Hi all,

Currently master code of carbondata works with *prestodb 0.217*
We all know about competing *presto-sql* also.
Some of the users doesn't want to migrate to *presto-sql *as their cloud
vendor doesn't support presto sql (Example, AWS EMR, Huawei MRS, AZURE
services except HDInsights still comes with *presto db*)

1. carbondata need to support both of them ?
2. carbondata need to maintain two modules ? one for prestodb, one for
prestosql, may be need to extract common code (big effort)
3. At a time carbondata can support only version of prestodb and
presto-sql. Every 15 days they release version and our integration is not
based on SPI (not as stand alone connector), we extended hive connector
interface. so, every few releases, carbondata and presto integration code
need to modify. This can be a bigger problem for maintenance.

And this is about read support, when we handle write support need to take
care about all the above points.


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