO uses rheir famous constants for it (I 
 uses 2 ) who works fine
 gives you dialog a unique name as dialog1   and uses thisi code:
 oWin =GetWindowOpen(Dialog1)  'the titel of the dialog must be 
   oWin.invalidate(2)  ' 2 works fine but there are other constants ans 
 combinations posibla

I try this - but nothig happend :-(
Then I changed a little bit the constant 2 and when I use 1 it works
fine :-)

So thank you for this code, now my project works as expected. Now i try
to learn, what invalidate() means and haw it works.

Again - thank you for your help :-)


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