Looking at the DESC FORMATTED command again, I still feel it is not very
clear for the table property section. 
For table properties, I think it is not very good for DESC command to print
the default value if the user does not specify when creating the table.
Because the default value in CarbonCommonConstain file may change from
version to version, I think it is better to always write the default value
to table property (in schema file) when loading the table. Then in DESC
table, we can always get the table properties from the schema file. 

So I suggest we do following:
1. categorize the properties into file level, table level, system level
2. write the file level property into data file's footer, including all file
level properties either specified by user or from default value.
3. write the table level property into schema file, including all table
level properties either specified by user or from default value.
4. DESC command should print the properties read from the schema file, which
should contain all table level properties.

Another suggestion is that besides just printing the schema and table
properties like the standard hive DESC command, we can introduce another
command to print the output from calling CarbonCli tool for more profiling
and debugging information, like writing how many files the table contains,
what is the average size of page/blocklet, min/max percentage etc. For
example, the syntax of this command can be "SUMMARY table_name" 


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